Amber's Girl

Real One 2



What Vic said to me keeps replaying in my head. Maybe she is right, maybe I should be the one who will make Krystal fall in love to me again and not her making me fall in love to her again because there is no need for her to do that. I didn't not stop loving her. I can feel that feeling being burried deep inside my heart. I just keep on denying to myself that feelings that I have for her.Before I will turn the table, I decided to let Krystal show her love to me first.


"Oppa, why is it that Krystal-unnie is the one who is waiting for you during lunch time outside?"Yoona asked me with curiousity. Well, hearing this from a girl really made me feel embarrass.


"Uhm, I think maybe because her class end up earlier than ours."I answered with an awkward smile.


"Why not let her wait for me in the cafeteria?"Yoona continued with raised brows.


"She wants to wait for me outside our class so I just let her."I replied.


"It seems to me that she is the guy and you are the girl."Yoona answered and chuckled.


I am the first one who got out from our classroom when our class ended. I meet up Krystal who I think already got bored waiting for me. I can see it in her face. I greeted her with a smile and she manage to do the same. To make up for her, I decided to carry her bag for her. She looked surprise of what I did but then she still let me carry it because I insisted. This is the least I can do for her as of now.




I feel happy when Amber decided to carry my bag today. Because of this, I feel like he starts to care for me now. We always eat lunch together and since my class ends earlier than his, I always wait for him outside their classroom. I don't wait that long really. Just maybe about 10 minutes, I guess.


"Uhm, Krys, maybe next time don't wait for me anymore outside our class. Let me just go to you in your classroom."Amber said to me while we are walking our way into the cafeteria.


"Why?" I asked him.


"I don't want you to get tired from standing too long."he answered timidly.


"It's not that really long."I answered and chuckled.


"Just wait me in your classroom,okay? Starting tomorrow."he replied.


"Okay, if that's what you want."I answered to him and he flashed his dorky smile at me which made me smile too.


In the cafetria, we meet Suzy and Jiyoung. Amber asked them to join us in our lunch and Suzy of course, didn't decline. I think Amber isn't aware that she likes him and Suzy still didn't know about me and him. Neither did Jiyoung too. I was sitting beside Amber and Susy is in front of him and Jiyoung is in front of me.


"I always notice that you two always hang with each other now, what happened to Yoona, Am?"Jiyoung ask him curiously while we are having lunch.


"She had decided to eat lunch with her friend."he replied to her.


"I thought you and Yoona are together."Suzy said to him jokingly and giggled.


"No, we are not."Amber answered modestly and scoffed. He then glance at me and he smiled.


"Are you eyeing someone in our shcool? What is your type, anyway?"Jiyoung asked him. I feel like Jiyoung is the one who is interested to him and not Suzy.


"Jiyoung, do you like Amber?" I asked her jokingly but I really did wanted to confirm it if she does.


"I like Amber, only as a friend."she replied to me and giggled. "So what is it,Am?"she asked him again when she turned to him.


"Well, yeah, I have a girl in mind."Amber answered which made me and Suzy looked at him.


"Omo! Who is it?"Jiyoung replied.


"It's my secret."He answered and chuckled. "But I think that girl knows my feelings for her."he continue.


I began to think if that is me or someone else. I don't know if he still likes me or not because he didn't tell me that he do.


"Aish, just tell us her name. All of us here wanted to know her."Jiyoung said to him sounding annoyed of his answer.


"Is she pretty,Am?"Suzy asked him curiously.


"Yeah, she is."he answered with a big smile. Well, Yoona is pretty.


"Who is more pretty, Yoona or her?" Jiyoung asked him with a sly smile.


"Well, I admit that Yoona is more prettier than her, but I can't take my eyes off this girl."he replied.


Hearing him say that makes my heart race. I will just omit the first phrase that he had said.


"Stupid." I whispered to him when he turn his head towards me and he jus laugh.



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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..