
Real One 2



I'm having a second thought of going to the club with Suzy's friends. But Yuri told me to enjoy myself once in a while. I asked him to come along with me but I think Sica didn't allow him to go in such place. Well it is a place where you can flirt around and be flirted. I wonder what will Krystal thinks if I did go there. I saw Suzy really wanted me to come and she is expecting me to. So I decided to did come at the end. I arrive at the club, it is like Minho's house party before but more crowded. There are people making out in one corner, drinking and dancing like there is no tomorrow. Suzy wave her hand for me to see where they are. I saw her with other girl.


"Amber this is Jiyoung, Jiyoung this is Amber."Suzy introduced us. I bow to Jiyoung and she did too.


"Are other friends didn't arrive yet so let's wait for them for a while." Jiyoung said.


"Okay." I answered. I sat down beside Suzy.


"So Amber, do you have a girlfriend or you are single?" Jiyoung asked me.


"Uhm, it's complicated." I answered and smile awkwardly.


"Why is it complicated? Are you two is about to break up or you already broke up but one of you didn't agree to it?"she asked curiously.


"Jiyoung, stop asking too personal things at him. You just met him." Suzy scolded her.


"I'm sorry. Just forget about that."Jiyoung said and smile apologetically.


"Don't worry." I answered.




I think Amber had just been dumped or something that is why he was sad when I saw him last time. I notice that there are girls who are eyeing on him inside the club. Well, he is really handsome and looks hot tonight. We are just talking random stuff while waiting for Krystal, Luna,Junsuk, Sulli, Minho and Onew to come. Jiyoung asked Amber to dance with him, without waiting for him to answer she already drag him on the dance floor. I admire her for being like that. While Amber and Jiyoung are having fun dancing, our other friends finally had arrive.


"Oh, so where is your future boyfriend now?" Junsuk teased me.


"Dancing with Jiyoung." I answered and chuckled.


"Jiyoung might snatch him from you."Krystal said and giggled.


"Nah, he is not even single. We just found out that he have someone." I answered to him.


"Really? Well you can always snatch him away from that someone."Minho said jokingly.


"That is not a good advice, Minho!"Sulli scolded her boyfriend as he slap him on his shoulder.


"I agree with Minho."Onew stated.


"Not you too." Luna said to him and glared at him. Her boyfriend smile nervously at her.


I introduce Amber to everyone when he and Jiyoung finally got back. I notice that all of my friends just look at each other and Amber. It looks like they are surprise to see him. Then, Minho and Onew broke the awkward silence when they hug him. Amber chuckled when they jump at him.


"Where have you been all this time?"Minho asked as he lock Amber's head on his arm and ruffled Amber's hair.


"World of the dead, I guess." Amber answered.


"You dork, we have been waiting for you to come back here."Onew said to him.


"I'm already here now so you don't have to wait for me."he answered. "Minho, let me go, I don't want to die again."Amber said as he tap Minho's arm. Minho let him go.


"I think you all know each other, I am right?" I asked them.


"Yeah, we are all high school friends." Krystal answered.




I didn't expect that the guy Suzy is interested to is no other than Amber. Junsuk doesn't look happy when he saw him. I hold his hand and smile at him. He smiled back and when I shifted back my gaze to Amber, our eyes met. He flash a faint smile then look away. Good thing nobody of our friends mention about us. Maybe they knew that it will be awkward for all of us if they open up that topic again. All of them is interrogating Amber about his whereabouts when he was gone. I just listen to them.


"Do you want to dance?" Junsuk asked me.


"O-Okay." I agreed and excuse ourselves.


From the corner of my eye I saw Amber look at us for a while as we leave them then his attention was shifted to Suzy again. Even if we are in the same group of friends, we didn't talk to each other. He talks to everyone except me and Junsuk.


"Amber, you haven't touch your drinks, you don't drink alcohol beverages?" Suzy asked him.


"I drink, but just moderately."he answered.


"So you are still the nice guy Amber in our high school,huh?" Minho .


"I think so."he answered and chuckled.


Most of us are already tipsy when we got out from the club. Suzy is clinging to Amber. I just ignore the sight and focus my attention to Junsuk. Suzy asked him to take her home and he agreed.


"Amber, you should bring her home, okay? Not somewhere else." Jiyoung said to her with a smirk.


"Don't worry Jiyoung, I will."he answered with a smile.


"Thank you Amber, you are so nice."Suzy said with her smile as she caress his face.


It made me feel annoyed when I saw it. Then, all of us were surprise when Suzy suddenly kissed him on the lips. I froze on the spot where I was standing when I saw it. It made me angry when Amber didn't push her away. Instead he just let her kiss him. I really want to send him back to the world of the dead right now.


"Wow, drunk Suzy is really different from normal Suzy." Onew mumbled.


"I am not yet drunk, Onew."Suzy answered Onew with a smile and then she passed out. Lucky for her the jerk Amber is there to catch her.


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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..