Chapter 33

12 Hours Together

You stared at him, speechless and confused. There's so many things you want to say to him but your mind had went blank. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tight, your face against his chest. Your lips trembled as you fought your tears.


          "Mianhae… Mianharamida… Mianhaeyo, Jiyong Oppa…"


That was all you could say right now as your tears threatened to fall. Your mind were mixed up and you were unsure as to what you should say. Jiyong had come to you before you left Seoul. You felt him snuggled closer to you and peck your lips.


           "It's okay, babygirl. We are going to take off. Go to your seat," he whispered against your lips and you complied, still unsure what to do.



Once the belt sign was no longer lighting, you turned and looked at Jiyong. He was smiling as he squeezed your interlocked hands.


           "Mianhaeyo… Jiyong Oppa…" you uttered, still having the guilt in you.

           "It's okay, baby. But you do know that what's mine is mine. So, if whatever is mine disappear I will look for it," he whispered and pecked your interlocked hands.


You nodded.


          "Anyway, I didn't know my wife will be this adventurous," he chuckled to himself.


You smiled and rolled your eyes.


          "How did you know that I am here? You were asleep, right?" you asked and looked at him.


He kept quiet and nodded before looking at you, "You want to hear the full story?" You nodded in return.







         "Haeun, what's wrong?" I asked. Her shoulders were shaking as she buried her face in her hands.


I was flustered; this is the first time I saw Haeun crying. And that was enough to wake me up. I needed a reassurance so I stretched my arm out to the other side of the bed, feeling nothing but bedsheet.


Where's Haeun?!


I sat down and looked around. "Haeun? Babygirl?" I called out and got off the bed, trying to find her. I went to the toilet as I remembered she was bathing when I fell asleep, however she was not over there either. I was starting to get more worried, finding her at every crook of the room.


Did she ran away?! No… Please don't…


I scanned around the room, fingers raking my hair. My instincts told me that Haeun might be at that airport. I don't know why, but I have the feeling Haeun is at the airport. I took my phone and immediately called Youngbae. It did not take long for him to answer.


       "Hey, Ji! What's up?" he asked.

       "You still at Grand Hyatt?" I asked as I searched for my portable charger, passport, earpiece and wallet in my bag.

       "Yeah, I'm next to your room. Why?" he replied.

       "I need a car. Haeun ran away and I have the feeling she's at the airport," I said quickly after I finally found all the essential things I needed.

       "WHAT?! SERIOUS?!" he shouted and my ear rang.

       "Keep it down! I need transportation to the car. I am going to the airport now," I answered and hung up the call before dashing out of the room.


The time I left the room was also the same time Youngbae left his room. He looked at me from head to toe.


       "What the ? You are just wearing boxers and an Air Jordan?!" he asked as we ran down the hallway.

       "That's right. I am just in my boxers. I DON'T EVEN CARE HOW I LOOK LIKE RIGHT NOW! I JUST WANT MY JUNG HAEUN BACK!!" I wailed as we entered the lift.


He pressed the ground floor and closed the door before looking at me once again. "But even if it's boxers, why must it be Spongebob?! Gosh, Ji! Why are you my friend?!" he complained.


Damn… Youngbae and my friendship is something which we can question about.


        "Put on some clothes, damn it! And all you carry right now is what? Portable charger, passport, phone, earpiece and wallet," he looked at the pile of things in my hands before looking back at me. "I'm judging you."


Why is Dong Youngbae my bestfriend?


I rolled my eyes as the lift finally opened and we went to the carpark. Luckily, Youngbae had a car. We entered the car and he drove off. And Youngbae being Youngbae, obviously he will nag.


       "Do you know that it's more than hour to drive from here to the airport?! I don't understand you and Haeun, like seriously! And how can you leave the room in just boxers?! What if there are fans? Dispatch again? Gosh, Kwon Jiyong," he nagged.

      "What do you know about love? You didn't even advanced to Chae," I scoffed.


It's true anyway. Youngbae wants Chaerin so bad but he does not know how to advance and he had to ask me and Seungri. And there I was, controlling all my urges because Haeun won't do it with me until I am her husband.


      "I was about to advance just now, okay? I even bought condoms but you had to spoil the freaking plans," he growled.


I turned and looked at him


This is new…


    "Wait, you serious?" I asked.

    "Yeah! That pesky mole on her is driving me nuts just now! If it weren't for you and Haeun, I would bang her right at the dinner just now!" he growled once again.


And this is coming from the so-called innocent Dong Youngbae…


    "How about this? After you send me to the airport, go back to the hotel. And do it with her," I suggested.

    "Then what about you and Haeun?" he asked and glanced at me.

    "I have to find her first. And once I caught up with her, then I will," I smirked.

    "As a punishment?" he asked.

    "Nah, she's losing her V Card to me. I can't go rough so we will make love," I answered.


Damn, you know you're bestfriends if you can speak about this openly.


    "But you don't even know where Haeun is," he replied.

    "If we were meant to be, then we will get reunited," I told him.

    "In your Spongebob boxers?" he asked.




     "I WILL BUY CLOTHES IF THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!" I shouted, I can't help it.



And as we are about to arrive the airport, Youngbae's phone rang. He signaled me to pick it up and put it on speaker, which I happily complied since it was Chaerin. I held the phone next to Youngbae.


     "Geumsaeyo? Oppa?" her voice rang through.

     "What's up?" Youngbae answered.

     "Where are you? Haeun ran away! And Jiyong Oppa is missing!" she screamed.

     "And why are you worrying?" Youngbae asked.



Chaerin… You… I just… Daebak…


    "Chae, chill. I am out now and I will see you later. For the time being just calm down," he answered, surprisingly calm.

    "But… But…" she uttered.

    "Chae, chill. Okay? I'm getting something and I will be back in about 2 hours," he answered as we entered the airport.

    "Shouldn't you be worried about your bestfriend's whereabouts? What are you getting?" she spat.

    "I'm getting a from thinking about you," he answered and grinned.


Daebak… Dong Youngbae…


    "What the , Oppa?" she replied.

    "So, if you don't want me to e while thinking about you," he said in a low voice before the line went dead.


I took the phone and looked at it. She hung up. I looked at Youngbae and pat his shoulder. "Good job and thank you," I smiled. He smiled and nodded. I grinned and left the car, heading towards departure panel, searching for flights to Paris. Damn, in boxers… The airport is colder than I thought…




I turned and saw Woobin. He was holding his laughter. And luckily, it was just him.


     "Is boxers the new trend?" he asked, chuckling away.




     "Have you seen Haeun? Which flight is she taking?" I asked.

     "She's going to Paris. I saw her going to the Korean Air booth. Didn't she tell you?" he replied.

     "If she did, I won't be in boxers now," I growled and went to the Korean Air booth.


And it's not surprising for Woobin to follow.


     "Please get some clothes. It's too now," he said.

     "Of course, I will! I am already going crazy now," I replied.





      "And thanks to you, everyone saw me in my Spongebob boxers way before you did," he chuckled to himself due to the absurdity.


Even your jaw dropped.


      "And all these clothes and bag, I bought them at the departure hall," he told you.

      "So, how many fans got nosebleed?" you asked.

      "Nah, not many was around. But I would be surprised if there's no article about this," he answered.


You rolled your eyes.


     "Don't worry. We will have a lot of quality time together. And I wouldn't be surprised if our phones has a lot of messages and missed calls when we landed," he grinned at you.

     "Me neither," you smiled at him.


He pulled you towards him and pecked the side of your head. "Run one more time and I will continue to catch you," he whispered. Your arms wrapped around him as you whispered in return, "I won't run away again." You felt him smiled against your head. The smell of his cologne ghosted around your nose and you looked at him.


      "You even bought cologne?" you asked.


He nodded.


You got to be kidding me.


     "So that I will smell good when I found you," he chuckled. "Go ahead and sniff me."


You hummed and sniffed his neck. His all-time favourite perfume danced around your nose, the smell you got familiar with. You closed your eyes, losing yourself to his scent.




His dark and low voice made you opened your immediately. Your lips was directly on his neck.


HOLY !!!


You immediately moved away from Jiyong and stayed on your guard.


     "It took me about 2 years to control my lust from you. As much as you want, I want it too but let's wait when we are finally in Paris," he told you with his naughty smirk.


You blushed at his bold comment and your heart raced.


     "Talking about Paris, have you booked a hotel room?" he asked and looked at you as he rubbed the place your lips touched.


You shook your head.


     "Too engrossed in running away from me that you had forgotten about booking a hotel room, huh?" he smirked.


You rolled your eyes.


      "Fine, we will just go to a hotel which I will pay and you will have to compensate me with more clothes there," he grinned.


What. The. Hell.


      "Buy your own clothes!" you spat. "You were the one who left in just boxers!"


He chuckled at your remark. It did not take long for his chuckle to die down and he is sporting that annoying smirk. Yes, the infamous naughty smirk.


     "I will buy my clothes if you do something for me which I had waited for a long long time."


Hell, no. I know very well what he meant and want.


      "Fine then. Have fun waiting," you smirked.

      "Clothes or something… And the game starts once we are in Paris," he told you, with the same smirk.


You nodded.


Game on. 


Annyeong!! *waves at everyone* UPDATING SPREE HAS STARTED~~ GO GO GO!!! Don't forget to give me lots and lots of comments... xD  And Jiyong in Spongebob boxers at the airport... X.X (Mental image too strong)  Okay, look forward to the next chapter~~ xDDDD GO GO GO~~!! XDDD But still.... Jiyong in Spongebob boxers... X.X *gives tissues to those having nosebleed* 



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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....