Finally Move On

Real One 2



After our class, Yoona and I decided to go to the ice cream parlor. It is really hot today. I'm thankful that the parlor isn't full of people. We take the table at the side of glass window. I had been spending most of my time with Yoona in school, so I am close to her right now. She is easy to get along with. I don't have a sister so, I think having her makes me feel like I am having a little sister. She act childish sometimes though.


"Oppa, you said you are still friends with Krystal-unnie, right?"she started.


"Yeah, why?" I asked her as I continue eating my ice cream.


"How come I didn't see you two talk to each other? If we bumped to them, you only talk to your friends who are with her."she said to me.


"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because we got nothing to talk about to each other."I answered. "You are pretty observant huh?" I said to her and scoffed.


"I'm not. It is just too obvious for me not to notice."she answered and chuckled.


"Maybe I should be a good friend to your Unnie then."I said and laugh.


"I think you should."she replied with a sweet smile.


Yoona really voice out what comes into her mind.  We both enjoyed eating our ice cream when suddenly, she stop. Her eyes is fixed behind me. It looks like she had seen something which is not suppose to be seen. I decided to turn and look what she is looking but I got stop shen she hold me in my wrist.


"Don't look back!"she said to me. I furrowed my brows, being puzzled of her strange bahavior.


"Why?" I asked.


"Just don't, okay?"she said to me in a stern voice.


"Okay."I answered. I got more curious about what is behind me. I think it is her ex.




I feel like to eat an ice cream after our class. I invited Junsuk to go with me to the ice cream parlor. I invited my friends too but they got some other plans. When we arrived at the parlor, I spotted Yoona with a guy and I know who is that guy is. Even if I only see his back, I know that he is Amber. I notice that he is always hanging with Yoona.


"Looks like Amber got a new girlfriend."Junsuk said to me when he notice them.


"She is just his friend." I answered.


We sit on the table just a couple of tables away from them on their right side. Amber didn't notice our presence. His eyes are only fixed at Yoona. I am stealing glances at them. I can't focus at Junsuk because I got distracted by their presence.Our eyes meet when he suddenly turn into our direction. He looked a bit surprise when he saw me, and he glance at Junsuk then look back at me. He flash a smile and I smiled back. After we exchanged our smiles, he look back at Yoona and never look back at me again.


"I think Amber had finally move on." Junsuk mumbled. I just flash a faint smile at him.


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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..