Junsuk's Crazy Plan

Real One 2



It feels like it has been forever since I last saw him. He looked different now. I really miss him so much and seeing him now made me realize how much I miss him. Good thing I decided to stay a little longer in the library and didn't left with Sully and Luna earlier.


"Whoa! I didn't expect that Krystal Jung will going to miss me."he replied and chuckled. I frowned at him. I was serious and he just respond to me in this manner.


"Uhm, I will see you around." I said to him. I got embarrassed in front of him.


"I miss you too, Krys."he said to me before I could walked passed him.


I stop and turn my head to him. He give me his dorky smile. I miss seeing that dorky smile of him. I feel happy when he uttered those words to me.


"Uhm, see you around then."he continued and headed inside the library.


I think I made a good start in our relationship today.




Seeing Krystal again makes me feel light. I felt like a heavy weight was lifted on me. When I head back into our classroom, I meet Junsuk on my way. Earlier was Krystal and now is Junsuk. Judging on how Junsuk look at me, I think he is mad at me.


"I will not let you and Krystal end up together, so if you are planning to pursue her again, you better change it."he said to me in a stern voice when we got nearer to each other.


"If we are meant to end up together, no matter what will you do, you can't prevent that to happen."I answered to him.


"Well, let's see about that."he answered to me with a smirk. I didn't like the look on his face with that smirk.


"If you are planning to do something crazy Junsuk, just stop it."I said to him.


"See you around, Liu."he said to me as he walk pass me. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, from now on,you better watch your back."he added when he looked back.


I know what in Junsuk's mind when he told me that. If he really want to do something to me, he should make sure that he will not going to involve my friends to it. When I got into our classroom, I notice that Yoona's seat is empty. I looked at my watch and our break is almost over.


"Hey, have you seen Yoona?" I asked one of our classmates.


"She left with some guys."he answered. "Oh, they told me to call this number in case she will not get back when our class start."he continued and handed me a piece of paper.


I sat down on my chair. I began to feel uneasy. I tap my finger on my desk and I keep on looking at my wrist watch. From the time our school bell rings, I quickly dialed the number. My eyes widened when I heard what the guy said on the other line.


"Liu, let's see who are you going to save, my Krystal or your Yoona?"


"You bastard!" I said to him in a stern voice as I gritted my teeth.


He told me to go to the old gym in our University. I hurriedly went there. I meet some guys when I arrive in the place. I didn't expect that Junsuk will able to do this things.


"Where are they?" I asked Junsuk.


"Chill out bro."Junsuk answered me with a sly smile. He motioned his friends to surround me. "If you were be able to stand in 10 minutes after they will beat you up, I will release Yoona, and in 20 minutes, I will release Krystal too. But if you fight back or fail to do it, I we will kill you and who knows what we will do to them."he said to me with an evil smirk.


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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..