My father..

Childhood sweetheart.


3 days later.
"My father.." I took a deep breath as I could feel myself choking on my first words. I was standing behind my father's grave yard in front of everyone: Bap guys, Daehyun's brother and his parents with my sister, my uncles and aunts, my cousins. Lastly, Daehyun was standing next to me, holding my hand firmly and trying to make me feel less tensed. If he wouldn't be here, I probably wouldn't be able to even stand.
"He was a great man." I could feel all their thoughts about how they pity me right now. "He only wanted happiness for me and my little sister, he loved us with all of his heart, but unfortunately life doesn't go the way you want it to and my dad had to suffer from a terrible disease." I up another deep breath. "I would have done anything to save him, even if it meant that I would be in his place instead." Daehyun squeezed my hand once, twice.
"3 days ago I had to do one of the hardest things in my life. I had to stand in front of my dying dad's body and see how the line that was moving up and down became straight, the worst thing was that I knew that I wasn't even able to do anything. I can only imagine how hard it is for my little sister who probably don't even really understand the situation." tears started quickly falling down my cheeks.
"But now I know what I have to do. I will make my father's wish come true." I told everyone and sighed, giving everyone a little, but fake smile. "I will smile, knowing that my father smiles in heaven with my mom for me and my sister." I looked at everyone before continuing. "So please, for the last time let's show respect for Jeon Taehyun - my father, in silence." everyone bowed their heads down the same with me and Daehyun pulled me closer.
"You did great." he whispered to me as he kissed my temple and wrapped his left arm around me while holding my hand with his right one. Two minutes went past real quick and it was time to others to talk. Me and Daehyun went towards other BAP guys and everyone gave me bitter smiles with some hugs. "We'll be here for you, okay?" Zelo tried to smile as wide as he could, but wasn't able to do it very well.
I turned to the front where Daehyun's mom was already talking. "Taehyun's last words for me and my husband was.." she cleared and looked straight at me. "Don't you think that our kids look perfect together? I knew they will be together eventually." she quoted my dad and I bit my lower lip, throwing my eyes at Daehyun who had his back turned to me, however, he didn't let go of my hand.
"Daehyun?" I whispered and tried to turn him around, but he didn't budge. "I-I'm sorry." his voice cracked and I knew that he was crying, this was unusual, but it was kind of sweet to see his sensitive side. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the back of his neck after tip toeing up. "It's okay." I whispered to him and we stood like that, watching other people talk about my dad.
At the end everyone was hugging me. They all told me to be strong, to take care of myself and my sister, to live a happy life with Daehyun. "I want to sleep, umma.." Minah pouted as she took my hand and we all started walking towards the cars that had to take us home. "Uh, come here, baby." I was about to hold her up in my arms, but Daehyun's dad came quickly to us and did it first. "You've had a lot to go through today, me and Daehyun's mom will take Minah with Luhan home." Mr. Jung said and I nodded giving him a thankful smile, I myself wanted to go home and sleep as well.
{luhan is Daehyun's younger brother if someone was confused or had problems remembering. I didn't mention him in the chapters for a long time}
"Shall we go home too or maybe you want to hang out with Bap? Maybe we could cheer you up even a little bit?" Daehyun asked as he walked next to me. I looked up at him and started thinking if it would be okay. "Okay, I might need some clowns." I chuckled and linked arms with him. Mr. Jung took Minah, Luhan, Jongup, Youngjae and Yongguk in his car, while me, Daehyun, Zelo Himchan went to Daehyun mom's car. "Shall we have some music?" Daehyun's mom tried lightening the mood and turned the radio on.
I sat between Himchan and Zelo, feeling pity that Daehyun sat in front. He held my hand, but it started to get uncomfortable so I apologized and let go. My head grew heavy as it swayed to the sides with each of the turn that Mrs. Jung made. Soon, I placed my head on Himchan's shoulder, not thinking about anything and saw through my half closed eyes that Daehyun wasn't pleased with the view. "mHh.." I wanted to mumble something that would make him feel better, but nothing normal came out and everything went black.
The next thing I knew was that someone was carrying me somewhere. "Wait, I have to unlock the door first." I heard Daehyun's voice, but somehow I couldn't open my eyes. Then the door lock clicked and my hand in the air started swaying again as someone who carried me started going forward. "OW!" I sat up in someone's arms and rubbed my head after it hit the jamb of the door. 
"Yongguk oppa!" I glared at the one who was carrying me, he just gave me a big, gummy grin. "Let me down." I pouted and he quickly did so. I then just walked inside and kicked my shoes off of my feet, going and plopping down on the couch with a sigh. "Okay, let's hang out!" I said trying to sound excited. "Are you sure? You can rest if you want to, we don't mind." Youngjae said and I shook my head. "Come on, I think I have some snacks in my kitchen, I really need this!" I whined and they all nodded.
Himchan and Jongup went to take all the snacks while Youngjae and Yongguk made us tea. I was left in the living room on the couch with Daehyun and Zelo. "So.." Zelo started, but ended up sighing. "Should we watch a movie or something?" Daehyun suggested and I nodded. "Go pick one, something not too cheesy or something scary, a comedy would be nice." I said and he stood up going to the pile of DVDs that was placed in one of the big shelves. "Uh, what about pirates of the caribbean?" he suggested and I looked at Zelo.
"Sure. I like it." he said and then I smiled at Daehyun with a nod. "Hey, guys! We're going to watch pirates of the caribbean!" Daehyun announced loudly for others to hear and quickly they all came with snacks and tea. "Great!" Yongguk grinned as he sat next to me. I saved a seat for Daehyun to sit at my other side as some of the guys brought armchairs from my and Minah's rooms. "Let's start." Daehyun said and played the movie. He went to turn off the light before he ran to the couch.
He sat next to me as I planned and quickly wrapped his arm around my shoulder, bringing me closer. My back hit his chest and I smiled, feeling his warmth. I turned a little to the side and placed my head on his chest, just below his chin, not forgetting to wrap my own arm around his waist. "This is comfortable." Daehyun said as he kissed the top of my head and I nodded. The movie started, but I have to say that I wasn't really interested or that I really was into it right now.
It just felt nice to be with Daehyun even if not alone. And I think it was the same for Daehyun, because as I looked up, I saw his closed eyes, but his lips were stretching into a smile, the corners of it going up every second. "You look like an idiot." I whispered to him as his smile grew and he opened his eyes. "Watch the movie." he ordered playfully in a whisper and I shook my head. "You're more interesting." I told him and he chuckled.
"Really?" he raised a brow and I nodded with a smile. "Are you having fun watching me?" he asked still in a whisper and I nodded, then suddenly I felt his finger tips tickling my sides and I couldn't hold my giggle in. "GUYS, PLEASE! We're trying to watch a movie here!" Yongguk groaned loudly as we destroyed his intense mood. "Shh.." we both with Daehyun placed our index fingers on each other's lips and laughed quietly again.
We didn't even notice as the movie ended and half of the guys were already asleep. "Why don't you stay here for tonight?" I suggested as I saw that Zelo, Yongguk and Himchan who wasn't sleeping, was ready to stand up and leave. "That would be nice, actually." Zelo said and I looked at my phone after taking it out of my pocket. "It's already 10pm, but you're probably sleepy after the funeral, right?" Daehyun asked me as he glanced at my phone as well.
Thanks god, I was fast enough to turn the text message from Myungsoo off. "Yeah, let's go bring guys some blankets." I said and he nodded before we went up the stairs and as I said, we took some blankets. Not forgetting some pillows from Minah's room, we got back down and handed it to guys. Himchan tucked the sleeping ones with blankets before they all went to sleep as well. It looked kind of funny since two of them were on the couch, other two on the armchairs with their head hanging low and lastly Jongup was sleeping on the floor.
"Were should I sleep?" Daehyun asked and I blushed at the smirk he had on. "Come on." I told him, taking his hand and leading him up. "You can sleep in Minah's room." I told him as we stopped in front of Minah's room, she was out so the bed was free, I couldn't just say 'sleep with me' could I? "Why don't I sleep with you?" Well, I guess Daehyun could ask something like that. "Well, it's not like I can stop you, right?" I asked him and he nodded.
With a chuckle we went inside of my room and I left him there so I could go and change in something more comfortable. When I came back, I saw Daehyun already in my bed with his eyes closed. I went to sit on the edge of the bed and leaned in, planning to give him a goodnight kiss, but I stopped as I thought about myself as a creeper or a ert who kiss people at night when they sleep. I slowly leaned back, but Daehyun suddenly placed his hand on the back of my head and pushed my head closer again.
"Why did you stop?" he grinned, teasingly and I blushed. "I-I, just because." I said and he chuckled before giving me a peck on my lips. Then he let go of my head and I sat back with a smile. Then I remembered about Myungsoo's text message that I was waiting for this whole day. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table, where I placed it before and decided to read it, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't know what he texted me, it had to be important.
From. Myungsoo
Sorry that I couldn't be at the funeral. I'm so pissed at my job, should I just quit and go with you to the States? Oh, and that reminds me, I got your tickets. I will be at your place at 12pm, that's when my practice ends and I will be free for some time. Be sure to meet me in front of your house, okay?
I quickly replied.
To. Myungsoo
It's okay, don't worry about the funeral, I know you had work to do. Thank you for the tickets and sure, I will meet you at 12pm. Text me when you're already here.
I pressed send and placed my phone on the bedside table, I still had not full two hours so I can take a quick nap next to Daehyun. I got under the blanket, scooting closer to him and he hugged me instantly. I placed my left palm on his chest and my head was on his arm, then I leaned up giving him a peck. "Goodnight." I whispered before he grinned and whispered a 'goodnight' back.
Two hours later, as I received Myungsoo's text, I could already hear Daehyun soft snoring. I got out of the bed and quietly went out of the house, I didn't wanted to wake up guys who are in the living room as well. "Hey." I greated Myungsoo in a whisper and he smiled, giving me a hug. "Was it hard for you today?" he asked and I nodded when the hug broke. "I'm really sorry that I couldn't be there." he said with sad eyes and I patted his shoulder. "It's okay, but listen I have to quickly go back before anyone wakes up." I said
"Oh, okay." Myungsoo nodded and took out two plain tickets out of his pocket. I started wondering if it's going to be okay if I go to the States for some time and leave Daehyun here. I know that he will say that he can come too, but I need to do this on my own. What to do so he wouldn't follow me? "Ah, oppa." Myungsoo looked at me after handing me the tickets. "Could I stay for the night where you're staying?" I asked and he got confused. "Are you planning on running away?" he asked.
"Not really, but kind of. I will tell you everything later." I told him and he nodded with a sigh. "But what about Daehyun? He will kill me if he knows that I helped him." Myungsoo pouted. "He's sleeping, he won't know. I really need to go to the States and sort out everything about the house." I told him and he nodded. "So you're going there for that? Uh, okay then. I think Daehyun would understand, though." he told me and I smiled. "Just wait here for me." I told him and he nodded.
I quickly ran to the house, but quietly went in. I closed the door behind me, trying not to make a sound, but suddenly a hand caught my arm. "Eep!" I yelped and hit Zelo's upper arm with a frown when I saw him. "Where were you?" Zelo asked me and I sighed, hiding the tickets behind me, however he saw it. "What's that?" he quickly yanked the tickets out of my hands and raised a brow when he looked at it. I should have left the tickets with Myungsoo. "States?" Zelo raised his brow and I nodded.
So that we wouldn't wake up the guys, I pulled him into the kitchen. "Why are you going there?" Zelo asked as I took my tickets back. "I need to sort some things out." I told him and he frowned. "I hope that the second ticket is for Daehyun, not Minah." he said sternly and I shook my head. "Listen, oppa. You can't tell him where I'm going and even if he figures it out, you have to hold him back." I told Zelo and just like Myungsoo, he's confused. "Just tell him, he will be fine." Zelo said simply and I scoffed.
"You clearly don't know Daehyun the way I do. He's the most stubborn guy on this planet." I said and he nodded agreeing. "But still, this is not right." he said and I groaned quietly. "Just keep this secret for me, okay? Daehyun left me here too and I suffered, you didn't tell me as well." he then frowned. "Are you doing this for some kind of revenge?" he asked angrily and I shook my head once again. "I'm doing this, because the last time one of my parents died, I left and time healed everything. Do you think I'm fine only because I'm not crying?" I asked him and saw how his eyes softened.
"I'm not crying only because my dad wanted that! I'm broken inside. I still have my little sister and Daehyun, yeah, but I don't have my parents. So if you want to tell Daehyun, go ahead. That won't change anything." I told him for the last time and went out of the kitchen, going to my room. *I'm sorry, dad.* I said, not out loud, as tears rolled down my cheeks, dad didn't wanted for me to cry.. I quickly got some clothes to a bag, took my money and went to sit on the desk. I took a peace of paper with a pen and started writing.
I wanted to say that I'm sorry to Daehyun through a letter at least. I wanted to explain myself. I felt all of my feelings gather in one place as words didn't stop until the peace of paper was full. I approached the bed and placed the letter in the spot where I was supposed to sleep, then after that I leaned in and gave him a longer kiss on his lips and to my surprise Daehyun responded even in his sleep. "Bye." I whispered and wiped my tears off. I looked at him a little bit longer and then left. 
*I'll be back.*
Okay, so did anyone laugh at the last words? "I'll be back." 2PM was dancing in my head! ^^

And anyway, don't hate me for sending Jihyun away for some time. She will be back.

Please, comment. ♥

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suho225 #1
Chapter 3: Can you switch the character but same the main character is kai exo
Hripee #2
Chapter 42: This is the best 'DaeHyun' related story I have read so far!!Keep up the good work..u r really good u know.. (y)
weeniehun #3
Chapter 31: Haha that was funny when Jihyun and Daehyun were kissimg and then Yongguk came in and he was all like "WOW! RATED M! RATED M!
YunaJi #4
Chapter 41: Cute!! I love the ending :)
Chapter 41: Awwwwwwww!!! I love the ending!! So cute!!^^
Chapter 41: Best ending ever!!!!!!
Chapter 41: waaaaaaaaaaaahh~ it's already finished! you're story is daebak!!!! :)
Chapter 40: Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
cupcakekpop #9
Chapter 40: Me The Chapter: NO,they didn't,they...twins? bvgdsjhhff SQEEEEEEEEEE
And omg
Happy famiky :')