Backstage Princess

Jieun was still asleep inside the infirmary, it has been half an hour ever since she fainted. Woohyun was still waiting patiently for her, sitting right next to her while gazing through the window. His mind was somewhere else, separating from his body. How it could not happened? Kim Myungsoo, his old friend is messing with his bestfriend.

Meanwhile, Jiyeon was nowhere to be found. For the least, she should have appeared in the infirmary, checking on Jieun’s condition. However, until now she had yet to appear. The incident must have shocked her a lot, because Woohyun had just kissed Jieun. It’s not like Jiyeon has a problem with that, however she didn’t like it either. How could he do that? They’re best friend!

Right now, the three was about to break. Jieun herself was sick. She had a temperature, a quite high one. The nurse said she was exhausted, she needs to have lots of rest, and if her condition got worse, they would have to bring her to the hospital. Jieun have to wake up soon and try to explain every single thing, things that they need to know and understand.

Woohyun too, it will be necessary for him to explain his action and be responsible. Not to forget, that little dino, Jiyeon, who needs to come back and be there for them. And after everything has been settled down, Woohyun has some business to be done with Kim Myungsoo, a confrontation with that old friend.

The door finally slide open, and Jiyeon appear slowly. She took her anxious step, walking toward Woohyun who seems to have lots of things going on his mind. Of course, Jiyeon, couldn’t help but feel anxious too. She keeps walking back and forth, biting her lips, fidgeting her fingers. She wanted to talk about many things but didn’t have enough courage to do so.

“Woohyun! What the hell have you done?!” Jiyeon scream without thinking much.

“Park Jiyeon! Be quiet! Jieun is still sleeping.” Woohyun frowns.

“Woohyun, you have just… just kiss her. What were you thinking?” Jiyeon asked, whispering.

“You have a problem with that?” Woohyun took her question lightly.

“No! Why should I? But yes! Of course yes! We.. We are best friend. And you just kiss her. Do you like her? No, that’s impossible. But you kiss her. Oh My God, what just happen? Is it because you want to taste her lips? Nam Woohyun, explain yourself!” Jiyeon continued walking back and forth as she gathers her thoughts, blabbering around.

“It’s not like I kissed her for real.” Woohyun explain.

“What?! Of course you did! I was there. You kiss her with the speed of lightning. You kissed her until she fainted!” Jiyeon yelled.

he let her eyes flutter open, blinking it a couple of time. She raises her hand, letting it touch her soft pink lips. The incident, she remembers it clearly. She took a glance to her side, there they were, having a fight like usual, however this time, it’s a serious one. This time, it’s about the kiss.

“You kissed her, Woohyun! She must be very shocked because of it! Look, she fainted!” Jiyeon yelled again, in a lower voice.

“I don’t kiss her for real, Jiyeon. Ask her.” Woohyun replied.

Jieun shook her head, she feels dizzy and weak. And the thoughts of Kim Myungsoo suddenly appear inside her head. He must be very upset by now, because his planned has been ruined. Eventually, nothing goes the way he planned and nothing goes in Jieun’s favor. It’s better though, rather than having to fulfill his every single wish.

“God, Woohyun! Just admit it! You kissed her.” Jiyeon shouted, loudly.

“No, Jiyeon. He didn’t kiss me.” Jieun finally speak up.

“See, I didn’t.” Woohyun sighed.

“What do you mean, Jieun? You too have to explain yourself.”

“He put his thumb on my lip, and he keeps his face away. He didn’t kiss me, he was talking to me.”

“And the reason you faint?” Woohyun asked.

“It was so embarrassing. People will think we truly kiss. Woohyun, if you ever do that again, I would not forgive you.” Jieun fold her arm and pouted.

“She finally pouts. Well, now spill it!” Jiyeon commands.

“What the hell were you thinking, Lee Ji Eun? Why did you do that? Kim Myungsoo is a cruel man, you do know that.” Woohyun rolled his eye.

“They gave me no choice, Woohyun. They would hurt her even more. You know how cruel he is, and how strong he is. I don’t have any other option.”

“Why does it have to be him? Why don’t you just trust us?” Woohyun frowns.

“It wasn’t enough, Woohyun. Pil Suk is in a state of coma right now, because I rejected his request. I will play his game and win it.”

“Do you remember Pil Suk’s second attempt? Do you know who cause it?”

Flashback started to fill her memories. It was terrifying, she doesn’t want to remember it the slightest bit.

“It was because her first love broke her heart, wasn’t it? Do you know who he is?”

“I do, it was the school most handsome man. She doesn’t know her name.” Jieun voice cracked as her head got heavier.

“It was Lee Sunggyu, Jieun. The person who break her heart again, yesterday. But the most important question is: Do you know who plan it? It was Kim Myungsoo.” Woohyun voice got deep.

It was not that much surprising, considering how cruel Kim Myungsoo is. Jieun hate for him has grown deeper and spread wider. So they have known each other quite a while, haven’t they? He was targeting her sister to begin with. He was the one responsible for Pil Suk’s suicidal acts.

“That is why, Woohyun. I need to play his game and win it.”

"Pil Suk is in a coma Jieun. Nothing worse could happen. If you are about to date Kim Myungsoo to protect her, it would just change nothing!"

"Can't I just be a little more naive? To believe that she would wake up someday? And by the time she woke up, I want her to be protected! I don't want her to get hurt anymore!" 

“Well, then get some rest Jieun. Go to the hospital and try to get some rest. Pil Suk won’t like it if you got sick. Came back when you’re perfectly healthy. Play the game and win it, Lee Ji Eun. I won’t be happy if you lose.” Woohyun said as he disappeared through the door.

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My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)