83 || Dating Tips

Backstage Princess

The cold breezes greeted him early in the morning. It was 8, and the shop had just open. He was the first customer and the friendly workers smiled at him. He’s just another customer there, just like Jieun. He took a sip of his cappuccino, sitting next to the window. An empty seat waits to be filled, as he stares blankly at the emptiness. He has ordered another drink for him, the one who will be filling the empty seat.

Time seems to be ticking slower than usual, that he couldn’t help but feel anxious. 30 minutes after his arrival, the shop started to get crowded. Various people, young to old, were enjoying their weekend, drinking and doing nothing in a coffee shop. A few couples could be spotted there, ordering their favorites drink before dashing away to enjoy their dates. The bell, hang in the front door, keeps ringing as people keeps going in and out of the coffee shop. He would flinch and his eyes would sharply gaze at the door, each time the bell ring. Yet the person he expected to come has yet to arrive.

His coffee is getting cold, yet that person has been keeping him waiting. His anxiety rose, fidgeting with his fingers with nervousness written all over his face. He was ready, to sacrifice another round of his pride as a man, simply for Lee Ji Eun. He has put quite sometime, thinking about her, leaving in couples of days. It has been two days eversince their confession and they’re trying hard to get rid of awkwardness.

It was a relief, that their new-built relationships receive much support from the INFINITE and also the school. They cheered when they heard the rumors, how Jieun and Myungsoo is back, dating each other for real. He didn’t get all those hates, which he deserves, after confessing all the bad things he had done. Instead, he got lots of loves and compliments, for being brave enough. Jieun, too, was thankful to him, for the bravery to confess, to put aside all those popularity and prides.

Cling… Cling…

The bell rings, Myungsoo smiled soon disappear as his gaze pierce through the entrance door of the shop. A man, barely an inch taller than him, entered. He was wearing brown-colored coat, that make him looked manly, rather than his usual childish act. His baby face changes, from cute to handsome and cool. He looked mature, compared to the childish Kim Myungsoo. Yeah, he could understand her reason for liking the man. It’s a relief it wasn’t love.

He looks messy, the taller guy. His eyes wander around the coffee shop. There were black circles underneath his eyes, reflecting his tired soul and body. Jieun has been worrying quite a lot about him, lately. She shares it with Myungsoo and she took careful steps. She doesn’t want them to break up, and considering how easily Myungsoo get jealous, she didn’t want to hurt him.

“Wooyoung, over here!” He stands up, waving his hand.

The man looked at him, and walked toward Myungsoo, taking a nice a seat. He took off his coat, showing his brand new clothing style, which is no other than Jieun gifts. She told him beforehand- which mean Myungsoo has known it, that she gives lots of clothing to this man. She told him, she would make some for him as soon as she has the time to do so. As new couple, they shares about trivial things, taking slowly and careful steps.

“Coffee? It’s cold, since you’re late.” Myungsoo offers.

“Thank you.”

“Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you like forever.”

“I’m sorry, I overslept. Jieun must have told you how busy I am lately.”

“Yeah, she does.”

“So why does you call me in the middle of the night, when I’m having my precious time to sleep?”

“You’re quite close to Jieun, aren’t you? Have you gone out on a date with her? Well, I guess you have.”

“We go on date lots of time.”

“Well, I’m here, seeking for help. Give me some dating tips, things she likes and dislikes. I’m trying hard to be a good boyfriend.”

“I think she would prefer it to be known naturally, things she likes and dislikes.”

“How am I supposed to figure it all out in two weeks? She’s leaving, isn’t she? She’s leaving with you, right?”

Clearing his throat, Wooyoung tried to clear the awkward atmosphere. He has been receiving lots of hates lately, for stealing Jieun. People said, he’s stealing her, taking her with him as if she’s a dead thing. By people, it means the INFINITE and this guy, who’s sitting before his eyes, asking for dating tips.

“Let’s start, shall we?”


“She hates to be touch, don’t touch her. She hates when it comes to dropping honorifics and formality, she prefers talking formality. If she ever call you, Myungsoo-ssi, it means, she cares about you.”

He continued over and over, about things the girl loved and things the girl hates so much. Myungsoo flinch, each time the man say something. He has always been doing the things she hates, he should change soon. He has thought about it, about their relationship once she will have to leave. He has decided, to lead their relationship with his best, to make her feel happy, and in two weeks, future will take care of itself. He won’t forbid her nor will he forces her. He will only think about today, their relationship in the present, about how to be a good boyfriend to her.

“You’re one lucky guy, do you know that? She doesn’t fall for a person easily.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s hard to believe that she loves me too.”

“Take a good care of her, or else, I will kick you.”

“I will thank you for today.”

Wooyoung left the bar early, leaving Myungsoo alone. He lay back, leaning against the chair, while looking up to the sky. He exhales, before finally stretching his arm to the side, it’s early yet he already felt tired. There is a long way to go, to fix their relationships. Wooyoung only told him a few, yet he already found lots of mistakes there. He did things that she hates.

The shops started to get very crowded, that he was no longer able to laid back and relax. The crowd would only trouble his mind even more. Without much thinking, he decided to leave, after leaving some money on the table, in case the waitress needed some extra money. He started doing it, being thoughtful to others, as he watched Jieun. She always left some money for the waitress, leaving it on the table.

The fresh air greeted him. Since it’s already passed mid-autumn and soon will be winter, the weather has gone colder. It feels nice, though, it’s not that cold either. Sometimes, he could just lie down, and fall asleep easily. These days have been enjoyful to him, especially with Jieun by his side. He can sleep peacefully again, finally. And she would set off to his dreamland, each night.

He found himself sitting on a bench, near the park downtown. The elder were there, walking their pets with their grandchildren skipping around happily. He tightens his dark-colored coat, and drowned deep to his thoughts. Two weeks, and now it has decreased to five days. It’s not that much time left and he wanted to her to stay so badly or at least successfully making her smile.

She hates to be touch, so don’t touch her.

It was the first warning Wooyoung gave to him. It didn’t help much, since Myungsoo has acknowledged it a long time ago, the fact that she hated to be touch. Yet the first sentence of his warning has brought fear upon him. Yesterday, two days ago to be precise- the day he confessed, he suddenly hugs her and hold her hands. Would she hate him because of it? Tsked, he’s going crazy.

Ah, he even asked her to drop the formality yesterday! She must have felt very itchy and uncomfortable while talking to him yesterday. How can’t he miss that? He should have gone with the flow, letting it all fall naturally. He badly wants her to call him oppa, but she definitely won’t be comfortable about it. She only called Wooyoung, oppa and others are called by name, even her boyfriend is called by name. Sometimes, she would even address him formally and politely, Myungsoo-ssi.

He keeps thinking about her, he can’t take his eyes off her, he wanted to be by her side all the time, he wanted to be a good person, and he wanted to be the best. Her figure keeps spinning around his head. He’s going crazy soon. His heart that can’t stop beating fast, and the excessive happiness that keeps making him smiling like a crazy idiot. He’s more than an idiot; even Mr. Bean isn’t as dumb as he is right now.

And there you go, the slight idiotic smile appear on his face, as he caught a female figure, rushing toward the coffee shop. Her long brown hair bounce, her coat was wrapping her petite figure. She’s busy, since its Saturday. He would like to approach her that exact second, but hold it back. It’s nice watching her from a far, looking at her smiling face, feminine figure. It’s nice just to watch, he wonder what it feels like to be by her side.

Lee Ji Eun, I think I love you for too much already.

As usual, he decided to wait for her at the front gate. He has to get up earlier than usual, at 6, while classes will only starts when the clock strikes 8. He can’t helped but get up early, something he definitely hates, but it seems he keeps looking forward to their meeting. His first night after their make-up, he couldn’t sleep at all, he keeps wondering around about the future, the next morning. He can’t help but rush to the school, he can’t help but feels nervous each time he waits for her.

The INFINITE would wait with him, although their leader usually comes later, 10 minutes before the bell rings. Sungjong was the most excited after Myungsoo, he really likes Jieun, and sometimes even Myungsoo envies him. Jieun always shows affection to their cute little maknae, she even gives him cute things, and made a special lemon candy for him. Myungsoo hasn’t received anything yet, he wonders if his heart would explode when he receives her present.

“Jieun!” Myungsoo yelled when a petite figure slowly appear.

“Noona! Noona!” Sungjong yelled, soon after, calling his beloved Noona.

“Yah, Lee Sungjong! Stop flirting with my girlfriend.”

“Woah, someone is jealous. Good job, Sungjong!” Sungyeol exclaimed happily, as he ran toward Jieun.

“Yah! Sungyeol, don’t you dare flirting with my girlfriend.”

“It’s up to me, stupid L. I can flirt with whoever I want with.”


“Just let him be, L. We all have come to like her a lot. Even I, found myself liking her a lot.” Dongwoo smiles, gazing blankly at the petite figure.

“Not you too, Dongwoo hyung.”

“It can’t be helped, can it? I have the most advantage here, I could cling onto her without being pushed away.” Hoya teases.

“Yah! Stop! She’s my girlfriend.”

“Yours? She’s supposed to be ours. At least being Sunjong girlfriend would be something she prefers.”

“Yah, stop pissing me off! It’s morning, don’t ruin my day.”

“Flirting with Jieun would ruin your day? I guess it’s L.”

“Yeah, he’s so obsessed.”

“Should we spill some secrets to Jieun?”

“Yah! Yah! Shut up!”

“Oh, how about his sleeping habbit?”

“Or how easily he gets jealous! Oh, I know…”

“Look at that! Sungyeol is hugging Jieun!” Hoya pointed.

L soon gazes toward the two, with angers dwelling inside him. The INFINITE soon burst to laughter, seeing how protective he is.

“Gotcha! He’s very protective!” Dongwoo bursts laughing.


It’s another casual morning, with nice atmosphere. Jieun has come to like the INFINITE more, she slowly forgives their mistakes. Jieun and Sunggyu relationship too, has gone better day by day. They don’t fight or argue like usual, although there were still awkward atmosphere was still tense. The INFINITE are fun after all, they lite up the gloomy atmosphere and transform them to an exciting and fun one. Hanging out with them wasn’t that bad after all.

“Good morning.” She bows politely, greetings Myungsoo, so does the rest of the INFINITE.

“Good morning, Jieun-ssi.” Dongwoo replied, while the other was busy doing their things.

“Morning, IU.” Hoya smiled, seeing his childhood friend.

“Morning, Jieun-ah.” Myungsoo smiled.

“Noona! Noona! It’s great to see you! Do I get any lemon candy for being a good boy?” Sungjong used his puppy eyes.

“Okay, okay. But you’re eating too much candy, Sungjongie~. I will give you a candy again, but tomorrow, okay?”

“Noona! I love you!” Sungjong hugs her.

“Yah! Stop being so lovey-dovey! Stop hugging her, she’s not a pillow.” L exclaimed.

“Stop being a jealous and overprotective boyfriend, my dear L.” Sungyeol teases.

“But he’s… he’s hugging her and she even called her Sungjongie!” He pouted.

“Stop being jealous, okay? He’s only a little brother to me, rest assure.” Jieun smiled, hugging Sungjong.

“Tsked, let’s go, Jieun. You will get stolen if you stay here anylonger.” Myungsoo dragged her. She giggled at his boyfriend jealous acts.

It will changes, the atmosphere, once the two were alone. It will be quiet, and quite awkward. They didn’t directly start any conversation but remains silent. Myungsoo forgets how to acts, when it comes to her. Jieun, too, was too shy to starts any conversation. The INFINITE teases him a lot, saying that he’s being a coward when it comes to his girlfriend.

“Tsked, they’re so annoying today.”

“You’re the one being very envious of Sungjong.”

“He hugs you!”

“I told you he’s only a dongsaeng.”

And the two remains quiet once more. Jieun inhales deeply, with a faint smile painting her perfectly-sculpted face. She looked up, enjoying the sight of the sky, before her eyes wander deeper, enjoying the view of autumn day. Myungsoo smiles, as he watches her enjoying the view. Her eyes show a glimpse of enchanement, showing her loves to the lovely weather and enjoyable view.

“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Myungsoo starts, earning nods from the young lady.

“I love autumn. It’s inspiring, the scarlet leaves, the cold breezes, everything seems very pretty.”

“I know. It urges me to sing.”

“I like singing ballads song on autumn.”

“You wanted to sing?”

“Not today. You looked very trouble these days, do you know that?”

Myungsoo smile, knowing his girlfriend paid much attention to him. He didn’t express himself well, he never express himself. You could make an exception for his public confession. That day, he can’t control the hidden feelings and decided to let the world know. And since that day, he changes back to his ordinary self. He shutted himself too much, that it’s hard to understand what he is thinking. But Jieun, she always understands, even without a word.

“I’m happy that you know about it. You’re good, Jieun.”

“You’re being too obvious, Myungsoo. I used to attend some psychology education for psycologhist, so does Wooyoung. I could actually read people minds.”

“That was amazing; did you attend any manner education?”

“I used to, when I was a kid.”

“I’m being troubled, Jieun-ah. I don’t think I could express it well, but day and nights I keep thinking about you. I wonder if I did any mistakes, if I did things you hate, if I hurt you again. I’m afraid that I hurt you, that you might feel uncomfortable. And yesterday… I just realize that I hugs you, and I realizes you hates to be hugs. I always hold your hands, knowing you hated to be touch. I… I asked you to drop the formalities although you always talk formally. I think… I’m going crazy.”

“Myungsoo-ah,” she called.

He looks at her, with anxiety. His nervous again, with his heart going crazy. She smiled, when their eyes met, despite her cheek that flushed in deep pink. She’s nervous too, and he’s happy about it. Their hearts, that beat as one that day, did it beat as one again, today? He wonders. She suddenly leans forward, surprising him. She hugs him.

“I hated to be touch, I can’t deny that. I hates to be hugs, I can’t deny that either. I hate holding hands, I hate to be touch. I can’t drop formalities since it’s too awkward. Let’s take it slow, Myungsoo. You don’t have to regret anything, because… that day when you hug me… I’m happy that you hug me, I felt secured and safe.”

He could smell her soft-scent that changes from peach to lavender. It has a nice smell that makes him feel peaceful. The cold breezes greet, but her warmth lingers, wrapping his body. He hugs her back, feeling her petite figure. He feels peaceful; finally his heart is at peace again. She soon let go and he wrapped his arms around his shoulder, after much hesitation. She finally nods, mouthing that this is only for once and for all.

“You can stop thinking about me, now. I’m by your side, stop worrying, just enjoy the moments and put your thoughts away.” She whispers, and he leans, resting on her shoulder.

“I will.”

“Jieun, shall we go on dates? It’s been a while since we dated. The last time we went on dates, Sungjong disturbs us! That was hyung idea! That was Sunggyu hyung idea!”

“Geez, you can’t stop thinking, can you?”

“Yeah, I guess I’m in love.”


“At least I’m not greasy.”

“What’s the different?”

“Nam Woohyun is greasy, I’m handsome and cheesy.”

“You should stop insulting him, you know. How could I date you comfortably if you two keeps fighting?”


“I can’t go on a date this week.”


“He’s leaving Myungsoo, this weekend. Jang Wooyoung, he’s going to leave soon.”

“So, you’re leaving too?”

“I don’t know.”

“Let’s think about it later, and just enjoy this moment. Shall we?”

“Yeah.” She holds his hand.

Five-days-best-date-forever plan starts!

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Thank you!
My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)