Make Me

Real One 2



It is now weekend and I am left alone in our house. Grandma went to the Jung's house and Yuri have a date with Sica. I am just lying on my bed lazily, I don't know what to do and I feel bored as hell. I decided to take a stroll to get rid of the boredom that I feel. I get off from my bed and took a quick shower. I headed to the children's park,and unexpectedly, I meet Yoona there, playing with bunch of little kids. I sat down on the bench, looking at them from a distance. I think she loves kids because I can see that she enjoyed playing with them. Our eyes meet when she lifted her head and looked at my direction. I smile at her and wave. She did the same and then she excuse herself from those kids. They kids eyes followed her when she walk towards me. I think they got mad at me because they were glaring at me.


"Oppa, what are you doing here?"she asked me when she approach me.


"Killing some time."I answered. "I think your playmates are mad at me."I said to her as I look at the kids.


"Really?"she replied and chuckled as she looked back at them. "Why won't you join us?"she asked me.


"I'm too old to play children's games."I answered to her.


"Pfft! You are not yet an halapoji, Oppa."she replied and giggled. "Come, play with us."she continued as she grab my hand and pulled me to get up.


She drag towards the children. The kids looked at me with furrowed brows, then they shifted their gaze to her then back to me. I smile at them and some of them smiled back at me, the girls, while the boys are glaring at me.


"Noona, is he your boyfriend?"a boy asked her.


"No, Seungho."Yoona replied. "He is just a friend."


"Good, I thought you are dating this dino."he replied with a smirk. I think this kid is a devil.


"Yoon, let me hang this kid on the tree over there."I whispered to Yoona.


"Don't be like that,Oppa."she replied to me as she playfully slap me on my shoulder.


We played hide and seek in the park, I enjoyed playing with them. It is already sunset when we decided to call it a day. Their mother pick them up. I got so tired of running around. Yoona and I decided to go to the nearby cafe to grab some food. When we our on our way there, we ran into Nicole and Krystal. They looked surprise when they see us together, well I didn't expect to see them today too. We greeted them with a smile and they did the same.


"You two are dating now?"Nicole tease us.


"We just hang out in the children's park and play with some kids there."I answered her. "So are you going home?"I asked them.


"Y---"Nicole got cut off.


"Not yet, where are you two going?"Krystal asked us.


"We are going to the cafe."Yoona replied.


"Cool, we are going there too."Krystal answered.




The last time I saw Amber was when he was still in the hospital. After that, we never meet again. Seeing him hanging with Yoona almost everyday makes me feel jealous. I can see that they got more close now and they are getting along well. We went together into the cafe, good thing my cousin Nicole didn't say any word about it because we are really on our way home before we bumped into them.


"You always hang out together, are you sure you are not dating each other?"Nicole ask them when we are in the the cafe.


"Do we  really look like a couple to you?"Amber replied and scoffed.


"If a guy and a girl always hang out together, other people will realy think that they are couple."I said to him in a sarcastic tone of voice.


"We are just..."Yoona got cut off when Amber suddenly swing her arm around her shoulders. My jealousy burn up in my chest.


"Do we look good together?"he asked us with his cheeky smile.


"Yoona is too pretty for you."I answered to him. He take off his hand and he laugh at my remark. Nicole look at me. "What?" I mouthed at her.


"Unnie, Oppa is handsome too."Yoona stated.


"Thanks,Yoon. Krystal is right, you are too pretty."Amber complimented her. More like flirting to her and it made me feel annoyed at him.


His attention was shifted when his phone suddenly ring. He furrowed his brows when he check on it who is calling him. He answer the call, his eyes widened then a big smile was drawn on his face. He got really extremely happy.


"Good news!"he exclaimed after he hang up.


"What's good news?" Nicole asked him.


"Guess what?"he replied with a playful smile.


"Just tell us, stupid."I replied to him.


"Okay! Vic is coming back!"he answered happily. "Yoon, I'm going to introduce you to her, she said she wanted to meet you."he said to Yoona when he turned to her. I kicked him under the table and he whimpered in pain. My cousin and Nicole looked puzzled.


"What the...Krys, what was that for?"


"What?"I asked him with raise browse.




I kicked him again to stop him on what he is going to say and I glared at him to tell him to shut up and he did shut his mouth.


"Uhm, guys, I'm leaving ahead of you, I got some errands to run."Yoona said to us and we bid our goodbye before she left.


"Well, I think you two need to talk privately."Nicole said to us and then left too.


"Your kick really hurts,Krystal."Amber said to me in monotone as he rub his leg.


"Are you in love with Yoona now?" I asked him straightforwardly. He looked straight at me for a moment, then he look away.


"What if I am?"he replied.


"I will make you fall in love to me again!"I answered to him. He looked at me with widened eyes. "I love you and I won't let anyone take you away from me." He blink his eyes then he curved his lips.


"Then make me fall in love to you again."he replied with an eyesmile.


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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..