Chapter 1

12 Hours Together

After waiting for a few minutes, you are now walking towards your seat which is 44D. You squeezed your way through all unidentified humans. But the moment you arrived your seat, disappointment washed over you. There was a lady sitting on your seat.


    "Excuse me, Ma'am," you asked her nicely.

    "Yes, my dear?" she looked at you with a small smile.

    "What is your seat number?" you asked kindly.

    "44D," she answered and showed you her boarding pass.


You looked at it and then back at yours. It can't be. Yours is also 44D. 


    "Mine is also 44D," you told her and showed her you boarding pass.

    "Oh my! What should we do now?" she asked, completely in utter shock.

    "It's okay. I will ask a stewardess," you answered and scanned for a stewardess.


A stewardess walked towards your direction as she slowly ushered everyone to their seat. You immediately took this chance to ask her.


    "Excuse me, Miss. I have a problem here," you called the stewardess.


She immediately turned towards you and walked towards you. "Yes, Miss?" she asked. Immediately, you explained the situation to her. The stewardess immediately apologized and said that she will check for any vacant seats available left. You nodded as you watched her retreat. Immediately, you turned your head towards the lady and saw that she has two children with her. One is older than the other and you could tell that from how they look they are less than 10 years old.


    "Are they your children?" you asked even though you know it's the obvious answer.

    "Yes, they are," she smiled and watched her children. "It's their first flight."

    "They are cute," you smiled. "By the way, I'm Jung Haeun."

    "Nice to meet you, Haeun-ssi. I am Park Yewon," she smiled.

    "Nice to meet you, Yewon-ssi," you smiled.

    "Why are you going to London?" she asked, clearly out of curiosity.

    "Pursuing my studies," you answered. "How about you?"

    "We are going to reunite with my husband," she answered.

    "I am sorry for causing trouble to you two," the stewardess walked towards you, interrupting your conversation. "Fortunately, there is a seat left."

    "Then, I will go," you answered immediately as you can't afford to let the children split up with their mother.

    "Thank you, Haeun-ssi," she gave a sincere smile.


You bowed in return and followed the stewardess. From economy class earlier, you walked past business class and now you're at the first class.


    "This is the only seat available left. Our crew apologized for the double-seating caused earlier. Do call us if you require any assistance," she explained and bowed.

    "Sure, thank you," you smiled and bowed before sitting down on your seat provided.


You scanned around the vicinity. From what you thought, you will be sent to another seat in economy class but the only vacant seat left is in first class. You don't know whether to count yourself fortunate or unfortunate. There were a few single seat here and there, but the seat you were provided is a double seat. You can't even bear to turn your head to know who is sitting next to you, as you felt a little out of place. Okay, not little but extremely out of place. You remained quiet and placed your bag in front of you and slumped back on your seat. This will be an extremely long 12 hour flight.



10 minutes upon takeoff, you started to feel bored. You turned your head towards your right and saw the guy sitting next to you already in dreamland. He was wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and jeans. His head was turned to the window so you can't fully tell who he is or how he looked like, especially when the lights were dimmed. At least he wears something similar to you. You wear just wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white long sleeved t-shirt and a pair of maroon high-cut sneakers. His seat had also turned into a bed. Since it was your first time, you also wanted to turn your seat into a bed. Well, how often do you get to sit in first class, right? You tapped his shoulder lightly.


     "Errr… Sorry, but how do you turn this seat into a bed?" you asked in English cautiously. You were hoping that he would at least turn and tell you what to do. You were already feeling bad for waking him up. He shifted in his seat slightly and turned towards your direction.


      Oh My God. Is this for real? Is it him or not him?


The answer is it is REALLY him. It is really G-Dragon. Your breathing almost halted and you felt like fainting. But you can't faint! You also can't show your fangirl side, you don't want to be a creep towards him. But you really feel like fainting. No, you can't faint! Your mind spurred with all these thoughts and you were literally frozen upon the sight of him. He leant closer towards you, as you remain frozen.


    "Oh, just pull this will do," he replied you in English as he helped you to turn your seat into a bed personally. He then gave the famous gummy smile to you. It took all of your strength to say thank you in a normal way, or so you thought. He bowed and went back to your seat. You lie down on your seat-turned-bed, trying to calm your heart. God, it's really him. What should you do? What do you need to do? You can't just tell him you're a big fan of BIGBANG and all those blah blah fangirls would say. You are practically stuck with the almighty dragon next to your for 12 hours. In the past, you had been praying endlessly to meet in person since you were unable to attend their concerts or fanmeetings because, 1. SCHOOL EXAMS and 2. BROKE. And right now when God had answered your prayers, you immediately blanked out in confusion. He is sitting next to you right now. Opportunities don't come in twice, you told yourself. And he spoke and leant towards you as well earlier. Oh my gosh, what in the world is happening to you now. Your thoughts continue to flood as your heart raced. You decided to face the aisle, just to calm yourself down. Another look from him, you might either get melted or you will truly faint.




    "You okay? Can you sleep well?" he asked, this time in Korean.


You had been staring at the ceiling for about thirty minutes. You were too distracted by your heart beating wildly because of the sudden shock you received earlier. You turned your head towards him. He was looking at you with a small smile and you had to use all of your strength again to keep your sanity intact. You pulled yourself up and turned to the aisle.


     "Couldn't sleep well. Normally when I take Emirates, there will be cute twinkling stars on the ceiling. In Korean Air, they don't have any," you answered as you adjusted your bed into a seat once again, purposely avoiding looking at him.

     "Kyeopta," he replied and you turned your head towards him. Your eyes were blinking and you probably wore a blank look right now since he was already giggling.

     "Your look reminds me of my brother right now," he chuckled.  "He always wear a blank look whenever I asked him something complicated."


Kang Daesung. You immediately thought. The evidence you have was when Daesung filmed Family Outing and you clearly know how he was like. It's sweet that he referred BIGBANG as his brothers. Well, BIGBANG is extremely bonded without a doubt.


     "What's your name?" he asked you.


Mr G-Dragon is getting humbler right now, you thought. You knew he was humble on TV and videos but that is just to take care of his image. You expected him to be slightly haughty and cold to be honest. Even if it's not haughty or cold, he wouldn't even talk to you now. "Jung Haeun," you answered with a smile. A smile which felt so fake because right now you already feel like unleashing your fangirl side.


  "I'm Kwon Jiyong," he told you with a wider smile. His eyes were already sparkling. So, he referred himself as Kwon Jiyong instead of G-Dragon. "Did something happened earlier, Haeun-ssi?"

   "Yeah… There was double-seating with a lady and me," you answered as normal as you can.

   "Oh, I see.. Go and sleep. I'm sorry if I woke you up," he smiled in apology.

   "It's okay, I couldn't sleep," you answered him.  How can you sleep when he is sitting next to you?

   "Is it because of me?" he asked in concern.

   "Aniya," you immediately shook your head. "I slept way too much last night."

   "I see… But if you ever need company, I am here," he smiled again.

   "It's okay. I'm just going to listen to the music here," you told him and pointed to the TV in front of you.


He nodded with a smile and you immediately fiddled with the remote. Once you went to the music section, you immediately went to the K-POP section. He was still watching you picking the music, but you thought he was doing his own things. There were a few albums. But what caught your eyes was the fact Taeyang's album "Rise" and Seungri's album "Let's Talk About Love" was there. You turned your head towards him, feeling awkward but he was already finding something in his bag. Well, VIPs have to support BIGBANG, right? You quickly make a playlist; combining both albums together and naming the playlist as "BIGBANG". Once done, you placed back the remote where you took it from since the TV is touchscreen. As you were about to attach your provided headphone to the plug, he immediately attached the wire of his earpieces to the plug. He smiled and put on the right side of his earpiece on your ear before doing the same on his left ear. "Let's listen to it together, nae?'' he said before hitting the play button on the TV. Seungri's song, titled "Let's Talk About Love" played immediately. This is going to be an indeed long flight with Mr Kwon Jiyong. 


Hope you liked it and do give me lots of comments! Heheeheh!!! :DD

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....