Backstage Princess


The rumors were good, spreading around the school within such a speed. It’s a surprising fact, how such a simple rumors could spread wildly. People have always been interested in gossips and rumors, that would only put them in the corner that would kill people mentally. They were never interested in rumors about good deed; rather they care about other’s bad dead. Except... him.

The rumor about him has always been the best and he was admires by everyone. He has always been known as a friendly one, with a lovingly gaze. His mouth was such a gentle one, only wise words that came out from it. His touch was careful, as a true gentlemen that was always careful with his touch. He never hits someone or picks a fight. If he’s at fault, he would admit it. He’s truly a wise man.

He socializes easily, as he greets everyone frequently. He has never been hated. Some people may think he’s a disturbance, who loves to interfere with people live and end up hating him. However, it’s a whole different case if it’s him. The whole school admires him. No one could bring themselves to hate him.

Stares of admiring have always been dedicated to the man. He has such a clean heart that makes him barely a human being. He has such a kind heart, that we would believe he’s a saint. He is a truly kind man, who has been aware of his surroundings.

He may socialize easily but he rarely talks to people around. He kept his words inside and spills it out only when it was truly necessary. And if you’re lucky enough, he’ll come to you and talk. People said, he was so much fun to talk to. He was so much fun, even though he’s scolding you. You can never hate someone like him.

If Jieun was about to pick her ideal type, she would definitely choose someone like him. She doesn’t really cares about looks, because if he’s too handsome she would be insecure. Women would be hitting on him yet looks never guarantee a kind heart. All she cares was heart, to know he truly loves her and to know she loves him too. She likes mature man, who’s no longer childish, who’s thinking like an adult should be.

And now, meeting him like this would be such a pleasure. She glad to finally be able to meet him. However, it has been a question in her mind that bothers her a lot. Why would he be joining INFINITE? Wasn’t he aware about the secrets hidden behind the group? The truth is… INFINITE are hiding secrets that not many people know about.

“Hello, there.” He greets her nicely, with manner as he bow a bit to her.

He’s older than her, a year or two. He bows to her, without even counting their age. She was actually surprised at first, to see him standing behind her. It startled her that she almost fall back, thankfully he gently grab her hand before her touch the ground harshly. He smiles as she tried to get her balance back.

To replied his warm greetings, she bow awkwardly after almost falling down. She smiles warmly as she greet him back as a sign of respect. He’s respected by everyone, even she respected him too. She was happy to see him, with her own eyes after having such a tough time.

“Hello, good evening.” She smiles as he stands next to her, inhaling the cold air of midnight.

He too was holding a cup of coffee to warm himself in this cold midnight. He was wearing a simple shirt that shows his perfect abs. Jieun wasn’t interested in his looks or body; she was simply interested in his heart. She wanted to know him more.

“It’s nice to meet you here, Jieun-ssi.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Dongwoo-ssi.”

It was a tense atmosphere as the two tried hard to start a conversation. They have never talked to each other before, barely meeting each other. You could count today as their first meetings, their first encounter. Dongwoo might be an easy to approach guy, a rather friendly one. However, Jieun was totally the opposite. Jieun was rather a timid woman, who was very strict to rules and schedules. She doesn’t really like surprises as she’s very timid.

“You’re not joining the other, Jieun-ssi? A camp fire is something fun to do.”

“I don’t think I would love joining the camp fire. I prefer waiting here, inhaling the cold air and enjoying the smell of the beach. Dongwoo-ssi, I thought you love camp fire.”

“I decided not to join them. I prefer to stay as I was inform that you would be the only one staying at the villa the whole night until they finish the camp fire. I don’t think it’s good letting a girl alone at midnight.”

“That is so kind of you. Thank you.”

“I thought teens love camp fires, don’t you feel so? Why don’t you join them now? I guarantee it’s going to be fun.”

“People tell me that a lot, however I refuses to join camp fires, especially today.”

“Well, then. If it’s your decision, I won’t force you. But by any chance, if it’s okay to asked, are you trying to avoid the beach.”

Jieun giggled as she sip her hot chocolate and exhales. Dongwoo gaze was sticking by her, staring at her in details from head to toe. So the rumors are true.

“You’re truly a mind reader, Dongwoo-ssi. I think I can’t hide from you.”

“I was actually an admirer of you.”

“Oh really? I’m happy to hear that. I hope I have never disappointed you before.”

“Of course not. You couldn’t blame someone just from one’s perpective.”

“Such a wise word, Dongwoo-ssi. Me too, have been an admirer of yours.”

“Good to know.”

“I think you’re here for a reason.”

“I do. I just want to talk.”

“Something about beach? Why I am afraid of beach?”

“You too are a good mind reader.”

She smiles faintly, bearing with the pain that slowly creep into her.

“You’re close with Hoya, Dongwoo-ssi. I think you have known the reason for it. It might sound childish, as I am a hateful person who holds a grudge for years. I won’t blame you if you ever think of me that way.”

“Do you know the secret behind INFINITE?”

So he does know the reason behind INFINITE, yet why would someone like him joins such a dirty group? It would be better if he stand on his own.

“Not many people know about it, Dongwoo-ssi. People are much more interested in their looks and popularity. Yet I have come to realize the reason behind it.”

“I know you have been having such a question in your mind. Do you know what Hoya is known for?”

Jieun was surprised by the question as she was startled. Park Jiyeon is the gossip queen; there would be no way that she wouldn’t be aware of each and every of them. However, makes an exception for Hoya, because he’s a childhood friends of her, she knows him better than everyone else. Yet this question’s answer is something beyond her capability.

“I do know what Kim Sunggyu has been known for, the school first love. I have known what Kim Myungsoo has been known for the school prince. I do know what Sungyeol and Sunjong has been known for. I even know what Woohyun used to be known for. Yet I do not know what Hoya-ssi was being known for.”

“We have such a dark past, Jieun. Each of us has one that lingers inside and drove us crazy as time passed. It lingers inside us, causing our bad side to rise and our good side to die.”

It was true, INFINITE was something bounded by the past. By their previous past that has brought pain upon them, marks and scars, trauma. It was the union that was brought by pain, their decision to change their life and makes it better. At least to comfort themselves, knowing there are other who’s the same with them. That’s why they creates INFINITE, to reach infinity and makes a better life.

Kim Sunggyu was simply a player. He flirts with any woman, he kisses every girl he met, he dates every woman he knows, he touches every woman he see. He has slept with countless women. Young or old, age doesn’t matter to him. He’s so charming that you would be catch easily. You will forget about the risk and captivated by his charm. By then, you will regrets knowing how love feels. He will catch you tight, tied you tight, and wrecked you apart. He will screw you, he will break you apart. He will leave you heartbroken to the extent that you would never be able to love again. He will take your hearts away and turns your first love to nightmare. He has become the woman top first love, the heartbreaker. He’s the school first love, the heartbreaker.

Kim Myungsoo was a cruel man. At least, it’s Jieun conclusion. She jumps into conclusions as soon as she plays his game. She hold a grudge against her, it’s true. She hates holding hates and revenge inside yet she can’t help but feel this way about him. He’s very cold, very. His feelings have flown away, erased in history years ago. He likes to hurt young girls, threaten them, and finally left them in suffering pain. He lays his eyes on siblings, sisters especially, to left them in pain.

Lee Sungyeol would be your nightmares. He haunts it, every boy who has hurt people before. He haunts it, every girl who has happiness inside. He haunts it, those who smiles. He would leave them in terror and fear as they will be force to face their greatest fear. He would give them terrors, left them screaming in fear. He’s the school hero.

Lee Sunjong would be your typical daily brat. He skip classes, he never studies, he simply don’t care about anything. He would push people who interfered with his life and become a disturbance in his own perspective. He makes people cry a lot, with his cold and ignorant personality. He’s simply an annoying brat who likes to pull pranks. His cool personality was overflowing, blended with his bratty attitude. At least that what the school thought. He’s the school cool killer.

It left us with Nam Woohyun, the former member of INFINITE. Lee Ho Won, her childhood friends. Jang Dongwoo who left her in vain and confusion. She could find no connections within their acts and INFINITE. Nam Woohyun is the former member, she knows his reason yet she refuses to talk about it.

Jang Dongwoo, she found no answer about him. Why would the school gentlemen join such a group? Joining such a group with such a dark past, while he’s a man with a good past and a bright future. Maybe it’s because his sympathy that he join the group, or the heal the wounded member. She couldn’t find any connections. She can’t, she simply can’t.

“I--- Unfortunately, I don’t know the reason.” She answer in a low voice as her gaze was blank and empty. She has been drowning inside her own thoughts, thinking about many things.

He’s the school magician.”

“It must have been very bad.” To her surprise, it was something unexpected. He must have changed a lot, to get that simple one title. Her eyes widen as she wanted to turn naïve that one moment. Yes, she would rather turn naïve than acknowledging the truth.

“Do you know what it means?”

“The better the title, the worse it means.”

“He gives instant happiness to people, he play tricks. And in the end of the day, he would hurt them. He would reap their happiness and turns them to sadness. Wasn’t that simply magic? How people could turn happy in instant and crumble a second after that?”

She was in vain as pain was reflected in her eyes. They may have gone distant yet it has never meant they forgot each other. She was naïve enough, thinking he hasn’t change after the incident. Thinking that he’s that little innocent boy who was very much naughty. He wasn’t a rascal before, yet today he has turn into one. He can’t believe he would do something like that.

“Do you want to know the reason why?”

She looks at him, as her lip can part away to answer that very question. Her eyes were the only answer, which was filled with curiosity. She could only wish it would be an enough answer as she stares at his orbs.

“It’s you, Jieun. The scars could never heal, the day when he pushes you to drown in the sea. He regrets it a lot, that he needs something else to let it go. It pains him seeing you who fear the beach, the sea, the water.”

She looks away in regret. Taking another sip of coffee.

“Heal Jieun, forget the past and get over your fear. By then, he too will heal.”

She needs time, to heal, to think, to get over her past. It will take time, but has it come too late? It has turn into a trauma over time that left a great wound and pain inside. She has come to fears many things.

“Oh, they have come back. I would better get going now. Let’s talk again and get to know each other sometime in the future.”

Jieun smiles as they parted. She bows to him without bidding him a farewell.

“And Jieun, you should solve your problem with Myungsoo. That bandage was simply to overcome your insecurity right? You have not cut yourself.”

He left as she gazes blankly at the sky.

“What have you two been talking about?” Myungsoo was sitting on the couch when Dongwoo come back. He was upset, knowing the two have been talking for such a long time. The two have been sharing an intimates moments upset him the most.

“Nothing, Myungsoo.” Dongwoo replied calmly.

“It’s silly how you could turn wise, knowing the dark past hiding underneath your skin.”

“Are you jealous, Myungsoo? Because I talk to her?”

“No, of course not. I just wonder how a guy like you has the darkest past among us.”

“Don’t do anything stupid okay? You’re angry, calm yourself before things got worse.”

“I’m not only angry, I’m upset.”

“See her only when you have calmed down.”

Jieun was staring at the blank sky, as the stars started to fade away one by one. She could see Hoya, with the rest of INFINITE. Camp fire and Hoya seems to be having fun. At least he’s smiling, as he climb the stairs up, walking toward where she really is.


A strong forceful force was grabbing her arm, forcing her to stay on her spot, without being able to moves anywhere. She wanted to run to him, to her dear childhood friends. She wanted to confront him. Has she been the reason of his pain? She doesn’t want it to be that way.

“What have you two been talking about?” It was Myungsoo voice. It was Myungsoo hand that hold her back, from running to Hoya. Hoya figure slowly appear in front of her as Myungsoo was forceful enough to hold her back.

She stays silent, not answering any of his questions. Leaving him angry and upset. Her gaze was following Hoya strictly, unable to let go. She needs to confront things with him. It was so sudden that Jieun heart almost stops beating. Hoya took a glance at her, as their gaze met.

He has always been keeping an eye on her. He has always been watching her from a far, protecting her from a far. He was showing his affection toward her from a far. She could see it, his regrets and fears. Jieun tried to struggle from Myungsoo grip but failed. Hoya’s figure slowly disappears as it left no trace of his presence.

He is no longer the innocent bratty boy she knew from the past. He has changes, he has been in pain and it’s all her fault.

Is there a happy ending for their ruined friendship? 



I think this story changes from too much angst, boring, to a mess up. Guuh, need to improve my writing. Enjoy! You will be enjoying the reconciliation of Hoya and Jieun friendship and some of WooU, MyungU moments in the future. 

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My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)