Chapter 3

12 Hours Together

We walked past cabin after cabin together. You don't know what is he going to do or where he will bring you. But what you know for sure is that Kwon Jiyong aka G-Dragon is different from what you thought. Both of you passed by several cabin and finally stopped. You looked around and saw several flight attendants around.


       "Hey, Ji! How ya been?" a male attendant walked towards you two.

       "Fine, man," he replied and smiled.

       "Since when do you take business?" the guy asked.

       "There's no rule stating that a first class passenger cannot enter a business class suite," he answered.


The guy smiled and looked at your interlocked hands. "New friend?" he asked and looked at you. You felt slightly out of place as both men looked at the both of you. Unconsciously, you hid behind Jiyong and looked at the attendant. Jiyong turned around and looked at you, smiling at your shyness before looking back at the attendant. "Yup, had been busy with her lately," he told the guy and smiled. "Her name is Jung Haeun." You frowned slightly when he said that he was busy with you. Both of you had just met for like about one and half hour ago?


       "Hi, Haeun," the male attendant smiled and looked at you. "I'm Kim Woobin, Jiyong's cousin."

       "Annyeonghosaeyo," you uttered and bowed in courtesy before hiding behind Jiyong.

       "By the way, are you free Woobin?" Jiyong asked and looked at his cousin.

       "Waeyo?" Woobin answered with a question.

       "Lower deck," he answered.


Woobin looked at Jiyong, as though trying to register what Jiyong said when suddenly his mouth curved into a smile. He then nodded and led the way. Jiyong followed him and pulled you with him. You followed Jiyong while your mind was busy registering what he meant earlier by "lower deck". What is there at the lower deck? And they are cousins? Wow. But compare Jiyong and Woobin, obviously Jiyong is hotter than Woobin. You smiled inwardly to yourself upon that thought and wiped that smile off as soon as possible, fearing that either one of them will catch you smiling like a fool.


The three of you walked past cabins after cabins and now you are in the economy suite. You looked around and saw all the passengers fast asleep. Well, it's a midnight flight after all. But your curiosity about what's there at the lower deck continue to flood your thoughts.


      "What's there at the lower deck?" you asked cautiously.

      "Nothing much," he shrugged. "Just crews' cabins… With suites and beds…"


Bed? Crews' cabins? What on earth are we going to there? You looked at him again. "Why are we going there?" He turned his head towards you and grinned. "Nothing much. I just want to do some things with you alone. Since just now."


Holy . What is he going to do now? "What do you mean?" you asked him, instantly keeping your guard up in case he wants to do things you think he wants to do. He grinned at your reaction and squeezed your interlocked hands. "Just trust me." You nodded in defeat, not because of his words but because he squeezed your hand and your heart immediately raced. Life is so hard, especially when you are literally in the cloud.


      "How long are you going to stay there?" Woobin asked and looked at Jiyong.

      "When does your shift ends?" Jiyong answered with a question.

      "Two hours? Around there," Woobin answered. 

      "More than enough," Jiyong answered and looked at his watch.

      "Okay," Woobin answered and walked ahead.

      "Woobin, wait," Jiyong said enough for the three of you to hear.


Woobin immediately stopped and looked at you two. Jiyong let go of your hand and walked towards a fridge. You looked at Jiyong in confusion. What is going on this time?


     "Haeunie, orange, guava, apple or martini?" Jiyong looked at you and asked.

     "I don't think I want to drink martini when you're like this," you unconsciously spoke your thought.


Jiyong immediately grinned and you heard Woobin chuckled at your remark. "You're not answering the question, Haeunie," Jiyong replied you, his grin still there.


    "Apple," you answered.


He immediately grabbed two bottles of apple juice and two bars of chocolates before walked towards you. He handed you the chocolates and lead the way. Woobin only stood there shaking his head as he watched both of you.




    "So, which is your bed?" Jiyong asked.


 Woobin pointed to a bed. It was a double-deck bed and the one he pointed was on the top one. There were a few with curtains closed to signify that it was occupied. Jiyong nodded and walked towards the bed while you stay glued on your ground. Woobin walked towards Jiyong and the two boys discussed and exchanged looks to you. Your mind wandered as to what they were talking about. After a few minutes, Woobin walked towards you and turned around to Jiyong. "The first and last, okay?" he said sternly to Jiyong.

Jiyong replied immediately with "Arrasseoyeo." Woobin nodded and walked past you smiling before leaving you there.


    "Come here, Jung Haeunie," Jiyong said and climbed onto the bed.


You stayed on your guard and looked at him sitting on the bed, his gaze boring a hole into you. "Some things with you alone?" you asked in a bored tone, quoting what he told you earlier. He looked down and chuckled at your remark. You could see his shoulder shaking. You heaved out a sigh and walked towards him. Seriously, what is the almighty dragon up to. You climbed on the bed and sat across him, somewhat tensed up. He looked at you, grinning away.


    "Relax, I didn't take any martini with me," he smiled and showed the two bottle of apple juice.

    "Arrasseoyeo," you answered and handed a bar of chocolate to him and he exchanged it with a bottle of apple juice.


You two sat there in silence. He was staring at you with a lopsided smile while you sat there looking at him, feeling awkward by the silence as well as the smile he was showing you.  "So, now what?" you asked as an attempt to break the silence.


    "What do you want me to do, Haeunie?" he asked you, with that smile still on his face.




    "Don't be naughty, Jung Haeunie," he gave a naughty smile to you. "I didn't bring martini for a reason, you know?" 


You rolled your eyes upon his remark and gave a bored look to him. Somehow, you had adjusted to him being by your side now.


    "Arrasseo, I brought you here because I want some privacy," he explained and leaned back to the wall.

    "Why here? The seat earlier is much more comfortable," you told him, slightly bothered by the closed space and intimacy.

    "Comfortable as in wider or comfortable as in you don't have to blush so much like now?" he grinned.


You faked a laugh, clearly not wanting to admit defeat to him. "Hahah, seriously? It's so humid here. And why should I blush anyway?" you replied him after faking your laugh. He smiled and shrugged. "It's not humid here, by the way. And who knows why should you blush? You know the answer not me," he answered you. You immediately leaned back on the wall. Stupid Haeun. You're caught.  


     "How much do you know about me, Jung Haeunie?" he started a conversation as he opened the bottle of apple juice.


Yup, you're caught. How are you supposed to answer that question? You tried to think of words to slide past that question. And it's best for you not to eat or drink anything right now, you told yourself.


     "Your name is Kwon Jiyong and you're crazy. I have a look which reminds you of your brother and you have a cousin named Kim Woobin," you answered him praying hard that he would let it pass.

     "Hmm? Really? I'm sure you know me since you made a playlist titled 'BIGBANG' and it contains Seungri's songs as well as Youngbae's songs," he said and looked at you before taking a sip of his juice.


That's right. You're caught. You wanted to laugh at yourself because of this awkward position you are at.


     "There's this thing called 'A good communication is better than a quick ', Haeunie," he told you casually as he capped his bottle of juice back.


Why are you so straightforward, Kwon Jiyong?! And why are you saying such things when we are in such an intimate space right now? And how can you say that so casually?!


     "Never heard of it. And not an experienced person in the subject," you answered him after having a good grip of yourself. You begin to uncap your bottle and took a sip of the juice.


     "You don't have to go Britain to know where London is. You don't have to touch a fire to know how hot it is. A reading on the subject will do, Haeunie," he told you as he sat casually across you.


You nodded and capped your bottle. Mr Dragon now knows how to give deep talks.


     "Haeunie, why do you follow me until here when you can run off?" he looked at you and asked.


Why would I not follow you when I am such a big fan of you?! If only you can answer in that manner, but if you do that, you would probably scare him off.


     "Because I know you will my flight this time memorable. I had so much fun with you earlier and I don't want the fun to die down yet," you answered him after arranging proper words in your head so that you won't unleash the fangirl in you.


He stared at you for a couple of times as though your words hold a deep meaning. Meanwhile, you were trying to contain your fangirl in you. He smiled and turned his head away from you. "I wish this night will never end, Haeunie," he told you. 


Excuse me? How can you say such a thing when I am trying to hide the fangirl in me?!


     "So, why are you going to London, Jung Haeunie?" he asked you. 

     "Getting my PhD for Creative Writing," you answered him and unwrapped your chocolate bar.


He nodded in amazement and unwrapped his chocolate bar. "How old are you?" he asked and begins to eat his chocolate. "25," you answered him and started to eat your chocolate. "Two years younger than me? Well, I expect to hear 'Jiyong Oppa' coming out from that cute mouth of yours," he grinned and looked at you as he ate his chocolate.


Jiyong Oppa? Well, behind your back is okay but right at your face? That's a No-No.


You looked at him and frowned. Your heart is racing once again and your face is burning again. "What sort of endearment is that?" you asked him. He grinned at your remark as he looked at you. "You have two options. Jiyong Oppa or Yeobo," he told you with a lopsided smile this time.




      "Neither," you answered briefly and looked down to resume eating your chocolate.

      "Really, Haeunie?" he asked, the hint of amusement clearly noticeable to your ears.


You heard some shuffling on the bed and immediately lifted your head to see what he was doing but to only get your breathing halted. His face was a mere inch away from yours, his lopsided smile is still on his face. Your heart thumped loudly; you can even hear them in your ears. "W-W-What are you doing?" you stuttered as you asked him, making his smile wider. "Jiyong Oppa or Yeobo?" he asked again. Your heart continued to thump even more faster and your face burned. "Jiyong Oppa," you struggled the two words out of your mouth, loud enough for him to hear. Upon hearing that, he immediately retreated with that smile still on his face. You breathed out in relief and calmed your heart down. "Kyeopta," you immediately lifted your head and looked at him who is smiling like a Cheshire Cat. You turned your head away from him and whispered to yourself, "How annoying."


     "What did you say?" he asked you with amusement and starts to lean towards you again.


You looked at him in shock and panicked slightly, not wanting to go through the same thing again. "Arrasseoyeo, Jiyong Oppa. Please stop," you said quickly, hoping that it would work. Thankfully, he retreated back and chuckled at your flustered face. "Do something like that again and I won't hesitate to kiss you," he warned you with a smile.


God, give me strength throughout this whole flight. 


DOUBLE UPDATE!! I'm sorry, but I could not help it since I feel too engrossed into writing it. Besides, I want to be in Haeun's shoes right now.. T-T WHO WOULDN'T, RIGHT?!  Do comment and subscibe, nae? Enjoy the fluff~~~

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....