Confident .

Childhood sweetheart.

"Have you talked with Daehyun after he left?" Zelo asked me after school when we were walking home. "Anyjo.. He doesn't answer my calls or text. He's being a jerk so we won't miss him." I explained. I knew Daehyun since he was a baby, I can say that I know him pretty... well.

"Oh.. But do you know where he went?" Zelo asked. "Uhmm.. He just said he will be back at the end of the week.. So there's still 5 days, I guess. But where? No, I don't know.." I pouted my lower lip and saw Zelo nod. "Wait. you know!" I threw my index finger at him. "Ara.. kunde Hyung said not to tell you." His lips became a thin line.

"Arasso. But just tell me... he's not making any trouble, right???" I stopped walking when Zelo shrugged his shoulders. "What that's supposed to mean?" I got worried. "He went somewhere... where I don't know if it's trouble or not." He said and grabbed my hand. "Kaja, I will buy you ice cream." He said still holding my hand, dragging away from school.


"I'll buy for you. You were buying stuff for me these past two days. It's not fair." I said and handed the money for the cashier. "I really hate when girls pays for me..." He pouted and his ice cream. "Oh.. so you have a lot of girls who buys you stuff..." I rolled my eyes and walked out. We sat at one of the outside tables.

"Jealous?" He grinned and his ice cream again. "Why would I be? If there's no chance to cancel the engagement you're all mine.." I said and finally tasted my ice cream, but Zelo's smile fell... "Waeyo?" I looked at him, concerned. "Is it so bad... if we're going to get married?" He seemed to be sad. "Oppa.. we've discussed it. I explained everything for you, right? I don't want to get married---" "To me. You don't want to get married with me, right? If it's Daehyun you could do it." He said and looked away.

"Oppa.. what are you talking about. I said I will try to get used to this.. But tell me. Would it not be weird if we get married? I met you like a week ago." I smiled. "But I already like you." He pouted and made me chuckle. "What's so funny...?" He frowned. "You're so cute." I pinched his cheek.. "Oww.... Jihyn-ahh..." He whined and rubbed his cheek.

"Close your eyes. I will make the pain go away.." I smiled softly as he grinned and did what I said. "Don't open them... okay?" I said and he nodded. I leaned in and was about to kiss his cheek but Daehyun just popped in front of me, shaking his head... I blinked a couple of times until it disappeared, I gulped. "Jihyun-ahh.. it hurts so bad." He whined again. "A---arasso.." I shuttered. But I just couldn't make myself to lean more in. I looked down at my ice cream that I was holding. "Here." I placed my ice cream on his cheek and rubbed it in.

"Yah! Jihyun-ahh.. I thought... Aish
~.." He said while wiping his face with his palm. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Mianhe.. oppa." I handed him some tissues and stood up. "Let's end trying-to-get-use-to-each-other for today." I smiled and started walking away but he grabbed my hand. "I want to go to your place. Let's watch a movie or something.. You said your sister is with Daehyun hyung's mom, right? You will be alone then..." He pouted. I nodded as he grinned and stood up.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we started walking. I've never let anyone do so much skin ship with me.. but since Zelo is different situation.. I guess it's fine.

"Let's go yeobo." Zelo grinned.

Daehyun's pov.

I came here to the States after talking to my mom, I told her that I want to stop Jihyun's appa and she agreed to help me. But it's been two days that I can't meet Jihyun's father. Uncle is very busy. I have arranged our meeting for 5 times but it got canceled every time. But just now I realized... He was avoiding me.

I just arrived at the company where he works. Straight to his office now.

"So.. I see you're so busy, uncle." I stormed in his office with a smirk on my face. And he was just sitting there at his desk.. doing nothing.  "Daehyun... what are you doing here?" He seemed to be shocked. It was like he didn't know about me wanting to meet him. "Oh you know.. just wanted to stop you from doing crazy things, uncle." I smiled sarcastically. "Daehyun if you're here because of Jihyun.. you can go. I'm not changing my mind." He said with a serious voice.

"But why...?" I came closer to his desk and sat at the chair, across from him. "Jihyun needs this. This is for her and Minah as well.." He seemed to be serious about what he was talking. "Jihyun doesn't want this.. She doesn't want to live with someone who she doesn't love. Why are you really doing this?!" I raised my voice not thinking that he was an elder. "Listen.. You won't stop me. Jihyun and Minah has no future if she's not marrying that guy. She has to!" He slammed his fist at the table making me jump up a bit.

"But uncle---" "No buts Daehyun. I know you care about Jihyun. But that won't help her in the future. She needs someone who can take care of her." He took a deep breath. "She can take care of herself. And Minah too. She has been doing that for 10 years." I sighed and rubbed my forehead with my palm. "Don't in, Daehyun." He started glaring. "I will stop this... You won't make her marry that guy, he's my friend for god's sake!!" I jumped up from the chair and placed my palm on the table leaning in with threatening eyes.

"I won't let that happen, never. If I need I can just run away together with her, right? It's not going to be the fist time.." I said and started walking away. I heard him sigh before he spoke with bitter feeling. "I have cancer, Daehyun."

Zelo's pov.

"What do you want to watch?" Jihyun smiled at me while trying to find a normal film. "Ah.. I don't know. Scary one?" I joked but she just grinned. "You're scared of scary movies, huh? I see how your eyes sahke now.." She laughed and suddenly came closer with a DVD. "this one." She handed it to me, so I would play it.

"b-b-but it's scary. This movie.." I shuttered and she chuckled. *Damn your freaking chuckled Jihyun... I like it so much* I thought. "I know it's scary. I don't like scary movies too. That's why it's fun to watch with someone who's scared of them as well.." She explained. "I'm not scared.." I pouted and played the movie. We turned the lights off and sat on the couch.

"So you've never watched a scary movie with Daehyun?" I accidentally asked. I really didn't wanted to mention his name now.. I wanted her to forget her feelings. "Ahmm.... I had. But he's not scared. He always scares me during movies." she frowned a little but then a smile appeared on her face. "What is it?" I asked her.

End of Zelo's pov.

"Oh nothing.. I just remembered something.." my grin widened as I kept on remembering the past.


The first time I watched a scary movie.. I was six, I think. But Daehyun even then liked it. He was all "oh my god this is so cool..." He wasn't afraid of monsters or anything at all.. Maybe that's what made me feel safe with him while walking at night. Or when we ran away.. but that's another story.

"Daehyun.. i'm scared. Turned it off." Six years old me whined while covering her eyes. "No. Just keep your eyes covered. I will tell you when the blood is gone." He said and patted my head. I nodded and shut my eyes tight.

"Okay, it's gone." I heard him say and removed my hands from my eyes. And just then the head of a man was cut off... "AHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed and stormed out of the room. "I hate you!" I shouted to Daehyun who was dying because of laughter.

I cried in my room  for 20 minutes and then I heard a knob on the door. "Go away, whoever you are!" I shouted still sobbing. "Jihyun-ah.. Oppa came to say he's sorry." Daehyun's voice was speaking, but it didn't seemed like it was him. Daehyun... say sorry? No way. "Did your mom told you to do that?" I asked him still not opening the door.

"I told you she's not going to believe me." SMACK. " go say you're sorry, rascal." His mom demanded and I heard her walk away.. It made me chuckle when I heard Daehyun groan in pain. "Jihyun-ah.. I'm really sorry, for scaring you. The movie is over." He said and tried to open the door but I was locked it. "Ayy.. Jihyun open it. I hate standing behind the door, you know it." He whined.

I sighed. I really did know he hated it. He was once left alone at home and his parents didn't came back for good 5 hours, so he had to wait for them, he just sat next to the outside door, while I was at another side chatting with him.

I stood up and tried to wipe my tears, went to the door and unlocked it, but didn't open it. I quickly ran to my bed and hid my face in a pillow. The door swung open, but I didn't look up. "Yah.. are you mad at me?" I felt Daehyun's voice in my ear. "Yes." I said simply but there was a little tremble in my voice. "You're not..." He teased while poking my ribs. "Daehyun... I hate scary movies. You know that." I pouted when I lifted my head.

"OMONA!! What's wrong with your face!!??" He cupped my cheeks and looked straight me in the eyes. "It's all red and swollen, you stupid girl.." He sighed. "Get away from me!! I will get your being-stupid disease.." I pushed him away, making him stumble on the floor. "Ayy.. Yah.. it hurts.." He looked at me. "And you're already stupid!" He shouted.

"Because of you!!" I shouted and strated crying again.. "Jihyun.. your eyes are peeing.." He stood up and cupped my face again. "Stop crying.. stop it.. stop it, now. Jihyun, please.." His voice was shaking. He was six years old, the same as me, but he was a boy with feelings....  Feelings for me.

end of the flashback..

*I lik-- no I love you, Jihyun-ahh..* those words flew in my mind. He cared for me even when we were little, didn't he? I looked to my left side and saw Zelo, covering almost his whole face, he was already scared even though the film just started

"Oppa.." I spoke. "N--neh?" He looked at me. We were sitting too close.. So close that I could smell ice cream he ate earlier. "What is it, Jihyun?" He asked, confused. "I'm just worried for Daehyun.. could you tell me where is he?" I pleaded. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry. I can't. Don't worry, that guy can do everything.." He gave me a bitter smile.

"Why do you like me?" I suddenly threw those words out of my mouth. "Oh?? oh.. I don't know. I just do. You're different from other girls. I like how you don't care about the things like money or person's looks. I just like you." He smiled shyly and turned to the TV.

I turned as well but that was a scary scene. "AHH!" We both shouted together, but and as I looked down, I saw that we were hugging each other.. He cleared his throat and started blinking. I chuckled at his awkwardness and unwrapped my arms. But he was still holding me. He looked at his arms that were around my waist and bit his lower lip. "Can I.---" "You can keep on sitting like that." I cut him off and chuckled again. He pulled me closer and kissed my cheek, making my eyes go wide.

Daehyun's pov.

"I have cancer, Daehyun.." I turned around before turning the door knob and widened my eyes. "You... you what?" I asked, not believing him. "It's been two months since I know.. but this whole thing been for over a year. The doctor said I am lucky to be this healthy now. And said that there's no surgery now.." He gulped and looked at the documents that were on his table. He suddenly stretched it out, to me to take it. "I didn't meet you yesterday or the day before.. because I was getting a check-ups. I was at the hospital for a week.."

I came back closer and took the documents.. I looked at it and my eyes widened even more. "It's if you don't believe me.." He lowered his head and sighed. "Uncle... I.. I don't know what to say." I gulped the air and sat on the chair when I felt my legs go weak.. *what will Jihyun do..?* I thougth.

"Dont' tell her, Daehyun." I heard uncle say. "But she has the right to know." "No, first she has to get married. Then.. I will tell her myself." He looked me in the eyes. "But why are you making her get married then?" Even though my uncle was dying... I still cared just for her.

"Jihyun, she's a strong girl but that doesn't mean anything if she's left alone with her little sister.. I was searching for a husband for her since the day I find out about my...--- health." He said and sighed again. I was speechless.. I didn't know what to say.. "h--how long?.." I finally asked. "The doctor said one/two weeks.." I widened my eyes."That's why Jihyun's wedding will be this weekend..and..--" He stopped talking as a tear escaped from his eyes. "..and that's why I need someone who can take care of Jihyun." He said and without hesitation I blurted out.

"Let me.. Take care of your daughter." He seemed to be surprised but then he smiled after that. "Daehyun..--- " "I am confident in making your daughter save, healthy and strong." I looked at him, seriously. He should know how much I care about that crazy women.. About my crazy women.

"What about happy? Are you confident in making her happy?" It got me thinking.. *would she be happy with me? Or maybe she'd be happier with Zelo...?*

"I will try my best. Please, give Jihyun a chance to choose herself.. who to marry."


Whaaa~t?!! Cancer?? Did anyone expected this? >:D Maybe you did.? :p

Please comment and let me know what you think. ^^

If you were confused why was Daehyun calling Jihyun's father uncle.. it's nothing. He just calls him like that.
They are NOT related with blood..

And by way... I PROBABLY changed my mind.. I don't know how many chapters there will be.

I just though because I was busy I will just make this story short. But then I though again....

If I was busy that doesn't mean that my lovely, awesome, hot, y and pretty subscribers deserves a crappy story, right? ♥

I will try making it interesting. I promise that I'll try. Muahh!! I love you guys! Comment.?


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suho225 #1
Chapter 3: Can you switch the character but same the main character is kai exo
Hripee #2
Chapter 42: This is the best 'DaeHyun' related story I have read so far!!Keep up the good work..u r really good u know.. (y)
weeniehun #3
Chapter 31: Haha that was funny when Jihyun and Daehyun were kissimg and then Yongguk came in and he was all like "WOW! RATED M! RATED M!
YunaJi #4
Chapter 41: Cute!! I love the ending :)
Chapter 41: Awwwwwwww!!! I love the ending!! So cute!!^^
Chapter 41: Best ending ever!!!!!!
Chapter 41: waaaaaaaaaaaahh~ it's already finished! you're story is daebak!!!! :)
Chapter 40: Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
cupcakekpop #9
Chapter 40: Me The Chapter: NO,they didn't,they...twins? bvgdsjhhff SQEEEEEEEEEE
And omg
Happy famiky :')