We Got Married, Finally!

Real One 2



I think I had wasted too much time not to be with Krystal. I was glad to know that she still love me. Before we can go out from the amusement park, unexpectedly we ran into my previous rival. I got surprise to see him in the same place with us right now. He looked surprise to see us too.


"Long time no see!"I said to him with a big smile. I need to say something so that we won't just stand here and stare at each other. I hold Krystal's hand, and from the corner of my eyes, I notice a pink shade on her cheeks.


"Long time no see."Junsuk replied with a faint smile. He looked at our link hands and at Youngho. I bet he is thinking that the kid is Krystal and my child. "I didn't expect to meet you guys here."he continued.


"We didn't expect to see you here too." I answered to him.


"I'm glad that you really end up with each other and you've got a kid right now."Junsuk said to us.


"Uhm, he is...."


"Yeah, how about you? Are you married now?" I replied.


I cut Krystal off, I don't want her to tell Junsuk that she is not yet married. I need to be catious, who knows he might kidnap Krystal again,right?




I didn't expect to meet Junsuk again now. Amber starts to act strange when we meet him. He pretended that we are married and Youngho is our son. He didn't let go of my hand while we are still talking to Junsuk.


"I'm meeting with my girlfriend right now."Junsuk replied to Amber. I'm glad to hear that he got a girlfriend now.


"Oppa!" A girl from a distance called Junsuk.


"Well, that's her."Junsuk said and flash a timid smile. "I better go now. It's nice to see you two, again."he added.


"It's nice too see you too,Junsuk."I said to him and Amber lightly squeez my hand.


"Good to see you too dude."Amber siad to him and then we said our goodbyes. "Jusnuk's type is really hot girls." he mumbled with his eyes glued to the couple.


"Yeah, I hope Junsuk had finally found the real one for him."I replied as I look at them too. I turn my head to Amber when I feel his eyes on me. "What?" I asked him with raised brows.


"There is something missing in your hand."he said to me as he looked at my hand and examined it. "Don't you think too?"


I furrowed my borws, I don't get what he mean missing in my hand. I looked at it too, I still have five fingers, my bracelet is still on my wrist so technically, there is nothing missing.


"Ah, I know!"Amber exclaimed with a grin on his face. He then grab something on his pocket. "This."he continued as he slid the ring that he gave to me when he proposed to me. "Now there is nothing missing on it anymore."he added with a big smile.


I got speechless  of what he just did. I looked at him with widened eye. Is he proposing again to me right now? I feel overwhelmed with joy. He then kneel down, he struggle to do it because he is still carrying Youngho. Everyone is staring at us, in fact the people stop from walking to just watch and look at us.


"Krys, I love you! I hope you still want to marry me. Sorry if I m proposing right now in non romantic way, carrying a kid, and in this crowded places but I can't wait any longer to ask you to marry me. I really wanted you to become my Mrs. Liu and I will be very happy, if you will, Krystal Jung. Will you marry me?"he asked me with expectant eyes.


"You are really stupid!"I said to him and tears came rolling down on my cheeks.


"I-Is that a yes?"he asked me,sounding unsure.


"Yes! Of course I will marry you! I've been waiting for you to ask me again."I replied to him.


I got embarrassed when he quickly stand up and do a dorky dance. I think he got extremely happy about it. All the people who are watching us laugh at him, then they clap their hands and cheered when he hug me and kiss me. He wipe my tears when he parted our lips.


"Daddy, did you propose to Mommy?" Youngho asked, still groggy as he rub his eyes.


"Yeah, she will become your Mommy for real next month."Amber answered him. I looked at him with furrowed brows. "We will get married next month, I already informed our parents about it."he said to me when he turned to me.


"Your full of surprises today!" I replied to him as I hit him on his chest.


"Youngho,your Mommy is being her old self now, violent."he said to him and look at me with a smirk on his face. 


"Yah!" I yelled at him.


When I was about to hit him again, he starts to run away from me.Youngho just laugh at us when I chase them. After a month, Amber and I got married, finally. My tears rolled down on my cheeks when I was walking on the aisle, I never felt that happy in my entire life. Tonight is our first night to spend together. He gently lay me down on our bed while he continue kissing me.


"Krsy, let's hope that we can create our own Youngho after this night."he said to me when he parted his lips and looked at me straight in the eyes seductively.


"Stupid."I answered him as I pull his head down to continue our kiss.







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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..