Vic's Arrival

Real One 2



I am driving my way now into the airport to fetch Vic. Today is the scheduled day of her arrival in Korea. I am very much excited to see my best friend again. I haven't seen her for more than three years now. Donghae said that she visited me when I was in a coma in America. I was anxious waiting for her in the airport. I roam my eyes around,searching for the person I long to see.


"Hey!"someone tap me on my shoulder from behind. When turn around, I saw the tall slim girl smiling at me brightly.


"Whoa! Is that you, Vic?"I replied in disbelief. She got more prettier now.


"Who else, silly."she said to me and she hug me tightly. "I miss you so much,Am."she mumbled.


"I miss you so much too, Vic."I replied and chuckled as I embrace her.


"I thought I won't be able to see you again."she said to me in a sad tone of voice when she broke our hug.


"I thought I won't be able to wake up again too."I answered and scoffed.


"I'm glaf that your fine now, and standing right in front of me."she replied and hug me again.


"Me too,Vic."


From the airport, we drop by in the restaurant to grab some lunch since it is already noon. We talk so many different stuffs when we are driving on our way into the restaurant. In the restaurant, I notice that she keeps on staring at me.


"Do I look more handsome to you now?" I said to her when I meet her eyes.


"Pabo!"she replied and chuckled as she playfully slap me on my hand. "You look different now,Am."she continued.


"Really? I still look the same, Vic."I replied.


"Yeah right."she answered and scoffed. "Anyway, how are you and Krystal now? Did you get back together?"she asked me curiously.


"We are just friends right now."I answered to her.


"Screw that!"she exclaimed and laugh. "Seriously?"she asked me when I keep my serious look.


"Yeah."I replied and took a bite on my food.


"Are you fine with it?"she asked with raise brows.


"At first not, but later on I Iearned to accept it."I answered honestly.


"That ,Am. You and Krystal are perfect for each other."she replied.


"Don't worry Vic, if we can prove to each other that we do still love one another, I think everything will go back on the way it was."I answered to her.


"So you are courting her now?"she asked me with a bright smile.


"Uhm, it's the other way around."I said as I scratch the back of my head. Her smile turns into frown.


"Krystal is the one courting you now?"she asked me. I nod and she smack me on my head.


"Vic, that hurts."I whined as I rub my head.


"Shame on you Amber Joseph Liu! Why do you let Krystal do the courting?!"she asked me with stern voice.


"She said that she will make me fall in love to her again so I just let her."I reasoned out.


"Stupid! Don't waste your time. You already had missed three years to be with each other and now you are prolonging it. You should act and think maturely now,Amber! Be with her if you still love her"she scold me.


"See, that's the problem Vic, I am not sure if I her."I said to her as my voice faded at the end.


"What made you become unsure of your feelings for her?"she asked me.


"Her feelings made me unsure for my feelings for her." I replied.


"I don't get you."she answered with confused look on her face.


"I'm afraid to love her again, I want to believe that she still love me because she is saying that she loves me but, her actions are telling me differently. She is still in love with her ex and it makes me stop myself from falling in love with her again. I want to fall in love with her again I really do, but the thought of just being hurt at the end again makes me scared."I explained to her.


"Then, I guess you are the one who should make her fall in love to you again,Am. Make her completely love you again."Vic answered. "I know you will be able to do it. You had done it once,so I'm sure you will be able to do it again now."she continued with her lovely smile. I smiled back at her.


"Thanks,...Umma!" I replied to her with a cheeky smile. She slap me on my shoulder.


"I'm not your,Umma."she answered and giggled.

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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..