Cough Syrup


Taemin is just tired. 


This is just a short drabble I wrote as an example of my writing for my application in this contest

While writing the drabble, I was listening to Cough Syrup by Young the Giant, so it's sort-of-but-not-really inspired by it ^^.



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Chapter 1: Oh.. This is really good.
Short. But good.
woah, this ios SOOO GOOD
actually i dislike angst, but this one... it's almost poetic! respect O.O
i'd enjoy another story of yours!! so, PLEASE write more... ;)
but you might already know this, for i guess i alredy told you i like your writing style? i didn't? well, here you are:
i like your writing style! ;)
please continue to write awesome stories :D
It makes me wonder if it's Taemin's classmates that are the ones beating him up. But no, that doesn't make sense seeing as how it says the beatings start as soon as he leaves his bedroom.

But aside from that... WOW. Was totally not expecting such an ending. I honestly thought this was going to be something where Taemin can't sleep and gets addicted to cough syrup as a result. Love the heaviness of this.
woahh, that was the most descriptive piece of text I have ever read on aff. If you enter this in a contest, then you definitely have won 1st place. ohohoho. It was really good, deep and it made sense LOLOL. I think you definitely have a high chance in this competition. :)