Backstage Princess

"Have you seen Pil Suk?" Jieun asked Jiyeon with her unaudible voice.

"No, I haven't. Is there anything wrong? Jieun, she is fine." Jiyeon frown, she almost spend the whole days listening to Jieun worrying over her sister again.

"I need to gave this to her. She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. She could get sick." Jieun replied.

"And you. You haven't ate for... How long? A week?" Jiyeon scolded. "Worry for yourself a little more, Jieunnie~" She frowns again. 

"That's true, Jieun. Take care of yourself, Pil Suk too must be worried about you." Woohyun added, after waking up from his deep slumber. 

"I will eat, Woohyun. As soon as Pil Suk received this." 

"As if you can eat Jieun. You have been throwing up quite a lot, each time you force something down your throat." 

Jieun could only sigh, having her two bestfriend not giving her any other option other than going to find Pil Suk alone. After all, it's not her two bestfriend fault. Yes, she hasn't been eating for days. She has forgot the last time she prepare breakfast for herself or the last time she touch a meal. She barely eat any snacks or dessert. The last time she and Jiyeon ate lunch together, she spent her time crying, explanning her problem to Jiyeon. 

Jieun slip through the emergency door, taking her steps carefully, walking down the stairs. She is not that simple after all, her personality fits her title perfectly. As the Backstage Princess, Jieun is as shy as ever. She couldn't bear having attention and the fact that she alone could attract much more attention. That's why she took the emergency door, to meet her sister at the second floor of the school building. It was dark right there, but she has became used to it. 

Without having much problem, Jieun landed at the second floor, right infront of her sister class. She didn't gather much attention, better than how she expected it to be. However, Pil Suk was nowhere to be found. Jieun blink her eyes couple of times, before fluttering it opened and search carefully for her sister through the whole class. Again, she was nowhere to be found. Much to Jieun surprise, Pil Suk's friends were unusually quiet as she found them being scared and anxious at their seat.

"Were you searching for Pil Suk?" a girl voice appear right behind her.

Jieun almost jump. Well, she is very shy after all. But her heart calm down, as soon as she realizes it was one of Pil Suk's friend.

"Oh, God. You scared me. Yes, I'm searching for her. Do you know where she went? I need to give this to her." Jieun asked softly. 

"Unnie, you don't know? She went home earlier, she didn't tell you? Unnie," the girl let out a sigh, "She was bullied again, today."

More than anything in the world, this is what Jieun scared mostly about. Her sister being bullied again. She thought everything was simply fine today, but that is certainly a lie. Through the smile that her sister gave to her, she know something was off. However, her overworked and tired body has caused her to let her guard down. Right now, her heartbeat stop as she could barely breath.

"What do you mean? She told me everything was fine."

"She was bulleid unnie, worse than yesterday. She was... touch."

"She was... touch? What happened?"

"The INFINITE do it again. As much as I hate them, they do it much more worse than yesterday. They slapped her, hit her, pull her hair, mock her... They even cut her hair, insulting you as her sister. And also, Lee Sunggyu confessed to her and she accepted it instantly. He broke her heart in an accepatable way. Unnie, I think she could die from it. I'm scared. She went home earlier, being alone at home while being depressed. Bad thing could happened to her." The girl explain as tears fill her eyes.

"It's okay. I will checked on her, I will make sure sheis fine. How long has it been since she requested to go home?" Jieun tried to be calm. 

"It's been 2 hours unnie."

Without taking much time, Jieun rush to the emergency door. Two hours is bad, Pil Suk must be lonely and depressed. Pil Suk has never been left alone in her state she must be right now. Jieun has always been never for her, although never once has she ever talk to Pil Suk about it. She knew Pil Suk would hate it and she knew it's a wrong decision. It was for the best, that is what she think until Pil Suk attempted a suicide. 

"Unnie, I'm sorry that I couldn't help her. After all, we are the unknown. Unlike you, the populars" The girl cried. 

Jieun stop her rushing steps, going back and patted the girl back. Being a good sister to her, just like how she has always been. "It wasn't your fault. Even I can't do anything to stop it. You have been such a good friend to her. Thank You." And the girl cried louder. 

Jieun rushes home as soon as possible. She knew Pil Suk must have been in a very bad state. She could only hope that nothing bad would happened for the time being until she arrived at home. She has requested permission to go home a few minutes ago and the teacher let her immediately. Although she wasn't very sure why the teacher let her off so easily. And the fact that they have given her advise about staying at home and rest for the last few days. 

She wasn't exactly sick, although her appearance keep on telling her she is sick. Her pink lips has turn into a pale colour of cream and it has became dried. Her lips sometimes bleed. She keeps throwing up for the last two days, after failing to eat stuff. She keeps her meal untouch. The black circles under her eyes has become more and more visible as she keep staying up all night long. Her body has become weak and loses it strength, she could have fainted three times a day if Jiyeon wasn't there to keep an eye on her. 

May be that's the reason why the teacher just let her off without complaining or scolding, neither nag her. Jieun glad ro know that. If this didn't happened, she would have to wait for another two hours before she could go home and check on Pil Suk condition. By then, she couldn't bear to speculate the worse. Even the best doesn't seems to be hopeful or better. 

Jieun rush her steps, entering her home anxiously. Pil Suk has kept the door unlocked, letting Jieun save some more time. Although Jieun often nag her sister about keeping the door locked. Thank God they lived in a quite expensive class apartment, with a lot better security that gave them a lot more security and relieve. Right now, that wasn't the problem. Jieun didn't care if someone broke into their apartment and stole many things as long as Pil Suk is okay. 

"Pil Suk! Pil Suk!" Jieun called as she searches through the house. And there she was, nowhere to be found

To be honest, Jieun was scared to search through the house. At the very last, she also needs to search through the bathroom, the place she would hate the most. She would hate it if Pil Suk were inside, crying her eyes out or worse. Jieun almost lost her life and strength remembering what Myungsoo has told her. 

A third attempt wouldn't be so bad

With both hand shaking and her body shivering, she opened the door knob. Gently she pushes the door. Slowly, her eyes could get a better view of the bathroom. She could see the shattering pieces of mirror on the ground. Blood drops on the floor, heading to the bathub. And finally her lovely sister, laying lifelessly inside the bathub with blood coming out from her wrist.

Jieun break down, as she falls on her knee. A terrifying sight. 



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My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)