Little Youngho

Real One 2

6 Years Later




Six years had passed and I haven't seen Amber within that years. He just left without saying a word to me neither letting me explain to him. Unnie and Yuri's wedding was moved in this year because of some circumstances that happened. I was really hoping and praying that Amber will going to attend their wedding next week. I wanted to see him, I have been waiting for him to come back in six years now.


"Unnie, have you already ask Yuri if Amber is coming next week?" I asked her.


"Yeah, but he said that he is not yet sure. You know that he lost contact to Amber three years ago,right?"she reminded me.


"Y-Yeah."I answered with disappointment.


"Don't worry,Krys. I'm sure Amber will come next week. He promise to Yuri that he will attend our wedding."Unnie said to me as she pat me on my shoulde with a smile.


"I hope too,Unnie."I replied to her and smile faintly.


Days had passed and tomorrow will be the big day of my Unnie and Yuri. Everyone are busy preparing everything. Mr. and Mrs. Liu had already arrived in Korea now, with Donghae and his fiance Nicole. We are invited over at the Liu's house for dinner. Only Amber is the one who is missing tonight. Everyone are happy and excited for the event tomorrow.


"Hae, did Amber texted you if he will be able to make it tomorrow?" Mrs. Liu asked Donghae.


"Yeah Mom, but he haven't sent back any message to me until now."Hae answered.


"That guy is really giving us a headache."Mr. Liu said as he shook his head.


"Maybe he is just busy in his work."Halmoni said to them. "I'm sure he will come tomorrow."she continued.


We talk about random stuffs, mostly about my Unnie and Yuri's plans after their marriage. Halmoni Liu got excited when the subject is about her future great-grandchildren. I was just listening to them. After our dinner, Nicole, Hae, and I stayed in the living room to do some catching up. We are in the middle of our conversation when we heard a car engine stopped in front of their house. Hae opened the dront door. My eyes widened when I saw Amber came inside. I got stunned on my seat. He greeted us with a smile and then his family then surrounded him and give him hugs and kisses.


"Jeez, all of you really miss me so much."he said jokingly and laughed.


"Why you didn't respond to my text?"Hae asked him.


"Dude, you are not allowed to use your phone in the plane."he replied and chuckled. "Oh, excuse me."he said when his phone ring.


He went to one corner of the room and I just watch him. Amber really had change. When he ended the call, he went back to us.


"Uhm, I needed to go somewhere else. I will be right back."he said then left.


My eyes just followed him until he exit the door. I waited for him to come back. I didn't pay too much attention to Hae and Nicole's conversation. I just nod my head and say a few words when they ask me. I was anticipating for Amber to come back. Then, after a while, he finally came back, but he is now carrying a little boy with Yoona walking beside him.


"Daddy, he look like you."the kid said while pointing at Donghae.


"He is Daddy's brother, honey."Yoona said to him and giggled.


l was so surprise when I saw them together with a kid. All my hopes where shattered and my heart was torn into pieces. Nobody told me that Amber got married to Yoona. They then greet us politely with a smile. I wanted to leave but I can't move. I was just staring at the three of them. Nicole then hold me in my hand and squeezed it. She flashed a comforting smile at me.


"You should introduce yourself to your Aunts and Uncle."Amber said to the kid when he put him down.


"Hi Aunts, my name is Youngho."the kid introduce himself with a cute smile.


"I'm your Aunt Nicole."Nicole introduce himself with a sweet smile.


"I'm your Uncle Donghae."Hae followed.


"I-I'm your Aunt Krystal."I said and force a smile. Then, Youngho stared at me with furrowed brows then his face lighten up and he flashed a big smile.


"I kno...."he was cut off when Amber suddenly cover his mouth and carried him.


"I think it is time for us now to see the rest."Amber said and they excused themselves.


"Youngho is very cute."Nicole mumbled.


"Yeah."I agreed. I wonder what that kid will suppose to say to me.









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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..