Chapter 31

12 Hours Together

1 month before wedding day


        "FOR THE 11TH TIME, IT'S A NO, KWON JIYONG," Chaerin yelled at Jiyong.


Jiyong and Youngbae frowned as Chaerin folded her arms and glared at the two boys who were seated on the sofa. Apparently, it's time for you to shop for your wedding dress and the boys wanted to follow. But to Chaerin's and Dara's protest, the boys were losing their battle. All five of you were in the recording studio now. Meanwhile, you were seated on a chair nearest to the machines busy with texting Jung Naeun about her lawsuit. Since Misty Magic is under YG Entertainment, Naeun and Dad had agreed with Yang Sajangnim to file the lawsuit against Kiko Mizuhara. The evidence Jiyong had recorded when she called is now with their Naeun's lawyer. In the meantime, Yang Sajangnim had helped to invest and rebuild Misty Magic.


So you and the YG staff had left the court now? I'm with Jiyong, Youngbae, Chaerin and Dara now.


        "She's my fiancee! I am allowed!" Jiyong glared at Chaerin.

        "Do you want to hear the same answer for the 12th time, Kwon Jiyong?" Chaerin asked.


Yeah, we can see that we are winning thanks to the phone recording. We are left with one more trial. That is one week after your wedding.


I see… You have to thank Jiyong and Youngbae for doing that even though it's my phone.


       "Stop making decisions for me! I can sneak in whenever I want to!" he barked.

       "Then try to sneak in!" Chaerin spat.

       "Chae, why are you stopping us from following? Is it a crime? Is it a sin?" Youngbae asked.

       "Are you serious? Wait for the wedding day," Dara said.



Hahahaha, I will thank them if I win. :)


You better. So, how about Misty Magic now?


Yang Sajangnim said that the one in Gangnam is under construction now since we had agreed to redesign it and give a new look. He had bought another space at Myeongdong and Itaewon. We will be discussing about that later because he said it's time to expand Misty Magic's business.


That's good to hear.


       "How about we let Haeun decide?" Jiyong said and looked at you.


You lifted your head and looked at them. "What is it?" you asked. Truth to say, you weren't listening to their conversation as you were busy with texting your sister.


       "Jiyong and Youngbae wants to follow us. We are going to buy your wedding dresses later on, right?" Chaerin explained.


You hummed.


       "So, for the main dress, we are going first before finding the paired ones later. But Jiyong insisted," Dara continued.

       "I see," you uttered and your phone buzzed.


Chaerin unnie said that you are going to buy a wedding dress today.


       "I am texting Naeun now. So let's ask her," I told them.


Not one. I think it's five… And some people wants to follow…




        "Naeun said you cannot follow. She forbids you," you told them, earning a cheer from the girls and groan from the boys.


Dara and Chaerin are representing 2NE1 while Jiyong and Youngbae are representing BIGBANG.


TEAM 2NE1!! By the way, can I follow?


        "And she is supporting 2NE1 now," you told them. "She asked us if she can follow and I'm sure you wouldn't mind."


If you want to.


        "I mind actually," Jiyong scoffed.

        "You're just jealous," Chaerin smirked.

        "We will see you at the hanbok shop. For now, just wait," Dara giggled and took your arm.



You stared at your reflection in the mirror. Chaerin, Dara and Naeun are waiting outside. This is how Kwon Haeun will look like? Though the wedding day is drawing nearer and nearer, you can't help but to worry. You are not sure if it is the right thing to do if you were to marry Kwon Jiyong. You wanted to throw a fit but Kiko… You heard that Kiko was behind the Misty Magic incident. You don't want anything bad to happen but you know how Kiko is like. You managed to rock a wedding dress. It's strapless, ball gown dress. But Chaerin and Dara called it a princess wedding dress. There are some diamonds on the chest and a few laces at the bottom of the dress. To match with the dress, you were given a pair of white fingerless gloves which reached to your elbow. There were some floral arts on the gloves. Yes, you looked beautiful. But you couldn't help to worry about Kiko. Not to mention about the media. There had been a speculation around about you and Jiyong. It was suffocating. You wanted to run away from all this…


Run away… To where?


You heaved a sigh. If you want to run away, might as well you run away to overseas. Lesser drama and more life. A lightbulb lit up over your forehead. Is it possible to make it happen without anyone knowing? But you have to book a flight first, right? And you have to pack your bag in advance too. But I will have to talk to Kiko about this too..


Is it a good plan or a bad plan?


       "Unnie, are you done?"


Naeun's voice called you and pulled you out of your thoughts. You hummed and opened the door. Three jaws dropped to the ground.


       "Haeun! You looked like a princess!" Chaerin praised you.


But that does not mean I will be his princess.


       "You really looked amazing, Haeun! We must have made the right choice!" Dara squealed.


But that does not mean I had made one though.


        "Unnie, we are taking this dress," Naeun looked at you and your dress.


But I may not wear it.


          "Sure," you forced a smile.




You had a long day today. Right now, you are going back to Jiyong's apartment. After the wedding dress with the girls, all four of you met up with Jiyong. Jiyong wants the theme to be Haute Couture for the dinner. So, yeah… You had to try the dresses the YG stylists had recommended. After that, you all went to take the measurements for the hanbok. Throughout the whole time, you were happy to be with Jiyong. But you weren't completely happy. Because you won't stop worrying about the media snooping around. You already had this thought at the back of your head. If Kiko is reunited with Jiyong, she may not disturb YG Family. That's possible, right? All you need to do is run away. Jiyong had gone to Youngbae's place to discuss on the wedding things. You pressed the passcode and entered the apartment, before resting on the sofa. You looked at the remaining wedding invitation cards. The card was printed like and aeroplane ticket - Jiyong wanted that way.


Flight takeoff -> 1pm (the start of wedding ceremony)

Date -> 18 June 2015

Flight Destination -> Grand Hyatt Ballroom (Venue)

Wedding Dinner will be served at 8pm.


You took out your phone and dialed a number which Jiyong forgot to delete. The phone rang twice before it got answered.


          "Hello? Kiko?" you asked.

          "What do you want, Jung Haeun? Isn't a lawsuit enough?" she growled.

          "If I hand Jiyong over to you, will you stop bothering me and Misty Magic?" you asked firmly.

          "What are you talking about?" she asked.


You switched on your laptop, which was nearby to you. "Is Jiyong important to you?" you asked as you immediately went to Google chrome and searched for the flights on that day.  "Yeah, but why are you willingly giving me to him? Did I finally knocked some sense out of you?" she asked. Upon that reply, you rolled your eyes.


          "If you want Kwon Jiyong back, listen to my plan." 


Keep the comments coming, people! Sorry if it's short but the next chapter is going to be their wedding day and there will be a lot of funny, fluff and a little angst. Yes, it's a spoiler. So, please please please, comment people... *puppy dogs eyes* And to the new readers, welcome and don't forget to subscribe! So, yeah! Keep the comments coming people~~ I am anticipating! xD Chapter 32 GO GO GO! 

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kekei-twix #1
Chapter 7: Lmao what he really said was. Haeun can you be my side hoe
Chapter 40: exactly 5 hours to finish it !! and it's the first story i finish in a DAY O.O !!! anyway author-nim your fantastic ^^ thanks for this wonderful story ever ^^ such an awesome one :)) keep writing ..... cause your amazing writer ^.^ ... good luck on your others :) best luck *.*
Chapter 34: Wow... i stop breathing in this chap. You are doing great author by creating their title song and gd's song... wew... good choice... amazing
Chapter 40: I love this story... The ending.. The storyline.. It's PERFECT!! Good job, author-nim
Chapter 38: Seriously, author-nim... I think that you could be a great lyricist... the lyric that you created is perfect.. I like it
Chapter 37: "THAT PIECE OF LIVING CREATURE JUST MOVED!!!!" I laughed hard at this phrase... how can a little girl said something like this... :'D
Chapter 35: My innocent mind.... *-* It's been tainted by this chapter.. I'm not longer innocent...
Chapter 31: I want to sleep but I guess I need to know what happen next.. Help me T.T
Chapter 30: Daebak, author-nim.... It's near to midnight already.. I can't believe your story makes me awake.. Good job.. :D
Chapter 29: NOOO!! Their conversation....