Still confused.

Childhood sweetheart.

"Jihyun-ah.." I heard Daehyun's voice in my head, thinking that I was dreaming. "Jihyun!" He suddenly shouted and I quickly sat up. "Wha--what's going on?" I looked to my right side and saw a laptop not shut and Daehyun smiling widely.

"oh that's right.." I said and started rubbing my face. So yeah.. me and Daehyun slept together.. kidding. We just didn't end the call and our laptops were on all night. Great for my electricity bill....... "Good morning." He smiled when I yawned.

"What's so good about it?" I asked with a chuckle. "You need to go to school, actually." Daehyun said. I took my phone and looked what time was it. "Yah!! couldn't you wake me up, earlier? I have 20 minutes only and I have to take Minah to her school!" I shouted in frustration. "Sorry, Scooby, but you better hurry." he laughed.

"What's so funny?" I glared, but my eyes softened with the first look at his smile. "Your hair is messy. Don't end the call and go dress up." he said, softly. I nodded but just then I realized what he said. "yah! byuntae!! What do you mean not to end a call and go dress up?" I laughed when I saw him starting to blush, even the camera of his laptop could catch it.

"I didn't mean it like that.  I want to make sure you go to school, Scooby. So hurry up. You can dress up behind your laptop, even if I want to see." he pouted. "You're killing me." I said and stood up, going to the door.

"Don't leave me alone!" he shouted when he heard I opened the door. "I'm not going anywhere...--- MINAH WAKE UP!! SCHOOL IS IN 10 MINUTES!!" I shouted loudly so my sister would really wake up. "You have a great voice, Jihyun-ah." Daehyun said, sarcastically.
"Ha. ha, Daehyun." I rolled my eyes and moved myself to my closet. I wondered what to wear but I didn't have any time so I just took this.

"Done." I said and went towards the laptop, in front of it. "Hey, Daehyun.. I think I need to go now." I said with a smile. "But.. but. I don't want you to go." Daehyun furrowed his brows. "Sorry, listen we can chat after school." I suggested but he shook his head. "no, I need to go somewhere today. And I'm going to be there whole day.." He explained and I just nodded.

"Then... let's just talk later, I don't know when. I will try to call you when I miss you , don't worry." we both laughed. "Okay, bye now." "Wait, Jihyun!" he called out when I was about to end the call. "What is it, Daehyun?" I asked, curious. "I will say this.. and I will end the call in a second, so don't misunderstand, okay?" I nodded. He took a deep breath and looked straight to his camera, so I could see his eyes.

"What's so importan---" "I love you!" He shouted and like he said the call ended. I was confused at first, but then I felt how the corners of my lips went up. I started chuckling alone in the room and my cheeks were already burning me. I couldn't help it..

"Umma, let's go." Minah's voice got me back to reality. "Okay." I nodded and placed my laptop on the desk. "Kaja, Minah." I took my sister's hand and walked out of the house, not forgetting to lock it, of course.

"Wait!! wait!! Take me with you!" I heard Luhan shout. "Oh.. Luhan-ah, why aren't you at school?" I asked him. "Umma said to wait for you to take me. I was waiting over 30 minutes you know.." He pouted. *the same as Daehyun..* "Okay, let's go now." I rolled my eyes with a smile and he took my other hand.

"I heard from umma, noona.. You're getting married, rigth?" Luhan's question made me gulp. "WHAT?? UMMA?!!! Did Daegyun oppa propose to you!!?" Minah shouted. "MINAH!" I scolded her for raising her voice at me but I would be probably the same if I were her..

"I will tell you everything, so let's hurry up." I walked together with two kids listening to my story about how my father arranged my marriage and how it ended to be with Zelo. "But you can't marry Zel-" "Go in. Your class starts in 5 minutes. Both of you." I said as they nodded and went in the classroom. I sighed and started going towards my own school.

Minah's pov.

I can't let this happen. "Yah! Luhan. Let's stop my umma's wedding? I don't want her to marry Zelo oppa." I suggested as he nodded. "It should be me." He frowned. I flicked his forehead and tsked. "pabo.. it should be your hyung. Not you." I said.

"Why hyung?" He asked, clueless. "My umma and your hyung was talking last night... the whole night. I had a nightmare and was about to go to my umma, but when I went in she was talking with Daegyun oppa.. Smiling and laughing, so I just went back to my room." I explained.

He seemed to understand everything but then he laughed out loud. "You had a nightmare and wanted to go to noona??" he laughed while holding his belly. "Stop.. it's upsetting me." I pouted. "No, no.. oh I'm so sorry, oppa didn't mean to." He smirked. What the hell? Where did he learn to act like this?

"Oppa?" I scoffed, that's what I learned from umma. "Anyway.. what would you do if you have a bad dream? huh?" I asked and then he started to tell me how he would take a baseball bat and sleep with it, how it would call him down.

Zelo's pov.

"Jihyun-ah!! Where were you? I was worried." I held her shoulder and watched if she was okay, but she just chuckled. "You didn't go in, because of me?" she asked with a soft smile. I stepped back and rubbed the back of my neck, nervously. "Well.. yes." I said and she chuckled again.

I quickly looked up at her smile and cupped her cheeks. "Jihyun-ah.. I would do anything if I could hear you chuckle or laugh." I said while staring at her eyes. She seemed to be surprised at how her eyes widened and how she gulped just now. I pulled my hands back and smiled. "Let's go." We started going and I saw that she didn't have a bag.

"Jihyun? Where's your bag?" I asked, really curious. "oh crap!" she cursed. "I forgot it... Zelo
~ what to do??" she whined in frustration. "Don't worry I will lend my book to you, let's sit together." I said and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "Okay, thanks." She smiled and sighed in relief.

We were already inside of the school and really near the classroom, but I stopped her. "Hey, I need to tell you something before we go inside. We need to do something after school." I said and she seemed to be confused. "what?" she asked.

"You need to meet my mom."

Daehyun's pov.

"so I have everything arranged already." Jihyun's father said with a serious tone. "But why did you need me to come into your office. I thought everything was ready. We have everything she needs to sign." I sat on the chair and crossed my arm, so he wouldn't think I'm just a kid doing stuff for my first love. Not just first.. last.

"I know. But today Jihyun is meeting her fiancee's mother." I widened my eyes. Jihyun... meeting... Zelo's.... mom? "But still why did you need me?" I asked again. "Because I booked a hall in Korea. And it's a surprise to Jihyun, don't tell her. I will be needing your help to decorate it.. I mean I don't really know what she would like and I just need you to choose everything." He said.

"You don't know anything about your daughter, uncle?" I asked with my brows furrowed. "No." he answered with a little guilty in his voice. "Should I teach you about Jihyun?" I smiled. "Daehyun... you do understand that the wedding is in four days." My face fell.. I was thinking.. will I be married in four days?

"So... are we going back to Korea?" I asked and he nodded. I was so happy. I will be able to hug or maybe kiss my Scooby. "So go to your hotel and get ready, I will pick you up in an hour. I nodded my head and bowed before leaving. My heart started beating so fast. I couldn't help but smile.

[Sorry... I will skip a lot. Now Daehyun and Jihyun's father are at the hall with workers.]

"Well the wedding hall is cream color so it okay, she likes it." I looked at Jihyun's father so he would remember that, he nodded. "And the cake.. make it white and brown chocolate. Without strawberries. You know why right?" I looked at uncle again. "She's allergic." He rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes, I just thought maybe you don't know that as well." I smiled.

"Anyway, next is... her wedding dress." I smiled thinking about her wearing a white dress. "Oh this? no. She will go today with her fiancee. I told his mother. It's all good." I furrowed my brows. *Zelo will see her first in the wedding dress? Not on my watch.* "Can't I go too? I might be her fiancee you know? I want to see her as well and my friend. I missed them." I bit my tongue. I didn't miss Zelo, how could I? He was thinking about marrying my crazy puppy.

"I guess so. I will give a call to Jihyun and tell her that you--" "No. Tell her to be at the [--name--] caffee. I will be there, but don't tell her it's going to be me. Tell her that.. I don't know stylist will be there." He narrowed his eyes at first but then nodded. "I don't think you're so bad for Jihyun, but.. I don't know what to do about another boy, right now."

End of the pov.

I was sitting at the last class, only 10 minutes were left and thought about what Zelo said. I looked at him sitting next to me and those words started repeating itself in my head.

"You need to meet my mom."

"You need to meet my mom."

"You need to meet my mom."

"You need to meet my mom."

"hey, do you get this?" Zelo poked my shoulder and pointed at the chalkboard. I shook my head saying 'no'. "same here." He sighed. "Anyway, are you excited to meet my mom?" he whispered and smiled. "I don't know.. I'm nervous." I said, honestly. "Don't be.. she's cool." Zelo rubbed my back and I heard some girls whispering bad stuff about me. How I stole their Zelo.

Like I had a chance..

So after school like Zelo said, we went to meet his mom. "Hello, Mrs. --" "No,no. Call me umma." Great. At my first sentence to her and I got cut off.. well but it was a sweet cut off. "Okay, u--umma." I smiled as she hugged me lightly. "Let's sit down.. Zelo-ah, do you mind getting the tea from the kitchen?" His mom asked. "Okay, I'll be back, Jihyun-ah." he patted my shoulder and went to get the tea while me and ahjumma sat in the living room on the couch.

"So how's my son?" ahjumma asked. "He's okay. We're friends, though." I said as she nodded. "But, your father said you are having some doubts." I started blinking faster. "Well.. well you know I'm still young, Zelo oppa as well. I think it's too soon." I tried to get out of this question.

"Hm.. listen, I think you're a nice girl and your father told me you are really smart and how caring you are, how you took care of your sister while he worked and I think you'd be really good for my son." *my father said that?* I smiled. "Why don't you both try, huh? I think you will learn how to love my son, he's a sweetie." she kept praising Zelo.

"I know, I know, but it's just.. I don't feel about him that way." I said and her face fell. I gulped my saliva, nervously.. Stupid, why would I say that. "We talked with your father and you're going wedding dress shopping, today." my brows twitched a bit of how she just changed the subject but I was revealed too.

"Tea. I got tea." Zelo came with a small tray and three cups of tea on it. He placed it on the little table that was in front of the couch, where we sat. He came from my left side and sat next to me. "I hope my mother didn't scared you." Zelo chuckled together with his mother. "Not at all." I smiled. "I was just saying that she is going to buy a dress today." his mom repeated.

"Oh? omo." Zelo covered his face with his palms while chuckling. "What's wrong with you?" his mom hissed. "Zelo oppa.. What's wrong?" I asked nicely. "I just.. I can't believe it." Zelo beamed and hugged my waist. I got to admit I felt uncomfortable. "Hah.. me too." I said and hugged him as well. It was more of a friendly hug though.

"But since your father is in Korea, why don't we meet tonight, have a dinner together." My eyes widened at Ahjumma's words. "My father is in Korea?" I let go of Zelo and turned to his mother. "Neh, don't you know? He booked a hall for your wedding and is preparing everything right now." I stood up from the couch. "I will go call him if you don't mind." I smiled, sweetly as she nodded.

I went out from the living room so I could have a private talk with my dad and dialed his number with my phone. "Yebuseyo, dad? Is this you?" I got confused when a young guy answered my dad's phone but shrugged it off when my dad finally said hi.

"Who was it?" I asked him. "It... it-- it was a worker." He shuttered. "Never mind. Dad, I heard you're in Korea." I said with a serious tone. "Neh, Jihyun-ah. I got hare a couple of hours ago." He said, casually. "but why did you book a hall already?" I asked.

"Jihyun-ah..." his voice sounded rather apologetic. "We needed to rush the wedding." he said and my brows quickly furrowed. "It's going to be this Sunday." he said and my eyes widened.

"THIS SUNDAY???!!!" Me and Zelo from the living room shouted in chorus. "Relax, Jihyun. It's going to be okay, it doesn't matter when it happens. But Monday summer holidays start, so it's  a good time."

[a/n - let's pretend it's already summer holidays there?.]

"But dad---" "I know, but believe me... I don't want to do this either. It's for your own good, please Jihyun." he pleaded me through the phone. I sighed. "I will try my best." I said and hung up.

Daehyun's pov

"Well... weren't you just stupid to pick my phone up, huh?" Uncle laughed. "Yeah. I was afraid she'd recognize my voice, but somehow.." I chuckled as well. "Anyway.. you're meeting her at that caffee in an hour, so just do whatever you still need to do here about the wedding faster and go." He said with a smile.

"Uncle.." He was to walk away but he turned around and looked at me. I walked closer to him. "What will happen to Zelo if Jihyun doesn't marry him?" I asked. "His mother probably will be searching for another girl, that's it. Don't worry about it. he's used to this probably. It's been two years now since she's searching for a daughter-in-law." He explained to me. "but.. what would you do if you would have a chance to be happy with someone you love, but then your friend is going to be hurt?" I asked and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I would fight for my love, Daehyun." he said with a soft smile that calmed me down. I knew what I had to do now.

So after an hour I was done with all the work in the wedding hall. Telling what flowers Jihyun liked, what kind of food and that kind of stuff. So now I was already late when I got into taxi. Thanks god the caffee I'm meeting them is not too far away.

"Here you go." I paid the money for the driver and quickly got out, walking towards the entrance to caffee. I opened the door and went in. I couldn't see them until I noticed Zelo's blonde head. And when I was about to go near them I noticed his arm wrapped around Jihyun's shoulder.

I clenched my teeth so I could stop myself from shouting, but then I saw Zelo standing up. He smiled at her and she smiled at him, saying something and he walked towards the bathroom. I grinned at my opportunity and quickly ran to Jihyun, sitting next to her and wrapping my own arm around her.

"Missed me?"

End of Daehyun's pov.

"Missed me?" My head shot to the left and I saw that warm smile of his. "Daehyun!." I beamed and hugged him tightly, placing my chin on his shoulder. "So? Missed me?" He repeated his question with a chuckle. "Wait." I unwrapped my arms and sat comfortably. "How come you're here?" I asked while narrowing my eyes.

"I'm your stylist." he laughed. "Daehyun?" we both turned and Zelo was already standing there. "You're my what?!" I shouted and every customer was now watching me. "Sit Zelo." Daehyun said and Zelo did what he was told to. "Explanation would be nice." Zelo rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Yeah.. how come you are.--- You went to meet my father?!" I shouted again when I understood what was going on and bowed later for a sorry to the other customers. "Yep. And I have something important to tell yo-- what's this?" Daehyun pointed at my strawberry shake. "Her drink. What do you think?" Zelo scoffed and I somehow felt what Daehyun was about to do.

"She's allergic, Zelo-ah. And you? what the hell is wrong with you? You want to die young?" he glared at me. Just this morning he said he loved me and now he's shouting. I suddenly felt how my cheeks started to burn at the thought of him saying I love you.

"She's not allergic, she drank it the last time." Zelo said and I mentally cursed. "She's allergic. Did you tell him you liked it? Damn it, Zelo. If it's your favorite drink it doesn't mean that it's the same for her." Daehyun scolded him. "And you. How can you---- why are you blushing?" Daehyun grinned, changing the subject quickly.

"I'm not." I said and grabbed the strawberry shake. I just wanted to die. Now. "What are you doing? Seriously." Daehyun took the drink and started drinking it himself. "Okay, so the important thing is.. That you might not get married." He said and I widened my eyes. "What do you mean we might not get married?" Zelo's eyes were also wide.

"Yeah. But we might." My eyes were about to pop out when Daehyun placed his hand on my waist. "What the hell?" Zelo shouted. "Okay. I got enough. You all! Get out!" The manager shouted. We bowed our head and went out to the park.

"Explain. Now." Zelo glared at Daehyun. "Wait, no. Did you go all the way to the States to meet my father?" I asked, cutting Daehyun off. "Yes." He smiled. I felt touched of how he cared and did that. But I was still confused at what he said in the caffee.

"Anyway. I talked to him and he said he wants you to marry not Zelo, but someone who takes care of you. I mean he doesn't care until you're safe and happy." Daehyun said and I looked at Zelo. He was kind to me all this time, but I was still not sure. "And I said that you don't want to marry Zelo. I mean because he's my friend and you would feel uncomfortable." he continued. "HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?!" Zelo shouted. "Relax, oppa." I placed my hand on his shoulder and he sighed.

"And I said I could marry you, Jihyun. I said I want to." I started blinking while walking towards Daehyun now. "You don't have to. You don't need to do that." I said, feeling guilty. "Yeah, you don't need to." Zelo snapped. "Well, that's not in your hands Zelo. It's in Jihyun's." He said and I was now even more confused.

"Your father is giving you a choice. Wedding is this Sunday, but you have to sign some documents this Saturday." Daehyun gave me a bitter smile. "What is she going to be signing?" Zelo asked. "There will be two sheets of papers and on one of them there are going to be yours and Zelo's names. And another will have yours and mine names." I felt my heart being stopped when he told me I will have to choose.

"The second you sign that... you're a married woman."


OMG. sorry for a long wait, but right now... My parents doesn't let me use my PC.

It's because of my grades, so I didn't have a chance to update.

Anyway.. I'm at my friend's now, my parents doesn't know so shh.....

And please comment what you think. And who should she choose or maybe what she should do? I don't know.

For now, bye. I will try updating as soon as possible. love you al ♥

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suho225 #1
Chapter 3: Can you switch the character but same the main character is kai exo
Hripee #2
Chapter 42: This is the best 'DaeHyun' related story I have read so far!!Keep up the good work..u r really good u know.. (y)
weeniehun #3
Chapter 31: Haha that was funny when Jihyun and Daehyun were kissimg and then Yongguk came in and he was all like "WOW! RATED M! RATED M!
YunaJi #4
Chapter 41: Cute!! I love the ending :)
Chapter 41: Awwwwwwww!!! I love the ending!! So cute!!^^
Chapter 41: Best ending ever!!!!!!
Chapter 41: waaaaaaaaaaaahh~ it's already finished! you're story is daebak!!!! :)
Chapter 40: Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
cupcakekpop #9
Chapter 40: Me The Chapter: NO,they didn't,they...twins? bvgdsjhhff SQEEEEEEEEEE
And omg
Happy famiky :')