Chapter 28

12 Hours Together

10 months before wedding day


You were sitting together in the recording studio. Jiyong and you were sitting on a chair separately. He was creating and teaching how to create an instrumental. You stared at the finger working on the buttons. It was like as though inspiration came and he immediately put them to work.


          "So, did you get how it worked?" he asked.


You nodded.


         "It may take some time, but do what you know best first. We can develop your skills later on," he told you.


You hummed in return. He chuckled and continued with making the instrumentals. You took your notebook and pen out, flipping through the pages trying to find any lyrics which can be used for his freshly made instrumentals.




The door opened and your daughter entered the recording studio. Jiyong immediately his chair around as she ran to her dad's opened arms. You looked at your daughter, the fruit of Jiyong's and your love. She looks like Jiyong except that she has your eyes.


       "What is it, baby?" he asked as your daughter hugged her father tightly.


And came in your son, a few years older than your daughter. He looks like you but has Jiyong's eyes. No matter how you see it, the both of them has something that resembles you and Jiyong. It may take some time to find out what it is but you two will eventually now. They are after all the fruit of your both love.


       "Omma, I'm boredd…" your son whined., similar like how you always whined to Jiyong.

       "And what had you done to your sister which caused her to run in the studio screaming for her dad?" you turned your chair and looked at him.


He pouted, similar like how Jiyong always pout.


       "We were just playing, Omma," your daughter told you.

      "Nae! Appa said that it is always right to protect your sister," your son told you.


You turned towards Jiyong and he grinned from ear to ear. "Omma, what are you doing? I am bored!" your son whined as he sat on one of the chairs. "We are making music," Jiyong answered on your behalf. An idea sparked in your head.


     "Do you want to help us? Since you're bored…" you looked at your son.


He nodded vigorously. This boy, when he's bored, he is exactly like Kwon Jiyong.


     "Appa is going to play a tune and you just say whatever you wanna say inside that booth. Will that do?" you told your son.

     "I want to do it too!" your daughter immediately shouted.

    "Let your brother try first, nae?" Jiyong tried to negotiate with her.

    "Arrasseo," she replied.


You lead your son into the recording booth and adjusted the microphone stand to his height. After explaining what to do, you left the booth and went to Jiyong. In fact you were anticipating what your son will come up with.


    "You ready, ma boy?" Jiyong asked in English.

    "Always ready, dad!" your son replied in English as well.


This family is really full of swag swag.


   "Whenever you're ready," Jiyong told your son and pressed the button to record and play the instrumentals.


The three waited in anticipation as to what he will come up with. He opened his mouth and your anticipation grew by the second.






You groaned and squinted your eyes. Who else will it be if it's not the almighty dragon himself? You slept in his apartment last night; he insisted. Besides, half of your things had moved into his apartment already. Your parents did not mind at all, in fact they were happy that you two were spending time together despite his hectic schedules. He had been travelling the world because of the tour but it's a one month break this month so he decided to come back home and into your arms.


     "Why must you interrupt my sweet dream?" you growled and sat down.


It was indeed a sweet dream.


     "I have to wake you up. We are meeting the wedding planner today, aren't we?" he pouted and looked at you.

     "I see," you uttered.


You sat down and looked at him. His hair was disheveled, telling you that he too had just woke up. "I'm quite surprised that you didn't sleep talk to me," he chuckled and pat your head. You rolled your eyes, "That is because you literally shouted at my soul instead of waking me up sweetly. My sweet dream was interrupted, thanks to you."


I just woke up so don't expect much from me. Especially when you interrupt my sweet dream.


    "So what was your sweet dream?" he asked as you crawled out of the bed.

    "We were in the recording studio. And two kids were with us. One boy and one girl; the boy older. They are siblings," you answered as you dragged your body to the washroom.

    "Are they our children?" he asked and you can hear the smile in his tone.

    "Yes, they called me 'Omma' and you 'Appa'," you replied him and entered the washroom.

    "Wow, we are going to be parents!" he squealed.


You turned your body and looked at him. He had followed all these while. You immediately pushed him out of the washroom. "It's a fleeting dream. Now get out," you growled. He chuckled and obeyed your command.


    "To you, is a fleeting dream! To me, is a sign!"


I think it as a sign as well. But I'm not sure. It may be a dream. It may also be a conscience. But I'm not sure.




You two are now on your way to Dolce Vita after a long day of going everywhere. Apparently, there are a lot of sponsorships here and there. Even though Jiyong is capable of paying off all these things, Yang sajangnim insisted him to take the sponsorships to take care of his image. Besides, Jiyong couldn't decline all these sponsorships.


Yves Saint Laurent, Moschino, Dior, CHANEL, Louis Vuitton, HBA. Tell me straight in the face if you can decline all these.


      "What did you dreamt about?" Jiyong asked as he drove.


Sigh… No secrets… Anyway, if he wants to know, then let him know.


       "We were working. And then, our children entered," you told him. "The eldest is the boy and the youngest is a girl. The eldest was bored and I told him to go to the booth and have some things recorded but you came and ended my sweet dream."


He chuckled and you scoffed.


      "Do you want to have children?" Jiyong asked.

      "Of course I want," you answered.


Who doesn't want a child, you tell me.


      "If it's a boy, what will be his name?" you turned your head towards him.

      "How about something which starts with 'Ha'?" he suggested.

      "I can only think of the female name," you confessed.

      "What is it?" he asked.


Both of you finally arrived Dolce Vita. He parked his car and looked at you. It looks like we will be talking for some time in this car before entering the villa.


     "Kwon Jieun," you told him.


He thought about it for a while before smiling and nodding. "Nice. I like it," he admitted. "How about a boy?"  You kept quiet and thought about it. You turned your head towards him. "If you have a son, what will you name him?" It was his turn to be quiet and think about it.


     "Kwon… Jisung?" he looked at you.


You smiled. "Kwon Jisung and Kwon Jieun. Children of Kwon Jiyong and Jung Haeun," you told him.


He took your hand and kissed your knuckles. "Our children," he told you. "I can't wait to get married now that we had the planning done."


You nodded your head and giggled, "Me too."


     "Let's go and meet the future grandparents," he said and let go of your hand.

     "We are not married and I'm not pregnant, Kwon Jiyong," you scoffed.

     "We will… In less than a year's time," he grinned.


This excited dragon. But I can't deny that I'm excited too.


Both of you exited the White Bentley and went to pet Gaho and Jolie. You pet Jolie and played with her for a while before entering Dolce Vita, leaving him and his two doggies.


In a year's time, I'm going to be a Kwon. And it a few years' time, Kwon Jisung and Kwon Jieun will enter our lives. Am I excited? I'm not sure. I feel fluffy, especially the fact that the earlier dream still played around my head. To have two mini us and playing around together like a family. My family will grow bigger. I am fine with anything… As long as I have Kwon Jiyong by my side. As long as I am strong enough to go through whatever is in store for me. He made me fall in love with him once and twice. His love for me is like a flower which won't stop blossoming. It was beauty. Similar as to what I had seen before all these, everyone sees him as G-Dragon. I saw past his eyes and into his soul. I saw Kwon Jiyong. 


I'm sorry if it's short. I need to focus on my exams, so yeah... Anyways, my last paper is on Thursday. I cannot promise when my next update is but as you know, there will always be an update spree in the weekends. I hope that you continue to show your support and love for me~<3 And don't forget to subscribe and comment down! xD I really hope that you love this double update that I had prepared before exams. Do look forward for the upcoming chapters! <3 *forms a heart using arms* Saranghaeyo! And do continue to give support! <3 And comments too.... I really love reading your comments. It fueled my desire to write more so do comment, nae? :) See you at the next chapter! *waves at everyone* Annyeong! 



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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....