Chapter 17

12 Hours Together

  "Jiyong Oppa..?" she looked at Jiyong and asked in English.


The atmosphere was tense and you felt slightly out of place. Actually, not slightly. More like EXTREMELY out of place.


       "We are done, Kiko. Did you forget what you had done towards me that time?" Jiyong replied in English.

       "But I still love you," she walked towards Jiyong, her heels clicking on the floor.

       "Kiko Mizuhara," he said sternly, as though he was starting to boil.


She stopped her steps, her eyes screams pain. You, on the other hand, were surprised by how scary he is right now. But you didn't show it; it's better not to show it.


       "I said we are done. Deal with it," he growled.

       "Is it because of her?" she diverted her gaze to you.

       "And you are blaming me right now? Wasn't you the one who surrendered yourself to the guy who did the commercial with you?" he glared at her.




       "But it was just a one night stand!" she fought back. 


One night stand… YOU CHEATED ON OPPA?!!


       "One night stand can change a lot of things, Audrie Kiko Daniel," Jiyong told her off.


Isn't that Kiko's real full name? Woahhh…


      "But I still love you!" she whined.

      "But I don't love you," Jiyong spat.

      "You are going to dump me over someone whom I had a one night stand with?" she gritted her teeth.

      "I am not going to dump you. I dumped you. Notice the grammar," he said as a matter-of-factly.




     "But what about the two years we dated?" she asked.

     "Gone by the wind," he answered and nodded.

     "Yah! Kwon Jiyong!" she raised her voice slightly.

     "Why are you here? Go back to Japan. I don't need you," he turned around and walked off, leaving his luggage behind. Well, it was on a trolley anyway. 


Damn, he's sassy. Especially for a dragon.


Kiko glared at Jiyong before diverting her gaze on you. Her eyes immediately burned with fire. She immediately stormed towards you. You begin to gear yourself with words to prepare for a fight with that horrific girl.


      "What did you do to my Jiyongie Oppa, ?" she asked with her teeth gritted.


But as soon as you were about to reply, someone grabbed your right hand. You turned your head and saw that Jiyong had turned back and grabbed your hand. He used his free hand to lift your chin and leant down to lock lips with you. As soon as his lips touched yours, you felt yourself melted. But still, you held your guard since someone is watching you two. Once he was satisfied, he let go of your lips and glared at Kiko.


      "Let's go, jagi. Leave that crazy skeleton alone," he said and dragged you.


You turned your head and looked at her. dropped open and she was in a state of disbelief. "Bye, Kiko. Though you surprised us, but Jiyong did better," Youngbae said and pushed the trolley towards you two. Both of you exited the departure hall and walked towards a YG Staff, you assumed. That guy in black immediately led the three of you to  a black van and helped to keep all your luggage in it as the three of you entered the van. You sat at the back of the van, thinking that the two boys will be sitting at the front seat. And you had made a correct guess.


      "How many questions do you have in your head right now, Haeunie?" Jiyong asked and adjusted to look at you.


Am I supposed to have questions? Oh… It's about Kiko.


     "You two dated for two years only?" you asked, remembering the fact that the scandal started to appear 4 years ago.

     "Two years of friendship and bestfriend. Another two of dating," he answered. "But she cheated on me a couple of times. She thought I don't know, but I know."

     "Basically, she missed the D a lot," Youngbae supported Jiyong's answer.

     "I see… And why was she in the arrival hall earlier?" you asked.

     "I don't know. I don't give much of a damn," Jiyong told you.


But what if she finds trouble with me? Especially when Jiyong kissed me in front of her.  What should I do?


     "We will go straight to YG first. After that, we will send you home," Youngbae told you.


You nodded in return. Should you prepare for a battle? What if she is those types of girls who goes crazy over Jiyong? What if she won't stop bothering you? Or him? You turned your head and looked at the outdoors, not sure what to do. Hopefully, being in YG will be something fun and enjoyable. Hopefully.



     "Welcome to YG Entertainment, Jung Haeun!" Youngbae said cheerfully as the three of you entered the lift.

     "Thanks," you smiled.


Your mind is blank right now. You watched the numbers increased. This is really hard, you can't help it. You fiddled with the strap of your bag as an attempt to calm yourself down. The lift came to a stop with a ding and the doors opened. The three of you exited the lift and the two boys lead the way to the office. Once outside, Jiyong knocked and entered. Youngbae and you followed soon after. The interior of the office - exactly how you saw it in WINNER TV. So many toys on the shelves. You walked to the sofa and sat with Jiyong and Youngbae. Yang Sajangnim walked towards the three of you and sat on the other sofa.


     "So, you are Jung Haeun?" Yang sajangnim looked at you.

     "Nae… Annyeonghosaeyo," you uttered and bowed slightly.

     "Jiyong-goon, Youngbae-goon. Thank you for bringing her here. Right now, I want to talk to her personally," Yang sajangmin told them.


Me?! Alone?! WAE??!


Jiyong and Youngbae nodded and left the office, leaving you and that old man alone. You looked at him, not sure what to do or say. "So, I believe that you agreed to join us?"  he asked and walked to his table. "Nae, that's right," you answered formally. "From what Jiyong-goon told me, you are good with words and with that song you had written for him, I'm sure you will make it well. The university too had given me examples of your work," he said as he walked back to the sofa with an A4 envelope.


Is it the song which Jiyong refused to show me? Wait… Does that mean he knows what happened in the plane?


He sat back on the sofa and took out several sheets of paper. "This is the contract for working here. Your pay will be 4400,000Won for a start. If your lyrics happens to be a hit in the entertainment industry, your pay will increase. But what's for sure, that will be your pay. I will also give you the credit card in which you can sign it and claim the company," he explained and pointed at the various paragraphs with a pen. "Working here is extremely flexible, as long as you contribute to the company. You can come here in the middle of the night to write a song; we won't stop you. Inspirations come at weird times, nae?" he explained and smiled at the last sentence. You nodded and smiled in return. He then proceed to explain other rules and regulations in YG. "For a start, you will work with any of the composers and write out the lyrics. Sooner or later, they will teach you how to create them. It may take time but we are willing to help you if you are willing to your help yourself," he finished it off. After reading, or more like pretending to read the contract, he gave you the pen and you signed the contract. He then gave you the company credit card. You took it and thanked him. You are now officially the lyricist of YG Entertainment.


     "I know you and Jiyong-goon have some kind of chemistry but if you two can keep it under the radar of media, then I will allow it," he told you.




     "Kiko had been causing a lot of trouble to Jiyong lately so I will not be surprised if she continues to cause him or you trouble. Jiyong needs someone who can pull him down to earth instead of letting him float in the clouds and I believe you can do it."




     "But if Kiko cause you any trouble, do tell me. We will protect you since Jiyong had told me that he really likes you."




     "From what we know, Kiko is in South Korea right now as she was invited to model for High Cut magazine. We noted that her arrival time was 5 minutes after you three's arrival time. Did you meet her just now?"




    "Just tell me the truth. You will get a miss if you lie to me."


Oh my. I had never been so conflicted like this.


    "We met…" you uttered. "Jiyong Oppa was expressionless and Youngbae Oppa was speechless."

    "What did those two do?" he asked.

    "Nothing much…" you uttered. 


He immediately took out his handphone and called someone. "Ya, come to my office now. Only you," he said before hanging up. Seconds later, Jiyong entered the office.


Haven't even start my work and it feels like I just got into big trouble.


Jiyong sat next to you and you somehow couldn't lift your head. "Haeun said you three bumped into Kiko at the airport earlier. What happened?" you heard Yang sajangnim told Jiyong. "You must have force it out of her," Jiyong sat casually upon hearing that. "That's right we met."


I wish I can get out of this office right now. That's literally my wish right now.


    "What happened?" Yang sajangnim asked. "Is it the same thing again?"

    "That's right," Jiyong said and moved his head slightly. "She surprised us but I surprised her back."

    "What did you do this time?" Yang sajangnim asked in a bored tone.  




    "I kissed Haeun in front of her," he told the older man casually.




    "Are you two dating?" Yang Sajangnim asked the both of you.


Well, two different reactions came to him. Jiyong answered an English "Yes" while you answered an English "No". And both of you speak together at once. You turned your head to Jiyong and he grinned at you. Damn you, Kwon Jiyong.


    "Interesting… It looks like I better delay the BIGBANG comeback for the two of you," that old man begin to sit casually.




     "Please make BIGBANG's comeback as soon as possible. I am tired of listening to the same songs all over again and I will be more than happy if I won't see this dragon often," you answered Yang Sajangnim and looked at Kwon Jiyong.


Jiyong's jaw dropped ajar, he must have been shocked by your answer. Well, you were shocked at your sassiness as well. "She must have took in your character, Jiyong-ah," Yang sajangnim told Jiyong. Jiyong smirked, "I know, right?" You rolled your eyes at Jiyong and turned your head to Yang Sajangnim. "Well, if anything happens to you, feel free to tell us. We take good care of our staffs, don't worry," sajangnim told you. You nodded in return. He then ushered both you and Jiyong out of the office.


     "So, do you want to explore YG or go home?" Youngbae asked as soon as you two exited the office.


He must have knew that I will sign the contract.


       "I want to go home. I feel sleepy," you told him. You were really tired anyway.

       "Then, we will send you home," Jiyong said.


Send me home? Sure, that's sweet… WAIT!!!! NO! NO!


       "Just get a YG staff to send me home," you answered immediately. If Jiyong or Youngbae send you home, they will know where you stay. And your parents might get the wrong idea.

       "Why?" Youngbae looked at you.

       "It's been an interesting day and I am in need of some rest. I just met the two of you two days ago in London and right now I just signed a contract with YG in South Korea… So, yeah… There's a lot to take in and I need a break," you explained. "I'm sure you two require some break as well." 

       "Are you shaken about the Kiko thing just now?" Jiyong asked you.


HOW DID YOU KNOW?!! But actually, I just don't want you to know my address.


      "Let's just part ways here," you smiled. "I will see you tomorrow at work."

      "Are you trying to avoid me?" Jiyong squinted his eyes at you.


Correct guess but I'm not going to admit.


      "I. Just. Want. To. Have. Time. On. My. Own," you told them, emphasizing each word.

      "What's. Wrong. With. Us. Sending. You. Home," Jiyong answered similar way to you.


You heaved a sigh. This clingy dragon. "Look, Dragon Lord," you started off, surprising yourself with a new nickname you gave him. His eyebrows was raised, probably surprised by the nickname you gave him as well. "I am going back to meet my family after 3 months. And if any of you follow me, they might get wrong idea. So, it's best for me to go home on my own and enjoy my time being their daughter before starting work tomorrow. It's been a lot of drama lately," you explained. Both boys finally understood what you meant, nodding at your explanation.


      "Then, just introduce Jiyong as your boyfriend," Youngbae told you.




     "What?!" you shrieked at his response. You didn't even see that coming at all.

     "You two spent 12 hours together, 4 of it you two were dating. And then you two were reunited by me two days ago. He even bought gifts for you! Isn't that close enough for a boyfriend?" Youngbae explained.




     "Damn, I have no regrets telling you what happened," Jiyong grinned at Youngbae and placed an arm over him.

     "Did sajangnim gave a green light to you two?" Youngbae asked.

     "He asked us whether we are dating. I said yes but Haeun said no," Jiyong answered.

     "Well, Jiyong said yes. So isn't that a boyfriend?" Youngbae frowned at you.


What kind of justice is this?! I said no means no.


     "That's called biased. I don't care whatever you say but I am going home without any of you," you told them.


The two boys hesitated for a while but eventually allowed you to take your leave. They tried to convince you even when you are entering the van. But you said a no and smiled in return. They looked at you in defeat before waving goodbye to you as your van drove off. Finally, a break from YG Family and time to go back to the arms of your family.



You took in a deep breath. The smell of your hometown begin to invade your nostrils. Damn, you missed being home. After taking out your belongings, including the YSL paperbag with his gifts inside, you thanked the staff and watched the van disappeared into the road. You took the handle of both luggage and walked towards the entrance of your family bungalow. It's not a big bungalow, a simple one. It was the hard-earned money of the café your family ran. You were about to press the doorbell when the gate opened by itself. Mum, Dad and Naeun ran to you and hugged you. You giggled and hugged them as well. Finally the family had been reunited. Everyone then let go of you.


    "Mum, Dad… Naeun… I miss you people!" you smiled, holding back your tears.

    "I miss you too, baby," Mum smiled at you.


Dad's gaze begin to divert behind you. "Who is that, Haeun?" he asked. The three of you turned and looked at where he was looking at.


What the hell is he doing here? Why the hell is he here?!


     "Who are you, young man?" Dad asked.


Naeun looked at you with confusion and you were mirroring the same confusion as the guy walked towards you four. He looked at four of you and smiled.


    "Annyeonghosaeyo," he greeted and bowed. "I'm Kwon Jiyong."

    "Are you related to our little Haeunie?" Mum asked him.

    "Aren't you that guy in the poster in Haeun's room?" Dad asked.


Oh my god. Why must my parents be so embarrassing right now?!


He smiled sheepishly and looked down. Naeun looked at you, as though she was expecting an answer from you. You, right now, not sure what to do. He had caught you off guard. "Nae," he smiled and looked at you before diverting his gaze back to your parents.


That smile. That's not a good sign.


    "I'm her boyfriend," he answered.




*inserts BAM BAM BAM sound effect* OOOOHHH, what's going happen??? xDDD I sort of pity Haeun. In just one day, she goes through a lot. And all of it involves Kwon Jiyong~~ So, yeah.. Next update is when~~? TOMORROW!! GIVE ME A LOT OF COMMENTS ,NAE?? xD :D And subscribe as well. But do look forward for the next update.. See how Haeun and Haeun's family react to this.. xDDDD I feel so excited now to update but I can't update it now because there will be an updating spree tomorrow! Because Sunday is my favourite day and I can write a lot! So, just look forward to tomorrow~~ SEE YA!

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....