The Fallen


Like I said, I would be doing a Q&A for The Fallen, so here it is! All of these questions were submitted by readers, so I hope you guys get the answer you're looking for. Well, here we go!

How did Miyoung turn into an angel in the first place?

Like the rest of the Guardians, Miyoung died before she became an Angel. Her parents thought that she just went missing, but she really died and became an Angel. 

How did the boys become Exo?

They were just like "Wow, we're all really good looking. so let's, like, make a super awesome group of good looking Guardians!"

LOL just kidding. I imagined that the Angels made different units of Guardians and scattered them around Earth to protect everyone from Demons. So the twelve of them ended up together in the Korea unit. 

Is Miyoung really an Angel or is she human?

She's an Angel. She thinks that she's human but she's really an Angel. 

Are Suho and Miyoung ever going to meet again?

Of course they will! They love each other, don't they? 

That whole scenes on the yacht, was that real?

Nope, that was totally made up by Suho so Miyoung would believe that she was human and that everything they went through was a dream. 

Why did Suho lie to Miyoung?

He lied to protect her. He also figured everything would be better if she didn't know about the Angels, Guardians, and Demons. He was able to reunite her with her parents and she wouldn't have to lie straight to their faces since she really believes that she's human. 

So Kris really died?

I'm sorry, but yes. Kris really died. Before you guys hunt me down with flaming pitchforks, let me explain! Kris had to die because it gave the other Guardians even more reason to kill Kang and protect the other Angels and humans. I also had Kang kill Kris to show how evil he really is. 

What about Kang? What happened to him?

He's still out there. Plotting to get his hands on another Angel probably. I don't think he's ever going to go after Miyoung again ... or is he?

That's all the questions I received pertaining to the story. If you have anymore, just message me on my personal blog and I'll add them to the list :) Now, moving on to personal questions!

What inspired you to write The Fallen?

It's a funny story really. Admin Li and I were at my house discussing the new story she was going to start (which is now Shared Memories) and she was asking if I had any ideas for a plot line she could potentially use. I think the idea came to me when a Supernatural commercial came on TV and I just started going off on this long tangent about Angels and Demons. She was actually going to use that idea but I took it back and wrote it myself b ^^ d

Have you ever though about getting The Fallen published?

I haven't actually. I think it would be pretty cool to get a book published, but I honestly don't think it's good enough to be on shelves in book stores OTL The Fallen is no 50 Shades of Grey, let me tell you that.

And now the question you have all be asking me ever since I posted the last chapter...

Will there be a sequel?

As of right now, I'm not sure. I have some ideas of different scenes that could go into a sequel if I do decide to make one. But those little blurbs are not enough to write a full story. If I able sit down and actually outline the entire story for a sequel, then I will definitely write it! I would have to think about it. I know that the ending isn't very satisfying but I am horrible at ending stories. I am just never satisfied LOL Well, if a sequel does happen, you guys will see a forward posted here for it :)

So that's it! Remember, if you guys do have anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask! 

I know I'm saying this a lot, but thank you all so much for supporting my story. I really, really, really time infinity appreciate every one of you for reading it! For now, I will be writing requests and trying to get those out for all of you (I've really been slacking OTL). So until then!

-Admin Kelc

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Chapter 22: I KNEW IT. I knew Kang's full was "KANG HYUNWOO"!!!
Joker_ #2
Chapter 38: Wont miyoung notice after awhile ? "Why am i not aging"
wonderdream #3
Chapter 2: Hi Kelc:) this story is amazing. Thanks for writing this^_^
dizzgzbats #4
Chapter 37: It all makes sense now. The story is so sweet, don't worry suho you'll reunite with her, i hope. Good job author!