Chapter 10

12 Hours Together

Both of you were still on his seat as he played with your hair. "If you want to be a lyricist, which company will you go?" he asked.


Of course it will be YG!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!


   "I have yet to decide," you lied, not wanting him to know your inner thoughts.

   "How about YG?" he suggested and looked at you.


He wants me to join YG… WOW… What should I do?


   "I will consider," you smiled and looked at him.

   "But I will in the army by the time you graduate," he pouted.

   "Really?" you asked and looked at him.

   "Yup!" he nodded. "I think I will doing my second year by then."

   "So, if I ever join YG, I will only be seeing you when I had worked for six months or so?" you asked.

   "Or maybe earlier. But don't worry. If you join YG, everything will be fun," he assured you.

   "I will consider YG then," you nodded.


You watched him smile, satisfied with the answer he gave you. Well, if you ever want to see him again, you have to go to YG and work there. You sat back up and moved to your seat. He sat back up and turned his bed into a seat once again. Both of you sat down and put the seatbelts on. The plane is going to land in half an hour's time. For the past three hours, you two had been talking about both of your family, friends and life. He even gave you some fashion and music advices. It was great knowing more about each other as you two cuddled. Jiyong reached out his hand and held your hand tight.


    "Waeyo?" you turned your head and looked at him.

    "Aniya, I just want to hold your hand until the plane lands," he answered and squeezed your hand.


Your mouth curved into a  smile and you squeezed his hand tighter. He dropped his head and you saw a hint of red on his cheeks. "So, the almighty dragon is capable of blushing too?" you . He turned to you and gave you a heart-throbbing smile, making you blush as well. "You can make me blush," he whispered. "But I can make you blush way harder."


Dragon and his words.


    "Will you miss me?" you looked at him.


You saw his Adam's apple moved, signifying that he had just gulped. He will miss you. He will. You looked down and squeezed his hand. It's hurting.  The departure is near. He also squeezed your hand in return.


    "I will go to Misty Magic if I ever miss you. Besides, I can stalk your Twitter account," he smiled and looked at you.

    "What a stalker," you grinned and joked.

    "I'm like a snake in a grass, Haeun. I may not get you now but I will get you in the future," he told you.


Why does it sound so creepy yet beautiful? Why does it sound so protective and loving? What's with me? What's with the dragon?


   "Ladies and Gentlemen. This is your pilot speaking. We will be landing in the London Heathrow Airport in a few minutes' time. We would advise you to go to your seats. The temperature in London, UK is 23 Degrees Celsius. We are glad to have served you throughout the flight. For the tourists, welcome to London and we hope you will enjoy your stay. For the people of London, welcome home. Once again, thank you for flying with Korean Air."


The plane descended and soon, both of you are now in London. Everyone had stood up, packing their things with them. Landing in London, it means both you and Jiyong are no longer dating. You took out sunglasses and put on your scarf which you had knitted on your own. It was the best scarf you had ever knitted and you liked it. Jiyong was putting on his flannel and then he turned to you, holding his cap and beanie. "Beanie or snapback?" he asked and looked at you. "Snapback," you answered briefly and he put on the snapback. Once both of you are done, you two walked out of the plane together. But not holding hands. It's the actual reality now. You two walked to the immigration together and he even waited for you and helped to take your luggage down from the belt.



Right now, both of you are walking side by side. No words uttered. It is the reality now. Your heart wretched in pain as you pulled your luggage. Your steps were getting heavier by the second, so were his. You weren't ready to say goodbye; so were he. Silence is really loud now for you two, thinking that comforting each other would be the worst idea. But you two have to leave the hall eventually.


    "Can we hold hands as we walk to the arrival hall?" you heard him asked.


Without even lifting your head, your hand immediately wrapped around his. His hand automatically wrapped together with yours. If only time could stop and allow you two to be together. As soon as you two were near, you immediately let go of his hand. It hurts to the point where you were more than willing to wail on the ground. He seemed to be taken aback and looked at you. You, on the other hand, were on the verge of crying but you held it in you. You lifted your head and looked at him.


   "It was nice knowing you, Kwon Jiyong," you struggled the words out, not wanting to break down in front of him.


He immediately understood what you meant. It is really the goodbye now. It is the goodbye which both you, Kwon Jiyong and Jung Haeun, dreaded the most. He nodded in return. "It was nice knowing you too, Jung Haeun," he told you. You could hear his voice shaking.


You two stood there in silence, not sure what to or what to say next. This is really the goodbye. You dropped your head. You can't bear to look at him once again. One more look and you know you can cry this instant. Your heart is already crying when suddenly you felt something being placed on your head. You immediately lifted your head and looked at him.


   "This is my Giyongchy beanie. If you ever miss me, just put it on if music videos or song didn't work," he told and smiled as he adjusted your hair.


You smiled in return and removed the beige scarf on your neck and stood on your tippy toes. You wrapped your scarf, now his, around his neck. "This is my favourite scarf.  My grandma taught me how to knit and this is the best one that I had ever knitted. It doesn't worth much but if you ever miss me, just put it on," you told him. Once wrapped around his neck, he immediately brought his fingers up on the scarf, feeling the cotton fabric. "It's okay, but if you made it, it's priceless to me," he answered.


You bit your lips, hiding your pain and preventing your tears from falling "Can I say 'I love you' for the last time before we go?" you looked at him and asked. His expression was mirroring yours as well. "Haeun, this won't be our last time. We will meet again, trust me. But I would love to hear an 'I love you' until we meet again," he told you.


This won't be our last time. We will meet again, trust me. How confident are you, Kwon Jiyong?


    "I love you… Kwon Jiyong," you struggled the words out of your throat before dropping your head.

    "I love you too, Jung Haeun," he told you, the shaking voice which is noticeable.


You pulled him to your embrace - you can't help it. You held him tight and long. Same for him. Once he was satisfied, he let go of you much to your dismay.


    "Haeunie, please take your leave now. And don't look back, nae?" he held your shoulders as he told you. You nodded, too weakened to speak. "Please come to BIGBANG's concert whenever you can. I may not be able to talk to you on Twitter, but I will watch over you. This won't be our last meeting, I promise."


How confident are you, Jiyong Oppa? Why are you so confident?


    "I promise, Jiyong Oppa," you nodded and turned around. "Until we meet again."


There was a stinging and painful silence between you two. It hurts, but you stood there waiting for his reply. "Until we meet again," he said in a strangled cry. The moment he said that, you immediately took your luggage and walked away from him. You promised not to look back, and it took all your effort to do that. It hurts really hard. Once you were out of the arrival hall, you immediately walked to the washroom and into the handicapped toilet. It was there then you were able to let go of your inner feelings, the tears you were holding in. Your legs gave way and you sat on the floor, nearest to the door. You continued to cry. Why is he so confident that this won't be your last meeting? Why? Once you had composed yourself, you stood up and went to the mirror. Thank God you were wearing minimal makeup. As soon as you were done adjusting your look, you put on your sunglasses to hide your red and swollen eyes. You then left the toilet with all your belongings and took out your phone to reconnect it with the network. Once  connected, your phone buzzed and vibrated. You pulled down the notification bar and looked at it as you walked to the taxi stand.


            @IBGDRGN followed you on Twitter


            @IBGDRGN Otters. Cute and loving creature. Let's meet again my little otter.


You took in a deep breath. Otters. You know what that meant. And it was already 4k retweets and 3k favourites. You saw a taxi waiting and immediately entered it. The driver immediately helped you keep your luggage at the boot of the car as you entered the taxi. Once he kept it, he went to the driver's seat and started the engine.


    "Where can I take you, my dear," he asked as he drove out of the airport.

    "University College London," you answered in English as you fiddled with your phone, tweeting something.

    "Sure thing, my dear," he answered.


     Till we meet again my majestic bald eagle. 


I AM SORRY IF IT IS SHORT!! T-T It's so hard to write this and I know what you are feeling right now! It hurts for me too~~ T-T It hurts to write this chapter and it hurts trying to make it long... I wanted to describe the 3 hours but it's hard since 3 hours is really really short... >.< And and the feeling I am feeling right now for Haeunie.. Aish, I want to cry too.. T-T *runs to a corner and ugly sobbing* 

The last sentence is the tweet Haeun tweeted in the taxi. Anyway, do not lose hope! Continue to support and love this story! And comment too! Subscribe as well! But the most important thing, do not lose hope!! I'm sorry if I took a long time to update as I could not figured out what to do with their 3 hours so I resorted to cuddling and talking and then end of flight. But don't lose hope! Okay? Continue to support~~~ And show your love and comment down. I love to read your comments, it encourages me to keep on writing and writing~~ So, youj know what to do, nae? :) :D

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....