Chapter 39

12 Hours Together

  "Are you sure you can convince Sajangnim about this?" you asked Jiyong.


Both of you are in the dining room, eating a tub of ice cream together. Since Jieun and Jisung are in school, both of you had ordered pizza to eat together and ice cream as dessert. Jiyong and you were supposed to go to YG but decided to postpone your arrival time. Jiyong had better things to discuss with you than anyone there.


       "Babe, you saw yourself how Jisung can rap and how Jieun sang. They even wrote a song while I was looking after a drunken Jung Haeun," he told you but groaned at the last sentence.


You chuckled. You had gotten Daesung to tell you everything and indeed, you made the dragon suffer. In fact, that day when you were sipping the hangover soup, Jiyong was too busy whining and groaning about his second experience with your drunken self.


       "Jieun is only eight and Jisung is only ten," you replied, thinking age might be a barrier. "All of YG trainees are at least 12 or older when they started training."


He looked at you, giving the what-the- face. "Babe?" You lifted your head and looked at him. "I'm only 7 when I joined Little Roora. So don't use age barriers as an excuse," he continued. You rolled your eyes and looked at him, "I don't mind them doing music. You could tell that both of them are into music. Jieun likes to listen to music and write her version and voila! You know where she gets her vocab from. And I think she has gotten your genes, her fashion is really something. And Jisung, you saw him randomly rapping and you even helped him. I know they are into music but still, you know how Sajangnim is."


This time it's his turn to roll his eyes, "So?" he stared at you. "Sajangnim is smart enough to not let a good talent go to waste." You kept quiet and continued eating that ice cream before looking at him who had resumed eating. He was right. Both of you saw how Jieun and Jisung has huge talents in the music. Sajangnim might give a green light, maybe?


       "If you're going to do a song with Jieun and Jisung, are you going to do a live?" you asked.


He looked at you and smirked, getting the idea that his words had gotten into your head. He nodded.


Seriously? It better not be at Inkigayo.


       "Inkigayo?" you asked.


Thank God.


He shook his head.


How about Music Bank?


       "Music Bank?" you asked another.




He shook his head again. And then it occurred to you…


No way… 


       "No way…" you uttered.


He grinned, knowing what you're thinking, "Yes way."


Your mouth dropped and you blinked while he chuckled at your reaction. "Oppa, it's BIGBANG's concert. Over 2,000 fans and will he allow that?" you asked once you found your voice.


     "Fight with me then," he smiled as he ate the ice cream.

     "Why are you my husband?" you groaned as you ate the ice cream.

     "But it was an honour to be my wife, didn't it?" he asked, chuckling away.


You rolled your eyes and grinned at him. He looked at you, a look which you saw frequently, a look which he called it the proud-to-have-you look. You leaned it close and peck his lips teasingly before grabbing the empty tub of ice cream to the kitchen. He laughed at your gesture and followed behind you, you don't have to turn around because you were sure of it. You begin to wash the dishes in the sink when you felt two arms s around your waist. His chin rested on your left shoulder.




His breath tickled your left ear and you felt yourself shivered.


     "You know better that I won't just go with a peck. So can I have a proper kiss?" he whispered.


Greedy dragon.


     "Sure," you whispered in return, more on purpose.


He turned his head towards you, his lips puckered and eyes closed. And you being your sneaky self, threw the collected water in your palm at his face before moving and laughing away. Luckily there wasn't much dishes except for the cups and spoons which you had long finished. You saw him tumbling and looked at you.


     "Why did you do that?!" he yelled as he wiped his face with his shirt.


And you were too busy laughing too hard to reply him. He looked at you with the what-the-hell look before looking at the tap which is still running with water and back at you. Your laughter died down immediately as you looked at him. His mouth immediately curved into a smirk.


Oh, .


Both of you immediately went to the sink and you covered the nozzle with your palms as he tried to get access of water in order to seek revenge. 


     "Move, Jung Haeun!" he said as he laughed and push you away.


You stumbled aside and threw the collected water in your palms at him once again, still laughing. He took two plastic cups - black and red before tossing the red one at you. You caught it and looked at him.


      "Are you declaring war?" you asked, your eyebrows raised and your mouth curved into a smirk.


He grinned as he filled his cup with water and splashed it to you. You squealed as he had just drenched you with the water.


It's on. 


You ran to the tap and begin to seek revenge. You squealed and laughed as you splashed water at him and he did the same.








As expected…


You sat quietly as you watched the dragon go on war with the president. Throughout the whole time in Yang Sajangnim's office, Jiyong did all the talking and Yang Sajangnim fought back.


    "Sajangnim, it's BIGBANG concert. I only propose for them to perform for two days in Seoul. That is all," Jiyong fought back calmly.

    "But Jieun and Jisung had never performed on stage. We are only two months away from the show itself,"  Yang Sajangnim sat back down on his chair.


True… That's why we meet you at the beginning.


    "That is why I propose this at the beginning. Jieun and Jisung have some talents and I want them to perform with me. We will just release it as a single like the time I did for 'Track 35'. Is that wrong?" Jiyong asked and looked at Yang Sajangnim.


Talk about husband and wife.


    "Jieun and Jisung is only 8 and 10 respectively, do you know that?" Yang Sajangnim looked at the both of you.


So? Age is the newfound barrier?


    "Kwon Jiyong debuted at 7 years old when he joined Little Roora," you told Sajangnim, earning a grin from your husband.

    "How about this? You come up with the single and come back to me. After that we will discuss with the team," Yang Sajangnim challenged the both of you.

    "If G-Dragon can get whatever he wants, I'm not surprised what Kwon Jiyong has in store for you," you answered Yang Sajangnim.


Yang Sajangnim smiled upon hearing your comment, "I am giving you a week to come up with something together with Jieun and Jisung. Don't disappoint me."


    "Game on," both you and Jiyong said together.


Jiyong stood up and grabbed your hand, leading you to the door. He opened the door, letting you out first before turning his head to the CEO.


     "If you want to play with fire, we will play with fire too. Just remember what a dragon and a phoenix is capable of," he smirked before leaving and closing the door.


He held your hand as he pressed the lift button and the door opened.


     "Play with fire?" you asked and looked at him as you both entered the lift.

     "Why not?" he looked at you.


You smiled and looked away. You heard him chuckled in return.


      "Let's go eat here and maybe we can think of something," he said.


You nodded.



Both you and Jiyong went to the cafeteria and ate together. The words he said earlier to Yang Sajangnim was really something.


Though I know what Jiyong and I are capable of but I don't know. What if everything goes downhill? For Jisung and Jieun, I'm sure they will be able to cooperate because they have that burning passion in music. But for sajangnim, what if we did everything so well, so perfect and everything got denied. What if-


    "Stop it," his voice pulled you back to reality.


You lifted your head and looked at him.


     "Stop whatever you are worrying about now, Haeun," he said and looked at you.


How did he know?


      "Of course I know. I know you for how long already and I can practically read your thoughts, Jung Haeun," he literally answered your thoughts.


You kept quiet, amazed at how well he knew you.


       "So, stop worrying too much, babygirl. We can do this," he grabbed your hand and squeezed it, smiling at you.


You smiled at him in return.


       "Let's prove to him who we are and what we are capable of," he told you. "We are the royalties in music. We are superstars."


You giggled, "Superstars?" He chuckled in return and nodded, "Superstars."


I'm superstar. Brighter than shooting stars.


You looked at Jiyong when you have a newfound lyrics in your head. He looked at you, mirroring your (O.O) look. "What is it?" he asked.


        "I got some lyrics," you told him.

        "So soon?" he asked, amazed.


You nodded.


         "Sing it," he nudged his head.

         "I'm superstar, brighter than shooting stars," you sang.


He looks at you with his (O.O) look before frowning, thinking of words. Probably. You stared at his face, him biting his lips. Is that seduction? This guy whom you always fangirl on, he is now your husband - your love of your life. His eyes squinted thinking of something as he bit his lips. You stared at him; lost in his features.


         "I'm trendsetter, couldn't be anything better," he continued your line, pulling you to reality.


You looked at him with your raised eyebrows, "Hmm?"


         "Were you checking your husband out?" he grinned.

         "At least I was checking you out instead of some other guy," you told him off.

         "Were you ?" he asked in a low and seductive voice.


You immediately grabbed your glass and looked at him with your infamous (-.-) look, "Am I?"


He chuckled, "Okay. Hear this." You looked at him as he sang it again while you put the glass back down. "Cocky, but nice," you grinned. He nodded and nudged his head, signaling you to continue. You looked away, thinking of anything relating to the theme.


     "I shape my destiny with beautiful fantasy. Whenever and wherever, I'm your ultimate superstar," you finished off and looked at him.


He raised his eyebrows, acknowledging your words and singing it all at once, "I'm superstar, brighter than shooting stars. I'm trendsetter, couldn't be anything better. I shape my destiny with beautiful fantasy. Whenever and wherever, I'm your ultimate superstar."


Damn. His voice.


      "Maybe we should start composing one now. I'm overflowing with ideas," you told him.


He smirked and nodded, "Maybe we should. Let's go." 


Annyeong!! Sorry if I'm behind schedule.. >.< Anyways, I'm rushing to write a lot today. And for the person who reccommended this, thank you for your idea so much! I appreciate it! xDDD  But still, sorry if this is really quick. I'm really behind schedule. LOL. Do comment and subscribe! xDDD And... And... Check out my new fanfic which will come out once this story ends. xDDDDD (That's why I'm behind schedule, I am writing two stories at once. Haahahah!)

It's a fan x idol thing but I go from a different approach.. ^_^ 


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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....