Chapter 13

12 Hours Together

        "What the hell is going on?!" you shrieked in front of Jiyong.

        "I don't want you to spend another 12 hours with another guy," Jiyong pouted.


, he just pouted. I miss that pout. WAIT!! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE ANGRY!! For what..?


       "Aren't you supposed to be in Korea?" you asked him.

       "Ah… That was to confuse you. I followed Youngbae from Seoul all the way to here," he told you.

       "He insisted!" Youngbae added on.

       "Aren't you supposed to be happy to meet me sooner than expected?" Jiyong asked and looked at you.


Am I supposed to be happy?



Five minutes later, all three of you were sitting in Jiyong/Youngbae's room. Both of them were sitting on their own bed each while you were sitting on a couch. You are somewhat confused by all the events that happened in exactly one day. Besides, you were already tired mentally and physically.


     "So, tell me what is exactly going on right now," you demanded.


Kwon Jiyong went Missing in Action (MIA) for about 3 months since the 12 hour incident. When I am about to accept the fact he and me cannot be together, he chose to suddenly showed up, out of nowhere. Who will not be angry?


     "Everything that happened, including Sajangnim's letter, all are real. Except the fact that I appear out of nowhere," Jiyong answered.

     "I see," you replied, not sure what to say or do.


You immediately stood up and walked back to your room. You need to let go some of your steam. "Where are you going? Are you angry at me?" Jiyong asked and looked at you. You heard the bed bounced and felt your wrist in his hold. You turned your head and looked at him, annoyed.


    "Of course, I am angry at you! You went MIA on me for 3 months! When I DM-ed you a 'Happy Birthday' on 18 August, you didn't reply me! When I was about to accept the fact that both of us cannot be together, you chose to fall out of the sky and come to me! Am I joke to you?" you snapped.

    "Hey, I was also suffering without you for 3 months! Do you know that all the songs I had produced are all related to you?! It is sickening! I want to find you but I have to prepare for that album! And when Sajangnim noticed, he asked me and I told everything about you! Even the whole of YG Family knows about you, me and us!" he snapped back.

    "So, you ordered them to follow me on Twitter just now?" you asked angrily.

    "No! It was Youngbae's idea to do that!" he said and pointed at Youngbae.


Both of you looked at Youngbae, and both jaws dropped almost in sequence. He was sitting cross-legged and facing you two. He was also eating a pack of chips. "You're welcome," Youngbae smiled as he watched you two while eating.


What the hell?! He is eating chips while both of us are fighting?! Are we some kind of a movie?!


    "Where the did you get that?" Jiyong asked him, somewhat speechless by his bestfriend's action.

    "I had somewhat figured out that something like this would happen, so I prepared chips in advance. Don't mind me," he explained and waved us off.


What kind of people is BIGBANG actually?!


    "What kind of friend do you have there?" you asked Jiyong, somewhat irritated.

    "That is the friend who sang Stay With Me while we were dancing in the lounge!" he answered, somewhat irritated.

    "You were the one who lead me! I feel like a fool now, okay? To receive all these things all of a sudden. You could have at least DM-ed me first!" you shouted at him.

    "I wanted to reply you, but I don't want to give you false hope! I want to show you that I still love you but I can't provide you with false hope, so I waited for the right time!" he shouted back.

    "Then what about the freaking 12 hours? What kind of hope is that?! If you at least replied my DM, or say thank you the least, those are not false hopes! Those are something out of courtesy!" you snapped.


Well, what I said were true anyway.


He immediately cupped your face and crashed his lips on yours. You tried to push him away. You were still angry at him. But you missed his kiss so much. You both only kissed once and this was the second time. But his passion this time, it melted you all the way to the core. You felt yourself losing to him. That's right, only Kwon Jiyong was the one who is capable of doing that to you. He then let go of you and looked at you. His eyes seeking forgiveness from you.


     "I'm sorry, Haeunie," he uttered.


You don't know what to do. All the emotions that locked in you for the past 3 months came to you at one go. Tears begin to slowly roll down your cheeks. You admit you missed him but you don't know. You start to worry about netizens, about the fans, about everything. You want him so bad but you can't help but to worry what will happen. He bent down slightly to your face and wiped your tears with his thumbs.


     "I'm seeing you as G-Dragon right now. I'm sorry. It's been too long and I need time to see you as Kwon Jiyong once again," you sniffled. 

     "I know you are still having difficulty accepting me back. I understand what you are worrying about. Don't worry, nae?" he whispered softly. "I may lose your heart now, but I will get it back. And once I get you back, I will never let you go."


You nodded in return, not sure what to say or reply. What he said was true, it was only three months and your heart was drifted away from him but for some reason, he still has an effect on you. You sniffled. If he said he was going to win your heart, then so be it.


    "I'm still here, you know?" you heard Youngbae's voice echoed throughout the room.




Right now you are back in your room. The flight Youngbae booked was tomorrow night. It is a midnight flight. You were lying on your bed, not sure what to do. You wanted to rest but you're hungry. The only meal you ate was that Turkish food Youngbae wanted and that was like 6 hours ago. You wanted to ask them out for a dinner but you were quite ashamed by the fuss you made earlier. But you couldn't help it that you're hungry. Your phone buzzed and you pulled down the notification bar down. Jiyong sent you a DM. Despite the fact that the connecting door for the both of you are wide open.



      Are you still upset at me?


     Cooled down. I'm good now.


     Youngbae and I will be calling the room service for dinner. Please join us. It's my treat.


     Sure. Just order something good for me and I will join you two.


     Thanks, Haeunie. :)



You heard them discussed and picked out the meals. You put down your phone and looked at the ceiling. Will good really come in when you signed the contract at YG Entertainment tomorrow? You walked to your luggage and opened it, taking out your cotton leggings and a knee-length sweater. It was actually clothes for you to go out, but right now you are too lazy to dig for your pajamas. After taking all that you need, you went to bathroom and take a warm shower. It felt good to have the warm water to trickle down your body. It is extremely calming for you. Upon finishing your shower, you went to your couch and sat there. You took out your notebook and pen. You have to write something in order to please CEO Yang tomorrow. But how can you write? You have no instrumentals to write lyrics with.


URGH, do I have to go to his room and ask him to lend me his iPad?


Or maybe you can just write a story in a lyric form? That sounds so much better. You shifted from your couch and sat on the floor, so that you are leveled with the coffee table. You placed the book on the table. Your pen begin to dance on your lined paper and ideas begin to flow out of you like a waterfall.



    "Haeun, dinner is ready," Jiyong's voice pulled you back out of your world or words.


You turned around and saw Jiyong over your shoulder, looking at whatever you were writing. You immediately retreated from him, your heart racing and blushing. He looked at you clueless. "What are you writing? And why did you scrambled away from me?" he asked and picked the book up.


Why do I still react like this whenever I'm with him?


     "Nothing…" you try to sound as calm as possible. "Just something to prepare for tomorrow."

     "I see…" he nodded and diverted his attention to you. "Why did you crawled away from me?"




    "Body reflex," you answered briefly and stood up.

    "Body reflex?" he asked and arched his eyebrow. Is he doubting my answer?

    "And give me that!" you snatched back your book from his hand and placed it on the coffee table.

    "Are you sure it's body reflex?" he asked as he give it a thought.


Is he really doubting my question? He cannot know the truth!!


    "Haeunie…" you heard him calling your name and turned your head to face him.


You heart instantly raced. His face was so close to yours that a push was what you needed in order to have his lips crashed with your eyes. Your face burned and you knew you were blushing hard right now. "Want Jiyongie Oppa to kiss you?" he asked in a low voice with a naughty smile.




    "I'm hungry. I want to eat," you answered him and pushed him away before making your way to their room hastily.

    "I still have an effect on you, Haeunie. Don't deny that," you heard his chuckle as he said that.


God bless me. Give me strength, especially when I am joining YG Entertainment.


    "Hey, Haeun. Why are you like a tomato?" Youngbae asked as you sat down across him.

    "Find the source," you answered briefly.


You felt someone sat next to you. You don't even have to look at who was it, you know very well who was it. You start to eat the Aglio Olio prepared for you.


     "Damn, Ji! Calm your down. I thought you were going to start over again?" you heard Youngbae tell Jiyong off, but you didn’t missed the hint of amusement in his tone.

     "I won't make a move until Haeun and I gets married. That is what Haeun wants. Right, babygirl?" Jiyong replied Youngbae and you felt his arm over your shoulder.


Please give me lots and lots and lots of strength. I need them desperately. 


It's slightly complicated in this chapter. But for those of you who don't understand, basically Haeun wants them to start from friends because her feelings for Jiyong is drifted away. She sees him as an idol, and it takes time to see him as something more. But don't worry. *smirk smirk* You saw what Jiyongie did, right? 

Anyway, hope you like it and love it! Thank you for all your love and support! <3 Do comment down and subscribe~ I'm not sure when my next update will be, I can't promise you.. :/ But, don't worry~~ When I have time, I will write down the next chapter and once I write down, I will update it!! :DDD Hope you like my triple update and sorry if it took too long.. >.< 

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....