Sweet love

Childhood sweetheart.

This whole chapter is in author's pov. Hope that you don't mind ^^ Enjoy!

Author‘s pov.

Nervous as hell, Jihyun stepped out of the taxi. “Come here.” She took Minah’s hand and helped her get out as well. Then the driver did the same and walked to the trunk, taking their luggage out. Jihyun took her wallet out of her suitcase and paid for the ride. “Goodbye.” She bowed to the driver who sat in the taxi and drove off. Jihyun together with Minah turned to the front and took a deep breath. “Let’s go home.” She smiled at Minah before walking towards the house.

She was already here, in Korea after a long flight and taxi ride. “Okay.” Jihyun breathed and took the new key out of her pocket, poking the lock with it and finally unlocking the door. Both girls stepped inside and after closing the door placed their luggage in the living room, next to the couch. “Can we eat before we go to Daegyun oppa’s party?” Minah asked and Jihyun nodded. “Of course, I’ll go make you ramyun, okay?” she asked and after Minah nodded she went to the kitchen.

She quickly boiled the water and got Minah’s ramyun ready. “After five minutes, go to the kitchen and eat it, I left it on the table.” Jihyun said and Minah nodded while watching cartoons on the TV. Jihyun took her luggage and walked upstairs to her room. Her eyes rounded as she saw her black wall with messages on it. ‘I miss you’ one said, ‘I love you’ another did and that how the whole black wall was decorated. She realized that it probably was Daehyun who wrote it with chalk.

She remembered how she told him and Zelo about wanting to have her wall for people to write messages on it. He must have done that before the lock was changed and now she really wanted to just go and smack her lips on his.

She looked at the clock and nodded for herself. Zelo will come in 15 minutes, they both talked yesterday on Skype and agreed that they both will go there, even if it was only 2 minutes of walking.

Jihyun felt nervous about facing Daehyun after two weeks, she felt that if she won't alone, that won’t be so nerve wrecking. One of her sides was worried that he might be angry and she didn’t wanted to go to the party, because she thought that she would ruin his mood, but the other side of her was telling her to it up and just be pretty tonight for him. And so she took out a dress that she bought in the States when she realized that the second side was right.

She wore the dress and looked at herself in the mirror. She was worried that this is too much, because she doesn't really wear these kind of dresses, but shrugged everything off and just prayed that Daehyun would like it. She then fixed her hair a bit, making sure that it wouldn't be messy and lastly got Daehyun‘s gift out of her suitcase. It was a simple white stuffed rabbit that reminded her of Daehyun.

Suddenly the door bell rang and Jihyun realized it‘s probably Zelo. She walked downstairs, told Minah to get ready and went to open the door. “Wow.“ Zelo‘s lips parted as he looked at Jihyun from head to toe. “Really?” she raised a brow as he stepped in. “I don’t feel.. wow.” She chuckled as he gave her a hug and after pulling away spun her around. “Trust me. You look wow.” Zelo nodded and they both laughed.

“Let’s wait for Minah.” Jihyun said and Zelo nodded as they both went to the living room where Minah watched cartoons before. “Did you get him a present?” Zelo asked and she nodded while taking the stuffed rabbit that she placed on the couch before. “I saw it and it reminded me of him, so uh.. I know it’s stupid.” She hid the rabbit behind her as Zelo tried hard holding his laughter in. “No, it’s not that—“ he broke off into a laughter and Jihyun pouted while crossing her arms.

“Stop it..” she hit his shoulder and after a couple of seconds he did. “Don’t worry.. he will like it.” He assured her and turned to the TV. “But anyway, you’re Minah’s lawful mother now?” he asked and she shook her head. “I still need to get Daehyun to sign the documents.. then me and him are going to become her parents.” She said and Zelo nodded. “He will sign it, if you’re worrying about that.” He said and she smiled. “How would you know?” she turned to him and he scoffed.

“Because if he would care for you.. And I know he does, he would sign it without thinking.” He was about to ruffle her hair, but she stopped his hand and pouted. “I want to look pretty.” She said and he laughed again. After 10 minutes Minah came down with a drawing in her hands and the three were ready to go. Jihyun locked the door behind her and took a deep breath before taking Minah’s hand and going towards Daehyun’s house.

“I’m shaking.” She said as they got to the door and Zelo her back with his palm. “No need for that, we are all going to be there for you.” He said and she nodded before he pressed the bell. “Hello, can I have your coat---Suyeon?” Yongguk’s gummy grin fell as he stared at her and Zelo. “Oh, god, come in!” Yongguk finally got back to his senses and pulled Jihyun in, making her pull Minah inside as well.

Zelo rolled his eyes with a smile before closing the door and while Yongguk hugged Jihyun, he looked around. Students from school, were invited as well and they danced around the house, some of them grinding at each other. Zelo looked for Daehyun, but didn’t found him and after whispered for Yongguk to take care of Jihyun, he walked upstairs to Daehyun’s room. “Dude.” He called as he knocked.

The door opened after a minute. “I’ll be there in a minute.” Daehyun groaned as he buttoned his shirt up. “Uh, someone got dressed up.” Zelo grinned teasingly as they walked inside of Daehyun’s room. “There are a lot of girls downstairs.” Daehyun laughed as Zelo’s eyes widened. “What?” he asked with disbelief in his eyes. “I’m joking, I wouldn’t do that, I still hope that I have Jihyun, you know that. What’s wrong with you?” Daehyun raised a brow when he finished fixing his hair.

“Oh, nothing..” Zelo rubbed the back of his neck. “Okay, let’s go..” Daehyun took a deep breath before the two went out of the room and walked downstairs. “Ayy! The birthday boy came!” Himchan announced to everyone and all the people startled clapping and chanting happy birthday. Jihyun stood behind Yongguk while bitting her lower lip, trying to control the huge smile.

“Hey, go to him.” Yongguk suddenly grabbed her by her shoulders from behind and pushed her towards Daehyun. She stumbled a little bit and was about to fall, but Daehyun was fast and he caught her in his arms. He looked down at his shoes because she was stepping on them and then lifted his eyes up. His eyes widened as he recognized Jihyun.

He stared at her for the moment while everyone resumed the dancing part and when he realized that she really was here, he let go of her arms and stepped back. “Sorry.” He said while flashing a big grin and walking past her to Yongguk and Youngjae. “Daehyun!” Zelo yelled in frustration and looked at Jihyun who was about to cry. “I thought he’d be really happy.” She muttered to herself and Zelo quickly hugged her.

Just at that moment Daehyun turned around and looked at Jihyun who was being hugged by one of his best friends. Zelo suddenly locked eyes with Daehyun and he shook his head. Daehyun glared for a second as he felt angry, but quickly went inside of the kitchen where he found Minah trying to reach for a cup in the cupboard. “Minah-ah.” He called and she turned around. “Oh, Daegyun oppa!” the little girl ran to Daehyun and quickly hugged him.

He lifted her off the ground and walked to the cupboard, helping her take the cup. He then let her down with a smile and poured some juice for her. “I have something for you!” Minah suddenly exclaimed as she turned around and took a sheet of paper from the counter. “What’s this?” Daehyun asked as he flipped the sheet of paper and his eyes softened at the drawing.

“Is it me and your umma?” he asked as he pointed to the two people who were kissing. “Yes, umma said that I drew it really pretty. Is that true?” she asked cutely and he nodded. “Thank you.” He ruffled her hair and smiled. Then he took her hand and after sticking the drawing on the fridge, he lead her out of the kitchen to the living room where most of the people were dancing.

EXO – Black pearl was playing and everyone were having fun. Jihyun suddenly saw how Daehyun started dancing with Minah and her heart did flip flops while she hoped to be in her place. Zelo assured that Daehyun will come around and finally give up on being a jerk, but she still was upset. “Hey, pretty girl.” Suddenly a guy walked up to her from behind and leaned in her ear whispering huskily. “Wanna dance?” he asked and she turned around.

“No.” she told the creepy guy who was smirking. “Come on, it will be fun. You have to dance with me.” She frowned as the guy took her hand and dragged her in the middle of the living room. “Yah!” she whined as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. “Let me go!” She hit his chest hard, but he just smirked. “I like feisty girls, they’re more fun.” He started swaying his to the sides making her sway her own as well.

“Aish!” she placed her hands on his shoulders and tried pulling away, but everything went in vain. “You know, you’re cute.” He suddenly said and was about to lean in, but a hand landed on his shoulder and spun him off of Jihyun. “Yeah? Well don’t touch her only because she’s cute.” Daehyun stated coolly as he looked at Jihyun. “Or do you want him to touch you?” he raised a brow and Jihyun quickly shook her head.

“Hey, dude. What’s your problem? I was only dancing with her.” The guy who danced with Jihyun walked up to Daehyun as he already felt angry. “You were dancing with the wrong girl.” Daehyun said, not feeling too good about a guy touching Jihyun as well. “Who says so?” the guy scoffed and Daehyun did the same, mocking him. “I say so. Dogs like you aren’t worth touching her.” Daehyun said and people around them stopped dancing as they all were curious what was happening.

“Daehyun..” Jihyun tried pulling him away, but the guy in front of Daehyun pushed her away and walked even closer  to Daehyun. Daehyun glanced at Jihyun who almost fell, but the people around them caught her and helped her stand up. “What? Dogs?!” the guy scoffed with a glare while looking to the right side. “I’ll show you dogs!” the guy said through gritted teeth as was about to punch Daehyun in the face, but Daehyun dodged it.

“Hey, hey, hey…” Yongguk the strongest in Bap went to the scene and placed his arm over the guy’s shoulder. “You better leave.” He said with a smile that said  ‘or I will kill you’. The guy only scoffed again and pushed Yongguk’s arm away. “Who cares? This party stinks and the girl wasn’t that pretty.” He stated and Daehyun eyes darkened before he himself threw a punch on the guy’s face.

Everyone gasped as the guy fell on the ground. No one, except BAP, have seen Daehyun fight. “Dae, dae..” Youngjae quickly ran to Daehyun and held him back. “Not that pretty?! Hah, are you blind?! Get out of here before you get more beating!” Daehyun scoffed at the guy who stood up and after glaring at Daehyun and the rest of the BAP, walked out of the house. Everyone started whispering dirty words about Daehyun and slowly went out as well.

“No, don’t go! There’s more fun to have!” Jongup sighed as he tried stopping everyone, but nothing worked. Soon, in the house there was only Bap, Jihyun and Minah. “Are you okay, sweetie?” Jihyun asked as she took Minah in her arms and the little girl nodded. Daehyun suddenly groaned and walked to the couch, collapsing on it with another groan. He ruffled his hair harshly as the rest of the guys walked there as well and sat next to him.

Jihyun placed Minah on the ground and Minah skipped to Jongup to sit on his lap. Jihyun walked in front of Daehyun and sat on the arm rest, next to him. “You didn’t need to punch him..” she whispered and he looked at her with narrowed eyes. “Just because I haven’t seen you for two weeks doesn’t mean that I will let anyone to talk about you dirty, I don’t care if they talk about me dirty.” He stated and she sighed. “He just said that I’m not that pretty.” He rolled his eyes as he placed his forehead on her ribs.

“I was mad because he danced with you.” He confessed and Bap started feeling like they’re in the wrong place. “Then what about you and Minah?” Jihyun shot up and placed her hands on her hips. “Oh, come on.. You can’t be jealous of your sister..” he chuckled lightly andshe  furrowed her brows while crossing her arms. “Well, you were paying more attention to her than your own wife.” She said. “Maybe, because you left me for two weeks.” He muttered to himself, but everyone heard.

“What about you? You left me here for a week as well, you think I was fine?” she asked, throwing her hands in the air and Bap with Minah stood up. “We’ll just go.. Don’t worry about Minah, we’ll take care of her.” Himchan patted Daehyun back “Good luck.” He whispered before leaving with the others. “Are we going to talk or are we just going to yell? Because I’m tired and—“ “Sure! Go sleep!! Because it’s more important than me! And I’ll go home and think what a good life without you I have!” she yelled with tears going down her cheeks and stormed out of the house.

“ARGH!” Daehyun punched the couch and went upstairs to his room, all angry and full of regrets. “Hey, guys..” Jihyun walked up to BAP who didn’t walk away far from the house. “Oh, are you done? Already?” Zelo asked and she shook her head. “No, but I said something that I didn’t mean and… I can’t face him tonight. I will just go home for now. Come on, Minah, let’s go.” She was about to take Minah’s hand, but the little girl refused.

“I won’t go before you make up with Daegyun oppa.” She said and started pulling Jongup and Himchan who were holding her hands away. “We’ll get her back tomorrow, try to make up with Daehyun, okay?” Zelo hugged her for the last time before waving and walking with the rest of the guys. Jihyun just turned around and went to her house.

She walked to the living room and noticed the stuffed rabbit that she forgot to bring to Daehyun. “I’m such an idiot..” she sobbed while hugging the rabbit, but then quickly shot up from the couch and nodded. “I just have to say that I’m sorry.” She said to herself and after wiping her tears away she went out of the house again. Thanks god, Daehyun didn’t lock the door and she was able to get in.

She locked the door behind her, though and just then walked where Daehyun was before. She didn’t found him on the couch and suddenly heard some sounds from upstairs. She rushed there and knocked on the door. “Daehyun..” she called while slowly opening the door and Daehyun stared at her with red, wide eyes. “Jihyun?” he looked at her in disbelief. He didn’t believe that she’d come back.

“Listen, I know we just had a fight, but I’m here to give you this.” She walked up to him and handed him the stuffed rabbit. “Also, I just… I want to say that I’m sorry for what I said. We’ve been through a lot, I know that we can get through this as well.” She looked at him apologetically and all those thoughts in Daehyun’s head during those two weeks vanished away. He thought  he’d yell more, he thought that he wouldn’t forgive her, but..

Damn it.. Jihyun was finally standing in front of him.

“I missed you so much.” He took the rabbit as he threw it on the bed and cupped her face in his palms. “So, so much.” He whispered before crashing his lips on hers. It didn’t take a second before Jihyun started to respond to the kiss. Her body felt numb, as she finally felt full being with him. “Daehyun.” She smiled after he pulled away and looked up at his eyes. He then slowly led her to the bed and sat her down.

“I’m sorry for being a jerk and not picking your calls or not texting you back.. I’m sorry.” He took her right hand into his and kissed the back of it. “It’s okay, you were mad at me. I would be too.” She chuckled and pulled him into another kiss. Daehyun slowly started pushing her down on the bed and her back hit the top of it. “Jihyun.” He breathed her name out and her eyes fluttered open.

She knew where all of this was leading. The kiss was more passionate than it ever was and Daehyun’s gaze was way more intense than it was before. “I love you.” He suddenly whispered and leaned down, but she stopped him before he could kiss her. “You’re just like every guy, huh?” she asked with a teasing smile and he frowned before sitting up. “I won’t do anything if you don’t want to.” He pouted and crossed his arms, turning his back on her.

She pouted as well as she sat up next to him and looked up at his face. She bit her lips as slowly her hand gripped the hem of his shirt and shyly tugged on it twice. Daehyun quickly flashed a big grin as he attacked her with kisses all over her face. “Muah!” he kissed her both eyelids and she let out a laugh before wrapping her arms around his neck. “I love you, Daehyun..” She told him as he lied her back down on the bed and looked her in the eyes.

“I love you too. ” he whispered while hovering on top of her. “I trust you.” She nervously gulped and he leaned down to kiss her neck. “I’ll take care of you my whole life.” He promised and kissed her forehead then leaned down and kissed her lips. 1 kiss, 2 kiss, 3 kiss.. their kisses gets deeper every time and slowly the atmosphere gets steamy.

Slowly, as the two experienced something new, the night was the night when they made sweet love come true.

Oh, naughty Daehyun... I hope you liked this chapter and I think.... I think, I rhymed the last line?

Hahah,, anyway the two finally saw each other.

I don't know how I came up with the ending of this chapter, but yeah...... I hope that everyone understood what happened that night. >:).

Comment, please ;)

   Zelo : nom, nom, nom..

 nom, nom, nom..



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suho225 #1
Chapter 3: Can you switch the character but same story..like the main character is kai exo
Hripee #2
Chapter 42: This is the best 'DaeHyun' related story I have read so far!!Keep up the good work..u r really good u know.. (y)
weeniehun #3
Chapter 31: Haha that was funny when Jihyun and Daehyun were kissimg and then Yongguk came in and he was all like "WOW! RATED M! RATED M!
YunaJi #4
Chapter 41: Cute!! I love the ending :)
Chapter 41: Awwwwwwww!!! I love the ending!! So cute!!^^
Chapter 41: Best ending ever!!!!!!
Chapter 41: waaaaaaaaaaaahh~ it's already finished! you're story is daebak!!!! :)
Chapter 40: Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
cupcakekpop #9
Chapter 40: Me The Chapter: NO,they didn't,they...twins? bvgdsjhhff SQEEEEEEEEEE
And omg
Happy famiky :')