Chapter 22

12 Hours Together

       "How did you know that I am here?" you asked as you ate.

       "You were too engrossed in your work earlier that you didn't even hear the door clicked. I found where you were before going home to cook all these and eat them with you," he answered.

       "You're really sweet, Kwon Jiyong. I know you were charming but I didn't know you were this charming," you spoke your thoughts.


He smiled sheepishly and ate, just to hide his pink cheeks. But it was too late; you saw them already. You giggled. He looks really cute when he's blushing - smiling away like a little boy. It felt so perfect right now, as though time had stopped specially for you and him. Despite eating from lunchboxes in the recording studio, it still has the romantic vibe. Sweet, lovely and romantic vibe… Both of you were getting into the mood until the door swung open.




She entered the studio, panting and sat on the sofa. Jiyong and you looked at her in confusion. Well, if she did ran, she must have done a good job running in those heels. You can barely chase after a bus in heels.


     "Wae?" Jiyong asked Chaerin.

     "Hi, Haeun. I'm Chaerin," she greeted and smiled.

     "Hello," you said meekly. Well, it's CL in front of you.

     "Youngbae Oppa told me that you two were here having your lovey-dovey moments. I'm sorry to kill the atmosphere, but Kiko is in YG right now," she explained.




     "What is she doing here?" Jiyong asked and put down his utensils.

     "I don't know either. Youngbae Oppa and Seungri are driving here now," Chaerin explain.

     "How did you know she is here?" he asked and looked at her.

     "2NE1 came just now to hang out at the dance studio. Minji wanted to show the new dance she learned. But when we arrived, Kiko was already down there trying to convince the security guard. And then, right now, we have Dara unnie and Bom unnie holding her back," she explained.


YG Family really acts like a family… Amazing…


     "So, I went off with Minji. Minji is waiting for your both friends to arrive here while the other two are stopping Kiko," she continued.

     "Aish.. This annoying Kiko…" Jiyong leaned back on his chair.

     "You better do something about her. You will be having your comeback next month, right?" Chaerin said as she took a piece of grilled meat.




     "You serious? Next month?" you asked and looked at Jiyong and Chaerin.

     "Don't tell anyone, this is meant to be in YG only," Jiyong told you without even looking at you.

     "No problem. Where are the songs?" you absentmindedly ask.

     "Patience is virtue," Chaerin said and patted your head.


Patience is virtue… 3 years and patience is virtue…


     "I'm happy that you're happy that BIGBANG will be making a comeback. But you know that I won't be seeing you for some time. After promotions, I will be having concerts," he told you.

    "It's okay. I won't be able to get harassed by you like yesterday and just now," you smirked.

    "What happened yesterday?" Chaerin asked.


Might as well let her know. She might make a great friend.


     "That dragon stalked me all the way home after I met sajangnim yesterday. And when my parents asked him how is he related to me, he told them he is my boyfriend. And now, I know they really like him," you told her.

    "His overconfidence can be really something though," Chaerin said. "But people, Kiko Mizuhara is down there and how long more are you going to make Park Unnies hold her back?"

    "Is Sajangnim out?" Jiyong asked.

    "YES," Chaerin spat.


Jiyong stood up and left, leaving you and Chaerin together. You saw anger in his eyes, the same anger at the airport. It's worrisome and yet scary. You looked at Chaerin.


     "Do you know Kiko?" Chaerin asked and looked at you.

     "We met at the airport yesterday. He kissed me in front of her," you told her.

     "Wow. So, you know who she is?" she asked again.


You nodded.


She sighed.


     "Kiko wants to be with Jiyong Oppa because she wants the fame he has. At first it was love, but slowly she starts to have an affair with another model," Chaerin told you.

     "I know; they fought in front of me," you uttered.

     "And she is very possessive. Luckily Jiyong is strong enough to crumble her down. But that does mean she won't stop," she said.


What do you mean?


     "What do you mean?" you spoke your thoughts.

     "If Kiko can't be with Jiyong, she makes sure that whoever is with him is not going to be happy. If she can crush you, she will crush you," Chaerin told you.


Oh… My… God…


     "How did you know?" you asked, somewhat shaken by her words.

     "Remember the OOAK concert? When Jiyong Oppa and I performed 'The Leaders'?" she asked.


You nodded. The skinship on stage. The touchy touchy on stage. Of course you remembered; fancams were everywhere.


     "Oppa asked me to be like that on stage with him because we found out Kiko cheated on him. When Kiko found out, she begin to disturb me day in and day out. She can't seem to see me happy. She even went to YG just to fight with me. Youngbae Oppa got irritated and told her off. Jiyong Oppa wasn't there. We had to call security to get her out. And when Jiyong Oppa found out, he fought with her. That is the start of their relationship downfall," she explained.

     "When was that?" you asked.

     "Last year," she answered. "He broke up with her 3 months ago."


3 months ago? After we first met?


You sat quietly and looked at the food before you. You felt Chaerin pulling a chair and sat with you. "If Kiko ever does anything to you, tell us. We all know that Jiyong really really likes you. We will protect you," Chaerin assured you. You bit your lips, holding back your tears. Ever since you met Jiyong, your life changed completely. It was beautiful yet scary. Jiyong is your first love, and you don't want Jiyong to be your first heartbreak. "If you both really love each other, nothing will stand in your way," you heard her voice. You nodded. "Jiyong Oppa and Youngbae Oppa had been my bestfriends and we helped each other a lot. Right now, we will also help you," she continued. You took in a deep breath.


Ever since you graduated Yonsei University, you do not have much friends. What about London? You isolate yourself from everyone. Not because you want to but because you're scared. Friendships is really important to you but you had experienced too many friendship failures and you were scared to go through it again. But right now, Chaerin had entered your life.


    "Will you be my friend?" you asked and looked at Chaerin.


Chaerin looked at you, surprised by your question. then slowly curved into a smile, "Aren't we already friends?" You smiled and hugged her. She also hugged you in return before both of you let go of each other.







As soon as I arrived the lobby, I saw Dara noona and Bom noona holding her back. She was indeed making a scene at the lobby. My blood boiled at the sight of that skeleton. She kept on shouting at them. They are my friends; how can she shout shamelessly at them?! At the corner of my eye, I saw Seungri, Youngbae and Minzy running towards me. I turned my head towards them.


      "Where's Haeun?" Youngbae immediately asked.

      "With Chaerin in the recording studio," I answered and turned my head towards that girl.


Her eyes locked with mine, showing a face which I swore I hated in this world.


      "Noona, cut it out," I said, loud enough for Bom noona and Dara noona to hear.


Bom noona and Dara noona immediately turned their heads and looked at me. I walked to Kiko, each step I took, my blood boiled. As soon as I stood right in front of her, this annoying girl wrapped her arms around my neck. I have no idea what her motives were but I really hated her to the core.


       "Oppa, did you missed me? Cos I missed you," she cooed.


I immediately pushed her away and slapped her across the face. "I will tell sajangnim that you are no longer allowed to enter YG," I told her off coldly. She was already on the floor, covering her red cheek with her hand. Damn, that felt good even though my palm hurt. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" she screamed. Ouch, my ear hurt.


     " off, Kiko. You don’t belong to Jiyong now. And you are no longer related to YG," Youngbae stood next to me. "We agreed to be professional about this, but look at you! Are you desperate for love or are you desperate for fame?"


Damn, 14 years of friendship with Dong Youngbae. I better treat him something good later.


     "What do you know about me and him?!" she retaliated as she stood up, shaking in her heels.

     "YG is a family. And if you don't know what family is, go and look for a dictionary," Youngbae shot back.


And even the words he said… *clap hands mentally*


Kiko's mouth gaped opened. "Is it that girl at the airport?" she gritted her teeth. ", get over and done with. If it's really her, what are you going to do?" I heard Seungri shouted from behind me.


I'm loving BIGBANG. I'm loving YG Family.



     "I never said that I wanted to play," I shrugged, holding in my laugh.


She looked at me, her face embarrassed by my words. She then glared at me before walking off, acting like a mini diva. "Yah, if you do anything to any of us, all of us will make you suffer," I shouted as she exited the building. She shot me another glare before leaving the building officially.


     "If she does anything to Haeun or you, tell me. I won't let her go easily," I told those who were there.

     "Don't worry, hyung. We got your back as well," Seungri smiled.


It may be comforting, but all of us knows how Kiko is when she does not get what she wanted. 


HEY PEOPLEE!!! Sorry for the late update... >.< It has been a busy week and finally the weekends are here. I wanted to update yesterday night but I was too tired with schoolwork... @.@ Anyways, Chapter 22 is out!!!! xDDDD So, yeah~~~ LOOK OUT FOR KIKO. AND LOOK OUT FOR THE UPCOMING CHAPTERS~~ xDDDD I'm not sure if the end of the story is any near...But don't worry, it won't be anytime soon though because there's more to come. *nods nods* BUT DON'T LOSE HOPE!! *wink wink* AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT!! <3 <3 Heheheheehheheheeh!! SEE YOU IN THE UPCOMING CHAPTERS!! *sends flying kisses to everyone* 

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....