Chapter 21

12 Hours Together

He didn't look angry or mad. In fact, he served you a cup of coffee from Misty Magic. The napkin gave it away. You looked at him, speechless and confused. Wasn't he supposed to snap at you? You opened the lid of the cup and the smell of Caramel Macchiato invaded your nostrils. This is Misty Magic's signature drink. You placed the napkin aside and took a sip of the coffee. The taste danced on your tongue and down yout throat. You hummed at the taste; it's been so long. You glanced at the napkin and noticed something folded thickly under the paper. You put down the cup and lifted the napkin. It was a paper. You opened it and it turns out that it is an A3 paper. You recognized that it was the ink of your favouite permanent markers.






          Jiyongie Oppa had invaded your room~ <3 It looks really cute but what's cuter is to see you drive off in my car without me in it. Oppa knows that you won't return the car keys to me easily. But did you know that Oppa likes to play games? Babygirl, if you want to play hard to get, just tell me. Oppa is more than willing to raise the difficulty just for you. <3 <3 <3


         Jiyongie Oppa also all your posters in your room. There's a cute poster but it looked a little plain so Oppa signed it just for you. <3 <3 Don't worry, it's exclusive. <3 Oppa knows that you have my car keys with you as hostage, so in return, Oppa has a key which is precious to you as my hostage. <3 It may take a while for you to guess what key that is, but in the meantime, enjoy the Caramel Macchiato from Misty Magic. Nae? :)  


       HINT: Which place is the best place to have in? If you can answer this, you will know what key it is . Have fun baby! <3 <3 <3 <3 


Kwon Jiyong  <3




Your jaw dropped as you read the letter. Look at the fluff! Look at the colours he used! And are the hearts necessary? Besides, look at the first sentence on the second paragraph! He must have been too excited that he had forgotten a word. But seriously? He took a key as well? And what kind of hint is that?!


Which place is the best place to have in? If you can answer this, then you will know what key it is. - WHAT KIND OF HINT IS THIS?


You read it again and again trying to make sense of his words and guessing what key it is. So, basically, he had entered your room and signed a poster for you which is exclusive - based on his words. He knows that you won't return the car keys and he took some important key from your room. He assumed that you may take some time to guess so he provided Caramel Macchiato from Misty Magic. And in order to aid you, he gives a ridiculous hint which don't even make sense at all. You stared at the letter.


The only key I have in my room is my room key… WAIT… .


You finally made sense of his words and realized what he had took. He had locked you out of your own room. You immediately closed your notebook and capped you pen. You use the hook of the pen to hook it on the cover of your notebook before keeping in your bag. You took off your earpieces and threw your phone and iPod in the bag as well. You then finished the Caramel Macchiato at one shot. Once done, you took the letter together with your bag and left the cafeteria.


It's time to hunt down that dragon.


You entered the lift and pressed the fourth floor. You know where he is right now because Teddy had mentioned earlier that BIGBANG is recording today, that's why they gathered. As soon as the door to the lift opened, you straightaway went to Recording Studio A. You knocked the door and opened it slightly. Six pairs of eyes greeted you.


Damn, the whole of BIGBANG is here. Should I just take a selca with them?


      "Anything wrong, Haeun?" Teddy asked.


Jiyong was at the controls with Teddy while TOP was in the booth. Daesung, Youngbae and Seungri was at the sofa. You looked at them, not sure what to do. Jiyong looked at you, giving that smile you swore you hate. Jiyong turned his chair towards you.


     "Is it okay if I talk to Jiyong Oppa for a while?" you asked Teddy politely.


Jiyong nodded and got off the chair. Both of you then leave the recording studio and stood at the hallway.


     "I know the answer," you told Jiyong.

     "To which question?" Jiyong asked, smiling away.


. This dragon wants to play.


     "I didn't use your hint," you avoided that question.

     "What hint?" he asked, acting curious.


Is he trying to embarrass me?


    "Babe, I have no idea what you are talking about," he told you, but that smile shows that he knows exactly what you are talking about.


You opened the stupid A3 paper and showed him. 


    "The answer to that question is bedroom."


It took a whole lot of strength to say that in front of him. You were already blushing at that thought. He gave his famous lopsided smile to you and return your key to him in exchange for his car keys. You took the car keys out and handed it to him. He patted your head as you folded that A3 paper back, keeping it in your bag.


Stupid dragon.


     "Should we try it out one day?" he asked.  


You lifted your head and glared at him. "I won't give my V card away unless he is my husband," you told him with your teeth gritted. He smiled in amusement, "Should we get married then? Your parents already see me as their son." You gave him your (-.-) look with your arms folded. "I don't see you as my husband," you told him. "It's okay, wifey," he said and peck your forehead.




You covered your forehead with your two hands and looked at him. You must have looked like a tomato since he is already grinning away. "YAH!" you shouted at him. He continued to grin and leant closer to you.




You took steps back until your back meet the wall. He leant closer and closer to you, his eyes gazing into you. Your hand remained on your forehead and your heart raced at the close intimacy. You were unsure what to do, you're not ready to kiss him. You don't know. You begin to recall in your head finding the word which will make him move away from you, unfortunately your mind is totally blank. All you can do is pray.


Don't kiss me. Don't kiss me. Please don't kiss me.


    "Found it."


You looked at where his hand was. It was coming out your bag while holding something. He was holding your handphone.  




    "What's the passcode?" he asked as he fiddled with your phone.


You immediately launched yourself on him in order to get your phone back but he avoided it smoothly. How could this be? Why?!


    "Is it 1806? Your birthday," he asked and typed it out while avoiding you.


He remembered my birthday? Daebak.


Your phone vibrated, telling him that is not the answer.


    "How about 1807? The date we met," he asked and typed it out. 


The date we met? He remembered it as well? I thought I was the only one who remembered.


Your phone vibrated, telling him that is not the answer once again.


    "How about 1808? My birthday?" he asked and typed it out.




You tried to snatch your phone from his hand but he stopped you by grabbing your ponytail and pulling it back slightly. You winced in pain but your arms continued to stretch for your phone but to no avail.


     "Ohhh.. It's correct. Interesting," he grinned as he finally made it into your personal privacy.


You groaned and begin to throw a fit but he ignored you as he explored your phone. You saw him exploring your contacts, pictures and songs. When he is irritated by you, he will pull your ponytail slightly and you will wince it pain. Eventually you gave up and just stood there, tired of him. 


      "Your phone is interesting thought," he told you and dialed a number on your phone.


You heard a phone ringing in his pocket next to you. Your hand immediately aimed for that pocket but he was swifter than you. He avoided it as though it was some part of choreography.


     "Nice try, but cute," he smiled at you.


You rolled your eyes and folded your arms. He chuckled and pulled you up using your ponytail. He pressed his lips on you gently. It was soft and it can melt you instantly. His eyes was already closed and you closed your eyes, upon feeling it. It was also deep and passionate. You had never been kissed like this before. It was different and it felt like it sparked a flame in you. You don’t know what kiss is this called but you can't help to enjoy it. As though by instinct, you moaned slightly in his kiss. He let go of you when he heard your moan. You felt like whining but you held it on and opened your eyes to look at him.


    "Do you like that kiss?" he asked as soon as he opened his eyes.


I don't know. It was different. And it was new.


You nodded.


He chuckled.


    "Do you want to know what that kiss is called?" he asked and tilted his head, letting go of his grip on your ponytail.


You nudged your head, signaling him to tell you the answer.


    "You moan earlier, didn't you?" he looked at you and gave his naughty smile at you.


Why do I have a bad feeling?


You nodded.


   "That is called a 'kiss which can lead to ' kiss," he answered with his naughty smile as he kept your phone in your bag.


What?! Was he trying to lead me?!


   "You sounded cute when you moaned," he chuckled.

   "What were you doing?! Were you trying to lead me?!" you shouted at him.

   "I was giving you a glimpse, not leading you," he answered with that stupid smile. "Besides, I know you liked it too."




    "I never said I liked it," you scoffed.

    "Then why did you closed your eyes, respond to the kiss and moan, Haeunie?" he asked in amusement.


. How am I supposed to answer that?!


He patted your head. "Don't worry, Haeunie. We will get to hear you moan and scream my name once we get married," he told you with that naughty smile. You immediately blushed at the mental image he provided with just a sentence.


This dragon is a lord of all things.


     "Don't think too much, babygirl. I will send you home later on since I have your number now. In fact, I already memorized Mum's, Dad's and Naeun's number," he grinned. "Throw more attitude and I will step the game up. You decide the difficulty you want."


You frowned and glared at him as he walked back to the studio. He stood at the door and waved at you, "See you later, our little Haeunie!" You mimicked the same expression, action and tone he just used on you, "See you later, our little Jiyongie!" before turning your body and walked to the lift. You heard him chuckled before the door was shut. You immediately turned back and walked to Recording Studio B. Teddy said you can use that recording studio. You entered the studio and sat on the wheeled chairs and took out your notebook, pen and iPod and continued where you stopped earlier. That was all thanks to Jiyong.



After a whole day, you had finally completed all five songs. One was before Jiyong came to you and the rest were completed in the studio. You stretched your body and looked at the clocked. It was 6.32pm and your stomach growled. You had tweeted '#hungry' on Twitter around 3 hours ago to express your feelings before resuming your work. Well, you didn't ate anything except for the sandwiches Mum made earlier. And that was like at 12 noon? You rolled your chair away from the table, thinking what should you have for dinner today. You have no idea what to eat anyway. As you were begin to map out what you want to eat, the door swung open. You looked at who it was.


Dragon Lord. Is he some kind of a smooth guy or something?


He was holding packed food as well and sat on another wheeled chair and moved towards you. He then took out five lunchboxes and arranged them before you. You pushed all your work aside and looked at him, somewhat clueless by his character. He then opened the lid to all the lunchboxes and you looked at the food.


Traditional Korean Food. Two boxes of rice with scrambled egg and kimchi inside. One box filled with chicken fillets with vegetables fried in red pepper sauce. One box filled with kimchi dumpling soup. The final box filled with grilled meat. Is this a feast or something?


You gulped. "What's the occasion?" you asked as he gave you a bottle of ice lemon tea. You took it an placed it on the table. He shrugged and took out a soda for himself. "No reason. Thought it would be sweet for a boyfriend to cook dinner for his girlfriend," he answered and handed you a pair of chopsticks and spoon.




     "You cooked these?" you asked as you looked at the dishes after taking the utensils.

     "Nae, I cooked them. Anything wrong?" he asked.


Oh my god… Jiyong Oppa is so sweet…


     "Nothing. I am amazed," you smiled at him, you truly meant your words.


He looked at you and gave the same smile. "Let's dig in," he said and the both of you ate together. You hummed at the taste of food in your mouth.


It's really delicious. Is it because I'm hungry kind of delicious or is it because what he cooked is delicious? But what's for sure it's really delicious.


    "Try this," he said and placed a grilled meat on your box.


You nodded and tasted it. The flavours exploded in your mouth. The meat taste so perfect and you hummed at the sweet flavour.


    "Nice?" he asked, satisfied with your reaction.

    "Nae! Thanks for cooking these for me," you smiled and looked at him.

    "No problem. I will do anything for someone I love, remember?" he smiled at you.


Your heart raced at his words. You were definitely moved by his sudden gesture of cooking all these for you.


He must have truly loved me. Am I falling for him once again? 


And this is the final update of the updating spree~~ Sorry if I took too long. I feel so drained now. @.@ I hoped you enjoy it, nae? xD Anyway, next update is whenever I can update during the weekdays (not sure when I'm free but if I am, I will update). But a confirmed update/ update spree will always be either on Saturday or Sunday because those are the days where I am free to write for as long as I want xD :D I hope you liked it and continue to support me~ Do comment and subscribe! <3 Until next time! *waves at everyone* And don't forget to anticipate the next chapter~~ *wink wink* 

AND FOUR UPDATES IN A DAY DON'T COME OFTEN OKAY?? XDDDD I hoped you enjoyed it. See you again! <3 xD

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....