Expect the Unexpected

Avatar: Legend of Kyungsoo


It didn't take long for Kyungsoo to unleash flames from his fists. After a few demonstrations and several failed attempts, he began to at least produce fire. His flames were very small compared to Kai and Chanyeol's but Kai told him that the more he practices, the stronger the flames will get.

"I think I'm finally getting the hang of this, Kai!" Kyungsoo said smiling. They had been training for several hours now.

"I knew you would. You're a natural," Kai said winking.

"Yeah, not bad avatar. When you get even better, we're gonna have to have an agni kai, you and me," said Chanyeol.

"I don't think I'll be as good as you any time soon, Chanyeol! But I'll definitely take you up on that offer when I'm ready!" Kyungsoo said as Chanyeol flashed him a thumbs up.

"Alright, I think that's enough training for today," Kai said rubbing his hands together. "How about you and me go for a walk?" he said to Kyungsoo.

"If we can explore the village and see the fire temple then yeah!" Kyungsoo replied.

"You kids have fun. I'll be here," said Chanyeol continuing to perfect his martial art form. Lay came down from the bleachers and walked over to them.

"Did you see me Lay? I can firebend!" said Kyungsoo. Lay smiled.

"Yeah, you sure caught on fast, good job," he said ruffling Kyungsoo's hair. 

"We're about to take a tour of the Fire Nation, come with us!" said Kyungsoo. Kai scowled.

"Uhh I said YOU and ME. He's not invited," he said glaring at Lay.

"Oh come on, Kai. He's coming so get over it," Kyungsoo said taking Lay's hand and beginning to walk. Lay smiled as his hand was entangled with Kyungsoo's. Kai ran in between the both of them, separating the interlaced hands.


The Fire Nation was beautiful. The buildings, the landscaping, everything was beautiful in Kyungsoo's eyes. He wasn't used to seeing nature like this on a regular basis being surrounded by walls in Ba Sing Se. It was truly fascinating to him. 

"I could get used to this," he said smiling as he gazed around.

"If you like it here so much, why don't you move here and live with me?" said Kai.

"Live here with you in that shack you call a house? Kyungsoo is better off living with me," said Lay.

"Oh what and live in a damn igloo??? Kyungsoo can't adapt to your damn south pole. See firebenders and earthbenders understand each other and live in the same kind of environment, isn't that right, baby? Kai said rubbing his cheek against Kyungsoo's cheek.

"At least he'd have decent meals and can bathe in clean water. You look like you haven't showered in weeks," said Lay.

"So what you're gonna feed him your seal jerky and stirred sea prunes??? Who eats that !?" said Kai. Lay's eyes widened as if he were offended.

"Don't you dare talk trash about my tribe's national dish! Our ahjummas put love and care into those meals, how dare you disrespect that!!" yelled Lay. Kyungsoo slapped the back of Kai's head.

"What'd you do that for, Soo??" said Kai.

"That was mean. You put down his culture," said Kyungsoo.

"Baby.." Kai said trying to pull Kyungsoo in his embrace, but Kyungsoo backed away.

"Nope, I'm not hugging you until you apologize to Lay," he said firmly. Kai smacked his lips.

"Oh hell no," he said. Kyungsoo shrugged and locked his arm around Lay's arm.

"Alright then, I'll just give you the silent treatment then," he said, leaning his head on Lay's shoulder. "Come on, Lay. Let's go find another oasis. It's a hot day and I want to cool off." Lay smiled, then flashed a teasing smile at Kai. He and Kyungsoo began walking away.

"Kyungsoo-ah!! You're really gonna shut me out?? Wait for me!!" he ran trying to catch up with him.



"Sehun! There you are," Baekhyun said walking a up a hill to find Sehun sitting at the top. Sehun had his legs crossed, fists joined together and his eyes closed. He was meditating. When he heard Baekhyun's voice, he opened his eyes.

"You came to find me?" he asked.

"Why'd you run off like that you idiot? The Fire Nation has a lot of thugs, ya know. Someone could've mugged you. Don't be so careless, dummy. Not everywhere is as peaceful as the Air Temple," said Baekhyun.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry," said Sehun.

"I'm not worried. I'm just stating the obvious. Don't misunderstand anything, kid." Sehun frowned and looked down. Baekhyun sat down beside him and stared at the clouds passing by as Sehun continued to meditate.

"I don't get why you do that all the time," said Baekhyun.

"Do what?" asked Sehun.



"Yeah, whatever."

"It calms the mind and the body, also giving you connections to the spirit world."

"Blah blah blah here we go spiritual mumbo jumbo," Baekhyun said rolling his eyes and laying on his back. Sehun didn't comment. After a few minutes of silence, Sehun finally said something.


"What?" Baekhyun replied grumpily.

"If you were to leave the temple...where would you want to go?"

"I dunno. I'd probably just travel the world. It's boring staying in one place for too long."

"Oh. Yeah, I guess you're right. Well um...if that's what you wanna do...then I'll support you," said Sehun.

"What, you're not gonna give me bullcrap reasons to try to convince me to stay at the temple anymore?"

"If you aren't happy there..then I don't want to drag you down. You should be happy and go wherever your heart takes you." Baekhyun sat up and looked at Sehun.

"You don't care if I leave?" he asked.

"I mean obviously I don't want you to...but I can't control your actions." Baekhyun became silent from Sehun's words. He couldn't find the words to say. He didn't know if he should be happy that the kid would stop bugging him or disappointed because the kid was letting him go...

"I have something else I want to tell you..." Sehun said with a shaky voice. Baekhyun didn't say anything, instead looking at Sehun, waiting for him to say what he needed to. "Baekhyun...I-I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for a long time now." Baekhyun remained quiet once again.

"I know," he finally said. "You kinda make it obvious. Stupid kid," Baekhyun said chuckling. Sehun stood up.

"Well since I've finally told you, I'd like to wish you farewell and good luck," he said.

"Wait, what?" said Baekhyun.

"I'm well aware that you don't return my feelings and I need to accept that. I know how much you hate the temple...and how much you hate me so it's best if we part our ways. Bye, Baekhyun," Sehun said as he began walking away. Baekhyun stood up and grabbed Sehun's wrist and spun him around. He pulled him into an embrace has he mashed his lips against Sehun's. A deep, passionate kiss that Sehun wanted ever since the first time Baekhyun kissed him. Sehun's face was surprised and his eyes welled with tears.

"So you're gonna tell me you love me then throw me away? You selfish ," Baekhyun said throwing another kiss onto Sehun.

"B-but I t-thought.." Sehun panted between kisses.

"I don't hate you Sehun..and I don't hate it at the temple. I don't necessarily like it there, but I don't hate it," said Baekhyun. Sehun's tears streamed down his face and his lips quivered. He threw his arms around Baekhyun and sobbed happy tears onto his shoulder.

"B-Baekhyun...I-I love you. I love you so much," he cried. Baekhyun didn't hug back, instead just a soft pat with one hand on Sehun's back.

"Alright get off me. You're getting my shoulder wet. Stupid kid," he said. Sehun quickly pulled away and wiped his eyes with a smile.

"I-I'm sorry," he said still sniffling.

"You're so annoying," Baekhyun said rolling his eyes and walking down the hill. Sehun blew his nose and quickly followed him.



"Kyungsoo!! How long are you gonna keep this up??" Kai shouted as he sat in the grass a few feet from the oasis, pouting. Kyungsoo and Lay were in the water. Lay gently moved his arms around Tai-Chi style to bend water around him. Kyungsoo was sitting down and Lay was behind him standing up. With the bended water brought to his hands, he placed both of them on Kyungsoo's shoulders gently to mend any pain Kyungsoo had in his shoulders.

"Tell me where it hurts," Lay whispered in Kyungsoo's ear.

"A-a little higher," Kyungsoo whimpered. Lay smiled and kneeled down, pushing his body against Kyungsoo, flashing an evil smirk at Kai who was forced to watch.

"Right here?" Lay whispered again. Kyungsoo leaned his head back, enjoying the water from Lay's healing hands.

"Right there..." Kyungsoo whimpered again. Kai gripped clumps of grass in his hand and ripped them from the ground, burning the blades in his hands with and gave a glare of death towards Lay. Lay ignored the look Kai was giving him and continued to smirk.

"Kyungsoo talk to me!!!! I'm dying over here!!!!!!!" Kai said ripping out more grass.

"Lay, can you tell Kai that if he wants me to speak to him that he has to apologize to you," Kyungsoo said not looking at Kai.

"Kyungsoo says if you want him to talk to you, you need to apologize to me," Lay said to Kai.

"I'd rather get shot in the face. I'd never apologize to you," said Kai. Lay shrugged.

"Alright, you heard him, Soo." he said. Kyungsoo shrugged as well.

"Yup. Oh well," he said. Lay decided to make Kai even more miserable by kissing Kyungsoo on the cheek.


"Looks you you're gonna have to apologize if you want Soo to speak to you again," Lay teased as he embraced Kyungsoo from behind. He planted a few pecks on top of Kyungsoo's head. Kai was about to explode. He wanted to kill Lay, but he knew if he made any actions like that, Kyungsoo would be even more angry with him.

"You firebenders have too much pride. Why don't you just swallow it for once," said Lay. Kai gritted his teeth and just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, they heard a scream coming from the village.


"Help!! Theif!!!!" a woman shouted. Kyungsoo and Lay rushed out of the water and threw their shirts back on as Kai was already running ahead of them. They saw a man dressed in all black with his face covered, running with a bag in his hand. Kyungsoo jumped down and earthbended a trench around the burglar, trapping him. But the strange man pointed two fingers at the blockade, shooting out lightning which brought it crumbling down. Kyungsoo then pounded his foot in the ground, bringing up a boulder and kicked it towards the strange man. The burglar dodged it and punched fire blasts out in Kyungsoo's direction. Kai jumped in front of Kyungsoo to stop the blasts, then sending a few of his own the burglar's way. The burglar flipped to dodge the attacks by Kai and shot lightning towards him.

"Kai watch out!!" screamed Kyungsoo. Kai dodged just in time, but was too late when he realized the burglar shot a fire blast right after. He crashed into the wall as he was hit by the blast.

"KAI!!!" Kyungsoo yelled in horror. Lay ran up and used water from his canteen to whip at the burglar. He managed to snap the bag that he stole from his grasp. The burglar then bended a force field of fire around him to create a diversion for him to escape.

"Damn, he got away," said Lay. Kyungsoo rushed over to Kai and shook him, trying to wake him up.

"Kai! Wake up! Speak to me please Kai!" he cried as tears ran down his face. Kai slowly opened his eyes.

"Damn, didn't see that comin'," he said rubbing his head. Kyungsoo hugged Kai tightly, feeling relieved. Kai hugged back, rubbing Kyungsoo's head.

"I thought you were hurt badly.." Kyungsoo whispered into Kai's chest. Kai smiled.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" he asked looking down at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo looked back at him and nodded, then helping him up. Lay returned the bag to the woman who thanked him.

"I've never seen someone bending lightning with my own eyes before. It was kind of...scary," said Kyungsoo.

"Yeah, one hit in the wrong place and you're dead," said Kai.

"Well, at least we gave the woman back what he stole," said Lay.

"Yeah, but who is that guy?" said Kai. Kyungsoo and Lay shrugged, then began to head back to the village, for the sun was setting low and the day was just about over.



A/N: I love writing this story, I started writing this chapter as soon as I woke up without even eating breakfast! I might double update today too! I'm gonna go eat now lol hope you enjoy this chapter! ^^

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Chapter 41: Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Heheheh. Thanks for the update!
Cannot wait for the next one :D
Chapter 40: Nnnngggggg ;~;
Chapter 40: ;-; W-w-when is the new update appearing?
Alexys142 #4
Chapter 38: Yes, Azula is gone and Chen is free, they could use his help in the battle!
itsmark03 #5
Chapter 37: Yay an update..! Though I'm not feeling good about it.. cause at first I thought I was getting paranoid that lay's father might tell on them.. but as soon as I read the last part, I thought the my feelings were right.. I hope they would be okay.. and sebaek doing "it".. I just cannot.. sorry for talking(more like typing) to much...

Take care always author-nim..! ^_^
itsmark03 #6
Chapter 36: My dearest condolences to Kyungsoo.. I hope he would cope up real fast.. and I hope that he would put a stop to all the evil plans of Wu-Do collab.. they're such monsters!!

Hope you could update soon though.. take care always author-nim!! ^_^

P.s. I really like the baekhun at the end.. and I hope that baekie would stop hurting sehun from now on.. :)
Alexys142 #7
Chapter 36: I feel sorry about Kyungsoo, Chen killed his grandpa, hope he gets revenge and Baekhun moment, that was a little confusing, I hoped that Sehun would be more fighting for himself, but I guess this works too, looking forward to tge next update