The Siege Pt. 2

Avatar: Legend of Kyungsoo

Kyungsoo rushed along the sandy beaches to reach the foot of the city, determined to find his father and finally put an end to his rath. Everyone else hurried to catch up with him.

"Kyungsoo! Wait! We shouldn't just barge in! We need a strategy!" said Sehun.

"Yeah he's right, you don't know what kind of trap your father has set up for us," said Lay. Kyungsoo stopped and stood still facing the city. His fists balled tightly at his sides. His eyes glaring heavily towards the city.

"He's not my father me I know what I'm doing. You guys go and look for Chen. I'll look for my father," he said.

"I'm coming with you," said Lay.

"I think I should go alone Lay..."

"I'm not leaving you. I refuse." With a deep sigh, Kyungsoo agreed and the two of them took off. Kai looked back at Cheif Suho.

"Lay told us that you knew where Chen was earlier. Do you still know where he is now?" he asked.

"Of course. He's at the mayor's palace where I told him to stay hidden," said Cheif Suho.

"Then we better get a move on before someone else discovers where he is," said Kai. 

"Alright then, you and your friends go. I have to assemble the troops from the Northern tribe and assure that everyone is alright from the mine explosions. I trust that you four can find him and shield him from any threats," said Cheif Suho.

"Don't worry sir, we will!" said Sehun. Suho responded with a nod and went back down to accompany Xiumin with the rest of the Water Tribe members.

"Okay, Sehun and I will use our gliders to get there faster," Baekhyun said as he twirled out his winged staff.

"Okay be careful guys," said Kai. Sehun followed Baekhyun's lead and took out his glider also. The two of them exchanged looks and nods as they began to run and throw their staffs in the air, jumping onto them to glide with the wind. Kai turned back to look at Tao who had a nervous expression on her face.

"Hey don't be scared alright? Quit making that ugly face. I'll protect you," he said as he rubbed the younger's arm. Tao bit his lip and nodded.

"I think it'd be best if we weren't seen. I know a way to get there from underground...I used to play in the tunnels here and there as a kid," he said. Kai nodded and looked around.

"Okay then, are there any manholes we can go through?" he asked. Tao gave a small smirk and pounded his foot to the ground, bending open a large hole for them to jump into.

"Here it is," he replied. Kai blinked for a couple seconds.

"Okay that works too," he said with a smile. The two of them then hopped through and Tao sealed the hole back up.


Kyungsoo and Lay were marching throughout the city, not caring whether they were seen by Kang Soo's militia or not. Kyungsoo was determined to stop the madness that his former father had brought onto Republic City if it was the last thing he did. Of course, it didn't take long for several soldiers and Dai Li agents to discover the Avatar's presence. They immediately announced it through their radios that Avatar Kyungsoo was in Republic City, and things began to get mad. Kyungsoo and Lay fought off the benders who came their way, but it was rather difficult because civilians were also attempting to attack the avatar. The refugees from Ba Sing Se to be exact.

"DOWN WITH THE AVATAR! DOWN WITH THE AVATAR!" they chanted repetitively.

"You people are being cheated and lied to! Kyungsoo is not the bad guy here! You have no idea what Kang Soo is really up to!" Lay shouted trying to vouch for his lover, however, no one would hear him. They continued throwing rocks and any other objects they could find at him. Kyungsoo ignored it all and stood in the middle of the mob.

"Do Kang Soo....where are you!?!?" he shouted. The mob silenced themselves as their leader swooped in to make his presence known. Dai Li agents were prepared to take Kyungsoo into custody, but they were stopped.

"Stand down, Dai Li," said the pompous voice of the man responsible for all of this. He came out from behind several civilians and stood before Kyungsoo with his arms folded behind his back, smirking as if he knew Kyungsoo would come to him.

"It's good to see you again...son," he said.

"How dare you even call me that. You are no father to me!" Kyungsoo spat back out.

"Kyungsoo, you act as if I'm the monster here...I'm not the one who destroyed an entire city..."

"You murdered my grandfather!!!" Kang Soo let out a soft chuckle as he began to walk a bit closer to Kyungsoo.

"Honestly Kyungsoo, the old man's days were limited anyway. Besides it wasn't me who murdered him. If you want to blame anyone, blame Chen. It was his lightning bolt. You aren't being fair here," he said.

"How dare you speak that way about him! He was your father!!"

"That piece of scum was far from my father. He was a lower class peasant and always will be even in the afterlife."

"I don't see how you're still alive with all that venom flowing in your blood...and what you said...that's exactly how I feel towards you," said Kyungsoo. He took a deep breath to keep his emotions under control, then punched out a few fire blasts towards Kang Soo. A wall of rocks came up before him, protecting him from the blast courtesy of the Dai Li. When the rocks fell, Kang Soo's posture remained the same, that sly smirk still perfectly plastered on his satisfied face. The mob began to go wild again, talking down to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo had had enough. He was ready to wipe that smug look off Kang Soo's face and he couldn't wait a second longer. He stormed up to him full speed, ready to launch another attack. When Kang Soo made no move to block, dodge or counter, he thought he would get a clear shot. However, he was quickly struck by surprise when he was attacked from the side. The rock that hit him caused him to spiral to the ground landing face first in the dirt. He looked up to see where the strike came from, expecting it to be another Dai Li agent. On the contrary, it was known other than Kris who stood before him, blowing his blond hair out of his face.

"K-Kris..." said Kyungsoo.

"Kill the avatar, Yifan. Kill him now," said Kang Soo.

"Yes sir..." Kris responded. Lay was about to rush over and help but before he could make a move, his hands were locked behind his back with granite as well as his feet.

"Kyungsoo! No!!" he shouted as he fell to the ground, unable to move his arms and legs.

"Kris stop! It's me! Kyungsoo!!" Kyungsoo begged desperately trying to awaken the true Kris.

"He can't listen to you. He only obeys my orders so do yourself a favor and stop trying while you still have breath left in your bo--agh!!" Kang Soo was cut off but sharp water whip to the face, leaving a bloody cut. He caressed his cheek to feel the wound and angrily glared around trying to find the culprit.

"WHO DID THAT??? WAS IT YOU WATER TRIBE BOY!?!?" He screamed looking at Lay.

"I'm tied up you , believe me I would if I could," Lay scoffed back.

"DAI LI! YOU FOOLS! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTING ME---AH!" another sharp whip, followed by a whirled wave of water. Then the shouts of the Water Tribe warriors could be heard as they began to fall into the battle scene. Xiumin and Luhan appeared from their hiding spots where they had previous delivered the first strikes to Kang Soo.

"What!??! The Water Tribe??? I thought I got rid of you at the shores!??!" yelled Kang Soo.

"If you really think a few ladn mines can stop our warriors then you're really dense," said Cheif Suho.

"Dad!" shouted Lay. The Dai Li quickly blocked the path to Lay, Kyungsoo and Kris.

"Glad you made it, you're just in time to see the avatar perish before your very own eyes, Cheif Suho," Kang Soo said as he stood to his feet wiping his mouth. Xiumin looked at Luhan, giving him a small nod, Luhan replied with a nervous nod and locked his eyes on Kris. He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, then lifted his hands to control the blood flowing through Kris' body. He instantly flung Kris away like a rag doll, causing him to crash into a building. The civilians screamed with fear and began to run away. Luhan smirked with confidence as he began to do the same with some of the other earthbenders. He used one of them to unlock Lay's granite cuffs, freeing him.

"H-He's a b-bloodbender..??" said Kang Soo.

"That's right. I hope now you know you stand no chance against any of us now," said Xiumin. Kang Soo stood still in silence for a few moments, then began to chuckle.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of a bloodblender? You fools. You obviously don't think I'm intelligent. I prepared for every possible scenario, and you puppets have fallen right into my trap," he said, then whistled.

"W-What are you doing??" Kyungsoo choked out.

"Oh you're about to find out dear son of mine," he said. 




A/N: Sorry it's been so long! I only have about maybe 1 more chapter to do! I admit I've been lazy but blame school for that!! This past semester really killed me, seriously! And I have other fics to update as well! Plus I started roleplaying haha, anyway I'll try to have the final chapter up and finished beofre I go back to school next week!



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Chapter 41: Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Heheheh. Thanks for the update!
Cannot wait for the next one :D
Chapter 40: Nnnngggggg ;~;
Chapter 40: ;-; W-w-when is the new update appearing?
Alexys142 #4
Chapter 38: Yes, Azula is gone and Chen is free, they could use his help in the battle!
itsmark03 #5
Chapter 37: Yay an update..! Though I'm not feeling good about it.. cause at first I thought I was getting paranoid that lay's father might tell on them.. but as soon as I read the last part, I thought the my feelings were right.. I hope they would be okay.. and sebaek doing "it".. I just cannot.. sorry for talking(more like typing) to much...

Take care always author-nim..! ^_^
itsmark03 #6
Chapter 36: My dearest condolences to Kyungsoo.. I hope he would cope up real fast.. and I hope that he would put a stop to all the evil plans of Wu-Do collab.. they're such monsters!!

Hope you could update soon though.. take care always author-nim!! ^_^

P.s. I really like the baekhun at the end.. and I hope that baekie would stop hurting sehun from now on.. :)
Alexys142 #7
Chapter 36: I feel sorry about Kyungsoo, Chen killed his grandpa, hope he gets revenge and Baekhun moment, that was a little confusing, I hoped that Sehun would be more fighting for himself, but I guess this works too, looking forward to tge next update