Chapter 36

12 Hours Together




You fiddled around with the buttons as you created the instrumental. Jiyong had taught you how to use it before and you were just meddling and using your own creativity to play and create some interesting instrumentals. As you were engrossed in making your music, Lydia and Chaerin entered.


     "How's Mrs Kwon doing?" Chaerin smiled as she sat on a chair.


You turned your chair around and looked at them, smiling. "Perfectly fine," you answered. Lydia moved and sat on a chair, scooting over to you. "How's Jisung and Jieun?" she asked as she looked at whatever you were working on.


      "Doing fine as well," you chuckled.

      "Well, even though Jieun and Jisung had grew up, I still can't get over the story when you first told Jiyong you were pregnant," Chaerin said and laughed.


Both you and Lydia laughed as well. At that time when you were pregnant with Jisung, you already had gotten the idea that you are pregnant since your monthly period had not came. And after 2 months or so, you went to the ultrasound without Jiyong just to surprise him. You sure surprised him well…




You walked down the hallways as you looked for your husband. You had some great news to share with him and you know he is at the studio. You clutched on your handbag and the brown envelope tightly as you looked for him. You looked around for him, can't wait to share the good news with him. You entered his recording studio and saw Teddy, Youngbae and Jiyong inside. Jiyong was in the booth recording.


ARGH, why must he be in there?


       "Hi, Haeun!" Youngbae smiled at you.

       "Hi, Oppa," you smiled in return and looked at Jiyong rapping.


Can't he be any quicker?!


Teddy pressed the button, "Okay, let's listen Ji! By the way, your wife is here." You smiled at his remark. Jiyong waved at you from the booth as Teddy played what was just recorded. You listened to it, but you were not interested though. You just can't wait to share the news with Jiyong. And it's time for him to know. You sat on a chair and wheeled next to Teddy.


       "Sounds good?" Teddy asked.

       "Yeah," you smiled.


Wasn't listening though.


The song ended and you looked at Jiyong. "How was it, baby?" he asked from the booth and Teddy handed you the button.


This is going to be fun.


     "It was fine," you answered as you pressed the button.

     "Really?" he asked. "The way you say it sounded otherwise."

     "Jiyong, I am pregnant," you said boldly and looked at him.


He looked at you through the booth, his eyes twice the size. "You serious? Haeun?" he asked. You could even feel Youngbae and Teddy lookiing at you but you continue to stare at Jiyong. "Jiyong…" you smiled, this time. "I am pregnant with Kwon Jisung." His mouth dropped ajar and he immediately removed his headphones and went to you. "You're pregnant?" he asked in disbelief. You handed him the brown envelope and he hastily untie it to look at the ultrasound. You grinned at his excitement. Once untied, he took it out and looked at the scan. Youngbae and Teddy scooted next to Jiyong to look at it as well.


     "Kwon… Jisung?" he asked once again and looked at you.


You smiled and rubbed your stomach. He smiled and went to hug you tight. You giggled and hugged him in return. He then kissed you before turning to Youngbae and Teddy.


     "Youngbae!!" he hugged his bestfriend. "I'm going to be a father!"


Youngbae laughed and congratulate him. Teddy looked at you, "Kwon Jisung… A boy?" he asked. You nodded and smiled. "Congrats," he smiled before turning to Youngbae and Jiyong who were celebrating away. You rubbed your belly as you watched Jiyong still in disbelief that he is going to be a father. You looked down at your belly, "Jisung-ah, look at your dad. He's really embarrassing, right?" Youngbae looked at you upon hearing that and laughed hard. "Don't be like that! I will make a great dad!" Jiyong whined causing everyone to laugh harder.






     "I think you should take care of your baby first, Chae. Or else someone will get worried," you looked at Chaerin.


Yes, everyone. The baddest female is pregnant with Taeyang's baby. Their marriage too was a trend in the country. In fact, when YG released the statement that you are pregnant with Jiyong's baby, everyone grew excited. Chaerin scoffed while Lydia chuckled.


     "What time is he coming here, by the way?" Lydia asked.

     "He will be here around 4 with Jisung and Jieun," you answered.

     "Well, 4pm is just 5 minutes away," Chaerin said.

     "Yeah," you nodded and looked at the clock.

     "I better go and meet Youngbae Oppa first. See you again later," Chaerin stood up and walked out.

     "Then what were you doing here?" you asked and looked at them.


Lydia stood up and grinned, "Cameo appearance and nice track though." You scoffed at her reply before waving them off. Lately, these two enjoy paying visits to you. Jiyong should be here anytime soon though.



You continued making your soundtrack when you heard your daughter came running in the studio.




You turned your chair and she immediately ran into your arms. "Awoo, Jieunie… What happened?" you asked and hugged her. She pulled away and looked at you. Her face looked like Kwon Jiyong but she has your eyes. "Omma, Appa and Oppa are annoying!" she pouted.


This girl is only eight and her vocabulary is really something…


    "Waeyo, Jieunie?" you asked, smiling away.

    "Omma, I want to use the tab but Oppa keep using it! And Appa ignore me!" she whined.


And she whined like Jiyong.


You pulled her to your lap and turned your chair towards the buttons. She sat on your lap and looked around.


    "Where's Appa??" you asked.

    "Appa is with Youngbae Samchoon. Oppa is with Appa," she told you.

    "Oh… And you came here alone?" you asked as you continued working on the soundtrack.


Multi-tasking at its best.


 She hummed, "They are outside." You hummed in return as well. 


Like mother, like daughter.


As you busied yourself with work, the two boys entered.


    "Hi, babe. What are you doing?" Jiyong walked towards you and pecked your lips after putting his and their bags on the sofa.

    "Nothing much," you answered and smiled.


He pulled a chair over and sat next to you while Jisung hopped on Jiyong's lap. Jisung is only two years older than Jieun. "Composing?" Jiyong asked and looked at the computer screen. You hummed.


     "Omma, can I try and record something like what Appa did?" Jisung looked at you.


You immediately exchanged looks with Jiyong.


     "Sing or rap?" Jiyong asked his boy.

     "Rap!" Jisung said enthusiastically.


Jiyong immediately chuckled and nodded. Jisung hopped off his father's lap and waited for his father. "Appa, Jieun also want!" Jieun squealed. "Arrasseo, let Oppa go first nae?" Jiyong smiled. Jieun hummed in return. You watched Jiyong and Jisung entered the booth. Jiyong begin to adjust the microphone to Jisung's height and handed him the headphones before leaving the booth. He then went back to his chair.


     "How ready is soundtrack?" Jiyong asked you.

     "It just needed lyrics," you answered.

     "Okay," he answered and pressed the button. "You ready, ma boy?"


Jisung immediately replied from the booth, "Always ready, dad!" So much for a sway swag family. "Let's go!" You pressed the track and you and Jiyong anticipated Jisung's rap. Jisung held the headphones with his both hands as he waited for his dad's cue. Once Jiyong gave a thumbs up, Jisung begins to rap.


                "I'm only ten; young and fresh.

                 I may not be the best

                 People say dreams are drawn using colour pencils and crayons

                 But my dream is drawn using machines and microphones

                 Hana, dul. Three, four.

                 They said I'm too young to be a rapper.

                 But no doubt, I will be like G-Dragon, my father"


 Both you and Jiyong's jaw drop to the ground. His flow, his words, his rhythm. He's exactly like his father! You pressed the track to pause and Jiyong immediately pressed the button, "THAT'S MY BOY!!!!" Jisung also laughed in delight. "Oppa, jjang!" Jieun squealed. You cheered for your son as well. Jiyong smiled with pride before turning to you, "Should I release a single?" You laughed and nodded, "It will be interesting if sajangnim approved."


He immediately put on his smirk, "Oh, he will. Jisung's talent is too good to let go. And we haven't look at Jieun yet." 


This is the end of the updating spree. Err, I know it's kinda of not that good and I apologise greatly for that. First, I will like to thank all my subscribers for being with me until the end of this story. And thank you so much for showing your love. I know the scene and I apologise for that; I'm a newbie. I will try my best to improve on that... Second, thank you so much for commenting and looking forward for my update spree. I couldn't thank much for that as well. It's supposed to mark completed over here. Actually, the story is supposed to end here but... But... Yes, there is a but. 

To show my gratitude and love for you, I will like you to send me your requests for Jiyong and his family. Like, an indiviual story. For example, Jiyong and his family's trip to zoo. Or something like that. Give me lots and lots and lots of suggestion or ideas. I will compile them together and write into a story. It's up to you as to what you want me to write about. Yups, it's like a special edition before I officially mark this story as completed. I will also credit those ideas I had chosen from too. I look forward to your ideas and suggestions, nae? *smiles* The compiled ideas story will be released by next weekend. So keep the ideas coming before this story will mark as completed. If there's no ideas and suggestions, then this story will stop here. So, please give your ideas so that I can write for you what you want to express my gratitude, love and thanks. Once again, thank you for your support! Saranghaeyo! <3 Until then, see you again next time! *waves at everyone* 

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....