Meeting With My Friends

Real One 2



I decided to give back to Amber the ring that he gave me before when he proposed. I think it is the best way to stop him from pursuing me. I think it worked because he didn't bother me and Junsuk anymore. Every time we ran or bumped into each other, he will just greet me and smile to me like what normal friends do.


"I thought that guy will not really going to give up on you, good thing he change his mind."Junsuk said to me with a smile.


"Me neither."I answered and smile faintly.


"I hope he will left behind all that belongs to the past and move on."Junsuk mumbled.


"I think he is on the process of moving on now."I answered.




I distance myself from Krystal and Junsuk. I think that, if Krystal really is meant for me, even if someone owns her now, I believe someday, she will still be mine. I hope that someday will come. I hope too that my heart won't get tired of loving her and waiting for that day to come. I seldom hang with Suzy, Luna, Sulli and Jiyoung. It is because they are Krystal's friends. I only hang with them if Krystal isn't around. I don't want to put an awkward atmosphere if I hang to them with Krystal and Junsuk around.


"Yul, are you sure you don't want to com with me in the cafe to meet our friends?" I asked my cousin. Today, my highschool friends decided for us to meet in one cafe to hang-out.


"I've got a thesis to work on,sorry."Yuri said with an apologetic smile.


"I bet our friends will be upset about you not coming to our meeting." I said to Yuri.


"Just explain to them why I can't come there."he replied.


I went alone into the cafe where I meet my friends. It's been a while since the last time I saw the rest of them. We had so many stuffs that we talk about. Catching up with each other. They are studying in different University so I wasn't able to meet them. None of them ask me a question which is related to Krystal. I think they see it as a sensitive topic.


"So you guys have girlfriends already?" I asked them except Minho and Onew.


"Of course we do!" Taemin answered attentively with a smirk.


"Oh really?" I answered with raise brows and chuckled.


"I just got dumped by my girlfriend." Key sad.


"We are on the same boat,dude." Kai said to Key as he tap his friend's shoulder.


"So it means, only Minho, Onew and Taemin have a girlfriend among us." I stated.


"So who among you guys had already done 'it' with your girlfriend?" Key asked them with a erted smile.


Minho, Onew and Taemin have the 'yes' look in their eyes and by that, we got the answer without them uttering any word. We are just talking about random stuff. When I looked at the window, I notice that there is this girl standing across the other side of the street. She is just standing there. I hang in the cafe with my friends for I don't know how long. When the rain clouds start to cover the sun, each of them said their goodbyes. I was about to leave too but when I glance at the glass window of the cafe again, the girl is still there. I think she is waiting for someone to meet her there. I sat back on my seat and watch how long will that girl will stay there. The rain began to fall from the sky and she is still there. I wonder what's wrong with her?


"Health is wealth!" I said to her as I share with her my umbrella and give her the coffee that I bought at the cafe.


She look at me with furrowed brows. Seeing her waited for too long made me realize that Krystal did the right thing. It is not easy to wait for someone, especially if you are unsure if he or she is going to come or show up.

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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..