Window Talk

There's a Boy Under My Roof!

Jonghyun POV

Nothing. Nothing at all.

Not even a ‘Hi, how are you doing?”

Nothing at all.

She just walked pasted me. As if I wasn’t even there.

I don’t get it. Yesterday we were getting along well weren’t we? But maybe that was just me then. Because today she had completely ignored me during school. As in, she didn’t even glance my way. At all.

I’m pretty sure she would’ve heard about the rumours by now, but she can’t honestly believe them can she? They were such a load of rubbish! I mean, come on, how could anyone believe them? It was almost funny that they would believe in such a thing.

I sighed as I made my way to the kitchen, searching for something to eat. But as I had expected, there was nothing.

Empty fridge. Empty cupboards.

One of these days, I would really have to start stocking up on cooking necessities.

But for now, I guess I’ll go out and get take away. Again.

Jung Hye POV

Right, so x is 21 to the power of 2 and-

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I immediately glanced towards the window, where the noise seemed to be coming from, but the blinds were closed.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

This was discomforting.

I concentrated on listening to the sounds coming from the window, but the knocking sound had stopped. Ok, maybe I was just imagining things and was being delusional. So I turned back towards my maths homework, hoping to find the next x! (I sound like such a nerd right? But I’m not! Really!)

Knock. Knock.

 This was creepy. Maybe it was a murderer trying to come in and kill me? But why me? WHAT HAVE I DONE IN MY LIFE? Maybe the murderer wanted to get Jonghyun, maybe it was some mafia person, or a robber. But don’t they steal and kill silently? Why was someone knocking on my window?

Okay, calm down Jung Hye, think rationally, maybe it’s Jonghyun.  But no, it can’t be because he is INSIDE the house. WHY IS SOMEONE KNOCKING AT MY WINDOW FROM OUTSIDE THE HOUSE?

This was freaky. But calm down Jung Hye. Calm down! Think even more rationally! Maybe it is only a little bird. I like birds. Cute little chirpy birds who whistle nice little tunes.

Knock. Knock knock.

But the stupid bird would not stop knocking. Pecking. SINGING. Whatever.


I froze. Did a voice just come from my window? If it was actually a murderer, it must be a pretty dumb one to make such loud noises. Or maybe it was still the cute little bird! Do birds make these noises?

I twitched, and then urged myself to get closer to my window. I got off my seat, and as quietly as I could, started tiptoeing over.

“Ugh, can’t wait to get my hands on you,” A muffled and faint voice came from the window, and I froze again, heart thumping wildly on my chest. Did I just hear those words? COME FROM OUTSIDE MY WINDOW?

It was a murderer. Or a pedo. Or maybe a ert. OR MAYBE ALL THREE? I glanced around my room, searching for an object to potentially injure the intruder with, but finding nothing. Damn, guess I shouldn’t have thrown away my tennis racquet.

I finally settled on my maths textbook. Which was I admit not a really good weapon, but hey I had just moved into this place so my room was quite bare.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Armed with my textbook, I continue to tip toe quietly towards the windows. My heartbeat quickened as I neared the window. Oh please please don’t let me die!  I haven’t done so many things! Please, please, please let it be Taemin coming to say hello or something!

I took a big breath, lifted up my textbook with one hand and flung aside the curtain, bracing myself for what I may face.

Jonghyun’s POV

So there I was trying to get this annoying caterpillar off me, as it seemed to have taken a liking to my jacket when suddenly I hear a whoosh noise and then a scream.


I barely had time to look up when I heard a huge BANG sound right in front of my face, but when I did look up, I saw  ‘Advanced Mathematics 3.’

I stared at it. What the hell? Was Jung Hye crazy or something? Was she trying to tell me to go learn my maths? Even so, she didn’t have to go and slam the book on to the window! What if the window shattered!

Slowly, the book slided down, and it revealed to be Jung Hye, with the most hilarious and shocked face I had ever seen. But it was short-lived, because instantly her face turned into confusion.

I knocked on her window again, and she slid her window up, and suddenly I could smell the waft of her room.

Jelly babies. Right.

“What were you doing? Scared me to death!” Her razor-sharp voice broke in, and she was glaring at me through the glass.

“I was just-“ I started, but suddenly I felt a tiny, tingling feeling crawling up my arm, and no joke, when I looked I saw the damn caterpillar again. “AH STUPID CATERPILLAR!”

Jung Hye looked quizzically at me as I flicked it off my arm and took deep breaths again. “Okay, I’m sorry, that was the caterpillar’s fault.”

Jung Hye kept on looking. “.. I noticed. But why are you knocking on my door? I was so scared I had my morbidly obese maths textbook as a defense mechanism and I nearly called the cops!”

I sheepishly returned a smile. “Sorry. But I just want to ask you for some help. You see, I’m going out.”

“And how does that concern your knocking on my door acting like a creep?”

“I am NOT a creep, but, I need to go out! And I forgot to bring my keys with me!”

“And your point is…”

“I wanted you to give me the keys?” Duh. I added silently in my mind.

“Well, you know, you COULD’VE just knocked on the door, you know, LIKE A NORMAL PERSON.”


“So you thought you would knock on my window instead. Like a little pedo.”

Little?! Me? Little!? NO WAY! I AM VERY TALL THANK YOU VERY MUCH. “I’m not little or a pedo! Just open the door please!”

“Oh fine,” she said, and she disappeared from the room while I moved over to the door, waiting for it to open.

And it did. Jung Hye was holding onto the doorknob, still giving me that glaring face.

“Why were you going out?” she asked.

“Why do you want to know?”

“I was just asking!”

“Well, in case you haven’t realised, there’s nothing edible in our house. So I need to buy some take-away.”

“Oh, alright then.” As she made way for me to go back into the house, there was a faint noise of a stomach rumbling.

I immediately looked towards Jung Hye, who was trying hard not to look at me.

“Uhh... have you had dinner yet?” I asked, not too sure of anything else to say. I mean I can’t just ignore her. Can I?


“Well, d-do you want to come with me?”

She nodded, and not before long, she was awkwardly walking behind me.

So. So. Awkward.

A/N YAY WE ACTUALLY UPDATED BEFORE THE WEEK WAS UP! Earlier than usual! And now that most of the assigments/ tests are out of the way, we should be updating more often! Expect the next chapter soon!

ALSO! We're so sorry! Jonghyun wasn't supposed to be, umm *that* sadd... ahaha XD ALSO! Please don't hate Yoo Mi!!


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this is one of my fave fics :((