Backstage Princess

It was morning, yet he had no mood of continuing the day any longer. Instead of enjoying the morning breezes of the first day of autumn, he chooses to sink himself deep inside his thoughts. He was thinking hard, trying to figure things out. What he saw a few days ago has caused him to this much screwed up. He was lost- unable to express the pain that keeps on sweeling inside him.

Jieun has been too busy, taking cares of some extra lessons and activities she had just joined. She always gone home early these days, maybe she is inspired to design much more clothes or maybe to write some songs. Myungsoo didn’t really know, it was simple guesses which might be all wrong. Just to make it simple, the two haven’t talked even after Woohyun’s confession.

“Hyung, you are thinking too hard,” the maknae exclaims, stretching his body as he had just woken up from his deep slumber.

Lifting his head up, the older Myungsoo just sighed before burying himself deep under his thoughts. Damn it! What should he do? He didn’t even have the slightest clue for this. He could just play a game, hurting her like all he wants. He could have just taken revenge, venting his anger on Woohyun. Pil Suk and Jieun too wouldn’t be a bad idea, to vent his anger on.

But then, the question appears. Could he win her heart? Could she loves him? If he does all of it- the hurting, the revenge, the game, would she chooses him? It feels wrong. These days, just the thoughts of losing her terrify him. What if she cries and the reason for it is him? He won’t be able to live.

It was finally anger that caused him to stand up and rushes out of the door. He left the whole INFINITE in a daze, shocked by his sudden action. He has been very moody lately, the whole INFINITE notices it. They hate it when Myungsoo becomes moody. He chooses to be L at times, rather than being Myungsoo. It is hard to figure out how to handle him. And when he became moody, anything can happen.

Bang! The door slammed open. Jieun, Jiyeon, and Woohyun are the only three people inside. Jiyeon was busy with her phones, Woohyun was busy playing Jieun’s wavy hair, and Jieun was busy finishing her new fashion designs. She was very busy scratching on the piece of paper, with a pink-colored pencil on her hand. Quite a taste, Jieun, quite a taste…. Pink.

Myungsoo was actually jealous, looking at how close Woohyun and Jieun are. Are they dating? Because that day, Jieun too has conveyed her feelings toward the boy. He heard it crystal clear, how Jieun sweetly whispers ‘I love you’ to him. He remembers the scene where the two hugs, holding on to each other. Have they…. Started dating? He has no right to know that nor does he have any rights to prevent them from dating. They’re fake after all. But…who says he would let him win?

Knocking on the door politely, like a true gentleman, he steps in with the sweetest smile he could ever show. He fixed himself a little, by wearing some extra perfume and also fixing his hairstyles. He must have looked very perfect by now, because his faint reflection was simply beyond words… amazing.

Jieun who was very busy and having fun on her own, finally looked up after sensing a stranger presence. Their eyes locked with each other as soon as her gaze met with his. Her brown orb was confused for quite a few second before finally managed to gather all the puzzle pieces together. Happy, she smiled to him.

“Would you mind if I borrow her for a moment?” He greets the two of them, while a huge crowd was watching from a far.

“No, not at all.” Woohyun shook his head, as his fingers stop twirling her silky hair.

“Thank you. I will be borrowing her for a while.” He approaches her.

In a blink of an eye, a loud cheer was heard from outside the classroom. Jiyeon too couldn’t help but feel curious at what had just happened. Her eyes wander around, only to gasp at the scene. She too couldn’t help but to cheer like the others. She was too happy to stay calm and quiet. Woohyun was annoyed; he had no choice but to sigh and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Jieun gasp, when she feels his fingers brush against her cheek and tugs a strand of her brown hair behind her ears. He soon wrapped his arms around his shoulder, before finally around her knee. She gasped at the tingling feeling, he has become very gentle. She almost screams when he suddenly lifted her up, carrying her in a bridal style. The loud cheer that came from the crowds and her own best friend caused her to turn red and hid in embarrasement. She buried her face under his warmth chest, while wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Myungsoo-ah, what are you doing?” She stutters but managed to say it clearly after a few try.

“Just laid back and relax. You don’t have to walk today.” He replied, kissing her exposed forehead.

“Wha- Wha- What are you doing?” The cheer turns louder after he did that. Jieun almost faints because of the embarrasement. She turns read, before punching his chest playfully, a pay back for kissing her so suddenly.

“A kiss. Why? I can’t do that?” He teases her before spinning around.

“Put me down!” She insisted but only to be held closer by the stronger man.

“No. We’re going to have some fun today.” He said.

He finally put her down after much strunggle that came from her. She was pissed by his sudden act, not like she hates it, but it gaves her so much embarrasement. Although she too could see that he also turns red, not only her. She giggled, after seeing the flushing red Myungsoo before realizing where they are.

It’s amazing how the huge crowd didn’t follow them but chooses to wait somewhere. They’re in canteen with the huge crowd that has been dismissed and doing their activities casually as if nothing happen. She found herself sitting with the INFINITE with Sungjong next to her, holding her hands and staring at her like she’s a goddess. Hoya was sitting at the edge, rising one hand to greet her.

“Noona! You’re so pretty!” Sungjong exclaimed, while gently touching her cheek.

“Sungjongie, stop it! You don’t want to be scolded by that guy.” Sungyeol exclaimed pointing his index finger at Myungsoo who is busy buying something.

“Hello, Jieun-ssi.” The Wiseman Dongwoo greeted.

“Jieun-ah, let’s hang out this Friday!” Hoya clapped his hand excitedly.

“Jieun-ssi, thank you for visiting him that day. And, now let’s have fun!” The leader cheered happily.

Jieun chuckled; she never thought this group would be so much fun despite the fact that they are all a rebel. At least she knows all of them have a reason to join this group, something bad in the past that they badly want to forget. The maknae Sungjong was too adorable that she have to hold the urge of patting his head.

“Noona! Noona! Is hyung very mean to you? I heard that you two fought a lot.” Sungjong asked with pleading eyes.

“Yah! How could you asked that kind of question? Idiot!” Myungsoo who suddenly come after buying some foods, glares at the maknae before flicking his head.

“Hyung! Meanie L hyung!” He exclaimed, pouting his lip before finally grinning after seeing Jieun who was busy holding her laugh.

“Now, let’s eat~.” Myungsoo sat down cheerfully.

“You are not eating mine? You always brags me to cook for you.” Jieun folded her arms, glaring at the boy in annoyance, knowing her effort has turn into a waste of effort.

“Who said I’m not? You are eating this, I’m eating yours.” He lie his head down, while facing her.

“I could eat by myself, you know.”

“Judging from your condition…. You’re only…. Well, you used to be 45, that’s quite healthy… but now you’re only… 37? 38?” Myungsoo rubbed his chin while checking her petite body.

Jieun was surprised that he knows her exact weight. She lost so much weight lately. The reason was very much unknown, since she was still in recovery after suffering from an acute dehydration a few weeks ago. Although she’s supposed to be healthy, her blood test result said that she’s suffering from anemia. Thank God it was nothing severe.

“Now, just sit down and let me feed you, baby Jieun.”

“I’m not like you, big baby Myungsoo. I can take care of myself.” She refuses to open and swallowed the food.

Myungsoo was looking at her, head to toe. His eyes were scrolling her up and down, she has gotten very thin. He never really notices it, but lately he could see how she started to get thinner day by day. Jieun might be sick, yet he hasn’t noticed it at all. Although, it wasn’t his goal for today, he’s trying to reach another goal.

“Open your mouth, Jieunnie~ the airplane is coming!” He scoops a spoon full of rice, before feeding it to her.

“No, I’m not. I’m feeding myself.” Being a stubborn girl she is, she refuses to let him feed her and being all lovey dovey. Being more forceful than usual, she grabbed the spoon, trying to feed herself. However what happens next was a shocking truth, that causes her to turn red all of a sudden. It didn’t enter but rather his, she feeds him. He chewed it happily while grinning like an idiot.

“Let me be a good boyfriend. Just sit there and be baby for a day. Jieunnie~ another airplane is coming, open your mouth~!” He sang much to her disgust.

Giving up, all she could ever do was to open and let her fake boyfriend feed her. She could feel all eyes on her, squealing in excitement as they enjoyed seeing the school best couple being lovey-dovey for the first time in public. For over three months of dating, they have never showed their feelings in public, but rather hid which has caused a lot of confusion and doubt.

“Good girl.” He leaned forward, as if he was about to kiss her. However, he might have holded the urge back, and choose to pat her head, while smiling gently.

Thump… thump…. Thump

Her heartbeat was beating fast and keeps on growing rapidly. However, it soon stops and turns to confusion. What’s the point of these? She doesn’t think it is neccesarry for him to do all of these things for her. And these days, he has been weird. Why would he keep on telling her that he loves her? They’re fake, remember? Or… was it to convince this crowd?

“For you.” He handed her a beautiful red rose, perfectly blooms.

Should she take it? She hesitated for a while, but soon she accepted it and mouth a thank you. Her confusion grows clearer, as she started to feels the weird atmosphere surrounding him. He soon took a strand of her hair, twirling it with his finger tips before tugging it back behind her ear.

“I love you.” He mouthed her while smiling widely. His eyes turn warmth.

Why? He’s confusing her, because she knows he’s acting weird. He wasn’t the type who loves to express himself with words. He wasn’t the type who talks but rather keeps it in. He wasn’t this type of person; it feels like they have gone distant. It feels like he has changed to a stranger, a stranger she would never know.

“We should get going now.” It was Sunggyu who breaks the tension in her head.

She turned; her eyes wander to the edge of the table. Hoya was there, her childhood friends and it seems he was worried. No, it was not axienty but rather cautions. He was being very cautions while watching her from a far. And that time she realizes something was wrong, because he decided to avert her brown orb.

“No, stay.” She requested with a firm tone of voice.

“You guys should get a room, you know.” Sungyeol groaned.

“He’s not being himself, is he?” It was a statement rather than a questioned but soon the tense built up.

“What are you saying, Jieun? This is me, your lovely Myungsoo.” He said, being all cheesy.

“What happen to you?”

She could see it, the slight pain reflected in his dark orb. How could she just see it now? She should have noticed this sooner that he’s actually in pain. She knows a part of him was broken, after locking her eyes with his. He wants to say something but wasn’t able to express it.


“Tell me, Myungsoo-ah.” It was simply a spontaneous act that she decided to hold his hand tight.

“Do you want to know the truth?” And there it appears the anger.


“This… is what happens to me.” He took out his cellphone and played a two-minute length video.

She was watching it carefully, the view and the atmosphere, why does it feel so familiar. The balloons, it’s like she’s having a severe deja vu that almost got her crazy. And then, it comes to her. He was stalking them; Myungsoo was there when Jieun and Woohyun decided to go on a date. He was stalking them, watching them from a far.

“I love you.” Woohyun voice echoed as her mind rush back to the moment.

“Thank you. I love you.” It was her own voice who soon filled her head.

He saw it, he saw it all. Was he being jealous? The video soon ended, the screen turn pitch black. She looks up, only to find Myungsoo glaring at her. He was upset about it, ready to yell at her for what they had just done last weekend. She is wrong; she knows it is wrong if she truly dated Woohyun. However, she realizes that her relationship with Myungsoo is simply something fake.

“Are you stalking us?!” She was angry rather than calm.

“You hang out with other man without telling me! I’m your boyfriend, Jieun!” He too yelled at her.

“We’re fake, Myungsoo! Fake! All you want is fame! So stop bothering me!” Jieun has never explode for something this simple, well let’s just exclude today.

“What are you saying?!”

“I have my rights, to date anyone I wanted, to confess to people I love. I have my rights to do whatever I want. You’re not giving me my private space at all.” Jieun sighed, slowly regaining her perfect composture as she straightens her back.

“You are mine, Jieun! You are forever mine! You belong to me and only to me!” He insisted, grabbing her wrist roughly as she tried to run away.

“What am I to you? A thing? Something you could posses? I’m a human being!” She shoved his hands off her wrist.

“I keep telling you I love you! Why won’t you just listen? I love you, wasn’t that enough?!”

She remains silent as the two frozen. It didn’t take that much time before Jieun realizes they’re fighting in public. They’re yelling, although Jieun voice was barely audible to the ears of the crowd, Myungsoo’s voice was clear enough. She sighed, before walking away leaving the INFINITE behind before things get more complicated.

“I love you. I love you, Jieun.” He suddenly hugs her tight, giving another backhug.

She remains silent, once again leaving the tension created by the silence to rise. Her bottom lips tremble, as she keeps on bitting it. Track of blood started to become visible as they stay within the hug for almost five minutes. Jieun was about to say things, things she won’t be able to conveyed. She remains silent, leaving his words unanswered. She was scared that by the time she opened , her voice would cracked.

“You don’t love me, Myungsoo. You never do.” It was the last thing she manages to say before breaking free from his forceful hugs and ran away.



Since I have new subbies, count this one as a present to all of you subbies and readers!

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My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)