I hate Taecyeon!

New life
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Hey guys! I'm back!  Haha. I shall try to upload everyday if not maybe every Friday! :D. Here is the next chapter! Hope you like it!! Don't forget to comment and up vote! Thank you!! :*



you<\you> P.O.V


~At the Gym~


We are taking a break from our 2 hour practice, I don't know why but somehow I felt like someone was watching us from the bleachers, not all of the lights are . I had a feeling someone was watching us more like watching me. Shrugging of the thought we decided that the girls will be doing most of the running and I’ll be shooting, I'm pretty good shooter so I’m a bit more confident that our team will win! 


“Girls, I know another player that can join our team, she could be sub if you<\you> can’t continue. what you think?” Hyo said while munching on her sandwich.


“Hmmm, is she good?” -swallows my sandwich-


“Mhm, VERY.” 


“Whats her name then?” Soo ask.


“Amber Liu”


“Wha-What?!!? Krystal’s Amber?!?!? YESH!” -Fist pumps the air-


“Calm your Soo” Taeng chuckled.


“How you close with her Hyo??” Soo questioned while grabbing another sandwich.


“Yah, shikshin thats my sandwich” Yul glared and swats Soo’s hand, pouting and pretending it hurts really bad.


“Oh Soo, anyways I know her because she's my distant cousin.” -drinks cola-


“Daebak” Yul said amused giving Hyo a thumbs up.


“Whats so great about Amber anyways?” All of the sudden they all stop what they were doing and stared at me for a few seconds before breaking into a laughing fit.


“Oh you<\you>, she's not great in Basketball like you think. She's Clumsy as but she's good in stealing the ball from the other team.” Taeng can't really stop her ahjumma laugh. 


“Oh I see. hahaha. Well then bring her over tomorrow and see how she plays with us!” 


“Yes captain you<\you>!” -Hyo playfully salutes at me-


“But you<\you>, in all seriousness you have to be careful. If you cant play anymore don't force yourself alright?” Taeng said seriously, she normally don't get all serious but when she does I know she means business. I know she means well so I simply smile and nodded. 


Authors P.O.V


After few more practices you all decided to go home and rest, well they can still play but you’re body is still not coping with all the fast movements. ‘I feel like a burden to them right now, maybe I shouldn't have acted irrationally earlier.’




‘Oh this stupid mouth of mine, I had to get all brave when I'm not in great shape.’ You scold yourself. Since you felt it was your fault bringing the gang into the bet, when arriving home, instead of resting like Mother Taeng told you to do you decided to practice your shooting a little bit more. ‘I may not be able to move a lot but perfecting my shooting is all I can do.’


Another hour has passed and your officially exhausted, your so exhausted you have to support yourself on your way to the bathroom. Taking a shower isn't that bad or painful at all but with your wound and tiredness it is. Your body ache like it never ached before, feeling that a small jab or pressure on your skin will break you. 


Wiping the fog off the mirror, you change the bandage of the wound, as soon as you take off the old bandage you were shocked that some of the stitches opened.  Too exhausted going to the hospital you just but medical tape over the broken stitches to support it while covering it again with a new bandage. 

Making your way to the bed you whimpered as soon you lay down, the pain again is unbearable although you took some pain killers it will be a while until the effect of the drug kick in. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep besides the pain. 


~next morning~




-hisses- “owww” you said sitting down next to Taeng.


-nudges you- “you<\you>, you alright?”


-fake smile- “Im fine”


-glares- “You sure? You look kinda pale”


“Im fine Mother Taeng, anyways, are we still meeting Amber today?”


“Oh yeah, we are, at lunch”

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Movie91 #1
Chapter 65: Read it all over again
BabyFnd64 #2
Chapter 65: reading this again... still waiting for the last chapter author-nim... huhu..
Movie91 #3
Chapter 65: Still waiting for the last chapter :)
Harryturtlee #4
Chapter 65: Author-nim please continue the last chapter its been ages T^T
Chapter 65: That was beautiful ♡
Chapter 65: Que bello
Chapter 65: YES!! I'm glad that I'm here already.
Chapter 14: I'll help you, princess!!!
Chapter 8: Destiny...WHY?????
Chapter 7: My life's ruined..