Chapter 29

12 Hours Together

5 months before wedding day


        "Haeun! Are you okay?!"


You lifted up your head and saw Chaerin, Minzy, Bom and Dara entering the apartment. Chaerin immediately ran towards you and checked on you. You were in Jiyong's apartment but something not-so-sweet happened. Your knees were pulled together and your face was stained with tears earlier.


       "What happened just now?" Dara asked.


You sniffled and gulped, still shaken by what happened.


       "Kiko…" you uttered.

       "What has she done?" you saw Chaerin gritted her teeth.




Her slender hand gripped your chin as she glared at you. In fact, you didn't expect her to be in Korea suddenly. "If I can't be with Kwon Jiyong, then you can't either." You gritted your teeth, providing the same glare towards her. "So, you are still crawling in the past? You still haven't the reality, huh?" you shot her back, pushing her away and causing her to stumble. You wiped the blood on your lip which was caused by her. "Kiko Mizuhara, move on! Are you hungry for love or for fame?! Who do you think you are?! My life; my problems. You can't control my damn life, !" you barked. Her face turned red with fury. But her words she used caused you to lose your stance.


     "Cancel the wedding or I will destroy Misty Magic."


Your blood boiled. She was already smirking, and that smirk does not look good on her. You immediately walked towards her and grabbed her wrist; dragging her out of the apartment. She continued to protest but you gave no s. Once at the door, you threw her out.


       "Listen up, skinny . Jiyong is not yours now. Misty Magic is not yours either. I am tired of your drama and better eat something, you look like a walking skeleton," you barked.

       "I don't care what you say. I will destroy your wedding and happiness if I can't have my own happiness," she screeched. "That is my vow."




Your heart continued to boil this time. "If you want to be happy, go and sleep with your scandal," you told her off and slammed the door shut. You were pissed by her character. BIGBANG is away for a concert and you need someone to confide to. You walked to the living room and dialed a number.


        "Geumsaeyo? Haeun?"

        "Chaerin, Kiko just came over."

        "Jiyong's apartment?"


        "I'm coming over."


You hummed and hung up. You sat down on the floor. You were pissed off at Kiko, you were worried about Misty Magic.


Kwon Jiyong, where are you when I need you?


Everything came out in the form of tears.





        "I DON'T KNOW. SHE SLAPPED HER," Chaerin talked on the phone.


The moment you told them the whole story, Chaerin immediately called Jiyong. Actually, it was Dara and Bom who forced out all details out of you. You sat on the sofa as Minzy dabbed the bruise cheek on your cheek. Luckily, your lips were just okay. It was just a cut, thanks to Kiko's ring. You listened to the one-side conversation Chaerin has with Jiyong.


      "She told her to cancel the wedding or she will destroy Misty Magic."


What should I do? Both are important to me.


      "Come up with a strategy? But that will involve-"


What strategy?


      "Yeah, you're right. Misty Magic and you are both important to her, do you know that?"


Thanks for knowing that, Chaerin… He knows as well.


      "Exactly. Kiko is starting her game. And it's not cool, bro."


She is! And how am I supposed to fight with her?!


      "You're not coming back anytime soon, right?"


He won't. He has another country to go before coming back to Seoul.


      "Okay, I understand. You're welcome."


Chaerin hung up the phonecall and looked at you. Everyone immediately divert their attention to her.


 She heaved out a sigh.


     "He said that it's best to report to Yang Sajangnim. Naeun had signed the contract with Yang sajangnim, right?"


You nodded.


     "We will tell sajangnim and get him to protect Misty Magic; he will anyway. About the wedding, we will proceed by all means. Jiyong Oppa will call Yang sajangnim and discuss with him. He said that if Kiko continues to disturb us, he will come up with something against her."


You nodded, too weak to speak.


What if Kiko do all these because she still love Jiyong? What if she do all these because she needs Jiyong? What if Kiko is better off with Jiyong instead of me?


     "If Kiko dares to disturb Haeun, I will be more than willing to destroy her face," Dara said and rolled her sleeves up.

     "We will," Bom nodded and smiled.

     "We will be by your side often now, Haeun. Will that be okay?" Chaerin asked cautiously.


You nodded, "I need someone by my side"







Kiko Mizuhara. Kiko Audrie Daniels. My blood boiled when Chaerin told me and Youngbae about it. Yes, we happened to be in the same room and upon hearing that name, I immediately put on speaker for Youngbae to hear. Now that we had ended the phonecall, I looked at Youngbae. He was looking at me as well.


       "Let's call Sajangnim and talk to him," he suggested and took out his phone.


I nodded in return, too irritated to speak. Youngbae dialed Yang Sajangnim's number and the speaker. We waited for the phone to get answered.


      "Hello?" Sajangnim's rough voice answered the call.

      "Kiko paid a visit to Haeun at my apartment," I told him immediately. "Kiko told Haeun to cancel the wedding or else she will destroy Misty Magic."

      "How is she going to destroy Misty Magic? The café is already taken care of by me," Yang sajangnim answered.


Damn… True but I didn't expect to hear such words from him…


       "Chaerin called us earlier after Haeun sent an S.O.S to her. Haeun is doing fine and taken care of by 2NE1. The problem is Kiko's games," Youngbae told him.

       "How about we just keep it professional? Leave everything to me. If she bothers any of you, including Haeun's family and the café, tell her to come and see me. It's about time for me to play my cards well," he answered.


Huh…? What is he up to?


Youngbae looked at me with the same expression as he replied, "Shouldn't Jiyong be the one who is supposed to say that?"


That's the thing.


       "You all have your concert, so don't bother. I know what to do, but I will only do it if she bothers any of you again," he told us.

       "She will," I answered briefly.


She will anyway.


       "Then let's just wait for her move. She might make a drastic move so I might as well prepare my weapons now," he replied.

       "Okay… But if she bothers me and Haeun right in front of us-" I said but only to get cut off.

       "Just so you know, if she ever does that, I want you to calm down," he cut me off. "And you better obey."


I heaved out a sigh and gave answered him an 'Okay'. It's frustrating; Kiko had her games begun. And knowing Haeun, Haeun is strong but she is fragile as well. I took my phone and send a text message to Haeun.


Don't worry. I'm here to protect you. I'm sorry if I can't be by your side but please know that I will do whatever it takes to make sure that you're okay.


I pressed the send button and listened to Youngbae conversing with our boss. I felt like I had failed, for not protecting Haeun when she needed me the most. I don't understand why must Kiko be this way. I don't get people like her honestly. My phone buzzed and I looked at it. It was a reply from Hauen.


I'm fine, don't worry.


I hastily replied the text message to her.


Don't act like you're fine when you're not. I know you well enough, Jung Haeun.


I don't know, Kwon Jiyong… I'm scared.


Of what? Her? Haeun, don't be scared. You are bold enough to fight her, aren't you?


I am not scared of her. I am scared of her actions. What if she really tear us apart? What if she really destroy Misty Magic? I don't want to choose, Jiyong. But she had left an imprint upon me.


Aniya, Haeun. Listen to me. You know that I love you, right? If we really love each other, we can face through anything and everything together. Have faith in me. Have faith in us. Have faith in our love.


I don't know, Kwon Jiyong… I don't know what I had done that got myself into such a mess.




Haeun, you did nothing. You had done nothing, babygirl. It's just her trying to destroy us. You need to have faith, babygirl.


I don't know, Kwon Jiyong. I really don't know.




My heart shook upon her reply. This can't be happening. We are five months away from our wedding. She kept saying she don't know and I already have an idea what it is. It took all of my strength to type out and asked her what she doesn't know about.


What is it that you don't know?


Please, don't say what I think you are going to say. Please, Haeun…


My love for you.




Why? Had I done something wrong?


Maybe Kiko does this because she really loved you?


             "WHAT?!" I literally yelled upon that reply.  IS HAEUN MAD?!


Youngbae looked at me; now that I realized his conversation with our boss has ended. "What happened?" Youngbae asked. "I'm talking to Haeun now and it's not going well," I answered as I typed vigorously.


Are you crazy? She's just a psycho .


If I have another person that I like, will you do the same thing like what Kiko did?


         "What do you mean? Is she doubting?" he asked me.

         "Exactly. Kiko must have left an impression on her," I answered. "And she asked me if I will act like Kiko if she has another guy she is interested in."


I can't help but to be annoyed and frustrated over her replies. She had never doubted our love and when Kiko showed up, this happens. Kiko is looking for real deep trouble then.


Don't do this to me, Haeun. You're important to me.


Tell me, Kwon Jiyong. Will you?


       "Is she nuts? What has Kiko done to her?" Youngbae frowned and scooted next to me.




       "I don't know. I am getting more and more frustrated by the second," I told him as I replied Haeun.


Haeun, I love you. Really. Why are you doing this to me? Why is it that her actions caused you to waver this much?


Because she still love you. She wants you to herself, that's why she can't see other people to be happy with you.


       "I could tell. I didn't expect her to be like this," Youngbae admitted. "And she said Kiko still loves you?!"

       "But Kiko ing Mizuhara cheated on me! You know very well the reasons as to why I broke up with Kiko, right?" I asked Youngbae, already half-shouting.

       "Tell her that!" Youngbae said and looked at my phone.

       "Telling!" I answered as I vigorously typed the reply.


BUT SHE CHEATED ON ME. HAEUN, I BROKE UP WITH HER FOR TWO REASONS. One, she cheated on me and slept with another model. Two, I want to be with you.




      "What in the world is happening to you, Jung Haeun?" I half-shouted.


Haeun is doubting our love over what Kiko had done. And her theory may be realistic but unreasonable. I can't help it. I don't want to be angry at but her words are just adding oil to my fire. The Dragon's Fire. Even Seungri had never made me this mad before.


Hauen, stop doubting our love. Stop doubting our relationship. I am doing all these for you because I love you. I even kneel and propose to you. I protected you from the media. What else do you want, Haeun? I will do anything to make sure that I can assure our love and relationship is real. Tell me, Haeun. What do you want me to do?


I don't know, Kwon Jiyong! I really don't know! She will continue to harass me until she gets you.


Don't care about her, Jung Haeun! You are a tough girl, you know that very well. I am here and you can talk to me. Even if she wants me, I don't want her either. I want you. I ing want you. You're mine and I'm yours.


But Kiko wants you.


      "What is wrong with her? Why is she so willing to give me away to that skeleton?" I growled while typing a reply. "She keeps saying that Kiko wants me. Kiko wants me. Does she still love me?! Oh my gosh!"


But do you want me, Haeun? Why are so willing to give me away to Kiko? Why do you keep on doubting? What has she done?


If I return the ring to you…




        "And now, she wants to return the ring! DONG YOUNGBAE, SHE WANTS TO RETURN THE ING RING. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER?!" I shouted as I typed. "SHE BETTER NOT THINK ABOUT GIVING IT TO KIKO."


Don't you dare. It's yours. AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT GIVING TO KIKO.


But Jiyong, Kiko loves you.


But Jiyong loves Haeun.


Jiyong, if you go back to Kiko, everything might get better.






I love you but…




But what? But Kiko loves me? Are you serious, Jung Haeun? Even if Kiko comes crawling towards me and begs me to love her again, I WILL NEVER EVER GO BACK TO HER. Get this straight in your head.


Jiyong... You need to understand Kiko's feelings.


       "That's it, Jung Haeun. I'm going to be straight up to the point now," I said angrily.


Understand what? I don't love her. I love you. Don't you get it? Do I have to tell you in English? I LOVE JUNG HAEUN. I CARE ABOUT JUNG HAEUN. I DON'T LOVE KIKO MIZUHARA. I DON'T ING CARE ABOUT KIKO MIZUHARA. OR KIKO AUDRIE DANIELS.


 Once I replied that, I put my phone on the bed and looked at Youngbae. His jaw dropped to the ground.


       "What?" I asked him, trying to calm my anger.

       "You should look at yourself just now," he replied me. "Even when Seungri pisses you off, you never this crazy."

       "She is doubting our love. I think Kiko had scare her somehow. This is frustrating," I told Youngbae as I scratched my head.

       "Jiyong-" Youngbae got cut off by me.

       "She keeps talking about Kiko and even thought about returning the ring to me. Is she nuts?!" I snapped. I couldn't help it.

       "She's doubting your love, right? Do what you do best," Youngbae told me.


My phone buzzed and I looked at her reply.


But Jiyong… My love for you…


I immediately typed a reply and send to her.


You're doubting our love, right? Let me tell you something, Jung Haeun. I can be a snake in the grass if I want something real bad. And that applies to everything and anything. 


ANNYEONG!!! *waves at everyone excitedly* If I were to be honest, this story was written two days ago but I decided to post it today because it's to celebrate the end of my exams. xDDD Anyway, thanks to Kiko, Haeun is doubting her love with Jiyong.. =.= Aish.. What is happening to you Haeunie??? Okay, next update.. Maybe tomorrow night or Sunday? For tomorrow and Saturday, I can't confirm for now. But as you know, there will always be an update spree. When? On Sunday! Okay, so if I am free tomorrow or Saturday, I will update. But if I can't, please be patient and wait for Sunday~~ See you on the next chapter! XDDD And See you soon!! <3 <3 

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....