Chapter 6

12 Hours Together



I faced the window, pretending to sleep. I am not sleepy, to speak the truth. I lend her my iPad for one reason - allowing her to see the things I like. Games, pictures, videos, music or whatever. I did that on purpose. Ever since I came to know about her, I felt like as though I am falling deeper for her. She makes me feel comfortable around her and she bring Kwon Jiyong out of me. I don't know if she sees me as Kwon Jiyong or G-Dragon, but what I know is that she tends to go red at every gesture I do towards her. I really love it when her face go red whenever I into kissing her; honestly I want to but I'm not sure if she's ready yet. And I don't want to lose a friend, or the way I think it - more than a friend, so soon. It felts like she was the one helping or making Kwon Jiyong alive. I am sure with my iPad in her hands, she will get to know more about me. I'm positive about it.


"You brought me flying in the clouds; you send sparks flying in me. Until this flight ends… Dear God, I beg you with my palms together. Please don't separate us."


My ear tingled at the soft mumbling. It was soft, but my ear was sharp enough to catch every single word that came out of . I turned my body over with my eyes closed, pretending to sleep. But I didn't open my eyes as soon as I turned. I don't want her to catch me sleeping. Wow, since when I am so sneaky? The words she mumbled earlier still rang in my ears. You brought me flying in the clouds; you send sparks flying in me. Flying in the clouds? Sparks flying? But what caught my attention was the last sentence. Until this flight ends… Dear God, I beg you with my palms together. Please don't separate us. It sounded like a plead. She put my feelings into words. Or is it her feeling as well? I opened my eyes and sneaked a look at whatever she was doing before closing my eyes again.


Is she writing the lyrics? Or poem? But it couldn't be a poem. She mentioned earlier she wanted to be a lyricist once she graduates… Lyricist… Lyricist… Lyricist… OH!! She must have been writing the lyrics to the instrumentals Teddy and I created. I was supposed to come out with some lyrics either during the flight or once I am done with the photoshoot. Now that I think about it, I am glad that my manager trusted me enough to go on my own. Besides, he will be flying in tomorrow just for my schedule. He has a family and it's best for his family to be his priority.


I remained in my seat, with my eyes closed. Too awake to sleep because my mind won't stop thinking about her and what she is doing. This is one of the very rare moments when G-Dragon can actually sleep but he couldn't sleep. How interesting. I heard a small yawn coming out of and opened my eyes to sneak what she is doing now. Her head is resting on the headrest nearest to me. Why is that when I leaned close to her my heart didn't flutter but when she leaned close to me, my heart is beating fast? I liked her from the very beginning, but am I really falling for her now? I stared at her sleeping figure for a few minutes. She looked so peaceful, so at peace. If only I can wake to face like that every single day of my life. I pulled myself up and turned my bed into a seat. I sat upright and looked at her. Her legs were pulled together close to her body as she slept facing me. I smiled and diverted my attention to the book and my iPad on her table. I immediately took both of it and have it a look.


'Track 35' was written on top of the page. I looked at the screen of my iPad. 'Track 35' was on pause. Was she really writing a song? I looked at the time. I told her that I want to sleep at around 3.15am. And now is 3.50am. I looked at the scribbles. Her handwriting is really cute, and I find myself smiling at it. I plugged the earpieces into my ears and played the track while reading her work.



You brought me flying in the clouds

You send sparks flying in me

Until this flight ends

Dear God, I beg you with my palms together

Please don't separate us


It's midnight and we are flying in the sky

Hold my hand; let's create an adventure

I've waited years for this to happen

Be it a fan or a friend, I'm glad for having you here

Let's create a memory in the clouds


Enthralled by your charms, moved by your words

Blushed by your gestures, captivated by your smiles

Can we not land on the ground yet?


You drew a rainbow over our heads

You rained me with your beauty

Let's run away from the sunrise together

Until this flight ends

Dear God, I beg you with my palms together

Please don't separate us


Let's break all rules, running hand in hand from head to tail

Let's enter a suite and dance like nothing else mattered

Let's hide in a space and tell secrets

Right now, I don't need martini to get drunk

All I need is us to be together


Running from loyalties, skipping responsibilities

Running from reality, let's start our fantasies

Can we not land on the ground yet?


You drew a rainbow over our heads

You rained me with your beauty

Let's run away from the sunrise together

Until this flight ends

Dear God, I beg you with my palms together

Please don't separate us


Together let's go to the peak of the world

Leave the riches and start with poor

Together let's go to a waterfall

Leave our worries behind and start afresh

Together, let's go wherever


Promises made together, flaws shared with one another

Experiences made together, stories shared together

Can we not land on the ground yet?


You drew a rainbow over our heads

You rained me with your beauty

Let's run away from the sunrise together

Until this flight ends

Dear God, I beg you with my palms together

Please don't separate us


You brought me flying in the clouds

You send sparks flying in me

Until this flight ends

Dear God, I beg you with my palms together

Please don't separate us



I stared in awe at how her words and the instrumental I made blended so well, so perfect. The song is beautiful, so perfect for us. In fact, she had written a perfect song which both of us had been through together, and some of my wishes with her. I could even hear myself singing to the song she had written. And how is she capable of creating work of art within thirty-five minutes? No doubt words are her bestfriends. Thanks, Haeunie. I am taking this song for us. I immediately tore the page and hid it in my bag. When the time comes, I will release this song which is written by Jung Haeun. But right now, it's mine. I closed the notebook and placed it back on her table. As soon as I placed her book on her table, I felt her grabbed my left arm and snuggled into it. I immediately tensed up upon her action. I looked at her, wondering whether she is awake or asleep. I could feel her breathing on my arm through the sleeve of my shirt. I smiled and tucked a lose strand behind her ear. With the position like this, anyone would have guessed we are dating. My mouth immediately curved into a smile. I took out my phone from my pocket. Since it is on airplane mode, it wouldn't be much of a problem. I went to camera and took several selcas of us together. Or more like a sleeping Jung Haeun and a playful Kwon Jiyong. Once done, I looked at the pictures we took. Let's take more pictures later on, Jung Haeun.


After keeping back where I took my phone from, I remained seated and immobile. She looked so cute when she is sleeping like that and I can't bear to wake her up. But what's for sure, the song she had written, it will be our song in the future.


      "You brought me flying in the clouds; you send sparks flying in me. Until this flight ends… Dear God, I beg you with my palms together. Please don't separate us." 


There's thing called "once you start writing, you can never stop". And that applies to me as well. My ideas are flowing and flowing and I can't help it! T-T Anyway, it's a double update but this is from GD's POV. Hehehehehehe! Do tell me if you want more~~ And comment down your thoughts or suggestions, nae? :) I also had a hard time squeezing out lyrics perfect for this story and I apologize if it . I hope you like the story and I will write whenever I can~~ Hehehehe! Can't promise when the next update is cos once I start, I have a hard time stopping. And I have school as well. But what I can promise is that I will keep this story going~~ :D xDD I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! KEEP ON SUPPORTING!! <3 <3 

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....