Chapter 7

12 Hours Together

 "Haeun, wake up." A male voice drummed into your ears. It's dad,  you guessed. Dad is always the one who wakes you up before you go to school. And you always try to get extra sleep whenever you can. You hugged your teddy bear tighter. It was the gift Naeun gave to you two years ago for your birthday. You ran your hand up and down your big teddy.


Wait, why isn't this teddy bear fluffy? It can't be that teddy bears knows how to shave or wax…


    "Jung Haeun." This time the voice is closer to your ear. You frowned, wanting more sleep.

    "I want to sleep, dad… Class starts late today so give 30 more minutes," you whined and hugged your teddy bear tighter.


A roar of laughter filled your ears and you opened your eyes slowly. Your vision is still blurry, especially when you are half awake. Your eyes felt heavy and you stared at something before you. With your sleepy eyes, the first thing you caught was a shirt. A black shirt. A man's essence also wiggled into your nose. Your hand begins to rub around your teddy bear.


How can my teddy bear give out a man's essence? Wait, why is my teddy bear muscular? And where are the furs?


A MAN!! This is confirmed a man, and who is this man who dared himself to enter your room?! Your eyes immediately shot opened and your hands pushed whoever that pretended to be your teddy bear was.


    "Jung Haeun, waaaaaaaaakeee uupp!"


Jiyong's face was before you. You stared at him a few more seconds and shook your head.


What the hell is happening with me?!


Jiyong is still laughing at you and you stared at him blushing away. "Haeunie… Hahahahahaha! You're really so cute," he said as he calmed his laughter. You blinked a few more times and looked around. You're still on flight and Jiyong is sitting next to you.


   "I'm sorry that I slept, Jiyong Oppa," you said in your just-woke-up voice. "And did I hugged you just now? I thought you were my teddy bear."


Jiyong broke into laughter once again. You're not sure why, maybe because of how your voice sounded like or your words. You have no idea and pulled yourself upright. You saw your notebook and pen on your table. Without much thought, you kept both of it back in your bag.


    "You sure have a big teddy bear," he teased you after calming down from his laughs from the second time.


You sat back properly and looked at him with your (-.-) look, couldn't be bothered as to what you should reply him. "Do you want a kiss from Jiyongie Oppa?" he asked with a naughty smile on his face.




You immediately scooted away from him, nearing yourself to the aisle. "It's okay, Jiyong Oppa. I'm good," you answered him in a flash, blushing away. He chuckled at your reaction. "It's okay, I won't kiss you… Yet," he told you, the last word said in a whisper but your sharp ears were able to catch it.


What do you mean "yet"?! Did something happened while I was asleep?!


     "So, is G-Bear comfortable to sleep with?" he grinned and looked at you.


Pfft. G-Bear. Nice try, G-DRAGON.


    "Not really," you answered him and shook your head. "Teddy bear is more fluffy with fur and extremely comfortable. G-Bear is too muscular and broad. No wonder I felt uncomfortable while sleeping."


You were amazed at how you can answer that so casually to him. In fact, you were satisfied with your words. His grin immediately turned into an amused smile. "Really? You slept for two hours while hugging G-Bear. G-Bear wants to wake you up but he pitied you, so he lets you sleep longer," he told you, smiling away.


TWO HOURS?!! HUGGING G-DRAGON?! WHILE SLEEPING?! Damn, I should have include that in my bucket list earlier on in my life!


   "Really?" you asked in English, clearly shocked by his words.


He nodded.


   "Then how many more hours are we left before landing?" you asked in Korean this time.


He immediately lifted up his right hand, all fingers upright except his pinky finger. Four more hours left with Kwon Jiyong. Cruel reality.


   "What is your favourite song by G-Dragon, Haeunie?" he asked and looked at you.


My favourite song? Can I just say all?


Your brain begins to scan all solo songs by G-Dragon. The three songs you liked the most were R.O.D, One Year Station and But I Love U. Which of the three should you pick?


    "I think I like But I Love U best," you answered him without much thinking.

    "Why?" he asked curiously.

    "Uh… I liked the way the words were phrased especially in the rap," you told him honestly.


He nodded and went silent for a while. You kept quiet as well, feeling restless. Did you said something that offended him? Oh, gosh. Please. You hoped you didn't picked the wrong song.


    "Do you have a boyfriend, Haeunie?" he asked and looked at you.


B-B-B-BOY WHAT?! BOYFRIEND?! AM I DREAMING?! Wait.. Wait.. Don't get too ahead of yourself, Haeunie. It could just be a question.


    "I never had a boyfriend in my life," you told him truthfully and caged your fangirl side. "I only know what love is through songs, strories and writing them out. But I don't know what love truly feels like. I only get to catch a glimpse of it."


He nodded, satisfied with your answer. You don't want to drop the bomb but you want to hear his honesty as well. "How about you?" you asked and observed his facial expression. He immediately diverted his gaze away from you and dropped his head.


It's Kiko Mizuhara, right? That tall Japanese model. Knowledgeable but not as knowledgeable as me. Beautiful lady. 4 years on and all you said was that she is just a friend. It's more than friends, right? I know, Jiyong. Because for the past years, you two only said that you were friends. I doubt that. Because those two names are always together. So, the scandal must have been real.


You waited for him to admit it. Even though you knew that you had dropped the bomb, but you want to hear his honesty. You are prepared with whatever answer he has. You have to anyway.


He nodded his head.


You gulped.


The Japanese model and him. You bite your lips, not sure what to reply. Emptiness begin to shower you. Reality is indeed cruel. You took a deep breath before letting it go slowly. You felt like as though he had just scratched your heart. You want to force out a smile, pretending to be alright. But your heart your can't lie unlike other times.


What should you say right now?


I love you, Kwon Jiyong! I really do! Please leave her and come with me! - while showing a pitifully sad face?

you, Kwon Jiyong! Are you toying with my feelings?! - while throwing a tantrum and running off to the toilet?


    "What should I answer you, Kwon Jiyong? So that I won't hurt your feelings?" you asked and looked at him.  So that I won't hurt my feelings as well.


Jiyong immediately turned his head towards you. His stare was locked to yours for a really long time. A vacant stare.


     "You're my drug, Jung Haeun," he said in a loud whisper.


Drug? That's not a good sign… Legal or not legal, that's the question. Addiction or treatment, that's the question.


     " or Antibiotics?" you asked him in English. It sounded better like this than asking him straight in the face with the words of your thoughts.


He shrugged and looked away from you. "I don't know…" he answered, still in a loud whisper. "Your getaway from reality is writing. My getaway from reality is you, Jung Haeun."


Wow, that is totally unexpected… Did I accidentally drugged the dragon with my personality? But wasn't he drugging me with his personality all these while?


You blinked and looked at him, totally caught off guard by his words. "You gave me comfort in my life. You bring out Kwon Jiyong instead of G-Dragon. And I don't know whether this is good or bad. Even if it's good, will it be short-termed or long-termed? I don't know. I don't even know if this is a risk I should take," he continued. You kept quiet upon his reply, finally understanding now.


Is it alright to be delusional all these while? I'm doubting that. Maybe by the time this plane lands, we might just be another idol and another fangirl. I board this plane with a dream to get a PhD in Creative Writing. And like a hurricane or typhoon, Jiyong immediately took those thoughts away. Can Kwon Jiyong and Jung Haeun be together? Or is it no longer Kwon Jiyong but G-Dragon? Will I be able to manage once we landed?


As though he sensed your worries, he immediately spoke to pull you away from your thoughts. "I have a love, Haeunie. But like what you are worrying now, what will happen once this plane landed? That is when reality comes in. I am an idol. Even if I have your number, I won't be able to call you soon. I am a busy person. I may not be able to text you, call you or do anything like every other boyfriend does in this world. And by that time, you will only see G-Dragon instead of Kwon Jiyong. You will see the side of mine which is ugly and you will grow hatred of it. And you will slowly regret and hate the sweet and beautiful moments we shared. And… Even imagining you in such a position… I can't even bear to see it," he explained.


You understood every single word you heard coming out from his mouth. It stung deep in your heart. Everything about love is always beautiful. But every love, there will always be a main problem. And that main problem, if you ever to date Jiyong, is time. You want to be his girlfriend and not just getting the title of being his girlfriend. If we can't love in land, let's love in the air. Eventually, you smiled. Not out of pity, but with full sincerity.


   "Jiyong Oppa, let's create the best memories together with the remaining 4 hours," you suggested. "Memories created will last longer."


He turned his head towards you. Completely taken aback by your words. Or didn’t expect to get such a reply from you. He immediately took your hands into his and unite both of your eyes together. The eyes which held thousands of meaning.


   "Haeunie, I don't want this night to end."


You felt the words stung your heart again. "Jiyong, you have a girlfriend," you felt a bitter smile drawn on your lips. Even when you said it, you felt like crying. "And I don't want to get you overdosed," this time you bite your lips. Words are indeed the strongest weapon in this world and you were feeling every single bit of it. "I am not a cheap woman," your heart was already wretched in pain. "As much as I want time to stop for us," you swallowed your saliva. "We have to remember what will happen when this plane landed, right?" you looked at his facial expression. It was as though he was mirroring what you looked like right now. "So," you breathed out that word. "Let's use the four hours we have left to create more memories, nae?" you faked a smile for him.


   "If there is anything you want from me, Haeun, tell me. I will fulfil it," he told you sincerely, his eyes showing the same pain as yours.


I don't know, Kwon Jiyong. I just want your love. I love you, Kwon Jiyong. Whether as a friend, a fan or more than that. Even if that means supporting you from a distance. Even if that means watching you loving someone else. Even if we can't love each other, I will always love you. I had dreamed for this moment, and right now the memory we made is priceless. I won't trade it with something else. If this is how it is supposed to end, thank you for giving those beautiful memories. I will continue to love G-Dragon but I will always love Kwon Jiyong more.


    "I want you to be happy with me until this plane landed," you answered, stinging your heart with your own words. "When we're happy, we can create beautiful memories together."


His eyes screams sorrow. He must have felt it stung as well. His cheeks and nose were slowly turning red. And you know very well what that is supposed to mean. "Haeun," he breathed out. You immediately brought your index finger to your lips and smiled. It hurts but what hurts more is having to see a dragon crying before you. You would rather make him smile instead of watching him cry. He instantly gave a shock expression towards you. "We only have four hours, Jiyong Oppa. Let's not waste any more time and create more memories together, nae?" you suggested, that painful smile still on your face.


His mouth now curved into a smile.


You immediately stood up and put out your hand. "Where are we going?" he asked as he stood up and grabbed your hand. You smiled and led the way this time. "Who cares? The best adventure comes unplanned," you grinned as you brought him all the way to the galley. He held your hand tight as he followed you. Once you both had arrived the galley, both of you looked out of the window together. The morning sunrise surrounded by cloud. The beautiful art by Mother nature.


    "Jiyong Oppa,"  you looked up at him he was mesmerized by the beauty of nature. He immediately looked down towards you.

    "Aren't we supposed to run away from the sunrise?" you asked him, smiling. You felt familiar with the words but you shrugged it off for what matters now is Jiyong.

    "Are we? I just realized it," he answered before laughing. Clearly shocked and impressed.

    "If the plane won't stop for a second, the night won't end. And when the night won't end, the dream we are experiencing now will keep going," you told him.


He fell silent as he observed the view before the two of you. Peace was seen in his face. You too took the chance to look at the view before you. All of sudden, you felt him let go of your hand. You panicked for a moment until you felt his arms enveloped you from behind and his chin resting on your right shoulder. Your heart fluttered upon his gesture but you managed to keep it cool.


    "I wish I could buy a private jet and do all these insane things with you again, Jung Haeunie," he spoke next to your ear. "Running away from our cruel reality."


Again? Will we ever get to meet again, Kwon Jiyong?


    "Don't forget to give me an invitation once you have one," you told him cheerfully even though your heart speaks otherwise.

    "I will, Haeun! It will never be the same without you," he replied cheerfully as well.


You instantly found yourself trapped. Similar to you, Jiyong is not ready to part with you yet. He did not even move an inch. "Watching the sky makes me feel free," you told him. You felt that way ever since you were young. "I will always sit on the grass, watching the sky - be it day or night. It gives me peace. If it's day, I will look at the clouds and try to find any shapes or outlines made by the clouds. If it's night, I will count all the visible stars. Because they give a sense of peace from whatever I am experiencing." Once you finished your explanation, you felt his hold on you tighten. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess, Jung Haeun," he told you. "Whether you like or not, I want to spend more time with you." A torrent of emotions begin to flow in you. Words. It always has to be words. His voice was shaking when he told you that. His persistence was perfectly shown. Even you felt that same way.


     "What is your favourite animal, Jiyong Oppa?" you asked, in order to lighten the mood. "And it better not be a dragon."


He laughed at your last sentence. "My favourite animal?" he asked for confirmation. You nodded. "Bald eagles. Because they are free and loyal. Strong and loving. And they will stay with their partners until the end," he answered. You hummed in response. "What about you, Haeun? What is your favourite animal?" he asked in return. "Otters. They are cute and lovely. And what is fascinating is that, when they sleep, they held hands so that they won't drift apart. As though letting go of each other's hands would also mean letting go of each other's love," you answered him.


Damn, my flight journey with Kwon Jiyong could be the number one hit Korean drama series right now.


     "So, both of our favourite animals are loving?" he asked and begin to sway the both of you.

     "I guess so," you answered and smiled.

     "Girlfriend and wife, how do you differentiate them, Haeun?" Jiyong asked you.


You gave it a thought. Tough question indeed. "Girlfriend is a term which may not last. Wife is a term which says that love is everlasting?" you answered, not quite confident with it. He nodded at your response. "For me, wife has it all," he told you. You immediately understood what he meant. Love, house, children, life… And him. Wife has it all.


      "Haeun, can we be an item?" he asked.




He immediately let go of you and stood by your side. Your eyes immediately landed with his. The words he said earlier, it felt like a dream. "Can we be an item, Haeun?" he asked again. This time you saw the words moved out of his mouth. "But what about your girlfriend?" you asked in return, though you know it could kill the mood. His eyes immediately gazed into yours and he grabbed both of your hands. His left with your right and your right with his left.


     "You said earlier you never had a boyfriend before, right?" he asked you, his gaze still locked with yours.


You gulped and nodded.


     "Will you allow me to be your first? Even if it's for four hours?" he whispered. "Let's be together when we're in the clouds."


Hi! Hello! So, yeah.. I stayed up late to write this since my class starts late today. Though it's bad for me, but I enjoy writing more and getting more of your love towards this story. Sorry if it's angst but you do know that what matters is when the plane lands, right? There might be more angst and fluff in the future ( when the plane lands)  but don't worry, the plane hasn't landed yet~~ :) Anyway, I hope you like it or love it.. And thank you for showing me and giving me your support~~~ :) :D I won't be able to update soon but I will update the next one either on Friday night or the weekends... Sorry.. :/ But my timetable is crazy honestly. So, yeah.. Do comment down or give some suggestion. And subscribe too! <3 <3 I love you guys, girls and whoever had been showing lots of support.  I LOVE YOU!!! <3 <3 Okay, now be patient for the next update~~ xPP Unnie will update soon if there are a lot of people commenting or begging me to update~~ HEHEHEHEH!! Hahahaha, anyway be patient and comment and subscribe! xDDD

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....