Chapter 11

12 Hours Together

It had been 3 months since that 12 hour incident, or so you called it. You were sitting at a café in one of the bustling streets in London. School has long started, but you still can't forget about Jiyong. Besides, you're not ready to open up your heart for someone else. Even so, Jiyong is no longer Jiyong unless if  you two happened to be in the sky. On land, both of you are nothing except an idol and a fan. You had accepted that reality. You took a deep breath and begin to walk by yourself at the streets. The shops lined were Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Louis Vuitton and more. Well, you decided to walk there to empty your thoughts and it is nearer to the metro station to your hostel. You tucked your hands in the pockets where your hotpacks are. You walked slowly, your ears were plugged with emotional songs by YG Family. You actually created a playlist for that and right now it is If I Were You by 2NE1. Your phone buzzed and you immediately took out your phone. It was a Twitter notification.


         @Realtaeyang followed you on Twitter


Your eyes blinked a few times. How did Taeyang knows your Twitter account? Your phone buzzed again and this time you received a direct message (DM) from Taeyang.


        Hi, Jung Haeun. This is Dong Youngbae. Or Taeyang. But I'd prefer Dong Youngbae. Are you in London right now?


WHAT?! He knows your name now? For the past 3 months Kwon Jiyong had been following you, he had never send a DM to you and right now Taeyang is sending a DM to you within seconds of following you. You immediately went to a nearby empty bench and replied him. Though it's somewhat rude but it's better to be honest.


       Aren't you supposed to be in Korea to prepare for your comeback album?


You held on your phone and waited for him to reply. You looked around, hoping that he won't be nearby. Especially when he asked you whether you are in London right now. Your phone buzzed again and you immediately looked at it.


     Don't talk GD with me. I am in London right now. And I want to meet you.




    Then it's better for me to pack my luggage and flee the city. 


You felt proud with the answer you gave him. Well, ever since the 12 hour incident, you want to avoid meeting any of the YG Family members.


      If you flee the city, BIGBANG will delay their comeback in order to find you. By BIGBANG it means all five of us will travel the globe just to find you even if we have to go to Antarctica and find you. So please cooperate, Jung Haeun. Therefore, which part of London are you at?


You blinked your eyes a few times. Is he threatening you now? And how is it your fault for delaying BIGBANG's comeback?! Shouldn't that be Yang Sajangnim's fault? Your phone buzzed again and you looked at it.


   I see a girl wearing a Giyongchy beanie. Is that you?


HUL!! You immediately looked around to see any familiar figures. You are wearing the Giyongchy beanie Jiyong gave you. But right now, you wished there were other fans around who was wearing it as well. Your phone buzzed again and you immediately looked at it.


    I think it's you. You are wearing the beanie and sitting on a bench under a tree. That girl immediately reacted. I'm coming for you right now.


NO!! NO!! I'm not ready to meet BIGBANG right now.


    Nice talking to you. I'm taking my leave.


You immediately stood up and walked off, praying to God that he won't chase you. You know very well what it means if you and him meets. It either means he wants to know what type of person are you, or it's something totally YG related, or both. You dropped your head and quicken your pace. You know Taeyang is athletic and it's best to be quick before he catches up with you. As you walked, suddenly, a figure stopped right in front of you and waved at you with a smile so wide. His eyes was hidden behind his shades but you know very well who he is. Your jaws dropped upon his sight. He immediately took his phone and send a message to your phone. Your phone buzzed and looked at it.


     You are the first fan who had ever run away from Taeyang of BIGBANG.


He stood by your side and looked at the DM you received. He smiled and nodded, satisfied that he had found the correct person. "Let's go to a restaurant and eat. I am hungry," he said as he turned around and walked ahead. You took this chance to turn around and run off. Unfortunately, you were caught by Taeyang. Taeyang, the ninja of BIGBANG. How annoying. He grabbed your right lower arm and dragged you along with him. He then pulled the right side of your earpieces and looked at you.


    "I am craving for Turkish. Any Turkish restaurant here?" he asked.


You immediately gave him your (-.-) look. "Ah, so you were the one who taught Jiyong that look? I was wondering where the hell did he learnt that," he said. "But seriously, are there any Turkish restaurant?" You heaved out a sigh and lead him the way. You had been hanging out here for the past 2 months and you know roughly well where is where.



Both of you are now in a Turkish restaurant. The food had already been served but you two didn't eat immediately. You wanted to know his motives for having to fly to London and finding you. Both of you were just staring at each other. Your phone buzzed and you looked at your phone which was on the table.


     @chaelinCL followed you on Twitter

     @mingkki21 followed you on Twitter


You immediately lifted your head and looked at Taeyang. He must have saw your phone notification and his mouth was curved into a smile. "Let's eat and talk," he told you and started to eat. You nodded and ate as well. Well, he said that he was going to pay anyway.


    "Who else is here in London?" you asked him.

    "No one. Only me," he answered as he ate.

    "Then what are you doing here?" you asked him.

    "GD told Yang Sajangnim about your skills. And right now, I was sent to find out more about you," he answered.




    "Is there anything to find out about me?" you asked and you saw your phone buzzed again.


    @haroobomkum followed you on Twitter

    @TheLyddz followed you on Twitter

    @krungy21 followed you on Twitter


What is with these people? Following me on Twitter all of a sudden?


    "Well, you have to options," he said and took out a letter and handed it to you. "He wrote a letter to you and he sent me here to be your messenger because we can only connect you through Twitter. And when you told GD you're a YG Stan, we checked our Twitter and found out that you were following YG Family."

    "And why are you the messenger?" you asked out of curiosity as you opened the letter.

    "I have no idea either. Besides, it's been a long time I came to London," he answered and shrugged.


Your phone buzzed again as you opened the letter. You glanced at your phone and saw another Twitter notification.


    @ForvictoRi followed you on Twitter

    @blobyblo followed you on Twitter


You ignored it and continued to open the letter. "Are you all starting a campaign or something? Why is everyone following me suddenly?" you asked and looked at him as you opened the letter. "Trust me, I have no idea either," he answered as he ate. You took the letter out and start to read it.



Annyeonghosaeyo, Jung Haeun.


              This is CEO Yang Hyunsuk from YG Entertainment. I had heard about your great abilities of writing songs and having a way of your own words. We had also discussed with Yonsei University in South Korea regarding your work pieces; mainly on your composition and poems. I am happy to say that I am extremely amazed by your work and therefore I would like to hire you as a lyricist in YG Entertainment. It is rare for me to write a letter to someone whom I had never met but upon someone's recommendation as well as the creativity you have, I felt that it is best to get you hired and not get your talent wasted. If you wish to venture across as a composer, I would be proud to say that the producers of YG Family would be glad to help and guide you. I had sent Taeyang of BIGBANG to send this letter to you as the university refused to give us your details. If you choose to accept the offer as a lyricist, we will refund all money you had spent for your university fees and will discuss your pay with the Master's Degree you have. We will welcome with opened arms. If you accept the offer, Taeyang will bring you back to Seoul and we will further discuss it. I look forward to hearing your response.


Thank You.


Yours Sincerely

CEO Yang Hyunsuk

YG Entertainment



Your jaws dropped open as you read the letter. You glanced up and looked at Taeyang. He looked at you and just shrugged as he ate. You stood up and took your phone, "I am going outside to make a phonecall." He immediately took your bag and hugged it. "Your bag is my hostage right now. If you don't come back, I will start to dig in it for money," he warned you. You rolled your eyes and nodded before leaving the restaurant, standing at the entrance.



You took your phone and called your sister, somewhat mixed up and confused by the letter. You are literally confused by a lot of things.


     "Geumsaeyo? Unnie?" you heard the voice on the other line.

     "I need help," you told her briefly. "Where are you now?"

     "What is it?" she asked, somewhat used to your random phonecalls at random times. "I'm at home."

     "My studies in London might have to cut short," you breathed out, the words of the letters still lingered in your head.

     "Why? What happened?" she asked, you can tell she sounded worried.

      "YG Entertainment," you told her.

      "What's with it?" she asked.

      "Apparently, CEO Yang sent Taeyang to find me. That CEO wants me to stop studying and work there. They will refund all money I used for the university fees if I joined them as a lyricist," you explained.

      "WHAT?!! You serious?! He sent Taeyang to look for you? And you're with him?!" she screamed on the phone.

      "Don't scream on the phone!" you shouted back.

      "So, it's really YG Entertainment?" she asked to confirm it.

      "Nae.." you replied her.

      "Question Number 1. How did YG Entertainment came to know about you?" she started her interrogation.

      "Remember when I flew to London? There was double-seating error and I was sent to first class. So, I happened to sat next to-" your words got cut off.

      "Who? Taeyang?" she asked.  


Damn, this girl is two years younger than me but she sometimes feel like an unnie.


      "Aniya, the leader of the BIGBANG," you replied and bit your tongue.

      "BWOHHH??!! G-DRAGON??!" she screamed on the phone.

      "Stop screaming!" you shouted back.

      "But seriously, you spent 12 hours with him?" she asked for confirmation.

      "Nae.." you answered her, all memories with him begin to rush upon you.

      "Well, it's your dream to work in YG. Opportunities don't come twice, right? So, I think it's best for you to take the offer," she told you.

      "I guess so," you replied her.

      "And once you're back in Korea, you have to tell me everything from A to Z," she told you.

      "I know…" you replied her, somewhat tired of her voice already. "What should I tell Mum and Dad?"

      "You know Mum and Dad, right? They wouldn't mind as long as you make the right choices. Besides, it's time for you to start working," she told you. "Tell me right now whether you want to work or continue studying."

      "I think it's time for me to start working," you answered. Well, if YG is going to refund back the money you used, then why not?

      "Okay, I will tell them that. You can start to withdraw then," she replied you.

      "Arrasseo, thanks. I will get going now," you told her. "Annyeong~"

      "Nae, annyeong~" she replied and hung up.


You heaved out a sigh. Damn, meeting Kwon Jiyong is really something. You went back to the restaurant and sat down where you were from. Taeyang looked at you and put down his fork and spoon, anticipating your reply.


     "I'm going to withdraw and join YG Entertainment." 


IT'S OUT!!!! CHAPTER 11 IS OUT!!! Do comment down your thoughts and subscribe, nae? Heheheeheheh! I will now start on Chapter 12! GO GO GO~~~xDDDDD

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....