Chapter 15

12 Hours Together

You got off you seat out of boredom. For the past 2 hours or so in the flight, you can't help but to question when did you actually wrote a song. Since it's Korean Air, you roughly know where is where. Jiyong must have instilled a lot of memory in you. You know Jiyong and Youngbae were watching you when you left your seat, but you just can't help it. You want to go somewhere by yourself. You want to solve the puzzle. You entered the "Business Class Cabin" and sat in the space yourself. Luckily the plane was not crowded and filled. You sat there and begin to lost yourself in your thoughts.


Why do I distant myself with Jiyong? Is it because I know that I am in the clouds and we are together? But are we supposed to be together even in the clouds? Or am I just scared of not being able to love him with my all? But even if I am scared, why am I scared? And the song… Youngbae said YG knew about me through the song I wrote using his instrumental. How? I know that Jiyong has a playlist in his iPad which are filled with instrumentals. If I didn't know, the thought of asking him for his iPad to write a song wouldn't cross my mind last night. But why can't I remember what I actually wrote? Usually when I write something, I will know since it's in my notebook. But when I checked it earlier, there's none. So, the song… Did I actually wrote it or did he just used my name to get me in?


      "If you remembered, this is the cabin which both of us danced to Youngbae's song."


You immediately looked at where the voice came from and saw Jiyong entering the cabin. There goes your moment of peace. He sat down with you; you're tired of running away from him so you just let him be. The sight of Jiyong being here makes you question yourself whether being in the clouds meant both of you are an item once again or not.


      "We danced to 'Stay With Me' after seeing the pilot doing their thing," you supported his answer, knowing what he was referring to.

      "Remember when I dated you for four hours? Remember when we knew we can only date in the clouds?" he said and looked ahead.

      "Why are you talking about this?" you turned your head towards him.

      "I had told Youngbae what exactly happened in the 12 hours," he confessed.

      "What was his reaction?" you asked.

      "He was surprised. He didn't expect me to act that way and he didn't expect you to trust and follow me," he answered you.

      "No one expected you to act that way," you looked down and smiled at the memory.

      "No one expected you to act that way either," he grinned.


The silence enveloped the two of you. Both of you were being awkward with each other. 3 months must have affected both of you in a way or another. Even you are confused by how you see him. One time you see him as an idol, another time your fangirl side made you see him as a boyfriend.


      "Am I a confusion to you?"


His voice pulled you back from your thoughts. You lifted your head and looked at him. His eyes… Those eyes where they showed guilt even though they are not at fault. That's how his eyes looked like. You're not sure what to reply him. He took in your silence as though the silence had answered him for you. His head dropped and his fingers fidgeted with his shoes. "You're a confusion for me too, Haeun," he told you.


Why am I a confusion to you? Aren't you supposed to be a confusion to me?


     "Why?" you breathed out in English.

     "I am a confused. Because you showed me a lot of different things from what I actually experienced before this," he answered in English.


And now I am confused not by you. I am entirely confused by your words.


     "Meaning?" you asked in English and looked at him.

     "I want you to see me as a friend… If possible, more than that. I don't know why but I hate it that you see me as G-Dragon," he answered in English.

     "But I called you 'Jiyong' or 'Jiyong Oppa' instead of 'G-Dragon'," you told him.

     "Why did you called me by my real name instead of my stage name?" he turned his head and looked at you.


Why in the world would I call you G-Dragon when I can actually call you by your real name? Besides, Jiyong sounds better than G-Dragon.


     "When we first met, you introduced yourself to me as Kwon Jiyong," you answered him in Korean, trying to divert your fangirl thoughts away.

     "To tell the truth, I like how my name roll off your tongue. Each time you said 'Jiyong Oppa', it felt like a caress to my heart," he confessed, a shade of pink on his cheeks.


WOOOOAAAHHHH… THIS IS TOO MUCH. MY POOR HEART CAN'T HANDLE THIS. WAIT! WAIT! Is this why he made me call him Jiyong Oppa..?


    "Is that why you made me call you 'Jiyong Oppa'?" you creased your eyebrows and looked at him.


He looked at you and gave his infamous lopsided smile. "It's a win-win situation. I liked it and you avoid my kiss," he answered. Your jaws dropped upon his words. That was his hidden motive all these while?! "What if I stopped calling you by your real name?" you asked. His smile immediately turned into an amused one. "Then you will be showered with kisses by Oppa," he answered with that annoying smile. And with his words itself, you heart was racing a mile now and you could feel your face burn.


No, I won't let you win this time.


     "But you will lose that Oppa status sooner or later," you told him.

     "What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

     "I will be calling you 'Jiyong Oppa' but I will also have to call your bestfriend 'Youngbae Oppa'. And 'Seunghyun Oppa' as well as 'Daesung Oppa'," you told him in a teasing tone, on purpose. "Luckily BIGBANG's maknae is the same age as me."


You saw his face changed and you smiled in satisfaction. At least, you can have a valid reason for calling him 'Jiyong Oppa' and that is honorifics instead of something which means so much more. "If you're calling others 'Oppa', then you will have to call me 'yeobo'," he looked at you.


WHAT?!! WHY?!!


    "I remember in the past I made you choose between Jiyong Oppa and Yeobo, but now I am going to make you call me yeobo," he grinned.




   "Why?" you asked and looked at him.

   "If you are going to use honorifics on them, you will have to call me 'Yeobo'," his grin is still there.

   "Kissing me is not effective now," you told him, trying to avoid calling him that.

   "Really?" he asked in amusement.


But his actions made you regret your words. He immediately pressed his lips on yours before retreating back, grinning. You looked at him, blushing and your heart racing. You froze at his actions. He then leans towards you again. "It's okay, yeobo!" you answered instantly. He chuckled and retreated.


    "Can we just stay here until the end of the flight?" he asked and rested his head on your shoulder.

    "But what about Youngbae Oppa?" you asked.

    "He knows where we are, so he will come once he's bored," he told you.

    "Then let's stay here longer," he whispered loudly.


You smiled. You don't know why, but you just smiled. For being with him. It's like each time when you two are in the clouds, you two are meant to be together. But when the plane touched down, there goes your dream. Right now, you don't know why, you feel so happy to be with him. Both of you have about ten hours left. So, let's just enjoy the time together. You will never know what happens when the plane landed.


   "Why do best things happen to us when we are only in the air?" you heard him whispered.


I don't know. Maybe because there is no one who can judge us? Maybe because we are meant for each other when we are on air? I don't know, Jiyong. I am feeling that way as well. 



Hey~~ Sorry for not updating for the past days.. I was down with a lot of schoolwork and I am finally done with it! xDD So, here's the new chapter.. Hope you like it and love it! And don't forget to comment, subscribe. I was thinking of adding some fluff in their flight but I'm not sure if that's what you want. Do tell me, nae? :) Chapter 16 GO GO GO!!! :D XD  

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....