You are really weird!

Tweet my way to your heart.


Chapter 5

It has been two days since you arrived in Seoul and so far it has been great. You found a part time job as an english tutor so that kept you busy for most of the time. It’s a weekend, a Saturday at that so there’s no school and you just finished your tutoring session 30mins ago so you wanted to go relaxing and took the bus to go to the commercial places of Seoul. You found a Starbucks and you couldn’t be happier. You actually felt a little homesick when you saw it. You remembered how much you love going there when you were still in California. The bus stopped and you got off and started walking towards Starbucks. You waited for the light to turn green and crossed the street. When you got to the other side you immediately walked in to the coffee shop. You closed your eyes and inhaled the sweet smell of coffee and for some weird reason it relaxed you. It always does. So you walked to the counter and spoke to the cashier.

“Can I please have white mocha frappucinno tall please?”

Your Korean is not that bad but its not that good either. As long as you can communicate it’s fine and besides its going to get better. You are studying here. Just then the door opened and it made that bell sound which instinctively made you look when you saw none other than JYJ. Your eyes widened and made you gasped involuntarily. You quickly turned around facing the menu hoping that they wouldn’t see you. You weren’t ready to see them yet. You wanted to get out of there quietly. For a few seconds of quietly debating what to do, you smacked your head which made you go “ow.” Because you were thinking way too much. There’s no way they would notice you because 1- you are a nobody 2- you are a nobody and 3- you are still a nobody! Your mind screamed and this calmed you a bit as relief washed over you.

“A tall white mocha frappucinno for ____ is ready!”

The barista announced which startled you and interrupted your thoughts. You somehow wished the barista wasn’t so loud because you don’t know if you’re just being paranoid or not but you somehow felt that someone was watching you go and get your drink. You shook your head. No it can’t be. I’m just imagining things. You thought trying to calm yourself down when you passed by JYJ table. Breathe slowly, breathe in. breathe out. As you were nearing the door and thought everything was going to be fine when you heard someone said,


You froze and turned around hoping that you were just hearing things and it couldn’t possibly be….. you stood face to face with none other than Micky Yoochun. You gulped and just looked at him questioningly.

“Hello. I’m Micky. You kind of looked familiar. Have I seen you before?” he said in English, unsure if you can speak Korean or not. You sighed in relief when he talked to you in English.

“I don’t think so because this is my second day in Seoul. I just got here two days ago. Nice try though.” You joked to ease the tension you have been feeling since the moment they walked in the shop. You were about to leave when someone else spoke but this time it’s Korean.

“Aren’t you ____? “

I stopped dead in my tracks again, sighed and turned around. This time it’s HIM. You realized just how hard it was to control your heartbeat. You are just not ready to face him yet. Your Korean is not that good, even what you’re wearing right now is not good. You never expected to see him right away much less interact with him. Why is he asking this? Doesn’t he want privacy? What if his fans see him talking to a girl like this?? What is going on? You panicked and just blinked at him for a few seconds.

“Oh. I think you got the wrong person. Please excuse me.” You said hurriedly and walked out the shop before anyone can stop you. You walked so fast that you didn’t even know where your legs were taking you. All you knew was your heart was beating so fast right now and that how cowardly you acted when you were spotted. What the hell was that?? How could he—don’t tell me he actually remembered me?? Why did I run? That was my opportunity! Yoochun actually talked to me too. In english! So what the hell was wrong with me running away like that?? You finally noticed that you are somewhere you don’t know. You looked around and it looked like you are in bad side of town. You bit your lower lip nervously and reached out for your phone in your bag to call Hana... but someone grabbed your arm that looks like a ert.

“Ya! Let go!”

You screamed. Your Korean may not be that good but I’m sure he understood every word.

“Why? are you lost my pretty? I can show you where to go if you follow me. There’s a price though for me helping you.”

The guy was smiling and his lips like crazy. You shivered and had disgust written all over your face when you broke free from his grasp.

“I don’t need your help. Go away and leave me alone!”

“Feisty one aren’t you? Come have fun with us.”

And three more guys came into view which made you panicked as you look around for anyone. Really??? what the hell where is everybody!? Help me…. You thought desperately. You were about to kick one of them where it hurts when you heard someone yell.


You used this opportunity and kicked the erted guy in the groin which distracted his group. You ran and grabbed your hero and made a run for it. When you finally got out of here and into the commercial side you let go of his hand and glared at him.

“What were you doing there??! I didn’t need your help. Were you following me??”


He looked at you like you were crazy and glared at you back.

“excuse me??! Were you just glaring at me after I saved your life? You really are weird! Especially on how you just kicked that guy and grabbed me and made a run for it. Are you crazy??!”

You  sighed in frustration and kept your clenched fist on her sides. Seriously he doesn’t know what came over him and followed her when she walked out of the coffee shop. He knew she was THE girl and yes he recognized her but her reaction to this was very very WEIRD. Who would run away from me? Who in their right mind would run away from me? I was the one that supposed to run or hide. So what’s up with her? And now she’s yelling at me??? Is she crazy??? Like who is this girl anyways??? Isn’t she the same girl that was tweeting me for a year? I knew she was different back then but I didn’t know she can be THIS different.

“What are you doing here anyways Jae? Why were you following me?”

“oh so now all of a sudden you know me when you clearly said that you don’t back in the coffee shop?” He said sarcastically still glaring at you. “Who are you really? you are very weird. Why would you run? Did you think I won’t recognize you?”

You gaped at him and sort of flinched at the glare that he gave you. “why did you recognize me? How come? I don’t know why I ran ok? I wasn’t ready to see you much less you guys noticing me.” You looked away from his gaze and frowned.

“I don’t know. You asked me if I could recognize you right? Well I did.” He pouted and he looked so cute. It took a whole lot to just not pinch his cheeks right now.

“So you read all my tweets? Wae?” you looked at him curiously waiting for his answer.

He put his hand behind his neck awkwardly and looked everywhere but you. “Coz your tweets different. And weird. And no doubt you are hella weird!” he added jokingly, a smirk was forming on his lips as he looked at you with amusement in his eyes. “now are we going to stay here standing or actually go somewhere and i don’t know sit? Coz that made my legs tired.”

You rolled your eyes and muttered under your breath. “no stamina at all. Pfft.” But he heard it. “YAH!” you chuckled and started to walk and he followed you. you suddenly stopped and looked at your watch. “I’m sorry Jae.. I have to go. It was nice meeting you. FIGHTING on protect the boss! You are awesome!” She smiled brightly and was gone before he could ask you anything else.

“Aish! That girl just left without giving me her number!” He grumbled and walked back to the coffee shop when he got a message from yoochun and junsu.



I don’t know whats going on anymore….. >.< the characters have a mind of their own…. Completely powerless… lol and i like this pic that's why i put it up... waaaa heaven's postman was awesome.... major fangirling happened when i watched it! :P 

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 45: Such an adorable story!!! I like it ^^
miakay #2
Chapter 45: Such an adorable story you have here! I enjoyed every bit >.< Nice work authornim~

hahaha my reason when I first sign up to twitter was to follow kpop artist...kekeke
Emeraldxol #3
Chapter 18: I'm listening Yiruma 'Kiss The Rain' why are u so good in writing this nim...I really Love This fic...I read on wattpad.u said u transferred to AFF.I found u now....great romance fic Ever !
alwaysdreamygirl #4
Chapter 45: I love it :D
redblossom07 #5
omg!!! i love this!! the sweet side of jae waaaaahhh!!! i love it really!! waaaahhh!!!!! ^^
annz_4383 #6
makes me wonder how the real-life gf's of male celebs take their sasaeng fans??hhmmmppp..
annz_4383 #7
waaahhh..Kwangie!!<3 <3 <3 that's all i can say..hehehe..
annz_4383 #8
aaahhhh..that was just romantic..the candles and then the piano..yiruma is definitely one of the best pianist there is..
annz_4383 #9
i wanna have dinner with them,too..waaahhhh..