Suzy Bae

Real One 2



I got up to greet the girl properly. I don't know why she approached me. She looks nice and friendly. She introduced her name and I did the same. I found out that her name is Suzy and the reason why she approached me is to borrow some money. I notice that the vending machine is just on one side. I pulled my wallet out from my pocket and handing her the right amount that she needed.


"Thank you so much, I will pay you later." she said to me.


"Oh, no problem." I answered to her with a smile.


"Why are you sitting here, anyway?"she asked me.


"Uhm, just chilling." I answered.


"This is not the right place to chill, Mr.!"she answered and giggled. "Anyway, thanks again for this."she added.


She then went into the vending machine and I decided to left. I think Suzy Bae is a nice girl. She is the first friend I made in college. My class wass over and I felt so tired. College is very different to high school. I walked into the parking lot. I saw Krystal with Junsuk. Junsuk open the car door for her. I just watch them from a distance. Feeling like my heart was rip out of my chest, I slumped myself into the driver's seat and slammed my car door close. I rested my head on the steering wheel as I shut my eyes. I want to get rid of the thoughts that I had seen. After I blew out a deep sigh, I then start my car then drive.


"How was your first day?" Yuri asked me when he joined me in watching the TV in the living room.


"Bad and painful." I answered in a flat tone.


"Are you still going after Soojung?" he asked me.


"Yeah, that is what my mind and my heart is telling me." I replied.


"You're pretty tough,huh?"he said to me with a grin and patted my shoulder.




Junsuk and I decided to eat dinner outside. My thoughts is still occupied with Amber. Junsuk is telling me something but I pay no attention to it. I am just pretending that I am listening to him. After our dinner, he give me a ride home. I'm still mad at my Unnie for what she did. I went straight to my room and lock the door. I lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I feel happy to see Amber again. I snap out of my thoughts when I heard someone knock on my door. I didn't answer, I don't want to talk to anyone of them now. The knock stop and I heard sound of footsteps going away.


"Amber, I miss you so much too." I mumbled to myself the words that I failed to say to him earlier.


In the next morning, in our school, I ran into him in our school lobby. I decided to just ignore him but he greeted me first.


"Good morning, Krys."he greeted me while flashing his dorky smile.


"Good morning."I replied bluntly. He look at me which makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't like the looks in his eyes while he is looking at me. "Please, don't look at me like that." I said to him coldly.


I got surprise when he suddenly hug me. I feel embarrass of what he did because all the other students is looking at us. I pulled his arms away from me but he is too strong. He is hugging me tight but gently.


"I know you don't feel the same way to me now but please, just let me hug you. You don't have any idea how much I yearned for you."he whispered to me in a gentler voice. My tears start to well in my eyes.


"Amber, I got Junsuk now. Our love was already over a long time ago."I said to him as I supressed my tears in my eyes. He then broke the hug and he look at me with full of sadness in his eyes.


"Do you really love Junsuk?"he asked me.


"Y-Yeah."I answered halfheartedly.


"Are you happy with him?"he asked again.


"Yes." I answered.


"If i can learn to not love you, I will stop bothering you and Junsuk."he said with a sad smile then left.


Hearing what he said made me feel sad. I don't know if I still love him or I only pitied him. I blew out a sigh and walk towards my class.




I waited for Amber Liu outside in their classroom. A smile was drawn on my face when I finally saw him walking on the hallway. My smile slowly disappear when I see how sad he is. I wonder what happened to him. He looks like he is heart broken.


"Hey!" I greeted him cheerfully.


"Hi!"he greeted me with a faint smile.


"Here." I said as I handed the money that I borrowed from him yesterday.


"Thanks."he replied after he took the money from my hand.


"Uhm, my friends and I are going to the club this weekend, if you are interested, you can come along with us." I said to him.


"That sounds fun."he replied. "I'll think about it."


"Oh, what a boring person."I said to him and pout.


"Okay, I will go with you."he answered and chuckled.


"Great!" I exclaimed happily. "Give me your phone number so that we can contact each other anytime." I said to him and we exchanged numbers.


"You better go to you class now, Suzy."he said to me.


"Yeah,see you around then." I said to him and bid my goodbye.


After my short talk with Amber, I went into my calss. I saw my friend Krystal is already there. She is spacing out. I greeted her to get her attention at it did. She greeted me with a smile.


"Krys, there is someone I wanted all of you to meet this weekend." I said to her with a smile.


"Oh my God! Don't tell me that you have a boyfriend now?"she said to me with a widened eyes.


"He is not my boyfriend, yet." I answered and giggled. I do like Amber because he is nice.


"Hmmm, so who's the lucky guy who captured Suzy Bae's heart?"she asked me with a smirk.


"Well, I will introduce him to all of you this weekend so just be patient for a while."I answered and giggled.


"I'm happy for you,Suz."Krystal said and smiled.


"Thanks, Krys." I answered to her with a grin.





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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..