Don't you trust me enough?

Tweet my way to your heart.



Chapter 24

It has been a week since that incident happened in your apartment. You didn’t tell anyone about what happened. You just kept it to yourself. Why? you don’t really know. You just don’t want to cause any more stress to Jaejoong since he’s been extremely busy lately. His drama is wrapping up and all these activities that JYJ has lined up for them. He still visits you but not that much nowadays and as much as you missed him, a part of you is relieved that he’s not always here at your apartment. Whoever is stalking you or him, will see that you guys don’t meet often and maybe will think that something’s wrong and then will lay off.

You tried to the best of your ability to act like nothing happened. you still go to school, still go to work and go home even though you are always alert and scared of what waits for you at home. You walked in the coffee shop across the university and sat down there. You sighed as you looked outside. People are busy doing their daily routine. You took out your phone and saw Jaejoong texted you while you were in class.

“Baby.. I miss you. I know I have been busy lately and I’m sorry but I have been thinking about you and missing you. I’ll see you tonight. <3”

You smiled at the message. He really is sweet and oblivious about your real situation. What should you do? You have been debating if you should tell him or not about what happened. if he knows, he will for sure worry and he might not be able to focus on his work. You don’t want that. But you don’t know how long you can keep this. It feels like you are going to explode any minute. You replied:

“It’s ok. I understand. I miss you too Jae. See you. “

Unconsciously you felt for your necklace and sighed once again. Your phone rang which snapped you out of your thoughts. The caller ID flashed: handsome G kwang. You rolled your eyes and chuckled at the caller ID. You don’t remember ever saving his number under that name. he must’ve done it himself when he asked for my phone a week ago. You picked up smiling,

“Wae? Handsome G kwang.” The other person just chuckled in the other line. “Oh so you saw that huh? I was just kidding. Where are you? paying attention to your surroundings now?” he teased playfully which just made you pout. “Hmph. Excuse me but I always pay attention to my surroundings. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Another chuckle was heard from the other line which made your eyebrow raised. “Kwangie, did you just call me to annoy me? Then I’m hanging up.” you threatened. “Wait.. wait.. geez hot tempered as always. Where are you? let’s eat.” You sighed playfully. “Well if I must. I’m in the coffee shop across the university.” He just chuckled again and said “Arasso. I’ll be there. Wait for me.” Then he hung up.

=20 minutes later=

Gi Kwang walked in the café and sat in front of you smiling. You just rolled your eyes at him playfully. “yah. what’s with this attitude?? Aren’t you happy to see me?” he said with a mock hurt on his face. “No. What do you want?” you played along and saw his hand on his chest pretending to be hurt which just made you giggle.

“So.. how you been?” he finally asked after goofing around with you. Your face fell when he asked that question. How have you been? That’s a good question which you don’t have the answer. You sighed and looked outside. He looked at you, sensing something is wrong. He doesn’t like seeing you like this: all sad and problematic. He likes seeing you happy just like back then so he decided to ask, “what’s wrong?”

You sighed again and started to tell him about what happened a week ago. You just omitted the fact that it was because of Jaejoong. It’s not that your embarrassed, it’s just that it’s supposed to be a secret and also you are not comfortable talking it to him. His face furrowed with concern and looked at you. “are you ok? Maybe you should report it. Why would anyone want to hurt you or do this….?” You were just silent and drummed your fingers on the table. Then you noticed the time. you didn’t even notice that it has been an hour since Kwangie got here and you have to go home just in case, Jaejoong gets out early.

“Mianhe. I have to go now. I’ll see you later.” He just nodded and looked at you rushing to leave. Does she have someone to meet or something? An inner voice seemed to answer his question. Maybe a boyfriend. Then he frowned, come to think of it, she has been touching that necklace of hers…. Maybe… he let out a big sigh as he thought of everything from the necklace to the things that happened to you. he watched you as you walked away and disappeared from sight. Maybe that person was stalking her because of her boyfriend. Who could he be? His curiosity is building up but he couldn’t just ask you right out can he? Another sigh escaped his lips when his phone rang.

“oh Junsu Hyung. Soccer? Yea I’ll be there.” He snapped his phone shut and walked out of the coffee shop. He will find out sooner or later the guy who stole his friend from him. Then he shook his head as if to clear it, whoa… stole? That’s kinda strong for a word…. Where did that come from?

=Meanwhile after a few hours=

You fell asleep on the couch again but woke up to the sound of keys and footsteps. You jumped out of the couch, your senses in red alert and looked around only to see a shocked Jaejoong. You let out a sigh of relief and walked towards him and gave him a hug. He returned the hug but was still surprised of your actions.

“Were you expecting someone else? Like a burglar or something?” he chuckled as he held you. You shook your head and just held him for a few minutes until he pulled away and noticed your haggard expression. She has been acting strange lately. Always jumpy and sometimes I see her lost in thought but when I ask her if something’s wrong, she would just smile at me and say nothing. He thought. Worry etched on his face as he reached for your hand and led you to the couch.

“Baby, what’s wrong? You haven’t really been yourself lately. Did something happen?” he looked at you with intense eyes. Eyes that are filled with worry and concern over your unusual behavior. When you didn’t say anything, he continued but this time he was teasing. “well I know you are weird but this is like super weird and you’re not really like this unless something happened that I don’t know, that you are not telling me.” He squeezed your hand gently. You really do not want to tell him but since he already noticed and confronted you with this, you sighed.

“Jae…. Someone came into the apartment and trashed it when I got home a week ago. There was a note that said if I really want to see you suffer because I don’t deserve to be with you. someone knows about us….” You leaned back on the sofa and closed your eyes. It does feel like a weight of it was taken off your shoulders now that you told him but the problem remains. He just looked at you shocked that you didn’t tell him.

“Why didn’t you tell me? You should’ve told me instead of keeping this from me. Don’t you trust me enough to tell me what’s happening? Or what’s bothering you??” the hurt in his voice made your eyes open and look at him. There it was, hurt and anger on his perfect face but his hand was still holding yours which you squeezed. “Jaejoong- ah… it’s not like that. I just didn’t want you to worry because you had a lot of things to worry about already so I thought I could just think of a solution myself….” You said in a low voice, your eyes pleading for him to understand.

He stood up and put one hand on his waist while the other is on his head. How could she keep this from me? What if something happened when she came home? If I had known, I would have done something about it. Like what?  His conscience said. Well I don’t know.. something! You feel irritated, frustrated, and angry. Mostly angry at yourself for dragging her into this but how can you not notice this sooner?? His thoughts were interrupted by a hug from behind.

“I’m sorry I kept this from you. I know I was wrong. Please don’t be mad. I just didn’t want to worry you when you have a lot going on already.” Your voice cracking almost like you are going to cry and this made him turn around. He couldn’t bear for you to cry, especially when it’s not your fault. He held your face up to look at him and you saw the conflicting emotions running across his face. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice this sooner. I’m not mad. I’m just a bit disappointed that you didn’t tell me. It’s ok. Don’t cry. ok?” he said tenderly and touched your cheek. “I just need some air. I’ll be right back.”  He kissed your lips softly. It was nice and sweet. Then he pulled away, and held you for a minute. “Lock up ok? I’ll be back. “ all you could do was nod because as much as you didn’t want him to go, you can’t really force him to stay either. Fresh tears came pouring down as you watch leave and out the door…. Probably forever… 



waaaaa!! jae is kinda maaaaddd!! aigoooo~~ i'm sorry if this chapter is a bit long and boring... i wrote this when i was sick! T-T THANK YOU FOR ALL THE NEW SUBSCRIBERS AND READERS AND ALL THOSE WHO COMMENTED! YOUR COMMENTS ARE WHAT MOTIVATES ME TO SQUEEZE MY BRAIN AND WRITE. lol waaaaaaaaaa!! Kwangie likes you too???!!! i am feeling very very jealous! nyahahaha! well it seems like he does.... but he hasnt admitted it yet. LOL i wonder what will happen next chapter..... >.> <.< who the hell is this stalker??!! LOL aigoooo~ AS USUAL COMMENTS ARE DEFINITELY LOVED! AND I LOVE YOU! SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE IT! oh and one more thing: SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! T-T but THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE! i will always update but it may not be quick but i will! so i really appreciate all your patience! kamsamida! *bow*

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 45: Such an adorable story!!! I like it ^^
miakay #2
Chapter 45: Such an adorable story you have here! I enjoyed every bit >.< Nice work authornim~

hahaha my reason when I first sign up to twitter was to follow kpop artist...kekeke
Emeraldxol #3
Chapter 18: I'm listening Yiruma 'Kiss The Rain' why are u so good in writing this nim...I really Love This fic...I read on wattpad.u said u transferred to AFF.I found u now....great romance fic Ever !
alwaysdreamygirl #4
Chapter 45: I love it :D
redblossom07 #5
omg!!! i love this!! the sweet side of jae waaaaahhh!!! i love it really!! waaaahhh!!!!! ^^
annz_4383 #6
makes me wonder how the real-life gf's of male celebs take their sasaeng fans??hhmmmppp..
annz_4383 #7
waaahhh..Kwangie!!<3 <3 <3 that's all i can say..hehehe..
annz_4383 #8
aaahhhh..that was just romantic..the candles and then the piano..yiruma is definitely one of the best pianist there is..
annz_4383 #9
i wanna have dinner with them,too..waaahhhh..