Backstage Princess

Kim Pil Suk has been missing for two days. If the last time Pil Suk got sick, Jieun turns devastated, then this time this is far worser than that. If the last time Pil Suk attempted a suicide Jieun turns crazy, then this time she must have turn insane. If the last time Pil Suk got in a comma, Jieun turns lifeless, and then this time she must be dreadful.

Two straight days without Pil Suk, missing without any news or information, Jieun has turn insane. She was in a very bad shape, losing weight until bones are all that left on her body. 10 kilos, or maybe more, she has lost too much weight in two days. Woohyun was scared, that the girl might met her end too soon. Because if this continues, the possibilities of her being dead will go up high. It was terrifying.

Jieun hasn’t been drinking or eating for two days, not even getting her mind straight. She keeps on dazing, blowing her mind away, and let her eyes wander among the clouds. She hasn’t been sleeping either, she cry her lungs out every night, spending hours of teary nights. She has been hurting herself, cutting her fingers with knife, bitting her fingers, and even bleeding her lips as she can’t stop biting it. Her hair didn’t fall that much perfect, but rather being tied up to one messy bun.

It was two days ago, when Woohyun found her lying on the street. She was lying lifelessly, lights that used to enlighten her brown orbs was missing. She was drenched, as the raindrops keeps on hitting her. It was a cold night and she didn’t even bother of taking care of herself. She keeps on pressing her phone and sometimes throwing it away without any second thought.

She has been calling Pil Suk- non-stop- hoping for her to answer, yet it has brought not result at all. It was clear, how Jieun would be admitted to hospital real soon. She keeps on blabbering nonsense; you could not talk to her about anything. She keeps on asking about her sister like a crazy young woman. She keeps on hurting herself, hoping for the pain that eating her up would disappear.

Black circles underneath her eyes and red eyebags with puffy red eyes turn her gentle orbs to a scary one. Her skin turn pale, making her looks like a ghost. Her lips turn blue, with traces of blood. Her hair turned messy, a bun of messy hair. Her mind was blank, her eyes has contained no light. She looks like a ghost who lives inside an old haunted castle.

She was unable to walk, she loses her strength. Wherever she goes, she drags her leg around until her shoes got broken. Her body never stops trembling cold, it shivers. Her lip never stops shaking and her eyes never stop tearing. She has fainted, a couple of time in two days. Woohyun has to her home, together with Jiyeon, to make sure she won’t go wild and attack others and also to make sure she won’t run away. Jiyeon has to say with her, to take care of her.

Jieun has turned ignorant, ignoring people all the time and even ignoring herself. Sometimes, she could suddenly attack stragers, putting suspicion to them. She accused people, all of them, for kidnapping her sister. She hit them, she attack them, those who she was suspicious of. Once, she almost hit a little kid, pushing him to the street where the cars are rushing in such a high speed. Thankfully, Jiyeon was there to stop her.

“Jieun-ah, we will found her.” Woohyun whispers another promise, for the 100th time in two days.

“Where is she? Did you kidnap her?” Another attempt to accuse a stranger.

“No, I don’t. But I will find her.”

“How could you say that? How could I trust you?” Jieun suddenly yell, after standing up but soon failed and fall to the ground.

She has asked everyone, from teachers, students, staffs, and even strangers. She even asked a kindegarden kids, and even doubting her own bestfriends. She has asked all of them, desperately searching for her sister. She even attempts to sue the police, for letting her sister get kidnap. In her whole life, she has never been this furious; she has never been this much insane.

It was only Myungsoo, who has not known about the latest news. He has been too busy since his games will start next week. He hasn’t been able to pay much attention toward his girlfriend, however he has request Jiyeon to take care of her and inform him if anything happen. He even sends Hoya to stalk her, to make sure she is fine. But this news has yet to reach him, by Jieun request. She didn’t want to become a burden to him.

What would he say if he ever sees her this way? She couldn’t even get her mind straight. With her trembling fingers, she clenched Woohyun’s shirt. She looks up, meeting his gaze before finally gathering all the puzzle pieces of her insane thoughts.

“I’m sorry.” That was all she could say, each time she manage to get out of her insanity.

“I know you didn’t mean it. It’s okay.” And Woohyun would hug her each time it happen, comforting the girl.

She has searched the entire place, from shops to malls, from café to restaurants. She didn’t even think twice to search for Pil Suk in dangerous places. She has searched all the dangerous places, even risking her own safety and life. Pub, club, gangster, dark alley, she has searched it all. She wasn’t even scared to face it on her own and Woohyun will have all the trouble of saving her. Yet she was still unable to find her.

She has searched it all, she has asked them all, yet why can’t she found her? Oh… she has asked them all, except one person. She has searched them all, except one place. How could she just figure it out now? She hasn’t asked Kim Myungsoo yet and she hasn’t searched this place yet. It will be the last way she could think of. If this failed, then let’s disappear.

“Woohyun, I want to go somewhere. I want to be on my own.”

“Jieun! Have you gone crazy? I’m going with you.” He insists but only to meet her teary and pitiful self.

“Please, I need to be on my own.”

“Be safe, then. Please, don’t risk your life.”

She has to meet Kim Myungsoo no matter what; she has to confront her no matter how much it will hurt. She will have to intimidate that man, having him to spill all the information he has. Although it will hurt her so much, she has promised not to hesitate if hitting him was necessary. By force, if something like that will be necessary, she will do it. Although she won’t have enough strength, she will do it.

Why would she hesitate to begin with? She has thought about it, to confront Kim Myungsoo first, since he’s the last person who saw Pil Suk. But why? Why did she refuse to do so? When Jiyeon asked her, who’s the last person who saw Pil Suk? Jieun throw a lie, saying she was the last person who saw her, although she know Myungsoo was the last to see her.

Why would she hesitate? Maybe she has trusted him too much, that it will be painful to face reality if Myungsoo really is the one who kidnap Pil Suk, who brought this much chaos upon her. She has asked Bae Suzy, she even made her cry, but Suzy knows nothing. She’s sure Suzy knows nothing, that woman is a crybaby; she won’t bear hiding a secrets like that. Therefore, the only person who could give her the clue was Kim Myungsoo.

She thought he has changed, that man. She thought their relationships have gone better and that man would never do anything that would break them apart. She thought that man has promised not to hurt her anymore. How could he do something like this? She didn’t even want to believe it. It will hurt so much that she doubts the pain will disappear. Why? She wants him to answer it, the question. Why?

She didn’t even have enough strength to do so, she needs to drags her feet all the way. She needs to climb the stairs, from the first floor to the third floor, where the INFINITE usually hang out. It was so much work to do, climbing it without falling. One mistake and she may end up dead. If she was unable to grab the stairs strong enough, her legs would slip any time.

And now, here she is. Why would it hurt so much? The insanity, the pain, the losing of her sister, it has hurt her enough. Yet asking him, accusing him, and doubting him have brought even more pain. Why would he betray her after all the trust she has given to him? Why would he stab her after all the happy memories they made? Is this all… yeah, it’s all the game.

Has she turned blind for not noticing ealier? They’re playing a game and she almost lost. She was almost blinded and once again she almost stumbles on her own goal. She might have put too much trust to Myungsoo. And now she is… getting all broken because of a single betrayal. How come he has turned so important to her?

The INFINITE, she could see them through the window. They’re gathering around, with a worn out Myungsoo fanning herself. She could see Howon, and those who are laughing, including Myungsoo. How could he be laughing? Is there anything to be happy about? He has only hurt her, what else is there to be happy about? Is he happy for winning? Because if this is the point of the game, she would gives up right away, choosing to lose rather than to win.

Dragging her feet, for another one meter long journey, she drags the door open with furious eyes. She has no strength left, since the journey has ate all the strength she had left. It was Hoya, who suddenly come to her and supports her body before she stumble and fall to the ground.

“Jieunnie!” He yelled, actually wants to greet her but soon shouting in panic. He grabs her body before she fall and support her.

“Are you okay?” He asked soon after Jieun manage to stand up.

“Myungsoo, I want to talk to her.”

“Jieun-ah, are you sure you are okay? Your body… it’s burning.” Hoya almost jumps when their skin came in contact; she was burning so badly that it could cooks meat without any trouble.

The INFINITE too, gasped as soon as they saw Jieun. She didn’t seem like Jieun, with that condition, she can’t be Jieun. Look at her; she looks more like a ghost rather than Jieun. With her pale skin, messy hair, blue lips, and red eyes. Her body was even shaking and there was no light in her orbs. was too sore to be used that it creates such a faint-scary sound.

“Jieun! What happen?” It was Myungsoo who jumps when he saw her.

“How could you be laughing so carefreely?” Jieun asked, she was furious.

“What do you mean? Are you even okay?” Myungsoo was surprised; he was scared seeing how badly she is.

“Don’t even touch me!” Jieun suddenly yell, bringing pain upon .

“Jieun, what’s wrong?”

“Where is she? Where is Pil Suk? What did you do to her? Where is she, Myungsoo? Tell me where is she!” She demanded despite her weak body she manages to shout.

“What do you mean, Jieun?”

“Stop acting dumb! Pil Suk has been missing! You kidnap her! Tell me where she is!”

“I don’t know, Jieun!”

“Where is she, Myungsoo? Where is she?!” She yelled… but soon fainted.

It was in the afternoon, when she wokes up, finding herself in the clinic. She was surprised but soon manages to remember some of those mixes up memories. School will end soon, and she will begin searching for her sister right when the basketball practice started. At least, by then the school will be empty and it will be easier to search for Pil Suk.

To her surprise, came pass by real quick. Jieun began her search right after the bell ring. Phone, food, snacks, and drinks, in case she does found her. She would be too weak and she knows Pil Suk too would be too weak to walk home. They will have to stay overnights and gather some energy or at least call Woohyun to be able to go home.

The first floor was empty; it was bright there, giving less scary feelings to Jieun. There was nothing there, except stacks of books and also the messy staff room and cleaning service. She search every inches and parts of the first floor, but found nothing. She keeps on calling Pil Suk’s phone, hoping it would still ring, although it was almost impossible. Battery, it might have run out of battery after two days.

The same goes for the second and third floor. The fourth and fifth floor was fine, although the atmosphere was a little chilly. The sixth was spooky and the seven was dark. She has search all of them, but no sign of Pil Suk was found. However, there is one place that she has yet to search. Although it is possible that Pil Suk was there, Jieun hesitated. It was a place famous for it’s spooky and scary atmosphere and rumors said, it was haunted and lacking of ventilation. The unused room, full of stuffs, it was on the basement, all the way up to the rooftop.

Jieun arrived at the rooftop, having enough trouble of climbing the emergency stairs. It was hot upthere and scary. She was all alone, the room, it was only a few meters away from her. She tried to click it open, but failed. Lock, as usual. The teachers and principals keep strict rules of it, that no one was allowed to entre the room. It was said to be a dangerous one.

“Hello, is anyone there?” It was a voice, from the inside, a weak one.

“Pil Sukkie!” Jieun couldn’t hide her happiness as she cried her lungs out.

“Unnie! Please get me out of here! It’s scary!”

“How could you be here, Pil Suk?”

“Unnie, I miss you! Please don’t leave me!”

“Just wait for a minute, I will be…..”


Jieun could feel a slight pain on her back, before finally losing consciousness. She can’t remember anything except the pain, and the spooky feelings that surround her for quite a few seconds. The next thing she knows, it was dark and hard to breath. There was someone, a man or a woman; she couldn’t quite figure it out. He has dark or maybe brown hair, she can’t quite see it. He was strong; he had just hit her hard, causing her to lose consciousness. Then, the blurry scenery turns dark.

“Unnie! Are you okay?!”

It was the last thing she heard before everything fades away.

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My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)