I love you, oppa.

Childhood sweetheart.

The last update... :/ This story is completed, finally ^^

Two weeks later.

“Mmm…” I moaned a little when I felt Daehyun wrap his arms around me. “Let me sleep.” I whined and he chuckled in the crook of my neck. “Then sleep, I just want to hug you.” He replied and I smiled while flipping myself to lie down on my back. “You know I hate getting up so early.” I said and he nodded while softly kissing my neck.

I giggled a little bit before opening my eyes and staring at the ceiling, letting Daehyun do whatever he wants. “I do know that.” He said as he lied on top of me and kissed my cleavage. He smiled while tracing my body with kisses. “Hey, babies.” He greeted my belly like every morning and lifted my shirt up.

“Daddy loves you.” He said while kissing my bump and I placed my hands on top of his head, playing with his hair a little bit. I kept on smiling while he talked to the babies, suddenly the memories of everyone’s reaction when we told them that we’re having babies flashed through my mind.

Daehyun’s mom screamed and cried how happy she was, she literally hugged me for two hours and didn’t let me go before her husband brought her some alcohol. Daehyun’s dad was a little bit more serious, but he was still happy when he realized that he’s going to be a real grandpa. I could still remember how he yelled:

“I’M GOING TO BE A GRANDPA!!” for three times.

Minah and Luhan (Daehyun’s brother, not EXO’s members) was of course really excited thinking that there will be someone who’s going to be even younger than them. Minah started drawing babies every day while Luhan had almost all of his toys packed into a bag that has a sign ‘FOR THE BABIES’ on.

With BAP guys it was even funnier.

They all didn’t believe us at first. Only when I explained that I was really pregnant and on top of everything that I was actually having two, and not just only one baby, they started congratulating us.

Zelo was the first to realize that we weren’t joking and he was the first to hug me, which didn’t really pleased Daehyun thinking that I might have married Zelo instead of him.

Youngjae was really thoughtful and he wished all those sweet things that people wish each other in the movies, I thought I wouldn’t cry, but I did.

Jongup, was really excited as well and he danced until he was too exhausted to do so. He repeated millions of times how happy he was for us and that he knew that everything will turn out to be this way, he said that he felt like I’m pregnant. And that actually made me really worried, because I think that I’m getting fat.

Well, and lastly there was Himchan with Yongguk. The two gave more attention to the fact that I and Daehyun have done naughty things, than to the fact that I’m pregnant and that they will be uncles soon. They teased me for almost four days with questions like: “How’s Daehyun in bed?”

Yep, so this is how everyone reacted.

They all have been really supportive and they all spent a lot of time with me while talking about pregnancy and how serious this is, especially Daehyun’s mom who I don’t even know how to thank for everything that she has done for me. She’s been like a mom for me all this time after my real mom passed away.

And talking about parents, me and Daehyun went to visit mine. We brought flowers and we told them that we’re going to be parents ourselves. And even though I couldn’t see their real reaction, I am sure that they were happy for us and that they will look after us. However, as much as I really wanted to concentrate on the part where we’re all happy, but something else would always distract me.

“Daehyun?” I looked up at him, he already came back to lie down next to me after being done talking to the babies. “What, love?” he asked me and I arched my arm in the air while looking at the ring he gave me. “When are we going to get married?” I asked him and he looked at me in surprise.

“But we are married.” He said in confusion and I sighed letting my arm go down. “Yes, we signed the marriage certificate and everything, but our wedding day kind of was ruined.” I pouted while blinking at him. “Does that really matter to you?” he asked, taking my hand in his and kissing my knuckles lightly.

“No, but I want to have happy memories to tell to my kids… I don’t need the church or something, maybe a party would be enough?” I went closer to him and he sighed with a smile. “You know your ways…” he said while kissing my forehead and I giggled. “Okay, let’s do this.” He said and then sat up making me groan.

“Uh, what are you doing?” I asked him with narrowed eyes, but he didn’t reply. He just picked up his phone from the bedside table and dialed someone’s number. “Oh, Zelo-ah, gather all the guys in the park, I and Jihyun are getting married, be there in an hour.” He said and my eyes widened as I sat up.

“What are you—“ “Okay, meet you there, I’ll call you again in a moment.” He hung up and shushed my whining with a kiss. “Go wash up, do your hair or whatever, put on your dress and let’s go get married, I’ll take care of everything.” He said with a grin. “But Daehyun—“ I was about to protest, but he just dashed out of the room, leaving me with no choice.

Author’s POV.

I’ll be waiting in the xxx park for you, be with your dress there at 4pm.

Jihyun reread the little note she found on her bed before looking at the mirror again. She thanked god that she didn’t get too fat and that her wedding dress still fitted her. She didn’t exactly knew what Daehyun was planning, but a stupid grin still played on her lips as she called herself a taxi and left the house.

“To xxx park.” She said to the driver after she carefully sat in the taxi, not wanting to get her white dress dirty. “As you say.” The driver replied a little bit amused of her clothing, but quickly started the engine and drove off to the park. “xxx park.” He said with a grin when he stopped the car at the right location.

“Thank you so much.” Jihyun said while paying. “You’re welcome.” The driver replied as she got out of the car and closed the door. She bowed slightly before the yellow car went out of her sight and she looked around. She could feel everyone staring at her, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to find Daehyun – her husband.

“Jihyun.” She turned to the familiar voice and smiled while seeing Jongup. “Hey, where’s Dae—“ she stopped talking when Jongup waked to her and placed his index finger on his lips. “I’m kidnapping you, okay?” he lightly chuckled before he lifted up a blindfold for her to see. “Oh no, I’m not putting that on!” Jihyun protested with wide eyes.

“But you need to! Trust me, okay?” he whined and she sighed in defeat. “Fine.” She said and turned around for him to tie the blindfold on her eyes. “Daehyun better have a good explanation.” She mumbled as Jongup started walking with her towards somewhere. She felt worried, but at the same time excited for everything.

What did Daehyun exactly planned?

“Ah, look at my future wife.” And there was his voice that made her smile like some idiot. “Daehyun, what the hell is going on?” she asked with her arms stretched in front of her so she wouldn’t fall. “You look beautiful.” He said and she realized that he’s way too far for her to reach him.

“Won’t you come a little closer?” she asked him while raising her brows and heard chuckles, not one, but many. “Seriously, I’m scared.” She said letting her arms down and pouting a little. “Mommy, it’s okay.” She wanted to turn around when she heard Minah’s voice, but stopped herself knowing that it would be dangerous for her dress.

“Yeah, noona, calm down.” She heard Luhan’s voice there too and quickly found Jongup's hand, gripping on it tightly. “Yah, yah! You can let go of his hand now!” she heard Daehyun’s jealous voice and smirked. “I won’t until you take off the blindfold.” She said stubbornly and Daehyun sighed. “Jongup, do as she says.” She smiled and her dry lips before Jongup went to stand behind her.

Slowly the blindfold fell on the ground and her eyes widened while her lips parted. Path of rose petals were leading her towards the big tree that was decorated with colorful balloons. A handsome guy with blonde hair stood there with a smug smile and his friends surrounding him. “Is this enough?” he asked her teasingly.

“Y-yes…” Jihyun choked on happy tears and her hand clutched onto . *Stupid mood swings.* she thought at the moment and was about to walk, but Jongup stopped her. “Why?” she asked him with teary eyes and he looked at her apologetically. “You have to come towards me like a real bride.” Daehyun replied for Jongup and she looked back at Daehyun.

Daehyun smugly snapped his fingers and other guys rolled their eyes before standing in a line from his side. She turned her head behind her shoulder when she felt someone touching her dress and smiled when she saw Minah and Luhan smiling. “Is it okay if I’ll be your father for the day?” Jongup suddenly asked her and she cried a little bit more.

“S-sure.” She nodded and linked arms with him while smiling widely. Music started playing through Yongguk’s phone and Jihyun chuckled a little bit. “We should go now.” Jongup whispered to her and she nodded before starting carefully to walk towards the man she loves with her whole heart.

“B-but what about the—“ “Himchan will marry us.” He cut her off and Himchan came to stand in between of them from the side like a priest. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Wom—I‘m sorry, can I just get to the point?“ Himchan asked as he looked up from the note that he was reading.
“No, you have to do it as the real priest would—“ Daehyun stopped talking when Jihyun touched his shoulder. “It’s okay.” She assured him while wiping off her tears with a tissue that she got from Youngjae. “Okay, then. Go on.” Daehyun said to Himchan before smiling at Jihyun who looked so beautiful at the moment.

“Firstly, do you have something to say to each other?” Himchan asked while raising his brows and Daehyun nodded. “I haven’t prepared anything, but I will say it out of my heart.” He said while taking a deep breath to calm himself down. Then he cleared his throat and gently took Jihyun’s hand in his.

“Love,” that was a great start. “I swear to be with you for my whole life, I swear to take care of you and our babies. I know that sometimes I annoy you, especially when I wake you up early in the morning, but I’ll work on that. I hope that you could work on something too… Would you mind calling me oppa in the future from now on? Because I love you and I think it a great timing for you to start doing that.” Everyone chuckled lightly at the smug grin that Daehyun was giving Jihyun.

“Does the bride have something to say?” Himchan asked referring to Jihyun.

“Of course.”

“Oppa,” she started great as well. “I’ll love you just the way you are, you don’t need to work on anything because I love this man with flaws that is standing right in front of me. No one would be able to change my feelings for you, which would be the same as changing my heart. I promise to work on calling you oppa. I promise to be there for you because without each other – we’re nothing.” She finished with a couple of tears rolling down her cheeks and Daehyun squeezed her hand a little bit tighter.

“Okay then, you can—excuse me, Youngjae can you give me a tissue?” Himchan asked while turning away from everyone and waited for the tissue. “Here you go.” Youngjae quickly gave him a tissue and he wiped his tears away. “Okay, where were we?” Himchan laughed after turning around and giving an apologetic look for his friends.


“You may kiss the bride.” Those words sounded so exciting and Jihyun was about to step forward, but Daehyun stopped her. “I have something to add.” He said with round eyes and her brows furrowed a little bit. “It can’t wait?” she asked and he shook his head while pulling his phone out of his pocket.

“Are you seriously making a call right now, Daehyun?” Jihyun frowned in frustration and Daehyun looked up at her from his phone. “Oppa.” He fixed her and looked away again. “Dude, what are you actually doing?” Zelo asked, but everyone looked at the little handbag in Jihyun’s hand that started ringing.

“You’re calling—me?” Jihyun looked at him confused and opened her handbag. “What the?” she looked at the caller ID, just to realize that it wasn’t him. She looked up at Daehyun, then back at her phone, back at Daehyun, back at her phone. “Holy sh—“ she covered as she almost swore and read the caller ID in her mind again.

*Sweetheart.* everything stopped as she looked up for the last time when the phone finally stopped ringing. “You’re—You’re the anonymous number?” she asked in disbelief and Daehyun nodded with a sheepish grin. “Sorry, love… But I think you’re kind of stupid if you didn’t even have your husband’s number.” He joked and she punched his shoulder while crying.

“You idiot…” she started hitting him more, but he just laughed and quickly captured her in his arms for a tight hug. At that moment Yuri realized that Daehyun isn’t just a guy who she loves and marries… No, Daehyun is much more. He’s her childhood and her high school sweetheart and the most important thing is that he’s hers.


“I love you, oppa.” She whispered into his chest before he lifted her chin up and smiled. “I love you too, dummy.” He said in the sweetest tone that he could ever use and kissed her. Everyone around them cheered and clapped, knowing that these two will be inseparable, no matter what life has prepared for them.

Five years later

Jung Jihyun

Jihyun throughout the years became a great housewife and a great mother to her four little angels (Daehyun, Minah and the twins – Yejin and Jihye, both were girls). She went to cooking school as Daehyun started working, but soon enough another belly started growing and they both had to take a break from all the work. Meaning that Jihyun was pregnant. Again.

Jung Daehyun

Daehyun loved his wife and kids just like he always did. He worked really hard and because of the people that he knew he was able to get into a law school and become a great lawyer who helped a lot of people and made his family proud. Of course, let’s not forget BAP that was proud of their friend as well.

And while we're talking about BAP…

First of all…

Jongup, Himchan, Yongguk and Youngjae decided to do their little gigs/performances and get money that way. You can say that Jongup’s dream of becoming a star actually came true because BAP got popular in a couple of years after they managed to debut with four amazing members. They all went to shows and competitions for the best artist's title and won many awards, one time they even won against Infinite. That made Daehyun really happy and he teased Myungsoo for weeks..

Lastly, our Zelo.

Zelo for another year was single, but when Jihyun was giving birth to the twins he actually managed to befriend one of the nurses. They exchanged numbers and texted and texted each other, but only after a couple of months Zelo gathered his courage and asked her out. The two made a really great couple and are now engaged and are planning to get married next year when BAP won’t be so busy.

Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, Zelo became they manager after they debuted.

And that’s how everything turned out. Thank for reading this story and I hope that you enjoyed it. Sorry for many late updates or chapters that disappointed you. I love all of you who subscribed, upvoted or commented. You are all so awesome! I love you! ♥ Thanks for your support! :) Could you leave me your last comments? :>


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suho225 #1
Chapter 3: Can you switch the character but same story..like the main character is kai exo
Hripee #2
Chapter 42: This is the best 'DaeHyun' related story I have read so far!!Keep up the good work..u r really good u know.. (y)
weeniehun #3
Chapter 31: Haha that was funny when Jihyun and Daehyun were kissimg and then Yongguk came in and he was all like "WOW! RATED M! RATED M!
YunaJi #4
Chapter 41: Cute!! I love the ending :)
Chapter 41: Awwwwwwww!!! I love the ending!! So cute!!^^
Chapter 41: Best ending ever!!!!!!
Chapter 41: waaaaaaaaaaaahh~ it's already finished! you're story is daebak!!!! :)
Chapter 40: Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
cupcakekpop #9
Chapter 40: Me The Chapter: NO,they didn't,they...twins? bvgdsjhhff SQEEEEEEEEEE
And omg
Happy famiky :')