A New Threat

Avatar: Legend of Kyungsoo

"Hey Xiumin can I borrow some---OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SMELL!?!?" Lay shouted as he bursted into Xiumin and Luhan'a hotel room. He looked to see his brother in the bed with Luhan, giving him a glare. "Ahh so no wonder I didn't see you at the festival. Were you guys in here having this whole time? Because it smells like straight up in here." 

Luhan blushed and hid under the covers. Xiumin threw a pillow at Lay. "Damn it Yixing get out!! Ever heard of knocking??" he shouted.

"You wouldn't have answered anyway! Just so you know, dad's gonna be the new Water Tribe council member for Republic City," said Lay.

"Oh wow, so I guess that means we're really staying here for a while," said Xiumin. Lay nodded.

"Looks like it. Well I'll let you two get back to what you were doing. Kyungsoo's waiting back in our room. See you in the morning," Lay said as he waved and shut the door behind him.

Luhan peeked up at Xiumin from under the covers. "I hope we can stay for a while. I really like it here, Xiumin. It's a really nice change," he said snuggling next to his lover. Xiumin chuckled and caressed the boy's head.

"Luhan we haven't even really seen the city. We've been in this bed ever since we got here," he said.

"I know but still, it's warmer and cozier. Plus, a breath of fresh air. Being in the South Pole just reminds me too much of...everything," said Luhan. Xiumin leaned down to kiss his boyfriend's forehead.

"Don't worry baby. Not matter where we are, you don't have to worry about that anymore. It's in the past now," he said. Luhan smiled and layed his head on Xiumin's chest.

"Can we stay here again tomorrow? This was really nice," he said.

"No Luhan we need to get out otherwise neither of us will be able to walk," Xiumin replied laughing. The two layed there together talking until they fell asleep.


Lay opened the door to his room and went inside, finding Kyungsoo sitting on the bed, already in his pajamas. Lay threw off his shirt and pants and hopped in the bed with him.

"Tonight was really fun," he said kissing along Kyungsoo's neck.

"Mhm," Kyungsoo hummed. Lay stopped and looked at Kyungsoo. He seemed to be deep in thought. He was hardly paying Lay any attention.

"You okay, Soo?" asked Lay.

"Oh yeah I'm fine just...hmm"

"What's wrong? You can tell me anything, baby."

"Well...I kinda saw something tonight that I probably shouldn't have.."

"...What did you see?"

"Um..well you know how Chanyeol came back and kissed Baekhyun and stuff?"


"Well...while we were looking for Tao, I kinda found them together in a house...ya know...doing things."

"They didn't..."

Kyungsoo nodded. "They did. Full out . Baekhyun was his name and everything. It was sick to watch...and right after, Sehun came up to me but luckily I pulled him away before he saw."

"Did you tell him what you saw?"

"No...but I feel guilty. I mean I lied to him but I did it because I don't wanna see him get hurt. You know how much he loves Baekhyun."

"And all that bastard did was lead him on...poor kid. He needs to know Kyungsoo."

"So...I should tell him then?"

"Yeah I think it'd be best. It may hurt him now but it will save him from more pain later."

"Yeah you're right, Lay. Thanks, you always know what to say," Kyungsoo said offering his boyfriend a smile. Lay smiled back and leaned down to kiss Kyungsoo on the lips.

"Alright, let's get some sleep. You have a lot of waterbending training in the morning. You need your strength," said Lay.

"Aww...I was kinda hoping we would do something else before we went to bed.." said Kyungsoo. Lay's smile spread wider and he got on top of Kyungsoo and began kissing him. They won't be getting any sleep tonight.



"Oh, you're back," Sehun said as Baekhyun entered the room. His hair was a mess and his clothes were all wrinkled. "What happened to you?"

"Oh I...I had a run in with that platypus bear. He just liked me a little too much and you know how that goes," Baekhyun lied.

"Oh...so is that why you ditched me?" Sehun asked sadly.

"Hey I didn't ditch you I really was coming back, it's just that..I got a little...preoccupied."

"You don't have to lie. If you didn't want to be around me you could've told me. You could've told me to get lost like you always did. I know you're still mad at me...I just wish you would admit it.."

"Sehun I was serious when I said I wasn't mad at you," Baekhyun said walking over to sit down next to the boy. He wrapped his arm around Sehun's waist and pulled him closer, kissing him on the cheek. "I'd never be mad at you for something as little as that, okay? I'm sorry I stormed off and I'm sorry I left you at the festival."

"You sure you aren't mad? I can't handle you being mad at me, it hurts." Baekhyun felt like crap. He knew he couldn't take back what he did with Chanyeol tonight and he regreted it as soon as he saw the younger boy's face. 

"I promise.." Baekhyun said, leaning in to kiss Sehun's lips. A different taste from Chanyeol's. More pure and passionate. He felt something kissing Sehun that he didn't when he kissed Chanyeol. Sehun kissed back lovingly and hugged Baekhyun tight.

"I love you.." Sehun said leaning his head on Baekhyun's shoulder. Now Baekhyun really felt like crap. This boy, the only one who's shown him love and passion, he betrayed by sleeping with someone else. He decided to pretend his night with Chanyeol didn't happen and hope for the best.

"I know.."




The next morning, Kai was the first one up...surprisingly. He practiced his firebending with Chanyeol in a pro-bending practice area. The two weren't going easy on eachother, as usual. The flames burned along the pavement, slowly dying down to dark purple embers. They were both panting and sweating, but neither backing down.

"Is that all you got, Kai?? Don't tell me you've gotten soft!" Chanyeol said kicking a powerful flame Kai's way.

"You wish, you're the one who's bending is Kindergarden level!" Kai said returning more blasts. They spend hours trash talking while dueling, then Tao came by. He stood to the side, knowing better than to blindy enter the deathmatch. He watched Kai's every move, smiling, admiring him. Not too long after he arrived, Kai noticed him and stared back at him. Due to the distraction, Chanyeol took advantage and knocked Kai off his feet with a legsweep.

"Looks like you've got yourself a fan, Kai," Chanyeol said helping Kai back to his feet.

"That's Tao. He's the mayor's son. The mayor wants us to babysit him because he doesn't know how to socialize and now I think he's got a thing for me," said Kai.

"Awww isn't that cute," Chanyeol said puckering his lips at Kai, making kissy noises. Kai punched his arm hard.

"No it's not cute. I told him I'd look after him yesterday since he got lost and has trouble with large crowds, and since then he won't leave me alone. He even tried to sleep in my hotel room last night! That's where I had to draw the damn line!"

"Hahahahaha why??" Chanyeol said wiping a  tear from his eye from all the laughter.

"He said he was afraid of the dark...."

Chanyeol laughed even harder. "WHAT IS HE, FIVE!?!?" Kai punched his arm again.

"Shut up!! He'll hear you !" Just then, Tao shyly walked over to them.

"Hi Kai," he said looking down blushing. "You're a really good firebender...the best I've ever seen...maybe even the best in the world!" Chanyeol tried to keep his giggling to himself but he was having a hard time trying not to outburst in laughing.

"Uhh thanks...I mean I'm not the best in the world but I'm pretty damn good," said Kai. Tao rocked back on his feet with his hands behind his back.

"Um I made you something," Tao said as he pulled his hands from behind him, handing Kai a hat. It was the ugliest hat Kai had ever seen in his life. He hesitated taking it when Tao handed it to him. "I knitted it myself. It took me all night." Tao said smiling bashfully. Chanyeol couldn't hold it in anymore. He laughed so hard, holding his stomach and fell on the floor, rolling. Tao frowned.

"Is it...is it that bad?" Tao said with a crack in voice, eyes tearing up. Kai kicked Chanyeol in the stomach to shut him up.

"No no it's great!! He's not laughing at you I promise, we were just talking about something funny before you came and he can't control himself. Don't mind him, he's an idiot," said Kai. Tao rubbed his eyes.

"So..do you like it?" he asked.

"Um...yeah...thanks, it's really thoughtful of you. I appreciate it."

Tao smiled again. "I'm happy! Um so what are you doing today? Mind if I tag along?"

"Uhh actually can you do me a favor a get me a Republic newspaper? I forgot to grab one on my way down from the hotel," said Kai. Tao smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I can do that! I'll go right now!!" he saiid then ran off.

"Take your time!" Kai shouted. Chanyeol, who was struggling to breathe from all that laughing, stood to his feet and put a hand on Kai's shoulder.

"Man he's totally in love with you. He knitted you a hat with love in every stitch ahahahahahaha!!"

"Ugh...this hat is so ugly...it's not even my style."

"Then throw it away," said Chanyeol.

"Yeah, I will later. Let's just hurry up and get outta here before he comes back!" The two of them then ran off to relocate before the younger boy returned.



It took a while for Kyungsoo to wake up after he and Lay had a few rounds last night. Kyungsoo loved every second of them. When they woke up, Lay said he needed to meet with his tribe for a meeting and that they would practice waterbending once he was finished, so Kyungsoo was just wandering around Republic City just to sightsee. He was also thinking of how he would break the news to Sehun about what he saw last night. But he had other important things to deal with such as figuring out the whereabouts of Chen and going into the Spirit World. Now that he could enter the avatar state, he was connected with his avatar spirit and could most likely enter the Spirit World with no issues if he meditated long enough. Kyungsoo was deep in all these thoughts when he heard a voice call his name. He turned around and nearly had a heart attack. The last person he wanted to see or talk to was standing right in front of him.


"It's been a long time hasn't it?" said Mr. Do.

"Yeah, since you kicked me out and disowned me. Time flies," Kyungsoo replied sassily.

"How have you been? How is avatar training going?"

"It's fine. Why?"

"Just curious. You know, your mother and I think of you softly from time to time."

"Dad why are you even speaking to me right now? I'm a dirty slum bottom feeder right?" Kyungsoo felt his emotions building up.

"We're in the same city. Mayor Huang told me all about your arrival. It was very noble of you to help the Southerners. You must feel proud."

"All I did was make a suggestion. It was Cheif Suho who led them here. Anyway, what are you doing here? And since when are you a council member?" asked Kyungsoo.

"I'm glad you asked. I'm going to helping out here in Republic City from now on. It's a new fresh start for me. I want to use my money for something good for once, not just on fancy spas. I was also hoping to run into you too here. I would like to apologize for all the pain your mother and I caused you and I hope you can forgive me. I would really like for us to be a family again, Kyungsoo."

"....You're apologizing seven years later? Dad really, you think it's that simple?? Do you know the pain, hurt and sadness I went though for seven years?? Seven years without my parents who never visited or even called to make sure I was okay...do you even know what family is?"

"Kyungsoo I know we can't undo what's already been done, but I'd like for you to think about what I've said. No matter what, you'll always be my son and I love you.." Kyungsoo's eyes widened at those last three words. Did he...mean that? No...he can't possibly love me..

While Kyungsoo was having a debate inside his head, his father walked past him, gently patting his shoulder as he past with a smirk on his face.

W-what could this mean...?

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Chapter 41: Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Heheheh. Thanks for the update!
Cannot wait for the next one :D
Chapter 40: Nnnngggggg ;~;
Chapter 40: ;-; W-w-when is the new update appearing?
Alexys142 #4
Chapter 38: Yes, Azula is gone and Chen is free, they could use his help in the battle!
itsmark03 #5
Chapter 37: Yay an update..! Though I'm not feeling good about it.. cause at first I thought I was getting paranoid that lay's father might tell on them.. but as soon as I read the last part, I thought the my feelings were right.. I hope they would be okay.. and sebaek doing "it".. I just cannot.. sorry for talking(more like typing) to much...

Take care always author-nim..! ^_^
itsmark03 #6
Chapter 36: My dearest condolences to Kyungsoo.. I hope he would cope up real fast.. and I hope that he would put a stop to all the evil plans of Wu-Do collab.. they're such monsters!!

Hope you could update soon though.. take care always author-nim!! ^_^

P.s. I really like the baekhun at the end.. and I hope that baekie would stop hurting sehun from now on.. :)
Alexys142 #7
Chapter 36: I feel sorry about Kyungsoo, Chen killed his grandpa, hope he gets revenge and Baekhun moment, that was a little confusing, I hoped that Sehun would be more fighting for himself, but I guess this works too, looking forward to tge next update