I hate this.

Childhood sweetheart.

I couldn't believe I was doing something like this.. I was walking with two guys inside of the store full of wedding dresses.

"Hello, may I help you?" a sweet looking lady approached us. She was a worker. "Uhm.. My mom, Mrs. Choi book this store for two hours.. didn't she?" Zelo asked and I looked at him. "So you're Choi Zelo?" I asked and suddenly Daehyun started laughing. "You haven't told her your real name, huh?" Daehyun kept on laughing, now I looked at Zelo.

"I'm Choi Jun Hong." he said and I furrowed my brows. "So what's with Zelo?" I asked him, confused. "Because my real name is stupid... I just wanted to change it." Zelo said and I noticed that Daehyun didn't stop laughing. "I like your name." I shut Daehyun up with my smirk.

"T-thanks.." Zelo shuttered then we all looked at the awkwardly standing worker. "Please come with me." she said and lead us towards the dresses. I looked in awe as how beautiful they all were. "Woah..." I touched one of the dresses. "You like it? Why don't you try it on?" Zelo asked with a smile.

"But I like all of them." I pouted feeling sad that I had to choose just one. It was actually the same with Zelo and Daehyun. How can I hurt one of the dresses, huh? "I will leave you for 20 minutes, you have your time and choose the dresses you like the most." the worker bowed and went out.

"Should we help you look for a dress?" Daehyun asked and I shyly nodded. "I will look there, Daehyun you there and Jihyun.. uhm you just look where you want to." Zelo gave me a smile after all the orders. "Okay." I said and started looking for the perfect dress.

--after ten minutes.--

*this one is pretty... but this one is pretty too.. what about this on---UGH!* I started ruffling my hair. "What's wrong?" Zelo asked. "They are all so pretty." I pouted and sighed, then Daehyun popped next to Zelo. "I think they are all the same." He said and I nodded. "Exactly.." I said and then Daehyun's eyes shifted somewhere else.

"I think you should wear that." he took some kind of the dress while I closed my eyes in irritation. "Daehyun I looked at every dress that was there.. why do you think I didn't saw that one?" I asked and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Just look at it. I think it would look great." he said. "If it's some kind of a short dress I'm going t----to kill you..." My voice trailed off when I looked at the dress he was holding.

Author's pov.

Jihyun's jaws dropped as she came closer to Daehyun and touched the dress he was holding in his hands, gently. "This is so pretty.." she said under her breath. Daehyun grinned and couldn't stop while gazing at her happy face. "You want to try it on?" he asked and Jihyun quickly nodded.

"Is it pretty, Zelo oppa?" Jihyun turned around with excited look on her face, but Daehyun's smile fell as she asked him that and of course because she called him oppa. "It is.. but you might want to see other dresses too. Don't rush and then re--" "No, no.. I like it very much. It's simple, yet beautiful." she explained and Daehyun leaned to her ear.

"Like you." he whispered so only she would hear and made her blush. "Anyway.. I'm going to change into this." Jihyun said and took the dress out of Daehyun's hands. 'Thank you' she mouthed up and he nodded with a smile.

She ran to the changing room and started changing into the dress. It wasn't a princess-like dress, it was just a plain white dress that had its beauty. It looked wonderful on Jihyun and she smiled, but then the worker came in.

"Try this on too." she handed her white high heels. "I see you're already done. I will go invite the husband. By the way you look really good in this, if I were you I would buy this." The worker said and went out. *She said she will call my husband, but there are two of them, though...* Jihyun bit her lower lip.

The worker exited the room and saw two guys on the couches, sitting there lazily. "ugh.. the bride is done and she'd like to see the groom." the worker said. "Okay, let's go." Daehyun stood up with Zelo and went towards the changing room but was stopped by the wroker.

"I'm sorry.. Only the groom."

she said and their blood started rushing. They both looked at each other and it was not too long before Zelo started running. "Yah!" Daehyun shouted and followed him from behind, but when he already reached the changing room, Zelo was already closed and locked the door firmly.

"Jihyun-ah..." Zelo was lost at words...

Jihyun was actually disappointed to see only Zelo there but she shrugged the feeling off and spoke up. "Do I look okay?" she asked and spin around once. "You--- you look stunning." he said and went closer to her. "I can't believe it's you.." he said and she blushed.

"So should I buy it?" she asked and he nodded. "You look beautiful." he cupped her cheeks and kissed one of them. "Oppa..." she whined cutely while blushing. "Get changed and come out. I will pay for the dress.. Oh and I called other B.A.P guys to come to eat with us, is that okay with you?" he asked and she smiled with a nod.

But then she recalled what he said. "C-changed? B-but.. wouldn't Daehyun want to see how I look?" She shuttered a little and Zelo grinned. "The worker said only the groom can see the bride." he winked at her and exited the room. *the groom?* she bit her lower lip again before changing into her normal clothes.

Zelo went out and saw glaring Daehyun. "What do you think you're doing?" Daehyun asked while approaching Zelo. "She's already changing don't disturb her." Zelo said and smirked for a second. "She didn't chose yet. You have no right to pretend to be her future husband!" Daehyun yelled.

"Fine. I'm already done pretending, so it's okay, right?" he asked and went to sit on the couch. Daehyun groaned and ruffled his hair, feeling totally pissed that he couldn't see Jihyun in the wedding dress. In the dress he chose.

End of the author's pov.

I changed into my clothes and went out just to see Zelo grinning and Daehyun sadly pouting. I came closer to both of them and smiled. "Let's go pay for this." I held up the dress and heals. "Everything is taken care of." Zelo said and I nodded. "What's wrong?" I looked at Daehyun but he just turned around and walked out of the store.

"He's mad because he couldn't see how pretty you looked in that dress." Zelo explained making me blush. We both went out as well and we started walking to the restaurant where we had to meet B.A.P.

I glanced at Daehyun while walking and he was still pouting. His face didn't change, all the way to the restaurant. "Hey, we're here!" Jongup called and we went to the table where they were sitting with menus in their hands. "Hi." I greeted them and sat down together with Zelo and Daehyun.

I was sitting between them so I felt really uncomfortable. "What's new?" Youngjae asked and I didn't know where to start. "Nothing much." Daehyun said and I turned to him while frowning. "What do you mean nothing much? Are you used to these kind of things?" I asked him a bit angry that he was looking at this situation so lightly.

"Don't mind him." Zelo smiled and everyone looked at me except Daehyun. "What is going on, seriously?" Himchan asked raising a brow. "Daehyun is mad because he couldn't see this pretty girl in the white dress." Zelo laughed.

"You saw her in the white dress?!" Yongguk exclaimed. "What's with your reaction?" Daehyun said, bored. "Just because it's exciting.." Yongguk pouted. "Anyway, who are you marrying? Zelo or Daeh--" "I want salad." I said cutting Jongup who wanted to speak off. "And I would appreciate if you wouldn't talk so much about this." I added and they all nodded. *how the hell can I choose?* I asked myself.

While we ate, we chatted and then Daehyun received a call. "Yebuseyo?" he answered it. "Oh, umma she's with me and the guys." He said and it caught my attention. "Okay, we'll come. We'll be there in 10 minutes." Daehyun said and ended the call.

"Did something happened?" I asked him and he shook his head. "No, but mom wants us to go home, because your sister is at my place and she wants to see you. I don't know what's going on, but my mom said she is whining a lot." Daehyun said and I got worried.

"She's probably upset because I didn't spend much time with her this week." I said and bit my lower lip. Then I looked at my half finished salad and sighed. "Go. We will pay." Zelo said and I smiled at him. "Thank you." I gave him a small hug to show that I'm thankful and stood up taking a bag that had the wedding dress and high heels in.

"You're going?" I asked Daehyun who was looking at me shocked. "O--oh? Yes.." he replied and stood up. "I will see you guys later." he said and we both went out. We were trying to catch a cab while suddenly Daehyun spoke up.

"I hate this."

I looked at him confused and curious. "What?" I asked and he sighed. "This, I hate that you have to chose." he said and I nodded. "I know, I feel the same w--" "No. You don't get what I mean.. If you would feel the same way as I do.. You wouldn't need to chose.. But here you are having second thoughts." he said and suddenly the cab pulled over.

"Need somewhere to go?" the driver asked and I glanced at Daehyun. "Neh." I said and got in. I saw that Daehyun wasn't getting in so I grabbed his hand and pulled him in. "Pabo." I said and hit his shoulder. "To XXX street." I told the driver and he nodded while driving off.

The ride was silent for ten whole minutes. I couldn't look or say anything.. and I knew that Daehyun felt the same. After the cab stopped Daehyun insisted on paying so I let him and got out of the cab. I didn't wanted to face him now so I just started fast walking to his house, so I could take my sister and go home.

When I was just a couple steps away suddenly I felt a tug on my wrist as I spin around and my chest crashed on Daehyun. "Y---yah..." I pulled away and looked away. "You left this." he put the bag of the wedding dress in my hands. "Oh." Was all I could say.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" He asked and I bit my lower lip. "I don't know." I looked at him and found his face getting angrier. "You don't know? Jihyun-ah.. this isn't some kind of game.. this is life. You should know what you want!" he raised his voice at me and I jumped up from the sudden outburst.

"Sorry.. I didn't wanted to shout.." he said while sighing. "Why do you want to make everything so easy?" I asked him and he looked at me. "Do you think it's easy to chose?!" I felt tears in my eyes forming, but I didn't wanted to let them escape. "It is easy." he said and I sighed. "It's not. It's not easy, Daehyun!!" I shouted.

"Do you love me?"

My heart stopped at the question.. Do I? "I don't know.." I said and lowered my head but he cupped my cheeks and made me look at him. "Do you love me?" he asked again and my heart started beating again, but faster than it should.

"Daehyun I--" "Do you love me?" Once again. "I.---" "Do. You. Love. Me?" he said slowly and I couldn't do anything but stare at his eyes. "Jihyun.. it's a simple question.. just say what you feel now. At this moment.." he said and I sighed.

"I don't know, okay?!! I'm confused as hell and I don't even kno----------" he cut me off with his soft lips. The bag that was in my hand dropped, tears that wanted to escape, did..

I wrapped my arms around his neck, not even noticing I was responding to his kiss, to his touch.

He gently caressed my lips with his.. I felt how his tongue swiped over my lower lip and unknowingly my lips parted for him to enter. In a moment the new warm feeling hit my mouth and chest, spot where my heart was.

He pulled away first, still holding my cheeks in his hands and smiled sweetly at me while placing his forehead on mine. "I know, now.." he said and chuckled. I was still dazed out because of his kiss and I couldn't say anything.. "Let's go get your sister." he said and I just nodded.

He took my hand and the bag that was on the grass. He lead me to his house. "I'm still upset about Zelo seeing you in the dress first.. But I will forgive you if you kiss me." He said and my eyes widened. "B-but we just---" "No. I said if YOU kiss me. Just now... I kissed you." he emphasized the word you and I, then I realized what he meant. "Later." he added and pressed the door bell.

Minah's pov.

"Luhan, my umma will be here with Daegyun oppa in 10 minutes.. do you get the plan?" I asked him and he nodded. "But won't that be a little strange? How I hated you and now I want to play with you more? My brother isn't stupid." Luhan said cockily.

"Well yeah.. but he won't mind because he can spend time with my umma. He will be happy." I explained everything and he pouted with a nod. "You're so cute!" I pinched his cheeks, but he pushed my hands away and frowned.

"I'm not cute! I'm a boy.. I can't be cute!" he shouted. God, this boy can make me laugh. "But you look more like a girl." I said and when he was about to kill me, the doorbell rang. "Later. You die!" he said and I chuckled.

End of Minah's pov.

"Hyung! Noona!" Luhan cutely exclaimed, but his eyes went on our hands and he grinned a little. "Hyung is noona's boyfriend now?" he asked and my eyes widened. "No." "Yes." Me and Daehyun looked at each other. "What do you mean no?" Daehyun asked and frowned while letting my hand go.

Great now my hand is cold.. Well actually I liked how warm it was when he held my hand. "You're so cute!" Not knowing what to do I pinched his cheeks. I remember him doing this to me whenever I was mad or angry.

He slowly pushed my hands away and frowned again. "I'm not cute! I'm manly!" he whined to my face, but it was so cute. "You heard him!? Boys can't be cute!" Luhan shouted at Minah and I was totally confused now, but I saw how Minah started laughing. "Umma!! Ahah.. my tummy hurts.." she said through tears and I entered the house.

"Where's Daehyun's mom and dad?" I asked. "They are in the living room." Luhan said grumpily. "I will go to thank them for looking after you, go get ready to go home." I said to Minah and glanced at Daehyun before going to the living room.

Daehyun's pov.

"Okay, so the pan is I will say I want to play with Minah more and she will suggest bringing me over to noona's. You get it?" Luhan suddenly blurted out. "What?" was all I could say. "You want to spend more time with umma, right?" Minah asked and I didn't wait I just nodded.

"So, you will say that you will come together, because of Luhan. Now it's uhmm.. what time it is?" Little girl asked. I took my phone out. "It's nine thirty." I said and she nodded. "Okay, okay.. you get what we're trying to do right?" Luhan looked at me.

"No." I shook my head and they both cutely face-palmed. "We're trying to make noona and you a couple." Minah said and then I finally got what they were doing. "Okay, then.." I said with a grin. "But still I'm pretty mad at you hyung.. Noona should be mine." My little brother said and I chuckled.

"Sorry." I ruffled his hair and it was when Jihyun came back. "Ready to--- why aren't you ready?" She looked at Minah who pouted. "I just need to put my shoes on, umma." she said and ran to put her shoes on, not forgetting to give us a sign before.

End of Daehyun's pov.

"God.. I'm so sad that Minah has to go.." Luhan sighed and I furrowed my brows. "Really? I thought you didn't like each other.." I narrowed my eyes. "No!! I looove her!! She's my best friend!" he exclaimed and I chuckled. "Okay, okay.. You can meet tomorrow then." I said and Luhan looked at Daehyun.

"Why don't-- uhm.. why don't you let Luhan come over for an hour?" Daehyun asked and Luhan nodded. I narrowed my eyes at them, feeling something suspicious about them. "Well, I guess he could." I said and Minah ran back. "Let's go?" she looked at me cutely.

"Minah-ah.. would you like to Luhan come for an hour to play?" I asked and she looked at Luhan. "Why yes, umma! I'd like to." she said and I grew more confused. They hated each other and now.. isn't it like me and Daehyun?

"So let's go." Luhan was already with his shoes. "Yes. Kaja." Daehyun said and I looked at him. "You're going too?" I asked and he nodded. "Do you think I'd leave my brother in your not responsible hands?" he asked with a grin. Then I realized what was going on.

And I didn't mind it at all.. Somehow. "Then let's go." I said with a smile and walked past him to my house, together with Minah and Luhan. "You're okay about me going?" Daehyun asked and I shrugged. "Who know what I might do, right? I was only taking care of Minah her whole life." I said sarcastically and he laughed.

We entered the house and I quickly turned some lights on. "Go upstairs and play. I will call you down, Luhan, when it's time." Daehyun said and wiggled his brows. "Okay, let's go." Minah grabbed Luhan's hand and his eyes widened when she started dragging him upstairs. "They're cute aren't they?" I smiled at Daehyun and he nodded.

"put the bag with wedding dress on the couch. I will make some tea for us." I said and went to the kitchen. I  couldn't stop thinking about Zelo, though.. I was feeling guilty and apologetic at the same time. I bit my lower lip while thinking what will happen if I marry Zelo and what will happen if I marry Daehyun.

I made tea and went to the living room. "Here's your." I handed him a cup and sat on the couch, next to him. "So why did you wanted to spend time with me?" I asked with a smile and he almost choked on his tea. "You knew?" he asked with wide eyes.

"I know you my whole life.. God, how stupid do you think I am?" I asked and we both laughed. "I just wanted to be near you. Actually... I'm scared." He admitted and I looked at him. "Why?" The question just slipped out of my mouth. "Because.. I know that you're feeling sorry towards Zelo and I know that you're thinking about marrying him, I'm scared.." he said again.

I sipped my tea not knowing what to say. "Just promise to me.. that you will be happy.." He said and I looked at him again. "I will.." I said a bit nervously. For the next ten minutes we just sat and had our tea in a comfortable silent. "Wahh.. I'm done." Daehyun chuckled and placed the empty cup of tea on the table that was in front of us.

"me too." I said and did the same as he did. "So, what now?" he grinned wile asking. "I don't know.." I said and placed the bag with wedding dress on my lap. "It's so beautiful.." I said quietly admiring the dress and when I looked at Daehyun he was pouting with his arms crossed.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him and he looked away. "Daehyun!.." I tried to make him look at me but he didn't. "You're mad?" I asked with a small smile. "YES!." He said and I couldn't help but grin. "Well then I guess I will go to sleep, yourself out." I stood up with the bag in my hand and was about to go upstairs, but I knew Daehyun would hold me back.

But I really didn't expected him to back hug me.. I really didn't. "Stay." He whispered while his chin was on my shoulder. I chuckled to myself and turned around, but I was shocked to see how near Daehyun was. "D--Daehyun.." I shuttered when he started to lean in.

"No." I placed my hands on his chest and hold him from leaning in more. "Why not?" he whined a bit and I sighed with a smile. "Wait here!" I told him and quickly ran upstairs with a plan, leaving him dumbfounded.

Daehyun's pov.

She just left me.. Completely dumbfounded.. I was already waiting for twenty minutes and she still wasn't coming.. I grew curious and worried. "Jihyun-ahh!! Are you okay?!" I shouted so she would hear me from upstairs. "Neh!! Wait there!!" she shouted back and she seemed to be panicking about something.

"Nothing happened, right?!" I furrowed my brows and was about to go to her room to check up on her but I heard how her door opened so I stopped in front of the stairs.. There she was, coming downstairs to me with the most beautiful smile

and her wedding dress that I picked out.

I couldn't speak.. It seemed that if I would die now, I would be happy.. She was coming down, blushing and biting her lower lip, that made her look cute, but then at the two last stairs her eyes widened when she tripped and almost fell but I caught her in my arms....

end of Daehyun's pov.

I was so nervous.. Going down like this to Daehyun, it's just too weird. Yeah I thought so, but when I came out I couldn't feel weird. It seemed like the time stopped and everything blurred out. I could only see him.

I was already a few steps away from him, but I was in the new heels. I accidentally tripped. I was waiting until I hit the solid floor, but I felt Daehyun's warm embrace instead. "You did this on purpose didn't you?" he smirked at me when I pulled away.

"N-no.." I shuttered, not even knowing why. "Now can I kiss the bride?" He asked and I blushed madly. He started leaning in, but I remembered what he asked me to do before. Before his lips could touch mine I cupped his cheeks and crashed my lips on his.

I kissed him.

I somehow managed to nibble on his lower lip as the kiss deepened. His hands went on my waist and I felt a smile creeping on my face in the kiss. "Nghh.." I heard a sound from Daehyun that I have never heard before.


"You're not mad anymore, right?" I asked him after the kiss. "I could never be mad at you.." he whispered and in a fast move he lifted me up. "Let's cuddle." he said and brought me to the couch. He placed me gently down and sat next to me, putting my legs on his lap and wrapping his arm around me, pulling me closer.

"Daehyun.." I giggled while placing my arm around his waist and my head on his chest. It didn't feel weird at all. "It's new for me too.." he said and we both chuckled. "WORKED!" We heard two evil kids shout from upstairs before they ran away.

"Uhm.. you know, that whoever is going to marry me.. automatically becomes a dad." I said squeezing my lips into a thin line. I felt how Daehyun tensed up. "I don't really mind." he said and I felt really happy, I don't know why.. "It's good to know." I said and wanted to speak again, but my phone that was on the couch rang. "oh?" I pulled away and took it to my hand.

"It's Zelo." I said and picked it up. "Yebuseyo?" I was looking at Daehyun while speaking. "Jihyun
~.. You picked up... hehe~." I furrowed my brows. "Oppa, you're drunk?" I asked and Daehyun pouted in surprise.

"A little.... could you come to the Han river alone, now
~?" He asked with hiccups attacking him. "I don't think I can come right now.." I said and Daehyun nodded. "Please.? I really need you, right now~.. Jihyun-ah~.. I need to talk to you~.." he said and I bit my lower lip.

"Okay, wait for me there. Bye." I said and hung up, not looking at Daehyun anymore. I lowered my head. "I have to go." I said. Daehyun reached for my hand and squeezed it in his. "Don't go. Stay." he pleaded. "He's drunk. It's not safe for him to be there." I worriedly looked at Daehyun who sighed.

"He doesn't want to talk to you.. He wants to make you feel pity for him so you would pick him over me. Don't you get it?" He said while letting my hand go. "He won't do it.. Oppa is not like thi---" "STOP CALLING HIM OPPA!!" He shouted and I jumped in shock. When he saw how I reacted he calmed himself down with a deep breath and looked at me. "It drives me crazy.. So don't." he said and I automatically nodded.

Since Zelo was already waiting for me there I needed to hurry up."I will go change." I said and stood up, going upstairs to my room. I went to my closet and changed into casual clothes. After I hang the dress carefully in the closet I went to Minah's room. "Minah-ah, I will go somewhere so only Daehyun will be here, okay?" I asked and both of the kids frowned.

"How can noona do that?" Luhan pouted. "I don't think you should go somewhere and leave Daegyun oppa here.. Go with him, we will be fine, umma." Minah said and I chuckled. "It's not that I don't think you'd be fine, but I need to go there alone. Zelo oppa wants to meet me." I explained, but that didn't change kid's sad faces.

"Umma, don't you love Daegyun oppa?" Minah asked and my heart suddenly started beating faster. "I-I-- Minah!! How can you ask that?" I quickly closed the door and spun around, but that was a bad thing when I realized Daehyun was there and my nose touched his collarbone.

I looked up and gulped when I saw his sad maybe disappointed face. "I'm sorry." I spoke up not even knowing what I was sorry for, I just felt somehow guilty. "What for?" The question that I didn't know the answer to was asked. "For everything, I guess." I said and made my way downstairs with Daehyun following me.

"Can't I go with you?" He asked and I smiled. "I will be fine." I said, but he frowned. "I know.. But I don't want you to be alone with him.. You had a whole week for that. Do you know how mad I was while I was in States and you were here having fun? Reading your facebook post about what a great time you both had and seeing your photos doesn't feel good." He said, making me sigh.

"Then you shouldn't have left." I said. Daehyun suddenly walked up to me and cupped my face. "Don't you dare give in his sad stories about his family and how you should chose him." He said more demanding and kissed my nose. I felt how my cheeks started to burn so I lightly pushed him away and turned around, putting my shoes on.

*since when did I became this shy girl?* I questioned myself. "I'm going.." I said quietly not even glancing back at Daehyun and went out. The first step I took outside I breathed in heavily so my cheeks would go back to normal. *Now to Zelo.* I made a note in my head and started walking.

Han river wasn't that far from my home, but it was already late so when I came there it was so dark, only lanterns could be seen and then I saw a figure sitting on the bench. I walked there and smiled when I realized it's Zelo.

"Oppa!" I called him out and he lazily turned his head to me. "Jihyun-ahh
~~.. you came." he gave me a weak smile. "What did you wanted to talk? And why did you drink?" I scolded him a bit while sitting next to him.

"Did you know.. .that this marriage is 10th for me?" Zelo dryly chuckled. "No, but why haven't you got married yet then?" I asked curious. "Because my mom would always chose those pampered girls.. I would always do something so they wouldn't want to marry me.." He admitted and I nodded giving him a sign to continue.

"But now.. for the first time.." he turned to me and cupped my cheeks just like Daehyun did awhile ago. "..My mom chose me a wonderful, amazing girl who I fell for.." I looked at his drunk eyes and couldn't feel more sorry when he talked. Daehyun was right.

Zelo did make me feel sorry for him.

"But then why this amazing girl has to be in love with my best friend? Oh? Why, Jihyun
~?" he asked and I really couldn't answer so I just kept quiet. "How can I see a girl who I love going to the altar and linking arms with him.. When I know.." he looked deeply in my eyes as I gulped. "When I know she should be doing that to me." He continued.

I placed my hands on his, that were actually still on my face keeping me warm. "You need to get some sleep, oppa." I said and he chuckled. "I don't think I need sleep.. I need Jihyun.." he said and tears suddenly escaped my eyes. "Oppa please don't do this to me.. "I pleaded while crying.

"Yah!" We both turned to the right and saw fuming Daehyun. "Daehyun." I stood up letting Zelo's hands go, while he was still sitting down with a scoff on his face. "Look who came, Jihyun
~.. My best friend~." Zelo said drunkenly and went over to Daehyun.

"Don't you see what you're doing?!" Daehyun yelled at him while grabbing his collar. "She's crying because of you!! Do you really want her to pick you and see that every night while she's with you!!??" Daehyun yelled again and I ran to them, standing in between them and making Daehyun let go of Zelo.

"Stop it.. he's drunk, he doesn't know what he's doing or saying." I said and Daehyun smirked. "Of course he doesn't." he said and pushed me to aside. "How can you make a girl you love cry? All that you were saying there.. you said to make her pity you, right?" Daehyun grabbed Zelo's collar again while Zelo lowered his head.

"ANSWER ME!!" Daehyun shouted as loud as he could and that made Zelo wake up. He pushed Daehyun away and glared at him. "Yes! I did it so she's choose me, happy? I don't want to give up even if my heart says I should! Jihyun shouldn't be with you!! She should be with m--!" Punch.. Daehyun punched his best friend for the first time in his life..

I felt even more sorry, knowing it was because of me.

I widened my eyes in shock when Zelo fell on the ground. "Oppa!" I exclaimed and kneeled in his level, placing my hand under his neck and lifting his head up. "Oppa, are you okay?" I asked and glared at Daehyun who was now walking back and forth while ruffling his hair roughly. "What the hell?!" I shouted and he turned to me.

"I-- I couldn't control myself, okay?! I didn't know what else to do.." he said and I sighed. "Help me to get him home." I said and he did. We both lifted Zelo up. "Great punch." Zelo smirked and touched under his eye. "This will leave a bruise.. How can I marry you now, Jihyun
~?" Zelo dryly chuckled as I noticed Daehyun's hands balling up. "Shh.. let's get you home." I whispered and he smiled.

While driving the taxi cab to Zelo's house no one talked. There was a moment when Zelo sang a sad love song and I wanted to cry, but I hold it in.

"Hello." I greeted Zelo's mom with Daehyun. "Omo! What happened to my baby!?" she exclaimed and cupped Zelo's cheeks. He was in my embrace so that he won't fall, but Zelo suddenly black out and collapsed on my shoulder.

"Could you help me to get him up in his room?" Zelo's mom looked worriedly at Daehyun. He groaned and wanted to say no, I could see it in his eyes, but when he glanced at me I saw that his face softened. "Okay." he said simply and wrapped Zelo's arms around his own shoulders from the back.

"When I come back we will talk." Daehyun said and entered the house.



I wanted to update sooner, but I waited for more comments. Why don't you comment? Only three comments on the last chapter.. was it boring?

Sorry if it was. And sorry for a long wait as well.

Yes, Daehyun... just go :)

Please comment. ^^ And I asked this about my story "this girl" but I thought I just try asking
about this story as well...

Would there be anyone who likes this story and could make me a poster? :// If it's not hard. :) Comment if you could.


Oh. And one thing about one shot.

I love it too much.. ♥


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suho225 #1
Chapter 3: Can you switch the character but same story..like the main character is kai exo
Hripee #2
Chapter 42: This is the best 'DaeHyun' related story I have read so far!!Keep up the good work..u r really good u know.. (y)
weeniehun #3
Chapter 31: Haha that was funny when Jihyun and Daehyun were kissimg and then Yongguk came in and he was all like "WOW! RATED M! RATED M!
YunaJi #4
Chapter 41: Cute!! I love the ending :)
Chapter 41: Awwwwwwww!!! I love the ending!! So cute!!^^
Chapter 41: Best ending ever!!!!!!
Chapter 41: waaaaaaaaaaaahh~ it's already finished! you're story is daebak!!!! :)
Chapter 40: Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
cupcakekpop #9
Chapter 40: Me The Chapter: NO,they didn't,they...twins? bvgdsjhhff SQEEEEEEEEEE
And omg
Happy famiky :')