76 || Jealousy

Backstage Princess

She has let it all die, all of it. They got back to strangers, simply with no greetings, no glances, and no more interaction. She treated him like a strangers, who she seems to be very cautious and scared of. She seems to be very suspicious toward him, even his voice could make her stumble on her own steps.

She has cleared it all, all of the memories left. She has no longer had any memories of being together with him. She let herself to fool her own brain, to make sure there will no traces of him left inside her. She stops treating him like a man; she didn’t even treat him like a human being should be treated like. She treated him like the wind, which she is not very fond of.

She stops cooking months ago, the day the incident occurs. She stops cooking, letting him suffer to death. She stops taking care of him and she avoided him. She would take stumbling steps each time he come closer. She would be terrified each time she heard her voice. It was hard to begin with, but she could bear with it. She chooses to ignore the feelings that had started to blooms and erased it to the core.

Yet love wasn’t that simple. Although she chooses to ignore it and rather not to admit the growing feelings, it wasn’t that simple to erase it. The traces were left, clearly and it pains ever more. Jieun cried that day, when she went to bad. She didn’t stop crying, she cry herself to sleep. She was very upset and disappointed.

In the other hand, Myungsoo too hasn’t made any effort on making-up. He decided to leave her alone, giving her some times to recover. He reflected on what he had done a lot, but he knows it won’t be enough. There’s too many thing that are needed to be fixed and most of them are out of his reach.

He wasn’t surprised at all, when he didn’t receive his usual lunch the next day. Rather than being mad and upset, he stares blankly at his empty desk. It is what he deserves, being neglected. She treated him like a wind, a wind that she is not very fond of. He, too, tried hard to understand her situation. They never talked anymore, not even greetings, or curious glances at each other. She rejected him, a long time ago.

She was slowly healing, a few days after the incident she stops tearing up. The tears that used to fill her eyes fade away. She would flinch each time she heard a man’s voice or each time her skin come in contact with others, but time has succeded on healing them. She wasn’t that much scared anymore.

She’s fine now, judging that she had started to gain more weight. She could smile again, after days of mourning. She was ashamed of herself, realizing that she had sold her feelings and her soul for a man, simply for a payback. She never realizes that she was actually that much cheap; she was no different from that woman who works as e. She sold herself to a man.

Woohyun hated Wooyoung; he hated him so much that it is impossible to start liking him. But the time has come for him to start adjusting himself with Jieun’s new bestfriend. They need to be there, when Jieun was having a hard time. They need to be there, encouraging her and comforting her. Thankfully, Jieun was being rather fair. She didn’t cling to Wooyoung but started to rely on the two.

Woohyun may have not known Jieun for such a long time, to be able to understand her better than how Wooyoung did; but he was good enough to learn much more thing about Jieun in such a short periode of time. He knows what he had to do, how she hates too much comforting and sweet words- when she simply wanted to become realistic.

Singing, shopping, and designing are the things she loved the most. Although she wasn’t very fond of singing, it helps her a lot when it came to struggling with a very hard time. She sang a lot, strumming her guitar with trembling finger tips. Sometimes, she would just let it all out and sometimes she would ask them to do a duet with her.

Wooyoung was too busy these days; he needs to take care of his little brother. Jieun know Jason well, sometimes she would visit them. Wooyoung usually take her out to orchestras, watching performances all day would comfort her. She would be very excited and forgots all the hardtime she has been through. He would take her downtown, to choose various fabrics and help her on designing the latest fashion style.

Woohyun in the other hand, he was responsible on taking Jieun out for shopping. Jieun was a bit more comfortable around Woohyun, since he’s her best friend. Jieun likes Wooyoung very much but being around him doesn’t feel as much as comfortable as being around Woohyun. So to help her chill out and relax, Woohyun was responsible to take her out for shoppings and watching movies. Jieun was very fond of his voice, that she would always ask him to sing. Therefore, he’s also responsible of singing a duet with her.

Jiyeon heals not too long ago; she was infected by a virus. She misses class for the whole two week and three days after the incident occurs. She whines a lot, about why her seat was taken by someone else. Although she never whines to Jieun, she whines to Woohyun and keeps on beating him up with her super strength.

Girls talk has always been the best way to heal girl’s wounded heart. Jiyeon was still recovering, needed some extra rest before being able to revert back to her original active-self. She was responsible for the girl’s talk; they spent all evening talking about things- important things and also trivial matter. They shares lots of things, although most of the time, Jieun chooses to shut herself up.

They did lots of thing to heal Jieun. Myungsoo has been receiving constant hates and glare from them, not only them but also his own best buddy. Not to mention Sungjong, that guy has turned much attached to Jieun. He follows Jieun everywhere and he’s the best when it comes to making Jieun laugh. So, he visited her a lot.

It was mid-autumn and the school turns very busy. The hallways are very crowded, with those who wore special uniforms. They’re no other than the student body and even the student body president- Goo Ha Ra was busy. They need to take care of lots of things, since the mid-autumn festival will be held soon. They keep on sticking posters and announcing every kind of announcement.

Jieun remembers how she used to be that much busy, thank God she dropped out from the organization last year. Pil Suk was constantly feeling unwell at the time, so she decided to drop out. But thank God she dropped out if she doesn’t then things will be much more troublesome.

The mid-autumn festival, she wasn’t very fond of it. Well, it was fun to begin with. The festival will be exciting and fun, with many booth and also performances. However, Jieun hates to participate. Her shy personalities keep her off performing although the rest of the world will try hard on persuading her. She hates being persuaded, she prefers having her own choice as the final decision. I guess, everybody do, don’t they?

It was seven in the morning and today class start at 8 since there are some special circumstances. Jieun know there will be discussion for the coming-up festivals; it will give her a lot of headache- thinking of her own business and others. Wooyoung sign-up for the student body last month, and was accepted. It rarely happens though. So he’s quite busy in conclusion.

Jieun dragged Woohyun all the way to the backyard. She wants to sing again, and she wants him to sing with her. She was lonely these days, since things have been boring to her. She decided to sing, Woohyun doesn’t really mind though, he loved to sing too. His voice was romantic and to Jieun, his is the best.

“You want to sing?” Woohyun asked, after she strums her guitar.

“Mm.” She mumbled, smiling.

“Do you have any idea? I’m not quite following the trends nowadays.”

“I’m bored, Woohyun. Let’s sing something exciting.” She smiles, clapping her hand.


She nodded, looking up in the sky.

“Ah… Exciting. It’s You? It’s not quite exciting but it’s nice.”

“Neh.” Jieun nodded, adjusting her finger to the strings, before strumming it.

♪IU ft Sung Si Kyung- It’s You

“Ah, that was refreshing.” Woohyun mumbled.

“I like it. I’m envious of you! How could you be so talented?!” Jieun puffed her cheek before bursting up, laughing crazily.

“Wah, you two should sing for the performance!” The voice almost caused Jieun to stumble back, falling backward.

Thankfully, no body was harmed by the accident. Woohyun manages to catch Jieun by her waist, helping her to find her balance back. The owner of the voice could only apologizes with an ‘ops!’ before bowing politely.Jieun was too dumbfounded, that she could only stares blankly at the newcomer, unable to believe what she had just heard.

“Ops, my bad! But for God sake, the two of you should do a duet!”

It was no other than Goo Ha Ra, the student body president and also their class president. You might think she’s a bit too busy to handle those two at once, but there the word ‘too busy’ never existed for a girl like her. It’s like she has multiple souls and times, that she could do anything in a go.

If Jieun is perfect than this girl must be something more than a human could be. She’s simply pretty, on of the top students, and is very responsible towards anything. She’s very cheerfull but also strict and firm. She’s humble but she knows when to get serious. She easily gets excited and sometimes she got dorky. However, she’s quite hot-tempered and she’s very independent, she plans to live alone.

“Is it okay? I mean, we’ll win for sure if you guys perform!” She excitedly stated.

“You should calm down; we’re not going to sing. We’re worse than amateur.” Woohyun said.

Jieun was staring blankly; she can’t believe someone had just heard her singing. She’s very embarrassed toward the fact that she keeps blushing. She wanted to faint, that is how bad she is when it comes to confidence. She tugs Woohyun’s shirt, gripping it tightly to make sure he won’t leave or do anything stupid.

“Let’s talk about it later, okay? We’ll have a class meeting in a few minutes. Get ready!” She exited the backyard with bright smile on her lip.

“Woohyun-ah, I – I don’t think I can do it.” She stutters.

“Rest assures, we’re not going to do it.”

Jieun and Woohyun, the two was late for the meeting. Hara was quite unhappy about it, but soon calm down after realizing that she needs to treat Jieun nicely this few days. She needs to make her feel comfortable and well, before persuading her to perform. Hara was a girl who gets obsessed with a goal immediately once she got her eyes on it.

“Come on, sit down and let’s continue.” She invited them.

“So, for the performances… We will do a play and also singing performances!” She happily explains.

“So… for the play, it’s going to be Romeo and Juliette!”

“Let’s vote for the couple!”

Jieun rather rest for the rest of the meeting, she doesn’t really wants to pay attention. But today, she paid too much attention on it. The word couple, shocked her the most, that she almost jumps from her seat and glances at Myungsoo. Thank God, she was able to surpress it all.

“I will go for L and Suzy!”

“L and Jieun!”

“L and Suzy!”

“L and Suzy!”

“L and Jieun!”

“Well, most of you seem to prefer L and Suzy better than the real couple. However, we will have a… play- Romeo and Juliette.”

“L and Suzy, Jieun will be too shy to perform.”

“I agree! Although real couple will be better but Jieun is too shy!”

“So… how about you, L-ssi?” Hara asked politely.

“Who’s my partner?”

“I will do! I will do! You won’t mind pairing up with me, right? We will form a great couple!” Suzy exclaimed, running towards Myungsoo and clinging on to his arm.

“For God sake, are you serious?”

“Don’t me such a meanie, oppa! Do you even have a better choice?” She glances at Jieun, who seems to be in her own world.

“But… they’ll have to do a kiss scene!” Hara exclaimed, giving a pitiful looked toward Jieun.

“He has a girlfriend already! We need to switch!”

“No, I think she won’t mind at all. They made up after all; they handle the kissing scandal well.”

“But won’t it hurt?”

“Why don’t we just ask her?”

“But… they’ll have to do a kiss scene!” Hara exclaimed.

Jieun jerkes up, snapping out of her day-dream. She almost jumps, jerking up, and falling backward. Again, if it wasn’t her guardian angels, then she must have end up in hospital after falling three times in the last 4 hours. Thankfully, Woohyun catches her on time, followed by a loud gasp by Wooyoung who was very surprised.

She feels a slight pang hitting her chest, squeezing her heart tightly. She can’t believe it, Myungsoo and Suzy to do a kiss scene again. It was quite painful to her, although she put much effort to deny it. She needs to hear their arguments, whether they should kiss or not. Some was understandable enough, expressing their disagreements clearly. However, some of them were a bit cold-hearted, choosing a trophy over her feelings.

“Jieun-ah, would you mind if they do a kiss scene?”

Jieun jerks again. How dare they ask her such a thing? Of course, they, too, could figure out all the answer on their own. Just by handling one kissing scandal well, doesn’t mean she wanted it to appear again. It doesn’t mean she wanted it to happen again. She was hurt at the time, and if it to happens again, then she will have to say no. They are girls too, they know what she would have said.

Jieun keeps silent for a couple of minutes, leaving the whole class curious and nervous. Her eyes wander around, searching for its way to Myungsoo. He was already standing in front of the whole class, with Suzy clinging on to him. She intertwined their arms together, sliding it between his. She was quite disappointed at the scene that she was taken aback for a few seconds.

“We’ll win if you agree with it.”

“It’s only a performance, there’s nothing to be worry about. Be professional, Jieun-ssi.”

Yeah, as if they could say yes. She knows most of them have boyfriend, and they’re very protective toward them. They get jealous over trivial things, even if their boyfriend talked to other woman simply for trivial matters or a friendly talk. And now, they forces her to say ‘yes’ to their silly request.

Jieun could feel how her heart beats faster each time she looked through his eyes. It was tense and rather friendly. It wasn’t the fierce and fearful glare that comes out from his eyes, just like a few days ago. She hesitated, before looking deeper to find the answer. She hesitated a lot, since the scars he left behind is still fresh, seeking for more time to heal.


She wanted to say ‘no’. He wanted her to say ‘no’. He was pleading her, he was begging her, for her to say ‘no’ was all he could wish for. He was hurting; Jieun could see it by his eyes. He was hurting and if she ever say ‘yes’, he would only be hurting even more. But why is he hurting? She can’t understand it at all; she was the only one who should be hurting. He was the one who hurt her, why would he be hurting? And furthermore, he’s hurting more than she is.

Her lips tremble, she doubt she could say her final word. Hard, she found it hard only to say a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. It’s a basic word, even an kindegarden kid has excelled on saying those words, yet she has turned mute. She can’t say a word. Her lips tremble as her heart ache even more. Her eyes wander around once again, glacing back and forth toward her classmates and him.


She says it, she says yes, after a long silence. They clapped in excitement and Jieun couldn’t even look at his eyes again. Is he hurting? Right now, even she is hurting. She could have say ‘no’, just like how they want to it to be. She wanted to say ‘no’ so badly, so does he. But what good would it bring? Won’t it only bring much more painful days of waiting? She has had enough.

She has the right to do so, to say ‘no’, since the world still thinks they are a couple. But no, she doesn’t have it anymore. They’re stranger now, who no longer each other, who treated each other like a wind. She was trying hard to move on, forgetting him bit by bit. She bit her bottom lips, to make the painful feelings disappear.

The whole class cheered at her statement and they appoint the two as casts for the play. Of course, Myungsoo and Suzy will form a great couple, they’re the best of the best, and they’re perfect. Jieun is nothing compared to how perfect they are, although most people adores her, her shy personality has prevented her from reaching perfection. She has to give up in the end, having no hopes at all.

“And Jieun, would you mind joining our performances? We are allowed to perform three performances.” Hara pleaded with her puppy eyes.

Jieun was still in a daze, she hasn’t even been able to snap out of her wandering thoughts. Hara’s sudden question has only caused her to jerk up, receiving another shock attack. She could get a heart attack today; there are too many shocking things today. She doubts she could stand strong while receiving all of these shocking attacks. She could drop dead once she was too weak to accept anything more.

“Come on! You have a great voice!”

“O- Okay, I- I guess.” She didn’t even know why she said something like that.

“You are so kind, Jieun-ssi! You can do a duet with anyone you want!”

The crowd cheer, happy but also shocked at her statement. Woohyun even had his eyes widen after her statement and he keeps on poking her back. Wooyoung grinned cheerfully, encouraging her. Jiyeon, who was having a hard time keeping up with all of it, left hanging open after her bestfriend statement.

“Ah, I know! Wooyoung-ssi, would you mind performing with Jieun-ssi? You two are very close and seems to be comfortable around each other. Both of you are very compatible too.”

“Fine with me.”

“Okay! I have planned it all! You two will have another kissing scene! It will be a sweet and romantic one! So Jieun, you will have to choose a romantic song with autumn theme.” She cheerfully explained, becoming hyper.

“I object!” Much to her surprise, she voices her disagreement at the same time with Myungsoo.

“What do you mean? Kissing scenes will be great!”

“No, I’m her boyfriend! How could she kiss someone else?!” He yelled, unhappy about the kissing idea.

“Oh, shut up, L-ssi! She even gave us permission to let Suzy and you kiss! What’s the matter with you?!” Her hot-tempered side rises.

“I- I don’t like the idea. I- I don’t want to do a kiss scenes.” Jieun shyly spoke.

“Oh, Jieun-ssi, if you’re not comfortable with it, let’s change the plan.”

“And… I will perform two songs. I want to do a duet with Woohyun.” She explains, excited at the thoughts of performing with Woohyun.

“Kissing scene under the umbrella will be great! Let’s just fake it! And doing two songs are more than great, Jieun-ssi. I’m very thankful.” Hara politely bows to her, smiling brightly.

Myungsoo quietly sigh, hiding his mixed feeling. It’s nice knowing Jieun won’t be doing a kiss scene with other man. But he was hurting too, how could Jieun approved him kissing Suzy? He was hurting, how close will the three of them be? Jieun will be much closer to Woohyun and Wooyoung, compared to how close she is to him. They have become strangers now.

“Okay! We’ll start the practice tomorrow!”

Jieun quietly sigh, she will be seeing him tomorrow. She will have to watch him and Suzy being all lovey-dovey and romantic. She’s not going to like it at all, but knowing she will be doing a duet with Woohyun gets her excited. She would love to do one; his voice was something she’s very fond of. Being able to do a duet with him will bring her enough pleasure. Doing a duet with Wooyoung won’t be a bad idea either.

Let’s see… where will this be going?

Myungsoo was unbelievably jealous. He keeps glancing at Woohyun and Jieun who seems having a great time memorizing the lyrics. And sometimes she would grin happily, each time Woohyun teases her. She keeps singing, her angelic voice was in contrast with Woohyun’s. From time to time, she would run to Wooyoung, to practice their performance. Wooyoung won’t be singing, he would only give a bit of surprise in the end.

She will be doing a double fake kiss scene, one with Wooyoung and one with Woohyun. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. Girls will surely be jealous of her, having two most handsome guys in school to kiss her all at once. Even Myungsoo is having no choice but to admit that he is very jealous. Although he, himself, is busy memorizing all the sweet-romantic lines while acting them out with lots of skinship with Suzy.

Now, there they go again, another attempt to reach perfection on their performances. Wooyoung was now walking towards her, with an umbrella and lollipops on his hand. He kneeled in front of her, offering her the lollipops. She would takes the lollipops from him and hold it tightly. He will lean closer and cover their faces with the yellow-colored umbrella. It was still a mess-up, they look rather awkward and Myungsoo could laugh evily because of it.

However, it’s a whole different matter when it comes to Woohyun. The main idea was rather the same but Hara seems to be thinking of something else. She seems to be having a magnificent idea about the two, something she keeps as a secret. Woohyun and Jieun usually sneak-up during lunch break to meet up with Hara, practicing their own performance. And during their practice time, they would be memorizing the lyrics and trying to harmonize their voices.


He suddenly has the urge to glare at the two boys and grabbed Jieun to his embrace. He suddenly wanted to hit them hard and steal Jieun back. She used to be his after all, although it wasn’t anything serious and real. She used to his, until all of this nonsense games come to a mess up. He must have been stupid, having all these nonsense games plan for nothing but failure and pains. He must have been stupid, for not being able to plan this game well. Or maybe, he’s haunted with bad luck, since he has no luck with this game.

“Oppa, let’s practice our kiss scene!” Suzy excitedly run towards him.

He tried to push her away multiple times, since she keeps asking him to act out their kiss scene. It’s going to be hard and it will be real, with some manipulation so it won’t seems to be too real. The teachers will go insane because of it, although they lacks of attention when it comes to their students behavior. All they care about is their scores and they care less when it comes to manner.

“Oppa, let’s practice our kiss scene!” Suzy voice echoed.

Jieun was stunned, realizing how blunt Suzy really is. She’s very straight forward and a bit too arrogant. She feels fully of herself, feeling that she’s the best and no one could ever beat her. Jieun stopped memorizing the lyrics and turns her head, facing the newlylead couple who were preparing their practice.

They did a lot of skinship; by a lot it means a lot. Jieun can’t believe Myungsoo was okay with that much skinship, some of them weren’t even necessary. It was something Suzy do to gain more of his attention. Jieun was actually upset about it, for some unclear reason, she’s upset about it. She prefers to get out when they started their practice and dragged her three friends somewhere else.

She’s actually jealous, for yet another unclear reason. She’s being very unreasonable these days, being upset over trivial matter, being superbly happy over some lame matter, and being disappointed over little things. She’s turning to a baby; she hates the fact that she’s doing something childish. And the reason for it was no other than Myungsoo.


Myungsoo flinched when the door was slammed close. It was slammed, creating a loud noise that shocked everyone. Jieun had just done it; she slammed the door with all her strength. She exited the room without any warning or notice, she was angry and upset. Myungsoo knows that very well.

Bear with it, Myungsoo, bear with it for one more week.

Bear with it, Jieun, bear with it for one more week.

And we will put an end to all of this.

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Thank you!
My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)