Backstage Princess

Get Pil Suk away from INFINITE and Kim Myungsoo

Jieun really need to make sure of it. She knew what Myungsoo was seeking for, popularity and she was the source of popularity. To the fact that popularity is nothing but troubles to her, Jieun badly wanted to kill her popularity. Non of this would happened if she wasn't the Backstage Princess, she would rather be unknown. However, she knew more than well, being unknown means to get hurt, just like Pil Suk. 

She was alone. Woohyun was doing some training for his upcoming games, basketball, soccer, football, mention it all, he is good at all of them. In the other side, Jiyeon was hanging out with her other friends, dancing for her upcoming competition. Actually, Jieun get offers to join all kinds of competition frequently, but she always rejected it, since she was very shy. In the other side, Bae Suzy always join all kind of competition that Jieun rejected. 

Her eyes were wandering around. Searching for Pil Suk, as always. Her heart has calm down, nothing bad has really happened today. Pil Suk seems to have fun at school, she managed to heal herself from her own scars. May be, Kim Myungsoo wasn't that bad after all. May be, Kim Myungsoo just want to threaten her, so that she would be terrified and finally accepted his request. May be, he won't do it for real. 

Just when she finally thought she could relax, put her mind and heart to peace, and also rest her body; letting the black circle under her eyes slowly becoming invicible. She heard the crowd in the school hall, the biggest place in the school. INFINITE was there, not to forget Bae Suzy and the rest of the popular. People was rushing there, bringing at least water with them. 

"Let's hurry! We will miss the best part! Have you brought the eggs?" A guy that had just pass through Jieun said with an excited tone. 

"So who's it? The one who's lucky enough that the whole INFINITE would pay attention to them." 

"It's someone new. From first or second grade junior high. I don't really know their name."

Jieun felt her heartbeat stop and how her world stop spinning. The blue sky changed to dark. She could barely walk nor could she talk. *INFINITE, eggs, water, the popular... junior high.. but them? not just one person? Don't tell me it's...* Jieun thought deeply as her body shivers several time, thinking of Pil Suk getting bullied again. May be, Myungsoo is such a jerk. May be, he really is cruel.

Without wasting anymore time, Jieun kills her shy and timid self, rushing to the school hall. She rush her steps, as her adrenaline rush, and her heartbeat rush. She was walking, more likely running. Killing her graceful walks, killing her pride as the princess. Pil Suk fills her thought, as she speculate again. Don't be late, Jieun. Don't be late! 

Yet, it was Pil Suk

Yet, it was Pil Suk

No matter how strong Jieun hopes are, no matter how much she prays, it still finally be Pil Suk. She had just arrived at the school hall and the sights shattered her right away. Pil Suk was in the middle of the crowd, being insulted and mock. Dozens of people were making fun of her. Her friends could only hide behind the crowd, hoping that Pil Suk would be just fine. They couldn't do anything, but Jieun could understand. They need to save theirself, because they too are the unknown

Jieun eyes wandering in the school hall. INFINITE was there, Myungsoo was commanding. They were all there, the popular, bringing eggs, flour, water, and many thing else with them. Jieun sighed at the sight, Pil Suk must be terrified. She was cornered by this whole lot of people. 

A third attempt wouldn't be so bad

Jieun finally remember his word. So he really is a cruel man. He kept his cruel words. He really is a jerk. 

"Come on everyone! Start!" Myungsoo said in an arrogant way, as his eyes go his way to Jieun, staring at her. 

Time to threw her fear, her pride, her grace. She ran to the battlefield, protecting Pil Suk. Covering her dearest sister with her body, her jacket, everything she had. Simply, to make sure Pil Suk doesn't get hurt, to make sure she could once again survive, to make sure she will be safe and sound. She had swear that she would protect her sister, and now is the time. 

Myungsoo was shocked, as soon as he realizes that Jieun was running to the battlefield, leaving her spots and threw her pride. His eyes turn wide and his heartbeat turn uncontrollably fast. This is not how he plan it to be, Lee Ji Eun should not be there. She shouldn't get hurt, Myungsoo only plan to hurt her heart, not her body. And there she was, in the middle of everything, getting thrown by eggs and flour.

"Darn it! Lee Ji Eun! Damn it!" He gritted his teeth and ran all the way, leaving INFINITE.

Jieun could feel something bumping to her, to her back, protecting her from getting thrown by much more eggs and flour. She was cold, the water was very cold, just like an ice. Pil Suk was crying in her embrace, seeing how her sister suffers. A minutes feels like an hour to Jieun, they didn't stop throwing stuff at her. They just don't care, they simply want to have their own fun. 

"Stop! Stop! Kim Myungsoo what are you doing?" the voice of Sunggyu, fills the room. 

Everybody stop. Jieun could feels the weight on her back slowly disappearing. She sighed a deep breath and turn around. She was shocked at the sight, Kim Myungsoo was protecting her. He was soaking wet, worser than she does. But he was smiling at her, more likely smirking. His evil smirk hit her hard as she remember the incident yesterday. 

"Well, Sunggyu. I'm fine! Just need to be a hero today." Myungsoo said, again in his arrogant tone. 

A masochist


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My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)